The Bethlehem Area School District Board of Directors appointed Winston Alozie as director to represent region one during Monday night's meeting at the Education Jul 2015 - Sep 20172 years 3 months. Annual Organizational Meeting, BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. BETHLEHEM, Pa. The Bethlehem Area School District Board of Directors appointed Winston Alozie as director to represent region one. At the microphone, please state your full name. Costs are not to exceed $510,000. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. NEW! Error! Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you may access. It also asks that Pakzad abstain from any votes involving the operations to funding of Lehigh Valley Academy Regional Charter School. Laurie Sage, Principal Robin Alozie, Asst. P: (518) 439-7481, Jody Monroe, Superintendent of Schools Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). responsive: true, The group said Roys statements earlier this month is not only malicious and defamatory, it is also false., Unfortunately, tonight the BASDs School Board members chose to support Dr. Roy and his disgusting accusations of racism. the statement said. The Bethlehem Area School District, in partnership with the home and community, is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment in which each student will attain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a productive citizen and life-long learner in our technologically demanding and culturally diverse society. As I parent volunteer, I saw so many good teachers, administrators, and programs that Id like to support in the role of the school board director. Mike Faccinetto: There have been many things I am proud of, from our fiscal health to full-day kindergarten to the Reading by Grade 3 initiative, but our equity work is top of my list. BASD investigation of superintendent ends; details not released, Stormcenter - School / Business Application. We have restored our fiscal health, enhanced academic programs, instituted full-day kindergarten, and did not raise taxes the past two years. If poverty and race were not actual reasons then I highly doubt we would have heard the outcry.. My career has balanced performance, teaching and administration. FHS: Patriot Club Board Meeting, 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM
All rights reserved. There was a problem saving your notification. Six out of the 10 parents who signed the letter demanding Roy apologize send their children to Circle of Seasons in Weisenberg Township. It is also important that no person addressing the Board initiate charges or complaints about individual Board members or employees or students of the District. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Due to the impending snowstorm, all buildings in the Bethlehem Central School District will be CLOSED ON SATURDAY, MAR. Roy also said in a video following the meeting that masks are optional on transportation, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued guidance on Feb. 25 indicating that it would no longerrequire mask-wearing on buses or vans operated by public or private school systems. TJES: PTO Meeting, 6:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Parents can join IEP meetings without a day off work, the public can listen in to board meetings, and we can expand our offerings by having experts join for a day from anywhere. Finally, the board approved an agreement with Lehigh University for the rental of Stabler Arena for 2022-23 graduation ceremonies. We could soon find out, A windy, cloudy Saturday for the Lehigh Valley, but the sun will come out tomorrow, Six years after hazing death, Penn State plans to drop the Greek life oversight it championed, Tom Sizemore, Saving Private Ryan actor, dies at 61. How to do some spring cleaning on your smartphone, What the Tech? WebRegular board meetings start at 7 pm and are on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. All official actions, however, must and do take place at public meetings. View the December 21, 2022 Board minutes here. We must use this experience to move forward, take the good and leave the bad behind. The approval Monday night would extend to April 30, if necessary. 'He was a very humble guy': Reading High soccer coach remembers player killed in Route 33 crash, Big rig crashes from I-81 bridge onto street below in Schuylkill, ACLU says it could take legal action over Saucon Valley School District rescinding approval for After School Satan Club, PennDOT, Senator discuss ongoing plans to put concrete barrier at stretch of Route 33 where crash killed 3 people, District officials in Lehigh Valley speak out after Pa. school funding ruling, Letter: Egg larvae, maggots found on drink cartons at some BASD schools, Bethlehem, Northampton superintendents push back against state audit, say data does not support tax insinuations, Pa. auditor general: School districts shifted funds around in bid to raise taxes; 2 local superintendents dispute report, Teacher, volleyball coach at BASD accused of sexually assaulting student, giving her cocaine, alcohol, BASD Superintendent Roy says STEAM Academy enrollment signs in Bethlehem are misleading, Report: BASD board votes to hire ex-judge to lead Roy probe, Bethlehem Area School District investigating alleged incident involving superintendent, Champions of Magic's Alex McAleer gives an exciting look at the upcoming live show, Pet of the Month: Nina from Ruff Life Rescue, Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor needs volunteers, Allentown Public Library celebrates Dr. Seuss's birthday with children's activities, Kindness Project teams up with Flavor Nation to give away free tacos, Eat, Sip, Shop: Refresh your ride at new Lehigh County store, selling high-quality car detailing products, History's Headlines: The Lehigh