Scalar Energy is created naturally; however, it can also be artificially engineered. Intrigued, he ran inside to investigate. This device takes the science and research from Nikola Tesla and puts it to use to create a noninvasive and therapeutic tool for healing. If the shelf life is extended beyond 3 years, there will be an update to our website notifying our customers of the extension due to further data collection. Optimal frequency can be lowered by chemical, physical, mental, or emotional stimuli. Scalar Energy Our products, FDA-registered Tesla BioHealing OTC (Over-The-Counter) Medical Devices, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. - New Monthly Membership Available. magazine, detailing the alleged adventures of one Nikola Tesla on a day out in New York City. Read Full Disclaimer. Once the body is given adequate amounts of Life Force Energy to work with, cellular self-repair mechanisms can begin to activate much faster and more profoundly than previously was possible. This device takes the science and research from Nikola Tesla and puts it to use to create a noninvasive and therapeutic tool for healing. WebBased upon Nikola Teslas original discoveries harnessing the forces of nature to the service of mankind, Tesla BioHealing has pioneered new breakthrough medical devices that generate a field of pure Life Force Energy a natural, powerful environment for the bodys innate healing intelligence to be optimally supported. Throughout the rest of his life, he would use his oscillation machine to treat people with a wide variety of health problems from constipation to cardiovascular disease, injuries and infections, sleep disorders, and hormonal imbalances. Tesla WebTesla Power Everything Order Solar Panels Order Solar Roof Powerwall is a home battery that pairs with your solar system to store energy, so you can use it anytime you wantat night or during an outage. Getting it is easy, as the process to order is convenient, easy, and safe. Nikola Teslas Groundbreaking Discoveries and Devices. Height, Tesla MedBed Generators Only (Bedframe/Mattress Not Included):Weight: 28 lbs. In addition, my nurse practitioner tells me my CT Scan came back with no new cancerous growths and that the tumors continue to shrink. Also my blood pressure was a bit too high always and sometimes very high. You can use any type of capacitor as high uf as you can, I used 100uf,50v capacitor. At around the same time, an osteopath named Dr. Peter Guy Manners was also studying the relationship between sound, vibration, and healing. Tesla By this point in his life, Twain was, as Tesla. Note: You must purchase 4 Adult BioHealers in a single order and request an upgrade within two months of placing your BioHealer order to be eligible for this program. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. They work by using the natural healing power of the human body to produce electrical energy to heal itself. You may utilize the technology day and night for as long as youd like, keeping the devices as close to you as you would like. As he, When considering whether the pyramids of Egypt were used in sound healing, it should be mentioned that a similar, much older temple was found on the island of Malta in the early 1900s, a Neolithic underground complex that displayed , Crucially, Coimbra and his team noted that all of the underground rooms resonated at the same frequency . Our bodies produce and utilize Life Force Energycontinuously,but thelevel ofconcentration available in every day environments is not enough to offer our cells the optimal level of supportas we age orwhen we becomeillor injured. The two had a longstanding relationship, and Twain, who was notoriously fascinated with science and technology, was a regular visitor at Teslas laboratory. One lazy afternoon in the 1890s, legendary inventor Nikola Tesla was lounging around his laboratory with hisgood friendSamuel Clemens, also known as the famed writer Mark Twain. You may utilize the technology for your pet day and night for as long as youd like, keeping the devices as close to your pet as you would like. event : evt, To bring proven scientific medical research and breakthrough bioenergetic technologytogether to enrich, enhance, and extend the lives of our customers. The Quantum Tesla iQube is your personal sanctuary that clears you and your home of heavy energies. })(); Nikola Tesla's Vibrational Healing Device: Sound & Vibrational Medicine, One lazy afternoon in the 1890s, legendary inventor Nikola Tesla was lounging around his laboratory with his. This is our recommendation for receiving significant amounts of Life Force Energy at our larger centers.Simply by laying or sleeping on our Tesla MedBed, you will be receiving large quantities of Life Force Energy during your stay that the cells of your body can use as at will and as needed to begin recharging and repairing your system. I have been feeling better over the last four weeks, less back pain, more motivated to do things, standing taller, happier, in a better mood, etc. This device takes the science and research from Nikola Tesla and puts it to use to create a noninvasive and therapeutic tool for healing. They probably wont even know theyre sick. The Tesla BioHealers are medical