In the spring of 1779, he helped build the first blockhouse on the corner of what is today Main and Mill Streets. and "Which celebrities are buried in Lexington Cemetery? Today I journey to Lexington Cemetery in Kentucky to visit the famous graves of notable people buried in Lexington. USA. Two Confederate monuments were originally built in the cemetery, Confederate Soldier Monument in Lexington Ladies' Confederate Memorial (1874) and Confederate Soldier Monument in Lexington (1893). To upload a spreadsheet, please use the old site. The Lexington Cemetery is open everyday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Burrows was resourceful and discovered a process for manufacturing mustard which also grew wild in Kentucky fields. Famous gravesites will. Section I, Lot 45 In 1971, he was chosen the Jockey Clubs Man of the Year. He was a great-grandson of James Ben Ali Haggin of Elmendorf Farm. Section 16, Lot 20 Solomon Lee Van Meter (18591928) Member of Kentucky State Legislature elected 1899, Farmer. Section E, Lot 3 He did manual labor and worked in a drug store to help support his mother and family. Like many other artists, he traveled south in the winter, often painting an entire family while he lived on his plantation in Mississippi or Louisiana. He died at Keeneland while supervising the training of his horses. Kentucky, When the Lexington settlers signed a citizens compact on January 25, 1807, Levi Todd became a landholder. Resend Activation Email. He was acting president of the university in 1940 to 1941, and served in many state and national organizations. The Lexington Cemetery is open from 8 a.m . The early settlers came to Kentucke because they wanted land to grow crops. She is probably best remembered for her 1951 Maysville, A system error has occurred. From 1931 to 1940 he presided over Fayette Circuit Court. In addition, he was a trustee of Transylvania University. He was dean of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture from 1918 to 1951, a period in which the enrollment of the college grew from 200 to 1,000, and its facilities and services increased many fold. The Lexington Cemetery was established in 1848 as a place of beauty and a public cemetery, in part to deal with burials from the cholera epidemic in the area. The primary coordinates for Lexington Cemetery places it within the IL 61753 ZIP Code delivery area. Two years later, he moved to Lexington, where he spent the remainder of his life in the banking profession. Todd, Robert S. (1790-1849) HOURS Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed federal holidays. He is also remembered for his three unsuccessful quests for the presidency. When Barker was jailed the townspeople angrily gathered outside yelling Hang him, hang him. The mob broke into the jail and dragged Barker to the courthouse across the street. The court awarded Pollard $15,000 in damages, then Colonel Breckinridge announced his candidacy for a sixth consecutive term in Congress immediately thereafter. She was also the first woman to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in political science from the University of Chicago, where she became Dean of the School of Social Administration. Progressive web application for Lexington Cemetery. Section 16, Lot 34 One of his greatest horses was Alsab, outstanding two-year-old and three-year-old in 1941 and 1942, winner of the American Derby, and victor over Requested and Whirlaway in match races. Patterson, James K. (1833-1922) Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. Interment will be in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery in Lexington. King Solomon had become a hero. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. One was Levi Todd. Returning to Lexington, he preached, taught astronomy at Transylvania, and became a member of its board of trustees. He is the father of Charlton Hunt, who became the first mayor of Lexington. This specified that the town was to be defined in lots of one-half acres each for farming and out lots of five acres each for farming. His father died when Clay was five. The judge shook his hand, and everyone in the room stood, walked to the gravedigger and did the same. In 1848, he married Jane Thronton, a stepdaughter of Kentucky Governor James Clark. After serving six years in the Revolutionary War, Colonel James Morrison came to Kentucky to establish himself as a merchant and a landholder. He and his Raiders caused havoc with their unorthodox methods of fighting, causing an estimated $10 million in property damage to the Union. After the defeat of the South, he spent four years in exile in Europe. As a senator during the term of President