Valley's music man, Masks to become optional at LVHN facilities, hospitals not associated with patient care, Berks County Parks invites people to their Winter Wellness Walk, Royals host "kids takeover" game where kids get a taste of the sports business, Wilson School students raise $83k to fight childhood cancer, Berks County Intermediate Unit receives $3.18 million in grants for Head Start programs, 'First in the nation' bill to provide free screenings for breast cancer to receive full Pa. Senate vote, Reading Area Water Authority looking for leak on North Heidelberg Township line, Former Penn State Berks soccer player among dead in violent Monroe County crash, Ukraine ally Kallas fights for reelection in Estonia vote, In Chicago, adapting electric buses to winters challenges, Pot vote has Oklahoma hungry to rake in green from Texas, Global race to boost electric vehicle range in cold weather, In Britain, warm hubs emerge to beat soaring energy costs, Paid express lanes grow more popular in once-reluctant South, 6 Nigerian states drop suit to void presidential vote result, The implications of Walgreens' decision on abortion pills, Boeing CEO loses $7M bonus, keeps $22.5 million compensation, What the Tech? NEMS Band @ Parade of Shamrocks. Dr. Silagh White: As we slowly return to regular class instruction following a year of virtual learning, students may need extra support for academic and social-emotional growth. 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Below is a schedule of Board of Education meetings for the 2022-23 school fiscal year. WebSchool Board Meeting Information Meetings of the whole (Finance Committee; Worksession; Action) will be held in person at the Educational Services Center (ESC) located at 401 E. Hancock Street Lansdale, PA 19446 unless otherwise noted. Let me be crystal clear, this board, all nine publicly elected members, support Dr. Roy and echo his comments, Faccinetto said Monday night. The next school board meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday at the high school; Administrators granted approval last week, saying federal law prohibited the district from It is a natural transition. Roy did not offer any additional words at Monday's board meeting. But other charter schools have less diversity. View the April 5, 2023 Board agenda here. Roy was asked why parents choose to send their children to charter schools. View the November 2, 2022 Board minutes here. 2110 Horseshoe Road. Success! From time to time, individuals may wish to address comments or concerns directly to the Board of Education. I believe the addition of teacher assistants, more student teachers, and coaches will help bridge the gap left by COVID-19. View the March 1, 2023 Board agenda here. And quite honestly, we set the bar high in first grade. Principal Michael DiBilio, Asst. However, the Board does not respond to questions during the course of the business meeting. View the August 10, 2022 Board minutes here. We must use this to distribute state education dollars so each district gets what they need. [unless otherwise noted]. Roy, Pennsylvanias 2016 Superintendent of the Year, has been a vocal critic of charter schools and the way they are funded. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Budget Presentation: Athletics and Operations & Maintenance, BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. Q: (FOR INCUMBENTS ONLY) What is the accomplishment of which youre most proud, from your prior service on the school board? Fax: 717.397.0442. WebFreedom High School 3149 Chester Ave Bethlehem, PA 18020 (610) 867-5843. Tips to help protect your smartphone from thieves, Shania Twain 'uncontrollably fragile' after husband's affair, 48 Hours: Natalie Morales Reveals How Social Media Helped Solve Case, Uriah Heep believe they have 'some merit' to be considered for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame entry, Amanda Seyfried wants to a role in movie version of Mean Girls: The Musical, Aaron Taylor-Johnson joins Nosferatu remake, 'Three is enough for us': Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt doesn't want any more kids, Kimberly Wyatt regrets Pussycat Dolls turning down Lady Gaga's Just Dance, Riley Keough feared she'd lose Daisy and the Six role because she couldn't 'belt' out a song. We will not back down in the fight for charter reform and we will not ask Dr. Roy to back down or be silenced because a few, unelected lobbyists disagree with the facts.. In most instances, issues involving students, parents, faculty or staff can be resolved without having to appear before the Board of Education. 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
You have permission to edit this article. The minutes from the past school year can be found by clicking here, For minutes from previous school years, please click this link, the district has a helpful reference guide of who to contact when an issue arises, Capital Region BOCES Communications Service. How to do some spring cleaning on your smartphone, What the Tech? NEW! The burden to fund public education should not fall so heavily on the backs of individuals. Roy listed a number of reasons why parents choose charters such as bus transportation, longer school days, specific academic programs and required uniforms. View the December 7, 2022 Board agenda here. Search results are not intended as legal advice for you or your organization and are not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction. The Board president may rule any speaker out of order who makes such statements. Brisk with west to northwest winds around 10-20mph gusting to 30mph.. Mostly cloudy with less wind, with a few breaks in the clouds overnight. Meetings begin at 7 p.m., at the Bethlehem Central High School Room D-122, 700 Delaware Ave., Delmar. Brisk with west to northwest winds around 10-20mph gusting to 30mph.. Mostly cloudy with less wind, with a few breaks in the clouds overnight. text: false, After the vote to end the mandate, four district residents spoke out against the mandate, repeating familiar arguments against requirements and vaccines that have been made locally and across the U.S. The Bethlehem Area School Board has issued a statement supporting Superintendent Joseph Roy, who has come under fire for comments he made regarding charter schools, poverty and race. [unless otherwise noted]. It is the goal of the Bethlehem Central Schools that this website is accessible to all users. LHS-FOLT Soiree, 1:00 PM
