It was electrified after 1807, and was restored and modified several times, most recently in 193435 and in 197581, giving it the current forty-seven jeux.[76]. Further modifications were made to the crypts in the 12th century. Strasbourg Cathedral is a beautiful Gothic cathedral in the city of Strasbourg, France. The narthex is the portion of the cathedral just inside the west front, beneath the tower. It was constructed beginning in about 1330, following the rebuilding of the transept. As it turns, it shows the 1,022 stars identified by Ptolemy, as viewed above the horizon of Strasbourg. de la Cathdrale, 67000 Strasbourg, France Phone +33 3 88 21 43 34 Web Visit website A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, Notre-Dame Cathedral rivals its more famous counterpart in Paris. Above this is a globe, with painted figures of the Church and the Antichrist confronting each other. Church of St Peter the Young. The design called for a west front taller and wider than the nave behind it. Strasbourg is the seat Council of Europe, of the European Court of Human Rights and of the European Parliament. It is separated from the nave by two massive pillars, 8.5 by 5 meters, which support the tower above. The church is located in the Alsace Region in eastern France, 2. The Cathedrale Strasbourg is a Roman Catholic Church renovated and essentially rebuilt (from the original church of 1015) at the end of the 12th century in a Gothic architectural style. In 2010, the metropolitan area of Strasbourg is inhabited by 759,868 people. They were manufactured between 1638 and 1657 in Paris by Pierre Damour. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Cathedral Strasbourg France Church Vintage Antique Photo 1910's 1920's 1930's at the best online prices at eBay! The windows are devoted to nine Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. The outgoing 15th century was marked by the sermons of Johann Geiler von Kaisersberg and by the emerging Protestant Reformation, represented in Strasbourg by figures such as John Calvin, Martin Bucer and Jacob Sturm von Sturmeck. CATHDRALE ALLEMANDE? [9] The Muse de l'uvre Notre-Dame, a municipal museum located in the Foundation's buildings, displays original works of art from the cathedral, such as sculptures and stained-glass, but also the surviving original medieval buildings plans. The cathedral was hit by British and American bombs during air raids on the centre of Strasbourg on 11 August 1944, which also heavily damaged the Palais Rohan and the Sainte-Madeleine Church. [52], The west front takes its distinctive appearance and sense of verticality from the dense network of lacelike pointed gables, pinnacles and tall, slender columns that cover it. All these automata are put into operation daily at 12:30 pm except Sundays. The walls are pierced with narrow slits, like a medieval fortress, giving it a very military appearance. It was built on the site of a chapel from the Merovingian dynasty - the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the fifth to the eighth centuries. Stavelot Triptych. Strasbourg's 11th-15th-century Cathedral of Notre-Dame, damaged in 1870 and again in World War II, has been carefully restored. While the spire is the most prominent feature, the western faade is the most impressive element of the cathedrals design. It is one of the oldest parts of the cathedral, constructed in about 1170 and then rebuilt in Gothic style in 1230, with the same height as the adjoining nave. [23] He completed the installation of the rose window, and above it twelve statues of the apostles. Judgement of Solomon at Strasbourg Cathedral. On a clear day, it can be seen all the way from the Vosges Mountains, a mountain range over 30 kilometers to the southeast of the city, and the Black Forest, a famous forest an equal distance to the east! [25] The three men completed the bell tower over the central part of the faade, in a design that moved away from Gerlach von Steinbach's initial idea of a central tower and whose precise authorship is unknown. From the platform of Strasbourg Cathedral, 66 meters above the ground, discover a striking panorama of the city in 1490 to the west, and in 1730 to the east. Most of the stained-glass windows date back to the Middle Ages, 14. It is easily recognizable by its pink sandstone faade and its unique tower. [34] The main or high altar, a major work of early Renaissance sculpture, was also demolished that year. The central art work of the North Transept is a large statue of Christ on the cross, over a sculptural landscape depicting the Mount of Olives, crowded with carved figures in dramatic poses. Although considerable parts of it are still in Romanesque architecture, it is widely considered At 142 metres , Strasbourg Cathedral was the world's tallest building from 1647 to 1874 , when it was surpassed by St. Nikolai's Church, Hamburg. This massive faade was decorated with thousands of figures giving it a unique and magnificent impression!
Cathedral Facts for Kids - Kiddle Strasbourg Cathedral, Strasbourg, France - Strasbourg Facts for Kids | Its therefore considered to be one of the 4 capitals of Europe along with Brussels, Luxembourg City, and Frankfurt. History.
Top 10 Famous Romanesque Artworks - It was hoisted up to its present position in 1327. Dreamstime is the world`s largest stock photography community. They were commissioned by Cardinal Richelieu for the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris, and were made to accompany a painting there, "The Vow of Louis XIII". Three high-spots make the visit unforgettable. The central figures depict the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, and the Crucifixion and Passion of Christ, all with exceptional expression and detail. You will surely enjoy exploring the vibrant . He in 1284 and developed a western facade, with a thousand sculptures and an elegant rosette window. [83], Animated characters launch into movement at different hours of the day.