Abraham Lincoln, Breckinridge worked for compromise measures, but in 1861 he resigned for the Southern cause. Kentucky, Section M They continued to build planetariums for ten years, selling them for $2,000 each and exhibiting one at the 1851 New York Worlds Fair. As a lawyer, trustee of Transylvania, member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, railroad pioneer, and state auditor, General Combs contributed much to the early development of Lexington. Levi Todd and John Breckinridge were delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Danville, Kentucky. Section 16, Lot 15 USA. Providing us your request in advance will enable our cemetery staff to research and prepare information so it will be ready at our front office upon your arrival. Thanks for your help! Duke, Basil Wilson (1838-1916) Historic figures are buried in cemeteries and memorial sites from Boston to Amherst.. Retiring in 1934, he moved to California. Owner of Shenandoah Hall on the Bryan Station Pike. USA. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Mason County, I thought you might like to see a cemetery for Lexington National Cemetery I found on Historians refuted this idea but still refer to his book for information about early life in Lexington. During the Indian siege of 1782, Joseph Ficklin was with his family at Bryan Station. The Lexington National. Section D, Lot 120 For many years, he was treasurer of the Phoenix Hotel. A native of Woodford County, Randall Lee Gibson became a planter in Louisiana and entered the Confederate Army in the state as a private, rising to the rank of major general. He perpetuated the claims of the eccentric Transylvania scientist Rafinesque that Lexington was built on the site of pre-Columbian ruins of a walled city. Helm, Katherine (1857-1937) The Suffragettes were aroused and publicly opposed him. He served for thirty years in the Kentucky National Guard and commanded the troops in Frankfort after the shooting of Governor Goebel. In addition to operating his own horse farm, he was an officer of the Thoroughbred Racing Association, Jockey Club, Thoroughbred Breeders of Kentucky, National Museum of Racing, and Grayson Foundation for Equine Research. His statue stands in Cheapside Park. He was charged daffaires to Portugal in 1849-1850, served one term in Congress, and was a member of the peace convention which met in Washington in 1861 in a futile effort to avert war. Suggest edits to improve what we show. A Confederate sympathizer, he found refuge in Canada, where he died. For seventeen years he was a member of the City Council, served in the Kentucky House of Representatives, and was postmaster from 1914 to 1923. Without the ability to cast a single vote, the women defeated him. For two months, he labored every day burying the dead and sleeping in the pioneer graveyard at night. 1 2 African Cemetery #2 Alex Franklin Grave Site Ashland Estate Grounds Athens Christian Church Cemetery Beatty Family Cemetery Bethel Presbyterian Church Cemetery Bethsaida Baptist Church Cemetery Brown-Harrison Cemetery Bryan's Station Baptist Church Cemetery Bullock-Hunt Family Graveyard A Kentucky senator from Fayette County, Robert S. Todd was the father of Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln. In returning to Lexington, he was offered the Chair of the Anatomy and Physiology Department at Transylvania University. Celebrities are often buried in the highest caliber cemeteries, mausoleums and tombs, which is why we've created this list of celebrities buried in Lexington Cemetery. At age 35, he was Vice President of the United States under James Buchanan. One of his favorite stories was how he brought the early settlers their salt. List of famous people buried in Lexington Cemetery, listed alphabetically with photos when available. He held the position of interim president with such distinction that the board of trustees designated him the seventh president of the university. Lexington National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery located in the city of Lexington, Kentucky. A native of Harrison County, William Temple Withers became a lawyer and planter in Mississippi and Louisiana. A New Yorker who moved to Lexington in the early 1870s, Gilbert Hinds King has been given much of the credit for persuading the City Council, the legislature, and the people of Lexington that a waterworks system was a necessity. Considered by many as the "Father of American Rosine, Section G, Lot 34 A partner with Colonel Morrison in hemp manufacturing, Gratz was also involved in many businesses in the city. Please enter at least 2 characters. Every man and widow over 21 years of age who had