Mostly cloudy and drier, but a few scattered rain showers linger early, and perhaps a few snow showers at any point in the Poconos. Tips to help protect your smartphone from thieves, Shania Twain 'uncontrollably fragile' after husband's affair, 48 Hours: Natalie Morales Reveals How Social Media Helped Solve Case, Uriah Heep believe they have 'some merit' to be considered for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame entry, Amanda Seyfried wants to a role in movie version of Mean Girls: The Musical, Aaron Taylor-Johnson joins Nosferatu remake, 'Three is enough for us': Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt doesn't want any more kids, Kimberly Wyatt regrets Pussycat Dolls turning down Lady Gaga's Just Dance, Riley Keough feared she'd lose Daisy and the Six role because she couldn't 'belt' out a song. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Connect with us: Back to top. WebDuring a school board meeting at the Bethlehem Central School District last month, one of the items covered on the agenda in recognition of pride month was the donation of books No public findings released in $12,000 Bethlehem Area School District personnel investigation. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. Roy also said he will not apologize, despite 10 charter school parents who reside in the Bethlehem Area School District sending a letter demanding he apologize. Roy indicated earlier in February that the district was moving toward dropping the requirement. It is completely inappropriate and unethical for an elected member of a school district board to call on the superintendent of another district to resign over a clearly personal grievance, Facinetto said. The school district has been through "a hard two years" since the pandemic was declared in March 2020, board Vice President Shannon Patrick said. Scheduled Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. These nine school directors seem to have forgot that they were elected to serve ALL the students living in the BASD and the local taxpayers.. Meetings are also televised on BCN-TV at 6 p.m. on Sundays. Members are elected by the voters in the district to establish policy and direct the administration of our schools. Meetings are occasionally added during the school year, This includes H.T. Jeffrey A. Kuhns has been appointed as the new superintendent of West Perry School District. Broughal Middle School in the Bethlehem Area School District. View the February 15, 2023 Board agenda here. Those who wish to make public comment at these in-person meetings must be present in person to do so. Meetings are occasionally added during the school year, particularly in February and March for budget discussions. Bethlehem Central Board of Education meetings are usually held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. NEMS Jazz Ensemble @ Broughal Blues Jazz Festival, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Students and staff who choose to continue wearing masks may do so. The investigation involved an "alleged incident" between Roy and a district employee. Contact Us. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. We also must understand what diversity, equity and inclusion means, and what it can look like for all of our public schools. #BASDignite #BASDproud #nationalhispanicheritagemonth #hispanicheritagemonth #lehighvalley #bethlehempa, A post shared by Bethlehem Area School District (@bethlehemareasd) on Oct 16, 2019 at 5:44am PDT. At the districts Monday school board meeting, board President Michael Faccinetto said an investigation led by Emil Giordano, a former Northampton County judge, View the March 1, 2023 Board video here. Mtgs. If a parent is trying to avoid having their kids be with black and brown kids, sending them to LVA will not achieve that, it achieves the exact opposite, Pakzad said. The action received a 5-2 vote, with board President Michael Faccinetto and board Vice President Shannon Patrick dissenting. At the Sept. 13 meeting, Faccinetto said the district should not name public facilities that are built with taxpayer money after individuals. Dr. Silagh White (challenger, at large): I am an arts administrator who has collaborated with teachers and school administrators of elementary, secondary and higher education levels for more than 20 years. We decided that each student should have the same opportunities no matter what. My focus of study was school funding and curriculum policy with regard to community arts collaborations. Lancaster, PA 17601. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. BETHLEHEM, Pa. The Bethlehem Area School District will need $40 million to $80 million to renovate or replace its three buildings that are most in need of repair, the Tips to help protect your smartphone from thieves, Shania Twain 'uncontrollably fragile' after husband's affair, 48 Hours: Natalie Morales Reveals How Social Media Helped Solve Case, Uriah Heep believe they have 'some merit' to be considered for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame entry, Amanda Seyfried wants to a role in movie version of Mean Girls: The Musical, Aaron Taylor-Johnson joins Nosferatu remake, 'Three is enough for us': Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt doesn't want any more kids, Kimberly Wyatt regrets Pussycat Dolls turning down Lady Gaga's Just Dance, Riley Keough feared she'd lose Daisy and the Six role because she couldn't 'belt' out a song. Principal Amanda Miranda, Asst. 