As a convenience, this site may provide links to third-party websites. While some states do not require this, you can ensure that your driver is properly trained and attentive. This often results in a truck driver losing control while negotiating a curve. If youve driven on an interstate, you may have seen the aftermath of a jackknifed tractor trailer wreck an 18-wheeler sprawled across multiple lanes of traffic, and the unfortunate car, or cars, who got sideswiped by 15,000 to 50,000 pounds of trailer. No other vehicle was involved in the crash, but the truck spilled fuel on the road, prompting the temporary closure of two westbound lanes. An example is the. will protect your rights and help you obtain proper compensation. When a jackknife accident occurs, the cab where truck drivers sit and the trailer with the cargo go in two different directions. Speeding is one of the most common causes of truck accidentsand in particular, truck jackknife accidents. A commercial truck can weigh 80,000 pounds or more. Jackknifing a truck means that the driver lost control of the big rig to such an extent that the normal straight line cab-before-the-trailer configuration is dramatically distorted so that the trailer swings from behind the cab and forms a right angle to it. A total of 4,102 people died in large truck crashes. It can be just as dangerous as a jackknifing truck. What is Jack Knifing Most Likely to Occur? This can happen for a variety of reasons, including a drivers negligence, a car hitting the trailer, or icy conditions. A semi-truck has several braking mechanisms: the drive axle, the steering axle, and the trailer axles. It can cause a truck to go out of alignment, cross lanes of travel, or roll over, resulting in severe personal injuries or fatalities. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems. When a truck jackknifes, it causes the trailer to swing out at 90 degrees. The most common reason trucks jackknife is poor brake maintenance. Well try to answer any questions you have, and there is no obligation to hire us afterwards. These companies are required by the FMCSA to regularly inspect, maintain, and repair their vehicles, and to keep a record of their inspection and maintenance jobs. Your lawyer can then help you file a claim or lawsuit against all potentially liable parties, including both the at-fault truck driver and the trucking company that employs the driver. Curving roads, steep inclines, and slippery or wet roads all increase the likelihood of a commercial truck driver losing control and causing their truck to jackknife. Consequently, some drivers will resort to drugs to stay awake on the road for long hours. The amount of compensation you could receive from a semi-truck jackknife accident depends on the specific circumstances surrounding your wreck. Meanwhile, the truck driver and his passenger were not injured. The first thing you should do is practice backing up your trailer. Authorities found him partially ejected from the vehicle, and pronounced him dead at the scene. Even a split-second of inattentive driving could lead to a situation where a sudden stop is needed. Call the Robert Pahlke Law Group today at (308) 633-4444, or contact us online, to schedule a free consultation with a member of our legal team and to determine your eligibility to recover compensation. Its difficult to recover from a skid in a car, let alone in a tractor-trailer weighing eighty thousand pounds. A semi-truck jackknife occurs when a semi's trailer swings perpendicular to the truck's cab, exceeding a 45-degree angle. Unfortunately, jackknifing trucks can and often do result in serious accidents that involve not only the truck driver but other motorists on the road as well. In other words, about 1 in 10 truck occupant deaths have something to do with jackknifing. Many roadways have separate posted speed limits for large trucks and tractor-trailers. HD Tractor-trailer jackknife and Texas icy slides caught on camera What Can Cause a Semi Truck to Jackknife? - Brassfield & Krueger When pursuing compensation for jackknife truck accident damages, it is beneficial to have a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer on your side. Jack Knife Truck Accidents. The phrase "Jackknifing" is a term that describes the angle of closing a pocket knife into a V-shape. AFFILIATES. The main carriageway was closed in both directions at . Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes because each case is unique and must be evaluated separately. To learn how the truck accident lawyers from Moody Law can be of assistance to you, send us a message online, or call (863) 284-9090 and request a legal consultation. A standard DOT truck inspection examines brakes, coupling devices, steering mechanism, safe loading, securement of cargo, and trailer bodies, among many others. Whatever the circumstances, the trailer swinging behind the cab can cause significant injury and damage. The truck may also roll over, severely injuring its driver. Top 10 How To Jackknife A Truck And Trailer - Mobitool 06/05/22 03:10:50am - Five members of a family were killed on the spot in a car-truck accident that took place on the Pune-Bengaluru highway on Saturday around 4pm. Therefore, as soon as possible after your truck jackknife accident, you must