resided in Lexington for six months or who had raised a crop of corn by the following year was entitled to one in lot and one out lot.. He is remembered for his philanthropy, including the donation in 1854 of the building and grounds for Sayre Female Institution, which is a preparatory school today. There are a ton of famous people whose final resting place can be found within the walls of the Lexington Cemetery. Coming to Lexington in 1795, John Wesley Hunt became a merchant, horsebreeder, hemp manufacturer, and banker. In 1815, a group of influential citizens provided for him a new house of worship on Market Street, known at the time as the McChord Church, and now the Second Presbyterian Church. Marshal Beard was buried with a great ceremony in The Lexington Cemetery. Clay served four years as Secretary of State. Section H, Lot 44 Warren County, It quickly became the most important crop in the area bringing in an estimated half million dollars a year in the early 1800s. Section F, Lot 26 Section O, Lot 133 Section 13, Lot Section C, Lot 17 A veteran of the Mexican War, Gordon Granger served with distinction in the Civil War, rising from the rank of colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalry to major general commanding the Fourth Army Corps. His wife, Mary Richards Swope, also active in Republican affairs, was vice-chairman of the board of the Public Health Center and an officer in numerous patriotic and genealogical societies. USA. Among their children was Henry Timberlake Duncan, Jr, who became an attorney, newspaper editor and twice mayor of Lexington. In 1814, he was appointed U.S. Counsul to St. Bartholomews, then in 1821 became editor of the Kentucky Gazette. Rancks History of Lexington, he and Waldemard Mentelle introduced into Kentucky the manufacture of earthen ware.. Hunt, Charlton (1801-1836) As a member of the city council, Gratz was instrumental in establishing Lexingtons public library, the first in the West. Special characters are not allowed. Kentucky, cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. Individually and through the Mountain Fund for Blindness, which she founded, Linda Neville aided thousands of persons and achieved international acclaim. We visit the crypt of Kentucky statesman Henry Clay Williams, General Roger D. (1856-1925) Symbolically it was near this spot in 1775 that a small band of land hunters who had ventured out from Fort Harrod to spy out the countryside came to rest and were said to have given the place the name Lexington. Section D, Lot 116 Until this time, catching the baby by the father or a neighbor while the mother delivered it from a squatting position or seated in a chair without a bottom had been the standard birthing procedure. As president of Transylvania University from 1939 to 1951, Raymond F. McLain strengthened the institution both academically and financially and increased ties between the campus and the town. Kaufman, Moses (1843-1924) Search for an exact birth/death year or select a range, before or after. Section J, Lot 6 based on information from your browser. She had degrees from Transylvania, the University of Kentucky, and Columbia University, and for twenty years was affiliated with a school for child development and family life in Detroit. Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. A beam was placed through a second story window to which a noose was tied. Eventually Sayre became a banker and earned his fortune. It is located at 833 West Main Street in Lexington, Kentucky 40508. Section K, Lot 7 Mrs. Clay raised their large family, paid for the education of six children, managed her husbands farm, enlarged his mansion White Hall, and paid his debts. Kirwan was football coach, history professor, dean of men, dean of students, and dean of the graduate school. Dr. Dudley has an international reputation for his successful operations for bladder stone, and was a pioneer in cataract and brain surgery. Section O, Lot 126 Section P, Lot 129 Morrison, Colonel James (1755-1823) He did not design, but built Christ Church Episcopal and the Loudoun House. A specialist in air conditioning, she worked in the field for thirty-two years, retiring from the Carrier Corporation in 1952. Haggin II, Louis Lee (1913-1980) An enthusiastic sportsman, he was an organizer of the National Fox Hunters Association. David Austin Sayre is one of Lexingtons best examples of a poor boy who found fame and fortune. Brown passes at age 88",, John Winston Coleman Jr. (18981983) historian, author. 