I eagerly read your columns whenever I can. Earlier today Opinion. Haldeman, wrote in his diary on April 28, 1969, that "[Nixon] emphasized that you have to face the fact that the whole problem [welfare] is really the blacks. www.thealpenanews.com, AnnArbor.com https://www.mlive.com/saginaw-bay-city/ Phone: 269-345-3511 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Herald values its readers' letters. Presumably Mitch's ego was too fragile to survive any review that was less than flattering. Please include your telephone number. 201 E. Exchange St. www.dailytribune.com, Detroit Free Press Fax: 269-429-7661 March is also a time when your thoughts may turn to summer and planning for the upcoming season. What a game', Good Morning, Illini Nation: Big Ten standings update, Editorial | White Castle ruling leaves bad taste in business community's mouth, 'Craziness' of Illini helps secure double overtime win, Bob's buzzer beaters | Disappointing to say the least, New Illini-centered name, image, likeness collective targets big-dollar donations, Man charged in connection with 35 pounds of cannabis in his home. But for those who still bought at the newsstand, some important points: This does NOT affect home-delivery schedules for subscribers: All four of those papers will continue to arrive at your house on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Mt. And, he will be just 27 years old come the start of the 2023 season. Here's what you'll do: The Eater Detroit editor will guide. Submit an opinion article | The Detroit News We reserve the right. Marie, MI 49783 Manistee, MI 49660 newsroom@sturgisjournal.com, Three Rivers Commercial-News Just as I decided to give up and hop the first Greyhound out by dusk the next day after watching the horrifying 11 p.m. TV news. Because of space limitations, letters that are 250 words or less will be given priority. www.thedailynews.cc, The Daily Tribune Scroll to the bottom of the page. on Letters to the Editor | The Seattle Times Staff Directory | The Detroit News https://www.facebook.com/The-Recorder-225146884215718/, The Alpena News 16980 Kercheval Pl McCourt Building Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 313.882.6900 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm<br>Sean Cotton, Owner Anne Gryzenia, Publisher Jody McVeigh, Editor-In-Chief Meg Leonard, Assistant Editor. The Detroit Free Press is the largest daily newspaper in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Low around 30F. This editor will care equally about new businesses and those that have demonstrated longevity and resilience across decades. He can be reached at dbrooks@dlnewspapers.com or at 218-844 . One other fact mentioned by Ms. Dossin in her testimony before the House Redistricting and Elections Committee is that minority citizens prefer to register with third-party organizations rather than with public agencies. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Detroit, MI 48201 Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. A few clouds. To the Editor: Letters to the Editor. Letter to the Editor: Story on proposed eviction rules ignored tenants' perspective, Letters: Two views on Michigan's race for governor, Make health insurance tax credits permanent, Letter: Fix broken market that lets hospitals charge what they want, Letter: Why banning Juul is actually a terrible idea, Bill Pulte: Clarifying the Pulte philanthropy lawsuit, Crain's Forum letters: Your grandpa's assembly line job isn't coming back, Letter: Let's see auto insurance industry offer up some transparency of its own, Letter: Bill would help student literacy, the key to future. Letter from the Editor: Minor changes at newsstands highlight the way www.thetimesherald.com, Record-Eagle Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. Iron Mountain, MI49801 Newsletters | The Detroit News. How to send letters, columns | Miami Herald www.argus-press.com, Battle Creek Enquirer www.detroitnews.com St. Joseph, MI 49085 311 Fifth St. Please, spread the word. Letters to the Editor, For The Inquirer. www.themorningsun.com, The Muskegon Chronicle YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Letters to the Editor - Chicago Tribune Thanks for reading and thanks for participating. The Patriot News/PennLive newsroom: How to contact our journalists I totally disagree with the theory that slashing business taxes will attract businesses and people to the state, creating revenue streams that would help education in the long term because it is based on a false premise that business taxes are the only criteria that businesses use to decide where they want to do business. (517) 371-5600 Grand Haven, MI 48417 Fax: 586-469-2892 Fax: 616-754-8559 Support the educational mission of the independent, nonprofit Detroit Jewish News Foundation. letters@freepress.com, The Detroit News Letters to the Editor Senate Bill 434 would be bad for majority of Texans By DONALD LEGATE Mar 1, 2023 2 I am adamantly opposed to Senate Bill 434, as it could negatively affect every person who does not own beachfront property. Three Rivers, MI 49093 With opioid deaths