seek the help of a knowledgeable truck accident lawyer in your area. This can lead to very dangerous road hazards, especially when causing road blockage along the highway. is ready to listen to you. Jackknifing - Wikipedia This term comes from a description of how the blade of a jack knife forms the angle with its protective handle. Dayton, Ohio, 45402, 198 E Center St #200 2021 January 22 A total of 25 vehicles were involved in a chain-reaction pileup on I-90 westbound in Lake County. Jackknifing trucks lead to countless accidents, injuries, and deaths each year in the United States. Jackknife Truck Accidents - Lakeland, FL - Winter Haven, FL What does jackknife truck mean? - IronSet When a large tractor trailer heads into a slide, the driver has little to no control over the unfolding event. PREVIOUS: On I-81 at mile marker 141 in the County of Roanoke, motorists can expect delays due to a tractor trailer accident. A major factor to avoid jackknifes is smooth and gradual braking. Jackknifing occurs when truck-trailer rigs become misaligned. This is a situation where the truck skids and folds in on itself, often causing a serious wreck. relationship is only formed by the execution of a written engagement agreement between you and the firm. Negligent tractor-trailer driversand the trucking companies that employ themcan both be liable for injuries that occur in truck jackknife accidents. What Does It Mean for a Truck To Jackknife? - M&Y Personal Injury Lawyers This can result in an accident that could result in severe injuries or even death. In some cases, the cab and the trailer may come apart, which can increase the risk of serious injuries or fatalities to the truck's driver and others in the vicinity . At our firm, we operate on a contingency fee basis,2 which means that there are no upfront costs or hourly fees mounting with each passing hour. What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident? $1B Product . Semi Truck Jackknife Accident - Richard Harris Law Firm If you or a person you love suffered injuries in a truck jackknife accident, you should speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer in your area as soon as possible. 1600Charlotte, NC 28202. Causes of truck jackknife and how to avoid it SA Trucker After you finish your medical treatment, your lawyer can submit these documents to the insurance company and begin pursuing the monetary damages you deserve. If you have been injured in one, contact a personal injury attorney immediately. Truck accidents also tend to cause more fatalities because of the number of people involved. A jackknife accident can happen without any warning and can be very catastrophic. In other words, about 1 in 10 truck occupant deaths have something to do with jackknifing. Semi-trucks can weigh anywhere from 35,000 to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded with cargo. Reach out to us today to get your consultation. Truck jackknife accidents typically happen when truck drivers are . Site for Information Purposes Only; No Legal Advice Intended. At The Benton Law Firm, we understand that you have a lot on your plate right now. Fortunately, your lawyer can negotiate on your behalf and try to convince the adjuster to increase their settlement offer appropriately. The resulting layout earned this type of gruesome accident the jackknife name. Attorneys fee calculated on gross recovery, before deduction of any court or other costs that are incurred during the case. Dallas Jackknife Accident Attorneys - The Benton Law Firm Distracted driving is another common cause of truck jackknife accidents. In some instances, these drugs have the opposite effect and actually make a driver tired. Truck jackknife accidents are terrifying and extremely dangerous. This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. What is a Truck Jackknife? [Answered 2022] | Prettymotors Jackknife Truck Accidents - The Flick Law Firm Home Areas We Serve South Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer Truck Accidents Jackknifing Truck Accidents. And you need answers to try to build a strong case. This is because in these conditions, a truck is more likely to skid and visibility is often reduced. We have achieved favorable settlements for our clients who were injured or have lost loved ones in truck wrecks. It also means that someone probably got injured if that trailer encountered any vehicles along the way. This can be dangerous as it can hit other cars and pedestrians. At other times, truck jackknife accidents happen when drivers fail to account for roadway and weather conditions. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes because each case is unique and must be evaluated separately. While jackknifing can be caused by a variety of reasons, it is most often the result of a truck drivers negligence or inexperience. Ultimately, the truck's trailer swings around to the cab into a shape resembling a "V," which makes the driver completely unable to control the vehicle. No one was injured, and the investigation continues. Hire a skilled truck accident attorney to help deal with the legal issues so you can focus on physical and psychological healing. Refrain from speaking with any adjusters from the trucking company or trucking companys insurance provider, however. Moreover, if you later need to file a truck accident claim or lawsuit, the insurance company is more likely to accept that your injuries are severe if you seek treatment immediately after the accident. Does a Jackknife Truck Accident Imply Fault? While there are many causes of a jackknife crash, they can be one of the most dangerous types of accidents resulting in catastrophic injuries. An attorney-client. Maintain Slower Reasonable Speed A jackknife accident occurs when the truck's trailer ends up sliding or skidding and swinging out to a 90-degree angle from the cab. The semi-truck trailer ends up at an acute angle with the cab, which makes a V or L shape. Jackknife Or Brake Accident. Vehicles are required to maintain an appropriate stopping distance with every 10mph increase in their speeds. According to iDriveArkansas, an 18-wheeler jackknifed on I-530 at the south terminal interchange on Thursday during the winter storm. While there are plenty of things you should do immediately after an accident such as calling the police, taking pictures, and exchanging contact information with the truck driver if you are reading this page, you are probably back home or in the hospital trying to determine the best course of action forward. Call our 24/7 toll-free hotline at (614) 545-3930 or use our online contact form to set up a free consultation. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (614) 545-3930 Brake issues contribute to 27% of truck accidents according to the Transportation Research Board's (TRB) and cause around 40,000 trucking accidents every year. No representation is made that the quality, service or experience of the Anastopoulo Law Firm attorneys is greater than the quality, service or experience of other lawyers. Truck Jackknife Accidents. : The NHTSA found that a curve on the road significantly increases the risk of jackknifing. Accident victims often file a claim for bodily injuries, otherwise known as a, MNH Injury Lawyers10339 124 St, Edmonton, Suite 200AB T5N 3W1 Canada. We have successfully recovered millions of dollars on behalf of injured individuals and the families of those killed in devastating truck accidents. What does jackknife truck mean? 3. to bend over from or at the middle; double over like a jackknife. If you cant make it to one of our offices,well come to your home or the hospital! All accidents involving a tractor-trailer have the potential to be very dangerous or even deadly. As soon as you are able to, contact your own insurance company and notify them of the accident. When a large truck jackknifes, the driver may lose control of the vehicle, causing it to skid forward and strike several smaller vehicles in a chain-reaction collision. This causes the trailer to swing out of alignment and swing toward the cabin in an L or V shape. v.i. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you. However, most initial settlement offers are meager and far less than the actual value of the truck accident claim. If a truck jackknife accident injured you, you know all of the difficulties your face. Springfield, Ohio, 45503. Truck jackknife accidents also happen when drivers operate their vehicles while intoxicated. and results vary from case to case. The Old Dominion driver called 911. Jackknife Accident Lawyer | Fielding Law It is called a jackknife accident because the truck ends up forming a "V" shape, similar to the way a jackknife unfolds. Jackknife Truck Accidents | New Orleans Truck Accident Lawyers They must also account for weather conditions, including rain, snow, and ice, which may cause their truck to jackknifeespecially when proceeding downgrade. Finally, the accident victim must prove that they suffered one or more physical injuries in their accident and that their injuries directly resulted from the accident. Talk to a New Orleans truck accident attorney at The Voorhies Law Firm today about your legal rights and options . The best way to avoid this scenario is to not tailgate a truck. Recovered Over $ 1 Billion in Settlements & Trial Verdicts. It can also occur when the front aspect of the truck is pushed all the way around so that it is facing backward. Jackknife Truck Accidents: Causes, Injuries | The Fitch Law Firm Although mechanical defects may be partially to blame, many truck jackknife accidents happen because of driver negligence. The Florence office has a helpful and caring staff! What Does It Mean For a Truck to Jackknife? Given the massive weight and length of commercial trucks, a truck can jackknife from even the smallest of skids. Jackknifing can be a hazard for commercial truckers or for others who are pulling a trailer behind a truck. Jack Knife is a term that applied to the dangerous situation when a large 18 wheel truck and its trailer go into a skid and the trailer swings out and stops to form an angle of 90 degrees with each other. Jackknifing is the folding of an articulated vehicle so that it resembles the acute angle of a folding pocket knife. Similarly, the collision may jerk the accident victims body around in their vehicle, causing soft tissue contusions and other severe damage. If youve been sideswiped by a jackknifed semi-trailer, you should get immediate medical care. This was followed by a series of crashes with 24 cars. Also, when truck drivers