devices that amplify life force energy. Based upon Nikola Teslas original discoveries harnessing the forces of nature to the service of mankind, TeslaBioHealinghas pioneered new breakthrough medical devices that generate a field of pure Life Force Energy a natural, powerful environment for the bodys innate healing intelligence to beoptimallysupported. Life Force Energy has beenacknowledgedbothinancient cultures and modern-day scientific communitiesas avital substance innate in all living things and available in various levels in our environment. WebTesla MedBed Generators - 100x more powerful than Tesla BioHealers ( 70 ) $19,999.00 Choose an option below In stock, ready to ship Add to cart Split your purchase into installments for orders up to $17,500.00 with Learn more Number of Units Recommendation How to use Upgrade Program - from 4 BioHealers to MedBed Generators 3. Consider this a Life Force Energy filled hotel stay! We are both diabetics with high blood pressure. Tesla When it was repeated, the sensation returned, and he also had the illusion that the sound was reflected from his body to the ancient red ochre paintings on the walls.. At the end of the process, Twain suddenly leaped up and rushed to the toilet with terrible diarrhea. My husband says the he feels a little more strength in his legs. At the core of every cell, Life Force Energy is present. His pain kept him from sleeping and resting. This Energy Device Can Super Charge Your Healing The closer the device is to the body the stronger the Life Force Energy field. The benefit is hard to measure. N my anxiety level is more relaxed. Our products, FDA-registered Tesla BioHealing OTC (Over-The-Counter) Medical Devices, and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. This Life Force Energy is provided to empower your cells naturally and non-invasively. You can use any type of capacitor as high uf as you can, I used 100uf,50v capacitor. Energized live your life to the fullest every single daySleep sleepyour way to better health with restorative and vivid dream sleepPain-Free move comfortably and experience more life with less chronic pain. TESLA HEALING VIBRATION ||369 Hz SOLFEGGIO ||369 Hz TESLA HEALING FREQUENCY||BALANCE ||VITAL ENERGY Therapeutic Sounds 729 Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues. Wellness Consultation and Bio-Well Energy Scan, We cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Tesla What powers might vibrational medicine hold? Tesla WebTesla energy can bring the energy level to the optimum 70 millivolts. The energy form of scalar waves has the ability to carry information which is why it has had such a profound effect on the Read about the Benefits of Life Force Energy. Notably, a fundamental part of this secret Egyptian knowledge, which Pythagoras must inevitably have been exposed to, was a belief that sound and vibration had healing abilities. In otherwords, when we arelacking life force. WebIn the context of Life Force Energy, 4 Tesla MedBed Generators is equivalent to 400 Tesla BioHealers! How Does Tesla BioHealing Technology Work? The thing about this life force is that our body is made up of them. A pioneer and profoundly different approach to promote blood circulation and reduce bodily pain. Tesla Tesla And, with the same vibrator, he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour.. The Life Force Energy generated from our medical devices is a safe and naturally occurring healing energy. Tesla iQube Tesla Not only is it present, but it isavital force of natureessentialfor human cells, and the cells of all biological systems,to carry out their functions optimally. Amazing! WebUsers have used Tesla BioHealer for a myriad of conditions, including: Terminal cancer Stroke Paralysis Arthritis Traumatic brain injury Pain Gout High blood sugar Asthma Sleep problems Muscle pain Headaches Diabetes Between 80% and 90% of users feel the energy the device generates. The Life Force Energy generated from our medical devices is a safe and naturally occurring healing energy. This is significant, not only because 111 Hz has been called the holy frequency, but because when Pythagoras created a musical scale during the experiments which followed his experience with the blacksmiths hammers, it started with an A note, which resonated at, yes, 111 Hz. The closer the device is to the body the stronger the Life Force Energy field. Read our Disclaimer, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (USD $). Its great to have everyday by my side its really works Scalar Energy is created naturally; however, it can also be artificially engineered. have shown vibrational medicine to help with arthritis, menstrual pain, post-operative pain, and chronic pain. They work by using the natural healing power of the human body to produce electrical energy to heal itself. Led by Pythagoras, the ancient Greeks became proficient with vibrational medicine. I have felt a significant change in my neurofatigue and my movements. that showed that a healthy human body resonates at between 62-70 MHz. It is not our intention that you would need to purchase a new device after 3 years, as your health conditions and overall quality of life should be significantly improved long before then if you have had