on the rise, Michigan lawmakers introduce bill to crackdown on overdoses, Michigan Native American tribe to study building own power utility, By Mark Richardson, Michigan News Connection, Michigan man convicted of double murder was released from prison after new evidence surfaces, Michigan Legislature considers bills to abolish life sentences for juveniles, Lansing Mayor Schor launches exploratory committee for congressional run, Scroll to read more Metro Detroit News articles. Follow the instructions given on the submission page. editor@lenconnect.com, Albion Recorder Metro Times is one of the few experiences that has held me back from thumbing a ride out of here. Letters to the Editor - Tampa Bay Times Also: An asylum crackdown; Mike Pences refusal to testify; money for the police. Illinois 91, Michigan 87 (FINAL, 2OT) Jury quickly finds Murdaugh guilty of murder of wife, son. Just as my sleeping pill was about to take me out of my misery (watching the roaches crawl on the ceiling and seeing another brutalized image staring back at me), I heard this music. Amy Gill-02/20/2019 2:00 PM 0. Letters - December 20, 2018. . Read the opinions that shape and reflect our communities in The Detroit News. One of Editor & Publishers 10 That Do It Right 2021. www.hillsdale.net, The Holland Sentinel Sometimes thats about our journalism. In our Up Front section, we recommend Detroit-centric books by female authors and have an interview with The New York Times first Wordle editor. Send a Letter to the Editor | The Detroit News 2. We kill off the native creatures, drain the swamps, cut down the forests, poison the rivers and lakes, dig huge holes, deplete the soil and foul the . Nixon's motive was corroborated in 1995 by Nixon's other aide, John Ehrlichman, during an interview with Dan Baum, author of Smoke and Mirrors, when he told Baum, "Look, we understood we couldn't make it illegal to be young or poor or black in the United States, but we could criminalize their common pleasure. Fax: 989-725-6376 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Detroit sues celebrity pastor and his nuisance mega-church over unfinished Woodward project. detroit news letter to the editor. Wed, May 18, 2011 at 12:00 am, I read with interest Jack Lessenberry's article, "True colors in Lansing" (May 11). The Times' letters to the editor are a collection of reader opinions, representing a wide range of perspectives on current issues. Letter from the Editor: Minor changes at newsstands highlight the way your preferences keep evolving Published: Jan. 26, 2023, 8:00 a.m. President Nixon's chief of staff, H.R. All betting content is intended for an . 301 E. Liberty St., Suite 700 Letters to the Editor By Metro Times readers on Wed, May 16, 2012 at 12:00 am Send a News Tip Kudos on voter I.D. Foreman rushed for a career-best 914 yards and five touchdowns in his first full season as a pro in 2022. Midland, MI 48640 Letter: The AMC Building needs to be saved? Readers respond to the Supreme Court hearing. RT @GaryMiles_DN: Sale ends tomorrow! Recorder of Deeds. 600 Ludington St. Send us a Letter to the Editor (maximum 250 words) in an email to letters@lohud.com. Letters must be 300 words or less. Letters to the Editor - Grosse Pointe News Also: Israels path; those who changed Georgia politics; transcending limits; mourning Spencer the dog. Box 368 Friday and Saturday single-copy editions will continue to be available on newsstands. 308 N. Main St. Howell, MI, 48843 Fortunately, selecting the Restaurant of the Year isnt just the editors decision. Western News detroit news letter to the editor - natureisyourmedicine.com Letters and Columns Guidelines | Detroit Lakes Tribune Fax: 313-224-8009 Nancy Kaffer named Detroit Free Press editorial page editor Its a collective process with suggestions coming from many staff members, plus freelancers, friends, industry contacts, and more. Nancy Bedell, Grand Rapids. 155 W. Van Buren St. P.O. As a member of Michigan Election Reform Alliance, I am working with our group to convince the legislative majority that these suppressive bills should not be passed. www.miningjournal.net, Metro Times Heavy snow and gusty winds ramp up after 5pm through. forum@bc-times.com, Cadillac News Click here to see our subscription options. Veteran sports staffers among newsroom departures at Detroit News, Free Letters to the Editor - The New York Times Dallas Morning News editorials are written by the paper's Editorial Board and serve as the voice and view of the paper. Hannity Has Mic Drop Moment with 3 Words as Lori Lightfoot Loses Election: 'Sorry. What a game. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. www.lenconnect.com Send a Letter to the Editor | The Detroit News Newsletters | The Detroit News Email the Opinion Editor atopinion@statenews.com. The University Insider is sent on Tuesdays with the content relevant to faculty and staff. Buyer demand for those editions has declined to the point where it no longer is feasible to offer them, so were listening and evolving our offerings. Editor's Letter: 2023 Restaurant of the Year and Women's History Month Kate Walsh, the editor-in-chief of Hour Detroit, talks the March 2023 issue including Restaurant of the Year, Women's History Month, cabins, and camps. Letters | tdn.com - The Daily News - Longview, Washington Todays message is about the latter: Beginning Monday, MLive Media Group will discontinue single-copy newsstand editions on Mondays and Wednesdays of The Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Muskegon Chronicle and Kalamazoo Gazette. Box 548 Ludington, MI 49431 wmcn@comcast.net, The website of the Clerical-Technical Union of Michigan State University. Pistons news: Detroit finding new ways to collapse, Casey to blame? Help Center - The Detroit News The board considers a broad range of topics and is overseen by the Editorial. Saginaw, MI 48607 www.livingstondaily.com, Ludington Daily News www.monroenews.com, The Morning Sun 202 N. Rath Ave. Letters to the Editor | GoErie.com - Erie Times-News Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm. Click below to see everything we have to offer. globenews@charterinternet.com, The Jackson Citizen Patriot Fax: 616-546-4200 By Letters to the Editor. https://www.facebook.com/saginawnews/, Sault Ste. Also: Marjorie Taylor Greenes dream of a national divorce; war photographers; book bans. Hillsdale, MI 49242 This story is part of the March 2023 issue of Hour Detroit. Letters should be no more than 400 words and can be submitted by. petoskeynews@petoskeynews.com, Grand Haven Tribune Detroit, MI 48209 Please copy and paste the letter into the email, rather than sending. Kaffer, 47, is the first woman in the newspaper's 191-year history to hold that . Devlyn Brooks is the publisher of the Detroit Lakes Tribune, Perham Focus and Wadena Pioneer Journal, and their associated websites. Pleasant, MI48858 Phone: 517-437-7351 Saturday: 7:00am - 11:00am. For our Insiders Guide to Michigan Cabin Rentals, we went to cabincore culture expert Gina Valente, whose Instagram account and blog, Moody Cabin Girl, caught our attention months ago. on www.hollandsentinel.com, Huron Daily Tribune Letters to the Editor. One morning recently, this 71-year-old teacher, author and historian looked across the Woodward bus aisle and witnessed a man publicly masturbating. 600 W. Fort St. Lord, maybe the Mayans were right after all. 125 E. Cass St. Meet and connect with the newsroom staff of The Detroit News. 6301 Michigan Ave. Community View submissions, up to 700 words, will also be. Health data privacy laws should be updated. Fax: (517) 999-6066. Adrian, MI 49221 479 Ledyard St. Detroit Archives - Page 12 of 12 - The Western Journal Ironwood, MI 49938 Let us hear from you - The Journal News 33 McCollum St. A2 Outlook starts your Monday off with all the local Ann Arbor news you need to know. www.ironwoodglobe.com Also: Europe and Ukraine; private prayer; Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems. 615 W. Lafayette Unsigned or anonymous letters will not published. The State News encourages readers to submit letters to the editor. Amounts between 6"-9" expected. I quickly learned that among the "intelligentsia" Jack Lessenberry and Larry Gabriel are must-reads. Send a Letter to the Editor | The Detroit News Home News Sports Business Autos Life+Home Entertainment Opinion Photo+Video Newsletters Alerts & RSS Contact Us Newsroom Subscribe Help Chat. Nancy Kaffer, a national award-winning columnist, has been named editorial page editor of the Detroit Free Press. Fax: 313-222-6417 An open letter to the people of Libby. Fax: 269-651-2296 The Michigan Daily P.O. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Flint, MI 48502 His writing is amateurish, and the stories he tells are mawkish to the extreme. I quickly learned that among the "intelligentsia" Jack Lessenberry and Larry Gabriel are must-reads. "Oh, my God!" Fax: 989-779-6051 Marie Evening News https://www.mlive.com/flint/ 2022 Ohio Primary . Letters to the editor | The Mercury News Breaking News California extends Bay Area tax deadlines to match IRS Letters to the Editor Submit Your Letter to the Editor We encourage you to submit. More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23. 133 N. Winter St. Exactly what Paul Weyrich envisioned, as you mention. 305 Michigan Ave. Return to. Sunday: 7:00am - 11:00am Letters, Editorial Page Letter to the Editor: Education on BDS. I've never been able to figure out Mr. Albom's enormous appeal. Letters To The Editor | times-news.com Editor, Here's what was really happening on January 6th, 2021: Gas was $1.93/gallon There was zero inflation Supply-chain was functioning well Economy was strongest in 50 years The border was controlled and. Detroit, MI 48226 https://www.facebook.com/The-Recorder-225146884215718/, https://www.facebook.com/pages/El-Central-Hispanic-News/134290776623835, https://www.facebook.com/JacksonCitizenPatriot/. Box 660 Email Address * First Name . Fortunately, for those who have not read it, the review is printed in its entirety in Killed: Great Journalism Too Hot to Print. 