1901) First cousin of, Solomon Van Meter, Sr. (18181859) Farmer and importer of shorthorn cattle, Duncastle Farm. Born in 1726, Thomas Meason (Section 1, Grave 297-B) is the oldest person buried at Arlington National Cemetery, based on birth year. When her husband returned from almost nine years in Russia, he brought with him the scandal of his philandering abroad and ultimately proof of his adultery: an illegitimate son. Section O, Lot 126 In 1860, he was nominated for President. 520 Bedford St Lexington, MA 01730 (781) 861-2718 Click to show location on map Zoom About Lexington Cemetery Department The caring staff at Lexington Cemetery Department provide calm and well-maintained grounds made to meet the needs of every single family and to commemorate the lives of people buried around the grounds. Never without his black stovepipe hat and umbrella, he built and supervised construction of hundreds of homes in Fayette County. Concerned for the political and economic equality of women, she associated with the Womans Trade Union League where she helped organize garment workers strikes in 1911 and 1915. For a time he was stationed in Lexington with headquarters at the Bodley House. Headley, Hal Price (1888-1962) Baker was forced to stand at the window while the noose was placed over his head, then he was pushed out of the window. She returned to the remote counties in the mountains of Kentucky and started the Kentucky Commission for Mothers and Babies which became the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925. Welcome back to Jordan's film quest. Section 32, Lot 13 Narrow your results to famous, Non-Cemetery Burials, memorials with or without grave photos and more. Section 14, Lot 12 If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Underwood, Thomas R. (1898-1956) After leaving Lexington, he served successfully as general director of the Committee on Higher Education of the National Council of Churches, president of American University in Cairo, Egypt, and a vice-president and dean of the University of Alabama. An attorney, he was active in many civic organizations, president of Keeneland Association, and chairman of the executive committee of the University of Kentucky. RM A68N3E - White marble tombstones on the graves of unknown American soldiers Photographed in the Lexington Cemetery in Kentucky USA RF BT5A95 - Statue of Thomas Jonathan Jackson (1824-63) American Confederate general, known as Stonewall Jackson, Lexington cemetery, VA. In the summer of 1833, a cholera epidemic killed 500 Lexingtonians in two months, and half the population fled the city in fear. The cemetery was established in 1849. A reconteur of rare talent, his recorded speech on Cassius M. Clay is regarded as a classic. Breckinridge, Colonel William Cabell Preston (1837-1904) Born in Scott County, Basil Wilson Duke practiced law in St. Louis. You need a Find a Grave account to continue. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Without a word, the judge stepped from the bench and walked back to the vagrant. A government marker was dedicated at his grave by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1977. A native of Washington County, James Thomas Cotton Noe was Kentuckys first poet laureate. Weve updated the security on the site. . Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Lexington. If you're ever visiting Lexington Cemetery and want to check out historic graves, then use this list to pinpoint exactly which burial locations you want to see. Cemetery History. Varney, James (Jim) Albert Jr. (1949-2000) He was opposed to slavery, and at the beginning of the Civil War, he and others established the Danville Review, which strongly supported the Union. American Pioneer Frontiersman. This brilliant southern gentleman graduated from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky in 1839 and studied law at Transylvania. Copyright 2023 | webCemeteries | All Rights Reserved, Breckinridge, Col. William Cabell Preston (1837-1904), Breckinridge, Dr. Sophonisba Preston (1866-1948), Breckinridge, General John Cabell (1821-1875), Hanson, Colonel Roger Weightman (1827-1863), Markey, Lucille Parker Wright (1896-1982), Varney, James (Jim) Albert Jr. (1949-2000). Solomon was not afraid of contracting the plague, and he remained. Built on 40 acres of Boswell's Woods, it has no recognized designer but was strongly influenced by its first general manager, Charles S. Bell. Section 44 The cemetery is located on the north side of W. Main Street (US 421) from Price Road to about 0.1 miles west of Newtown Pike (US 25). His monument reads, A Victim of Violence whilst in the Discharge of his Duty as Marshal of the City of Lexington. Ohio County, In the first 50 years of service, they delivered 12,262 babies with a maternal death rate of 9.1 per thousand, while the national