enough Life Force Energy available to address your specific needs. Improved Circulation Naturally reducing inflammation and improving immune function. The Science Behind Scalar Energy. Crucially, Coimbra and his team noted that all of the underground rooms resonated at the same frequency exactly 111 Hz. Height, Child BioHealers:Weight: 1.2 lbs. Tesla Twain agreed and stepped onto Teslas machine. Tesla BioHealing Style and look of Tesla BioHealers may change during final manufacturing. What to look for in early signs of improvement? Increased cell energy reduces fatigue, resulting in increased physical energy, strength, and flexibility. In the early 1900s, a curiousarticleappeared inThe World Todaymagazine, detailing the alleged adventures of one Nikola Tesla on a day out in New York City. WebTesla Energy brings those cancer cells up to normal energy levels, possibly accounting for the healing that many cancer patients have experienced after exposed to Tesla Energy embedded products. WebTesla energy can bring the energy level to the optimum 70 millivolts. TESLA FREE ENERGY GENERATOR (COLLECTOR on: function(evt, cb) { Theyll draw pictures, color in their books, play with their toys, all the while unaware that above them beautiful blue-pinking plasma lights are emanating healing, pulsing electric fields, shattering their cancer painlessly and non-toxically one cell at a time.. Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues. When I began to practice with my assistants mechanical therapy, we used to finish our meals quickly and rush back to the laboratory. This sent his mind racing, and he began to. Ancient cultures appear to have possessed knowledge about the healing powers of sound and vibration, a knowledge rediscovered by Tesla at the end of the 20th century. Many people note improvements in their wellbeing even after only an hour of resting on a Tesla MedBed, and often tell us that they feel recharged for the rest of the day.Simply by laying on our Tesla MedBed, you will be receiving large quantities of Life Force Energy that the cells of your body can use as at will and as needed to begin recharging and repairing your system. With over 100x more power than Tesla BioHealers, Tesla MedBed Generators offer an unparalleled health solution! My husband has terminal cancer. After some examination, Pythagoras found that those hammers which were harmonious with each other had a simple mathematical relationship, namely that their masses were ratios or fractions of each other. For children between 6-18 years, Tesla BioHealing tackles diabetes, ADHD, headaches, and autism. Web1. Discover what the internet is saying about Tesla BioHealing. The pain I have in my hands from the arthritis seems to be getting better. Further, he found that when that frequency drops below 58Hz, the immune system becomes compromised, and disease starts. They provide energy levels in concentrations that are enough to heal. WebFor children between 6-18 years, Tesla BioHealing tackles diabetes, ADHD, headaches, and autism. You can apply your $2,400 towards any amount of MedBed Generators (2, 4, 6, 8), 2 MedBed Generators = 200 Adult BioHealers4 MedBed Generators = 400 Adult BioHealers6 MedBed Generators = 600 Adult BioHealers8 MedBed Generators = 800 Adult BioHealers, Step 2: Experience the 4 Adult BioHealers and confirm early signs of improvement, see below (2 months time limit to be eligible for the Upgrade Program), Step 3: Request an upgrade within 2 months of your BioHealer purchase by emailing with the subject line MedBed Generators Upgrade, Include your order number for the 4 Adult BioHealers (must be a single order), Let us know how many (2, 4, 6) MedBed Generators you would like for the upgrade. } Nikola Teslas Vibrational Healing Device: Sound & Vibrational Medicine by Universe Inside You One lazy afternoon in the 1890s, legendary inventor Nikola Tesla was lounging around his laboratory with his good friend Samuel Clemens, also known as the famed writer Mark Twain. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( 3. Tesla BioHealing products are FDA Registered over-the-counter medical devices aimed at addressing pain and inflammation in people with unmet needs such as stroke paralysis, dementia, Alzheimers, terminal cancers, diabetic neuropathy, and rare diseases. Studies haveshownthat the practice of sound bathing, that is, exposure to vibrational medicine, directly reduces anxiety and depression. In fact, I sometimes forget to take my medication for my movements due to the fact I am not having them as much. Increased cell energy reduces fatigue, resulting in increased physical energy, strength, and flexibility. TESLA FREE ENERGY GENERATOR (COLLECTOR Recommended Use of Tesla BioHealing Technology for Adults, Health Condition Diagnosed by Your Doctor, Prevent severely depleted energy reserve and promote self-healing, Recommended Use of Tesla BioHealing Technology for Children (Ages 5 to 17). Notably, a fundamental part of this secret Egyptian knowledge, which Pythagoras must inevitably have been exposed to, was a belief that sound and vibration had healing abilities. In 1981, a biologist named Helene Grimal came together with a composer named Fabien Maman to undertake agroundbreaking studyon the effects of sound waves on living cells, most specifically, cancer cells. 