It represents the transformation of one element into another by a series of reactions. This bliss can be accompanied by a sense of dissociation from the physical body. The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, Its the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to Increase Sexual Energy and Intimacy, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' You need to follow certain rules to be successful in Kundalini Yog but the research says, that Kundalini Energy gets activated easily if a person leads a continent and simple life by doing "Kayakalp Meditation-Sahaj Dhyan" every early morning before Sunrise. In a sick, or a perverted, or a crippled organism, no transmutation is possible. We know that each element has a certain atomic number so transmutation involves the change . Bio-magnetism is the phenomenon of magnetic fields produced by living organisms. But at a certain point of readiness the body just naturally falls into the groove, the flame ignites and we become a transmutation machine! In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, there are innumerable sets of specialized yogic exercises combining posture and movement with many powerful breathing techniques and certain body locks that together create an expanding a contracting and vibratory pressure on various areas of the body, that saturated with blood and vitalized by the air bring about a charging and purification of the nerves, glands and organs. At Openhand, one of the key practices we apply for alchemical Transmutation possibility, is what we call the "Openhand Bow", which has been developed from the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga (introduced in "Autobiography of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda). Thus the stress response always activates the immune system." Sublimation (psychology) In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism, in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse. Under certain conditions, this can backfire: fulminant infection (sepsis) [or toxic shock] causes excess production of nitric oxide by macrophages, leading to vasodilatation (widening of blood vessels) and probably being one of the main causes of hypotension (low blood pressure) in sepsis." Aisthesis is gnosis of The Good, The True and The Beautiful through the empathetic direct perception of the heart. For those interested in the White/Left Hand Path, Mystery Schools, Sacred Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Enlightenment, Self Mastery, Diving into abilities, Gnosticism, etc. "Tears of Blood and Bloody Sweat. When the Kundalini rises, it uses this energy to generate spiritual heat, light and electrical energy which light up the brain and other parts of the subtle body. Transmutation 1 h 23 m IMDb RATING 9.3 /10 13 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary A roving philosopher guides us through the striking forests, coastlines, deserts, and cities of the world, inviting us to embrace the intense mystery of our own existence. Some of waves that affect life include, light, sound, radio, microwave, extremely low frequency waves, gravity waves, scalar and cosmic rays. This increased heart field would reorganize the matter and energy in the body (transfiguration). And because there is a self-reinforcing feedback loop between the generation of increased field and the supernal alteration of body tissue, this is why full-on awakenings last for such an extended period. For example, art is one avenue to go down. and Gary Selden. It's where you bend deep into any tightness, discomfort, resistance or judgment of the . 0
Get in tune with yourself. Sexual transmutation or sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening -Wikipedia Can we use Kundalini for sexual transmutation? Kundalini and Yoga. This is where it differs from kundalini yoga. ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce. For those interested in a comprehensive guide through ancient to modern spiritual beliefs, origin stories, expanding spiritual knowledge, diving into a buffet of different subjects that may help you discover your personal blueprint interests, etc. In metamorphosis the immune system increasingly becomes a full-body brain, generating peptides, catabolic enzymes, dissolving and transforming tissue. xref
You can experiment with this theory of metamorphic catabolic breakdown by macrophages by eating something noxious to the body like processed cheese or processed meats which will activate the immune system. Suddenly, there is a radial shift in one's sense of identity, and you abide as the seer without an object, the Singularity of "I as I" Consciousness Itself, as the sun of the heart outshines everything. Biological transmutation, photosynthesis, acquiring the energy necessary for supporting vital processes by metabolizing nutrients are far from being new entries to a specialist in . ', "You must understand that the 'astral body' is born of the same material, of the same matter, as the physical body, only the process is different. Blood moves through the heart and vessels in a vortex-flow. 3 0 obj
Sexual transmutation is taking the sexual energy that's building inside you and channeling it into something else. "When we consider transmuting our sexual energy, we're really asking ourselves into quite an advanced practice," Roxo adds, because sexual energy exists on so many levelsphysical, mental, emotional, and even astral. [1] If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. Maybe for you this looks like painting, making music, or writing a poem. The body's EMF requires ions in the air through which to flow. "Kundalini" in Jain-Yoga Flowing for ever in the backbone, tranquil Sushumna! This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. <>
The most famous Meditation is "Kundalini Yog". >J N>J ro>(>J;DJ0