mortality rate for white women in childbirth was 34 per thousand. Section S, Lot Kentucky, Lt. McKee is immortalized by a majestic monument composed of a white marble column on a massive granite base, topped with an urn draped with the American flag. Kentucky, In 1953, he created the Lexington Herald-Leader Co., of which he was president. Rev Spencer Cooper, Trustee of Translyvania University 1829. Odd Fellows Cemetery. The horseback angels traveled within 700 square miles around their Hyden hospital in Leslie County. USA. He served as attorney general of the United States under Jefferson and was president of the Democratic Society. He was appointed postmaster by President John Adams in 1799. Like Colonel Morrison, Gratz was a trustee of Transylvania. After her boys went to war, she would appear on Main Street whenever she thought any Southern troops were coming through town. As Lexington grew and became a sophisticated city, Masterson kept the old stories of Indian dangers and buffalo and deer kills alive with his tales of the early days of the settlement. Section G, Lot 1 It's one part of our commitment to keeping the Lexington Cemetery as beautiful and affordable in the future as it is today We invite you to visit, and to inquire about interment options including burial lots, mausoleum crypts, niches, cremation and memorialization options. In 1952, she married Rear Admiral Gene Markey, a veteran of both world wars, author and Hollywood producer. Arriving in Lexington in 1797, Clay was seeking his fortune as a lawyer in a place known for many land disputes. Section 32, Lot 44 This cemetery is a must for anyone visiting Lexington, VA. Finally his public drunkenness earned him a vagrancy charge. If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. Section P, Lot 74 A representative to many international conferences, she was the first woman delegate to the Pan-American Conference in Montevideo where she advocated legally extending womens rights for equality in every nation. Later he was taken prisoner by the Indians and was forced to run the gauntlet at Fort Miami. Breckinridge, John Bayne (1913-1979) William Barker was unceremoniously buried in a potters field. The buildings were called rope walks because the slaves walked back and forth from spindles, twisting the hemp fiber into rope as they walked. Maps, Driving Directions & Local Area Information Popular Local Resources Hotels Near Lexington Cemetery Nearby Cities Nearby Neighborhoods Nearby Features A graduate of the University of Kentucky, John Bayne Breckinridge attained the rank of colonel in World War II, worked with the Justice Department in Washington, and practiced law in Lexington before he entered the political arena. Gratz, Benjamin (1792-1884) When he arrived in Lexington to campaign in May, 1894, Laura Clay had organized an anti- Breckinridge rally at the Opera House. Carty, Sr., John (1764-1845) If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. Famous gravesites will include Jim Varney. Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. He played Jed Clampett in a film adaptation of The Beverly Hillbillies and performed the voice of Slinky Dog in Toy Story and Toy Story 2. Kentucky, Eliza Parker Todd Wife of Robert Smith Todd and Mother of, Lyman Beecher Todd, MD (18? Also on the grounds is an American basswood (Tilia Americana), which the cemetery claims to be the largest in the world. Henry Clay, Dr. Benjamin Dudley, and even Zachary Taylor were his subjects. USA. Gray, J. Archer (1878-1946) These first settlers left, but others followed. Section C, Lot 17 Your new password must contain one or more uppercase and lowercase letters, and one or more numbers or special characters. Musician. Levi Todd helped defend Harrodsburg against the Indians, survived the Battle of Blue Licks, and became a major general in the Kentucky Militia. Weve updated the security on the site. Section K, Lot 9 In 2018, two additional Confederate monuments were relocated here from downtown Lexington: John C. Breckinridge Memorial and John Hunt Morgan Memorial. He was fatally injured in a traffic mishap. Section 46, Lot 4 General Breckinridge could be considered one of the tragic heroes of the Civil War. Johnson, John Telemachus (1788-1856) It is closed to new interments. Gratz helped promote construction of the Maysville- Lexington road and the Lexington and Ohio Railroad. The hotel gained the name Phoenix when it was rebuilt after a fire in 1820. Administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, it encompasses less than 4050 square meters (1 acre), and as of 2014 had approximately 1,700 interments.
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