'He was a very humble guy': Reading High soccer coach remembers player killed in Route 33 crash, Big rig crashes from I-81 bridge onto street below in Schuylkill, ACLU says it could take legal action over Saucon Valley School District rescinding approval for After School Satan Club, PennDOT, Senator discuss ongoing plans to put concrete barrier at stretch of Route 33 where crash killed 3 people, BASD Superintendent: 'We are in a safer place to move away from mandatory masking', BASD recognizes student services and minority affairs director on retirement, BASD superintendent: Students will return to school as planned; universal masking remains required, National Responses To The Covid-19 Pandemic, Champions of Magic's Alex McAleer gives an exciting look at the upcoming live show, Pet of the Month: Nina from Ruff Life Rescue, Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor needs volunteers, Allentown Public Library celebrates Dr. Seuss's birthday with children's activities, Kindness Project teams up with Flavor Nation to give away free tacos, Eat, Sip, Shop: Refresh your ride at new Lehigh County store, selling high-quality car detailing products, History's Headlines: The Lehigh Valley's music man, Masks to become optional at LVHN facilities, hospitals not associated with patient care, Berks County Parks invites people to their Winter Wellness Walk, Royals host "kids takeover" game where kids get a taste of the sports business, Wilson School students raise $83k to fight childhood cancer, Berks County Intermediate Unit receives $3.18 million in grants for Head Start programs, 'First in the nation' bill to provide free screenings for breast cancer to receive full Pa. Senate vote, Reading Area Water Authority looking for leak on North Heidelberg Township line, Former Penn State Berks soccer player among dead in violent Monroe County crash, Ukraine ally Kallas fights for reelection in Estonia vote, In Chicago, adapting electric buses to winters challenges, Pot vote has Oklahoma hungry to rake in green from Texas, Global race to boost electric vehicle range in cold weather, In Britain, warm hubs emerge to beat soaring energy costs, Paid express lanes grow more popular in once-reluctant South, 6 Nigerian states drop suit to void presidential vote result, The implications of Walgreens' decision on abortion pills, Boeing CEO loses $7M bonus, keeps $22.5 million compensation, What the Tech? Direct your comments to the Board; do not turn and speak to the audience. Success! Shannon Patrick: How to operate online. All Board meetings are open to the public. There was a problem saving your notification. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. During that time, I have worked hard to keep our spending under control, while acknowledging the many needs of our students. View the November 16, 2022 Board minutes here. Presentation: Update on 2021 Capital Project, Glenmont Elementary School WebPublic board meetings are held the second and third Thursdays of each month, except July and December, with additional meetings scheduled as needed. You have permission to edit this article. View the November 16, 2022 Board video here. Community members attending in person should enter the high school via the Science wing entrance (Door 19 or 20). Get local Breaking News alerts sent directly to your inbox. The fact is, when an uncomfortable topic is raised we often see these angry reactions, he said. WebThe Regular Board Meetings are held at East Hills Middle School in the Auditorium beginning at 7:00 p.m. 4 UNTIL 1 p.m. In a separate action, the board approved its monthly bills which included a $12,087 payment to the law firm of Norris McLaughlin. This policy was outlined in their updated Health and Safety plan. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. View the October 26, 2022 Board video here. View the October 12, 2022 Board video here. Presentation: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. (This meeting was originally scheduled to take place at Slingerlands Elementary School), BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. All Board meetings are open to the public. Board members Patrick, Winston Alozie, Karen Beck-Pooley, Dean Donaher, Kim Shively, Emily Schenkel and Silagh White were in favor, with Faccinetto and Craig Neiman absent. FBES: PTO Meeting, 6:30 PM
"Respect choices" was his message for the new optional-mask era. We came up with a simple statement that guides all we do: To eliminate race and family income as predictors of school success by guaranteeing equitable access to opportunities to learn and grow. This website is maintained by the BCSD Communications Office. Presentation: The Science of Reading, Eagle Elementary School View the January 4, 2023 Board video here. BASD board votes to rename Broughal auditorium after former principal, Stormcenter - School / Business Application. The Liberty High School agreement, scheduled for June 7, is worth $12,730.25. At times our School Board may need to attend Executive Session meetings. Budget Presentation: Instruction Programs, BCHS Room D-122, 7 p.m. Shannon Patrick: I am most proud of the introduction of full-day kindergarten! WebDuring a school board meeting at the Bethlehem Central School District last month, one of the items covered on the agenda in recognition of pride month was the donation of books covering the LGBTQ+ community to all school libraries. Bethlehem Central Board of Education meetings are usually held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.
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