DTQ"P0uz~Zfw41Gb'2J Rf.U.D$.J The sense of identity shifts from "I am the body, its thoughts, sensations and impressions in relation to a separate world" to "I am a consciousness.". Offering an evolving curriculum of online and in-person courses and trainings. Pleasant Jnana Kendra above, boundless energy below; Near the Centre of Power is 'Kundalini' located, Also called Teloleshya or Tejas-tan. Increased demand on hippocampal function from feeling the world through heart-centered cognition, stimulates stem cells to form new neurons in the hippocampus. 111, ~ Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief. Below are recommended books, sites, and resources that I would recommend for those looking to dive deeper into their personal development of spirituality. Now releasing the breath put the left hand under the shoulder of the right hand and right hand under the shoulder of the left hand. "Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function." It involves the release from the adrenal glands of specific hormones, mainly the corticosterioids, which in turn mobilize the body against invading germs or foreign proteins. "Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. Kundalini and The Princess of swords of the thoth tarot. As one of the most powerful energies in existence, our sexual energy can be directed towards achieving goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. Ultimately, sexual transmutation is about "keeping the power of that energy that's building and rising and wants to release and going for a run or painting, etc., to apply that," Allan says. It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing. Skin, and blood vessel walls are made from elastin, collogen and hyaluronic acid after all and during a certain phase of an awakening the tissues of the body could become so permeable that red blood corpuscles could squeeze out of the capillaries. Two forms has Kundalini: dormant and awake; Only connoisseurs of Yoga know its true nature! EMF's induce cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Keep the head above the cross formed by such placements of hands. -Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose "` 6$
Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. #chakra racine quilibr #sige de la kundalini #cerveau reptilien #besoins fondamentaux #scurit . 103 0 obj<>stream
Hydrogens - cosmic scale. One of the first films to explore Kundalini, the life force that lies dormant within every human being. Perhaps it was a conflict of characters. If dance is an art form to you, perhaps you dance. trailer
It seems that the more the macrophage eats the more active they get. Andrew \u0026 Clelia *******************************************************~DISCLAIMER~Remember that Yoga is a spiritual practice with the primary intention of expanding consciousness and experiencing liberation. The whole of the physical body, all its cells, are, so to speak, permeated by emanations of the matter si 12. Meditations: Magdalene Mysteries: Secrets of the Left Hand Path of Christ. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. During times of intense kundalini heat, when emotions are being . For those interested in the foundation of Christ, Alchemy, Esotericism, Christianity, etc. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Chemical transmutation is the process of changing a substance from one form or state into another. 0000007057 00000 n
Brain nutrition and oxygen supply would be greatly enhanced by the dilated and porous blood vessels. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. Blavatsky Comments on Celibacy, Chastity On Relations (Review of novella by Tolstoy) Omraam Mikhal Avanhov Book review of Sexual Force Or The Winged Dragon And yet it is practical not mystical or occult or mysterious. Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. If you haven't actually dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could actually be triggering.". When the heat entrains the brain we become sensitive to Depth or the spiritual dimention. As blood flows slowly through the spleen, any disease organisms within it are likely to come into contact with lymphocytes in the spleen tissue. Interestingly during an awakening we have the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system creating the physiology of "stress" and this increases the permeability of the blood vessels. Here is a.
So when those specially activated metamorphic macrophages die out, the main transmutation period also finishes. Sitemap of Pieter's Articles on Non-Duality. "Before attempting to go into any advanced practices around your sexual energy, I would recommend healing practices. rUwqD(jvU(7.=qEWQC|`p>mh$z(ls;';A8O|l,bwBG$&l``d5UP[4:fb$:m!f It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature. As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Tantra, Yoga of Ecstasy: The Sadhakas Guide to Kundalini and the Left-Ha - GOOD at the best online prices at eBay! Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. i):p,#hjj]Us[LW|yP~~2euWL(o&qrWMP`QxvI9g7/"9u9 %DMXD&c(WU4#v>2ZVBI4eD~bQft7Lupt7glQIe1_o'S[bDl?G2@m, During kundalini the blood and cerebrospinal fluid are laden with extra ions, thus these ions in the flow of blood would increase the EMF of the heart and blood vessels. They can lead to a problem called kundalini syndrome in which all your energy gets blocked up, you have alternating hot and cold chills, your body forcibly contracts your body into painful asanas, and a whole list of other problems. For those interested in diving into Divine Femininity, Dragons, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Green Tara, White Buffalo Woman, Awakening Abilities, Healing layers of self, (Takes about 6-8 months to read due to strength of transmissions). There's no limit to the things we can channel sexual energy into, and sexual transmutation offers us the ability to harness that powerful, creative energy for anything we're looking to accomplish.