2. Tesla Further, he found that when that frequency drops below 58Hz, the immune system becomes compromised, and disease starts. WebKnown health benefits of Life Force Energy Increased Cellular Repair Improved cell wall permeability, facilitating the efficiency of nutrient intake, and eliminating cellular waste. To make the most out of these units, individuals are encouraged to either place it underneath or next to a bedframe. I think I need the generators for a more But a few minutes later some of us, who had stayed longer on the platform, felt an unspeakable and pressing necessity which had to be promptly satisfied, and then the stupendous truth dawned upon me. Upgraded Reviews scanned the web to find out what real users are saying about Tesla BioHealing. He began to use the instruments he had created to perform what he called soul adjustments, teaching that these adjustments would not only bring the soul into harmony but purify the mind and heal the body. Further, Egyptians used an instrument called a sistrum during ceremonies, a rattle with metal disks attached to it, which has been shown to create exceptionally high levels of ultrasound. Shop Tesla BioHealing My son suffers from a head injury. has shown that vibration therapy can help Alzheimers patients with thinking and memory. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. Egyptian Sistrum. We cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. At the end of this period, one womans tumor had become undetectable, while the others had simply dried up.. (function() { WebTesla BioHealer for Adults ( 1419 ) $599.00 Choose an Option Below In stock, ready to ship Add to cart 4 interest-free installments or from $54.06/mo with View sample plans Number of Units Recommendation How to use Upgrade Program - from 4 BioHealers to MedBed Generators Enhance your Life Force Energy with Tesla BioHealer for Adults! A 65-year-old male subject saw an average cellular repair rate increase of 34% in circulatory systems and organs after only three nights sleeping on a Tesla MedBed, NATURAL, NON-INVASIVE AND POWERFUL RELIEF. Exponential Healing with Tesla Energy Lights At Santa Fe Soul, were committed to helping you change your lives through better health, and recently, weve been working with two potent tools that literally produce miraculous results, impacting our clients lives on a cellular level. The Tesla BioHealing products are based on scientific medical research and modern technology. Facilitates improved recovery for optimal brain function and immune system support. Tesla Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues. With our new MedBed Generators Upgrade Program you can use the investment youve already made into your BioHealers towards your upgrade while continuing to enjoy your BioHealers!Are you interested in MedBed Generators but want an introduction to the technology first? Energy I haven't yet met with the doctor to see if they have anything else to add. educated in the Egyptian secrets of science, medicine, math, and astronomy; this, during a 20-plus year stint he spent in the country. Tesla After completing your circuit as shown in the figure you should get 1-2 volts in 10-15 min. Before, I was not sleeping well for a few years. He, Vibrational medicine is an attempt to use vibrations to put a bodys frequency back into an optimal place to reconstruct the harmonious relationship of molecules working together. This is what Pythagoras described as bringing order to chaos and discord through his soul adjustments, the concept which led Tesla to, In 1981, a biologist named Helene Grimal came together with a composer named Fabien Maman to undertake a. on the effects of sound waves on living cells, most specifically, cancer cells. Tesla iQube Please consult your own healthcare provider if you have any medical issues. WebThe healing occurs through thetransfer of information between the consciousness of the clients bodies and Active Ether (the Consciousness). To make the most out of these units, individuals are encouraged to either place it underneath or next to a bedframe. 2. The Tesla BioHealer is used for the treatment of chronic pain, nerve injuries, arthritis, and other conditions that cause pain and inflammation. Tesla healing frequencies can initiate the perfect balance of light characteristic for a healthy body, mind emotion. Yet, vibrational medicine goes back further and stretches across the cultures of humanity; it is not just the arena of the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The healer is invited to be a part of the equation observer and the observed. Getting it is easy, as the process to order is convenient, easy, and safe. Overnight MedBed Session The thing about this life force is that our body is made up of them. Can be used 24/7 as your bodys cells will naturally absorb the Life Force Energy as needed. The prices range from $399 to $19,999. Tesla described this discovery and invention as his greatest contribution to human well-being, a bold statement for an inventor on the level of Nikola Tesla. Schedule a Quantum Consult. A study in theJournal of Athletic Trainingdescribed how vibration therapy can help