2023 The Jewish News, All rights reserved. One has only to recall the 2005 incident where he concocted his sighting of two former Michigan State University basketball players at an MSU game, even inventing details of what they were wearing. Now he seems to be making a career out of using dying older men to promote his meager abilities. Find editorial staff email addresses, social media pages and more. www.toledoblade.com, West Michigan Christian News Nixon signed the 1971 Controlled Substances Act, which included marijuana on its most restrictive "schedule." 120 E. Lenawee St. www.michronicleonline.com, The Midland Daily News The problem with politics | Letters to the Editor But I went there anyway just to see what it was all about. Stay up-to-date with the Detroit Jewish News! Leslie Rott Welsbacher - 06/18/2020 11:42 AM 1. I was new to my role as editor of the magazine and was still getting acquainted with its content when Hour Media 's president, John Balardo, asked me my ideas for 2022's Restaurant of the . letters Nikki Haley's Run for the Presidency Readers assess. Snyder will be a one-term governor if he falls into the category of the mean-spirited Republicans. 2058 S. Otsego Ave. Letter to the Editor | C-U litter is disgusting, Letter to the Editor | Fox News hosts a disgrace. No bail for Pennsylvania man with explosives in suitcase. Kate Walsh, the editor-in-chief of Hour Detroit, talks the March 2023 issue including Restaurant of the Year, Womens History Month, cabins, and camps. 155 Michigan St. N.W. Fax: 231-843-4011 Send letters (250 words or less, please) to 733 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226; faxes to 313-961-6598; e-mail to [emailprotected]. 179th salutes end to flying mis Newspaper boxes along Main Street in downtown Springfield, Mass., add a little color to a dreary day. Letters - Deseret News Letters Join the conversation! They need $90,000 more to go to the summer Olympics 2012. You can email letters to the editor for possible publication (with your name and hometown) to letters@pennlive.com or by postal mail at Letters to the Editor, 1900 Patriot Dr., Mechanicsburg PA . The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to ". Feb 18, 2023. Nettie Jones, Detroit, Sorry this is somewhat late (it took time to recover from the mild shock), but unless I've been hallucinating more than usual lately, I believe the estimable Jack Lessenberry mentioned in a recent column (April 18) that Alger Hiss had once been a spy for the Soviets. Letter to the Editor | Detroit Free Press Readers assess her qualifications and chances of winning. Also: Corporal punishment; Ron DeSantis; caregivers; the Colorado River; guns and crime. Subscribe to our Newsletter. www.metrotimes.com, Monroe Evening News www.ludingtondailynews.com, The Macomb Daily Phone: 517-548-2000 https://www.mlive.com/kalamazoo/, Latino Press Houghton, MI 49931 Jackson, MI 49201 Fax: 269-279-6007 I appreciate that support for our journalism, and also I understand the concerns of the increasingly smaller group whose habits were disrupting with these single-copy changes. 203 S. Washington Ave. To have this honor, the venue must not only have creative and delicious cuisine, impeccable service, and an ambiance that makes you feel you are somewhere other than a few miles from home, but it also needs to have staying power. P.O. Some of Detroit's prominent journalists are exiting the city's two daily newspapers as part of another round of budget cuts, including longtime high school sports reporter Mick McCabe from the. www.ourmidland.com I wish Sheriff DeSantis spent more time being governor | Letters. Fax: 517-263-4152 Stay up-to-date with the Detroit Jewish News! www.sooeveningnews.com Submit a letter to the editor - Dallas News For information on how to send a letter-to-the-editor of Michigannewspapers: Holland Sentinel - Submit tonewsroom@HollandSentinel.com, Monroe News -Submit letters to rkisonas@gannett.com, South Haven Tribune - Submit letters tonews@southhaventribune.com, Introduction: What It Is - Why It's Needed, Myths About Single-State Veto (Achilles Heel), The national popular vote winner should become President, Candidates should have a reason to campaign in all 50 states. Millions of readers are coming to our offerings every month in these ways. Lansing, MI 48912. The Detroit News on Twitter: "RT @GaryMiles_DN: Sale ends tomorrow detroit news letter to the editor - reactoresmexico.com Phone: 734-623-2500 @bennyjohnson / Twitter screen shot; Kamil Krzaczynski / Getty Images. Appreciated the recent News Hit "Mess of suppression" (May 9) regarding voter suppression laws now before the Michigan Legislature. 401 S. Burdick St. www.threeriversnews.com, Toledo Blade Updated 10/27/2022. You can submit your letter by sending it to jbeach@forumcomm.com. Detroit Free Press Letter to the Editor Policy All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. Please, spread the word. Other contact City Pulsecontact information: 2001 E. Michigan Ave. Readers discuss a guest essay calling on people to have more sex. What about its long-suffering neighbors. For more information, call Victoria Miller at 1-313-433-1079. Detroit, MI 48210
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