are employees of the trucking company, as opposed to independent contractors, these trucking companies can share in some or all of the blame for the truck jackknife accident. Trusting Words From Our Clients "I have used Manuel Dobrinsky and he is more than excellent. Jackknifing means that a semi truck's trailer and cab fold into each other after an accident. If the accident victim fails to file a timely lawsuit in the court system within that period, they forever waive their right to recover monetary damages of any kind. How Trucks Jackknife? Because these crashes can be catastrophic, its vital for truckers and other motorists to understand jackknife accidents and how to prevent them. An example is the anti-lock braking system (ABS), which prevents wheels from locking up when braking. More than effective. No Guarantee of Results. Our South Carolina jackknifing accident lawyers can help you fight for the maximum recovery you deserve. 18-wheelers consist of a trailer and cab, and jackknifing is when the trailer begins to swing to one side. , which prevents wheels from locking up when braking. A truck jackknife accident happens when the tractor and trailer portions of a vehicle fold inward on one another, resembling the appearance of a jackknife. **No one was hurt in any of these incidents** Freezing rain creates bridge icing from Houston to Beaumont, Texas on Friday, January 24, 2014. A truck jackknife can occur in any location, including interstate highways. Sleet, snow, and ice can also create slippery conditions, which can increase . Call an experienced & successful Florida truck accident lawyer at Searcy Denney now. In most cases, trucks jackknife when the front vehicle skids but the trailer attached to the vehicle does not stop or slow down. Please try a different search term. and ready to fight for their clients. A truck that jackknives can be a dangerous vehicle, as it could roll over when its moving at high speeds. Quick Facts About Jackknife Truck Accidents in Florida. Dont be unprepared when you could have one of the best legal teams out there to assist you. Authorities said the first truck had jackknifed on the bridge for unknown reasons when the second truck, an Old Dominion hauler transporting potassium hydroxide, crashed into it. Police should be called to the scene of the accident and an official police report should be filed. Call 800.360.7015 today to speak with an experienced jackknife truck accident attorney. The accident caused the truck to spill about 50 gallons of diesel fuel on the roadway, prompting authorities to partially close US 35 westbound for the cleanup. Jackknifing is when the front cab and rear trailer of a semi-truck move out of sync from each other because the driver of the truck is forced to slam on the brakes. Please note our new Columbus address: Jackknife Truck Accidents: Causes, Injuries, and Prevention. Case value and results depend upon the unique facts of each case, these results do not predict Handled our case with care and great results. The more you accelerate, the more the trailer can lose traction. There, the rig jackknifed before finally stopping. 2021 April 29 A double tractor-trailer marked FedEx Ground jackknifed on US 35 at Cain Road near the Jackson and Ross County line. No Attorney-Client Relationship Created by Use of this Website. Big rigs can weigh upwards of 80,000 pounds when loaded, and if a truck jackknives, the trailer can swing out, injuring pedestrians or other vehicles. Jackknife tractor trailer causes. To avoid the risk, drivers should reduce speed before entering the curve and not wait to brake while curving. Call a Georgia Truck Jackknife Accident Lawyer Today. In Ohio, drivers must pass knowledge exams and a road test before they can obtain the commercial drivers license (CDL) needed to operate a semi. Moreover, a medical doctor can assert that the accident victims injuries are permanent, meaning that they are unlikely to get better over time. Attorneys fee calculated on gross recovery, before deduction of any court or other costs that are incurred during the case. Truck drivers need to be well-trained in braking techniques for a variety of conditions, such as if the road is slick or if the vehicle needs emergency braking. truck jackknife today 2101 citywest blvd houston, tx 77042 Call (888) 471-3714 to speak with a car accident attorney. This is especially true if the truck is travelling downhill at a high rate of speed. Texas Jackknife Truck Accident Attorneys. Your career is within reach, so contact us and get started with your education today, and we'll make sure you are nothing but successful every step of the way. What Is Jackknifing? | Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyer If you have been involved in a car accident involving a jackknifed semi-truck, the aftermath can be chaotic and overwhelming.. Below are some of the most common causes of jackknife accidents: Curves Talk to us about your accident. A jackknife crash happens when a truck skids to a stop, and either its tractor or trailer slides to the side, forming a V-shape with the rest of the vehicle. -knives, n. 1. a large pocketknife. Driver Fatigue and Inexperience One of the most significant and preventable causes of trucking accidents is driver fatigue, which lowers drivers' reaction times and impairs their judgment. Crash investigation continues, while inspectors examine the extent of damage on the bridge. What Is a Jackknifing Truck Accident? | Michael T. Gibson P.A., Auto This term comes from a description of how the blade of a jack knife forms the angle with its protective handle. When the tractor and trailer travel in different directions, it's called a jackknife crash. Jackknife accidents also happen when truck drivers and trucking companies violate national motor carrier regulations. In most cases, the trailer will jackknife in a V shape, which is a dangerous situation. Moreover, fatigued driving can severely limit a truck drivers concentration, causing them to become inattentive to the road and exceed the speed limit. Jackknifed Truck Triggers 25-Vehicle Pileup on I-90. The injuries the truck accident victims suffer typically depend upon the collision force, as well as their bodily movements in the vehicle. Toll Free: 866-800-9660. Some drivers become preoccupied with electronic devices in their vehicles, like cellular phones, tablets, and GPS navigation devices. He didnt know what hazmat substance he was transporting, and the vehicle was engulfed in flames before he could grab his hazmat paperwork. Semi-truck jackknifes, pileup shuts down snowy interstate. Jackknifed - definition of jackknifed by The Free Dictionary A jackknife incident is mainly about how a truck stops. The accident caused the truck to spill about 50 gallons of diesel fuel on the roadway, prompting authorities to partially close US 35 westbound for the cleanup. Fortunately, the surrounding motorists were able to back up to safety, and no one was hurt. Responsible Attorney Thomas Godfrey is the attorney responsible for the content of North Carolina Website. Often, a loss of traction is caused by wet or icy roads, but it can also result from the force of a different collision, improper or sudden breaking, or equipment failure. Causes of Injuries from Semi-Trucks That Jackknifed Unfortunately, negligence often plays a significant role in truck accidents, including ones in which the vehicle jackknifes. This is one of the most dangerous types of accidents on the road. A truck jackknife accident often occurs as a result of poor vehicle management or a faulty braking system. Sudden or harsh braking may also result in the truck stopping at a different rate of speed than the trailer, causing them to go in two different directions . What Does It Mean When a Truck Jack Knives? Fill out the form below to get started or give a call at (800) 777-7777 to speak with our legal team directly. 13 October, 2022. formation of an attorney client relationship. How Much Does It Cost to Fix Rust on a Truck? This means that they often drive through the night without a break. The Anastopoulo Law Firm reserves the right to add, modify or delete any information at this Website at any time. While there If youve been in an accident in the Columbus, Ohio region, an experienced truck accident lawyer will protect your rights and help you obtain proper compensation. Why Semi Jackknife Accidents Are So Deadly - Lawyers Corner Legal Blogs If you or a person you care about suffered injuries in a recent truck jackknife accident, you should retain an experienced Edmonton personal injury lawyer to represent you in your case as quickly as possible. curbs, or even jackknife your trailer. As an alternative to trial, your lawyer can also help you explore some alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options, like mediation or binding arbitration. Trucks jackknife when they lose traction with the road and the trailer swings towards the cab forming a V shape similar to configuration of a jackknife when the blade folds into the handle. Let a reliable attorney protect you and fight for the compensation you deserve. What Does It Mean When a Truck Jackknifes? Sorry no matching pages were found. How to Prevent Your Truck from Jackknifing when Driving Through What Causes a Truck to Jackknife? | James Scott Farrin A standard. A jackknife accident may occur because of a drivers error or a lack of maintenance. A jackknife is a serious accident that can occur during an accident involving a large truck. The domino effect from a jackknifing truck can also cause the damage to spread out further. Contact us online today for a free case evaluation, and let us help you with these tasks so you can concentrate on your health. They need to have adequate training and experience because operating a big rig requires technical proficiency from steering and braking techniques to sound decision-making during risky situations. The San Antonio personal injury lawyers at Janicek Law have extensive experience in winning fair compensation for victims of jackknifed semi-truck accidents. Contact our experienced truck accident lawyers today for your free consultation by clicking here or calling (877) 591-1801. The most common cause of a jackknife is a truck driver who is speeding. In some cases, a truck can cause a highway overpass or concrete lane divider to collapse. Summit County including Akron. Jackknife Accidents: Defined. Truck drivers are distracted when they fail to observe the road. Truck accidents are highly technical.
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