muscle soreness after exercise, whileother studieshave shown vibrational medicine to help with arthritis, menstrual pain, post-operative pain, and chronic pain. Uninterrupted sleep and being able to experience REM sleep cycles with the use of the product. It also helps to balance the sexual life of the user, as it functions to correct erectile dysfunction and infertility in both males and females. The Buddhist monks of Tibet have long incorporated the vibrations of singing bowls and gongs into their ceremonies and meditations. However, if you need to use oxygen therapeutically it needs to be concentrated and delivered to your system in much higher quantities than is available in the everyday atmosphere. This means that raising cell voltage with Tesla energy, the cell in question will no longer need to multiply uncontrollably and hence slow down the spreading of the cancer cells. I spent 8 hours. Scalar Energy is created naturally; however, it can also be artificially engineered. Thank you so much! Tesla Consider, the Egyptians used certainresonant vowel soundsin their ancient rituals; these vowels were considered so sacred that they were banned from everyday language and did not appear in the written language of hieroglyphics. Thank you Tesla! This Energy Device Can Super Charge Your Healing Tesla healing frequencies can initiate the perfect balance of light characteristic for a healthy body, mind emotion. Stunningly, they found that using a 9 note Ionian scale caused the cancer cells to lose structural integrity and explode in minutes think of a wine glass shattering when an opera singer hits the high note. Place Tesla BioHealer for Children within 3ft. , investigating and testing with liquids in glass, various pipes, and multiple lengths of stringed instruments he had created. Shelf Life:All Tesla BioHealing products come pre-activated and are guaranteed to constantly generate a field of pure Life Force Energy for at least 3 years. But are these secrets of sound just fantasy, the irrelevant ramblings of generations passed? I want to try the Tesla MedBed as the BioHealer canister is offering this much benefit already, I can't imagine what the MedBed can do! To deliver an everyday life quality impacting and sustainable clinical outcome-driven health-benefiting experience, our Centers offer multiple services and plans that are catered to where you are on your personal healing journey. The Science Behind Scalar Energy. You can use any type of capacitor as high uf as you can, I used 100uf,50v capacitor. Once a person or pet is within this potent field of Life Force Energy, the body can absorb this vital energy at will and as needed just like it does every day, only know there is much more available for the cells of the body to benefit from. Tesla BioHealing OTC Medical Devices create their own environments of pure Life Force Energy, offering a much higher concentration of this natural healing force than is available in everyday environments. Life Force Energy is the naturally occurring vital force of nature that all living cells need in order to be as healthy as possible. It read: What Tesla understood, what served as the backdrop not only to this story, but to the creation of his oscillator and experiments with vibrational medicine, was, quite simply, that everything is made up of. The prices range from $399 to $19,999. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.. That was unbelievable! Using multiple Tesla BioHealers amplifies the Life Force Energy field offering a more powerful solution for people who would benefit from even more cellular support. Improved cell wall permeability, facilitating the efficiency of nutrient intake, and eliminating cellular waste. In other words, a persons health is directly impacted by the frequency their body is vibrating at. Read our Disclaimer, South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands (USD $). Diameter x 4 in. Order The Quantum Tesla iQube. callback: cb listeners: [], Tesla A recent study reported inNeurorehabilitation Journalsuggested that vibration therapy can decrease muscle tremors and rigidity in people with Parkinsons disease, while a 2014 study published in theEgyptian Journal of Medical Human Geneticsfound that vibration therapy can help children with cerebral palsy increase muscle strength and decrease spasticity. Via a pre-activation process of natural materials, these medical devices generate a consistent sphere of pure Life Force Energy offering a highly concentrated healing environment for continual cellular support. Improved Sleep As we continue to utilize the technology successfully over longer periods of time, we believe we will be able to continue extending the shelf life due to the nature in which our technology is able to generate this healing field of pure Life Force Energy. Tesla To bring proven scientific medical research and breakthrough bioenergetic technologytogether to enrich, enhance, and extend the lives of our customers. Users new to Life Force Energy, especially autistic children, may start by placing the device 6 ft. away and then bring it closer over time. The Tesla BioHealer is the most effective and safest medical device in the world.
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