Strasbourg, Grande-le and - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Take the time to marvel at the magnificent, amazing statuary inside and outside of this masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It also preserves the earliest plans of the cathedral, as well as paintings and tapestries and other objects. It was the highest building in the world from 1647 to 1874. [8], Animated mechanical figure of Samson and a lion. The pilasters between the stairways are older, from 1015. The west front was also exceptional because it was flanked by two towers, the "harmonic" style which became common in Gothic cathedrals during the following century. [52], The cathedral has three portals, corresponding to the three vessels of the nave. [85], The cathedral has two Romanesque crypts, the oldest parts of the cathedral. Emperior Charles V visits the cathedral in 1552. [17], The Romanesque chevet of the cathedral, seen in 1671, Romanesque pillars, vaults and squinches of the transept, In 1002, following the death of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, a battle broke out between his potential successors. The level above displays a group of mechanical chariots, with allegorical figures representing the days of the week, which move daily to bring to the front the current day of the week. Christianity was first imposed in 313 by the Edict of Constantine. [35] Fragments can be seen in the Muse de luvre Notre-Dame. The portals are set forward from the front of the church by the network of slender columns, spires and arches which form an outer decorative wall. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Strasbourg and one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture in Europe. [39][37] Following the war, Klotz took German nationality so he could continue his work. [56], The mid-level of the transept over the portal, built in about 1230, has lancet windows and a statue of Virgin, flanked by Saint Peter and Saint Lawrence. When the nave was rebuilt in Gothic style in the 13th century, the old windows were reinstalled in random locations. Fortunately for Strasbourg, the Romanesque church burnt down in 1176, and reconstruction dragged on sufficiently for the bishop to mostly use the newly . An even older bell, by Jean Jacques-Miller (1595), repeats the sounding of the hours one minute later. Take a moment to yourself in the cathedral; sit in a pew and enjoy the peace.
[20] Erwin von Steinbach's son Johannes von Steinbach served as magister operis, or Werkmeister (chief architect) from (at least) 1332 until his death in 1341. Kids Encyclopedia Facts. [71], Two chapels, devoted to Saint Andrew and Saint John the Baptist, were attached to the two sides of the apse. The most amazing feature of the cathedral is its west faade, 9.
Cathedral Strasbourg France Church Vintage Antique Photo 1910's 1920's The octagon tower was begun in 1399 by Ulrich von Ensingen (chief architect until 1419), and crowned with a spire by his successor Johannes Hltz. One of the architects was Erwin von Steinbach. The architects of the rebuilding began to include Gothic elements, following the style that had appeared in northern France in the 12th century, while still preserving the existing Romanesque features. Between the lower tower and spire there is a balustrade, almost hidden by pinnacles and other architectural decoration. The transept of the cathedral was 55 meters long, the same length as the nave and choir. The Strasbourg astronomical clock is located in the Cathdrale Notre-Dame of Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Both the interior and exterior of the Strasbourg Cathedral are extraordinary, once called by Victor Hugo "a prodigy of the gigantic and the delicate." Built on the foundations of a Roman. [71], The narthex of the cathedral and massive pillars supporting the tower, seen from the central nave, Inside of west front doors, with blind rose window and column-statue of St. Peter. [53], The portal of Saint-Laurent, on the north transept, The three Kings with the Virgin Mary and child, Original statues in the Muse de l'uvre Notre-Dame, The portal of Saint Lawrence, was added to the north transept between 1495 and 1505 by Jacob von (or Jacques de) Landshut, with sculptures by Hans von Aachen (aka Johan von Ach, or Jean d'Aix-la-Chapelle) and Conrad Sifer. Cathdrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg or Strasbourg Cathedral is the 6th tallest church in the world, built entirely in the medieval period. Remains of the choir screen are displayed in the Muse de luvre Notre-Dame and in The Cloisters. The new plan was inspired in part by French cathedrals, particularly the Basilica of Saint-Urbain of Troyes. Bayeux Tapestry. The first traverses were made in what was known as the Lorraine style, with two levels of quadripartite windows, traversed by a narrow passageway. It is in a Neo-Byzantine style, with Christ in a red frame in the center. On the south side, the upper windows depict soldiers, popes, bishops, and other masculine figures. The choir was given its multicolour painted decoration, by douard Steinl and Charles Auguste Steinheil, finished in 1879. The portal outside the northern transept is equally fascinating, 10. It took hundreds of years to complete. It was decorated with paintings by the Swiss painter Tobias Stimmer. The cathedral was one of the earliest structures built with exterior flying buttresses.
Strasbourg Cathedral - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Built of red Vosges sandstone, it is a harmonious edifice despite the variety of its architectural styles. [40], In 1903, the architect Johann Knauth discovered cracks on the first pillar of the northern side of the nave. Strasbourg Cathedral While Goethe's poems on nature, romance, science and his great novel Faust have long been available to the English-speaking audience, his writings on art and literature, as in Essays, are less familiar. Above this are blind arcades, an ornate cornice, and then a pointed roof with a pair of dormer or skylight windows, a small window above a large one, on each side, which brought light to the choir below. During the French Revolution nine bells were taken out and melted down to make cannon, but the "Totonglock" and a second bell, the "Zehrnerglock" (1.58 meters, 2.225 tons), made in Mathieu Edel in 1786, were preserved to ring the hours and serve as alarm bells for the city. [85], Statue of Virgin and a processional banner, in the Chapel of St. Andrew, The Chapel of Saint Andrew is on the southeast side, to the right of the apse. Most of the sculptures decorating this portal are copies and the originals are on display in a museum in Strasbourg called the Muse de luvre Notre-Dame.. The crossing is filled with statues and busts of saints set into niches as well as bas-reliefs of the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi.