The two never ended up getting married, and Jennifer ended up tending bar in Ireland. Jack and Jennifer are both offered dream jobs in London. He found some books that could work as proof, but then Peter blew up the tunnels, and Jack and Jennifer barely escaped. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Psychologically traumatized by the rape and unable to tell him about it because of his own past, she coldly tells him she is married and that she is going to try to make it work. Eventually, he was able to open up to Jennifer about it. Finally, during yet another escapade, Jennifer admits to Jack about the rape. When Kristen and Rachel were caught in an explosion in Paris, Jack flew over to investigate. Steve has no memory of who he was and is living under the name Nick Stockton. She couldn't find him and he was not in contact, except to write a blog once in a while. Original cast member, Frances Reid, was previously the . Kayla Brady was hired as his nurse and he soon fell in love with her. In Africa, Jack, who had lost his paper and his fortune, becomes obsessed with the idea of making his money back and begins to involve himself in get-rich-quick schemes, many of which Jennifer finds impractical and shady. The character has been a frequent winner of Soap Opera Digest Awards, including Outstanding Villain, multiple wins for Best Love Story (with Jennifer), Best Wedding (also with Jennifer) and Outstanding Comic Performance. They ended up at a seedy motel, Peter hot on their tail, and ended up being members of the Ward's World-famous Circus, where Jack got a job as an animal keeper. However, Jacks adopted father, Harper Deveraux, began poisoning her and a worried Steve came to her rescue. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Matthew Ashford As Jack Deveraux On Days Of Our Lives 1993 Tv Old Photo 9 at the best online prices at eBay! Back in January it was revealed that Reeves who has played Jennifer Horton on the NBC sudser on and off for the past three decades "liked" several anti-BLM posts from right-wing activist. The Meadows' theme is to leave the past self behind, and while there everybody takes on invented names as a healing technique. She is livid at Jack for playing both her and Greta for fools, and plots to seduce Jack in the shower in an effort to catch him in his own lie. He went on to explain he was being held hostage, apparently for asking the wrong question at the wrong time. Doing that show was fun, but I wanted to try some other things and take risks on doing primetime or movies so I went into the shower as Jack, then another actor came out," Valley stated. Its been a while since Jack Deveraux has appeared on DAYS OF OUR LIVES, so newer fans can be forgiven for wondering exactly who he is. Stay tuned to DAYS to see what happens next! Jack was exonerated of his crimes when Jennifer's 'spirit' convinced Peter to confess to his crimes. During this time Kayla angrily demands that Steve tell her why he had kidnapped her when he had acted like he didn't care about her. Jack is plagued by guilt about what he did to Kayla, but his pride and anger causes him to keep redirecting his guilt as malice against Kayla and Steve. Jack is played by Matthew Ashford. But Jack began having flashes of memories and when Eve sabotaged the notes to create the serum, he demanded a divorce. He didn't know what was going on, but Jennifer seemed to want nothing to do with him, so he broke it off. However, fans never got to see his face. Then, Jack discovered he was dying of a rare blood disease so he set Jennifer up to reunite with former flame Frankie Brady. He and Jennifer returned to Salem to spend Christmas with their family, but Jack snuck away to catch Peternot realizing that Abby and Jennifer had tagged along. Jack feels guilty for hurting her and he very sadly grants her a no contest divorce. All Rights Reserved. He made another on-off appearance on December 21, 2017. This happened just in the nick of time, for Trent and the guard had Jack pinned down and were about to kill him when they got the call to stop. That marriage was soon annulled and Jack returned to Jennifer. Alexander "Alex" Neil Kiriakis II was played by Jonathan Thornton in the 80s. The role was recast twice more over the years with Mark Valley and Steve Wilder stepping in for stints, but its Ashford who is most closely associated with the role and who took it back again in time to ring in 2019! [1] Ashford went on to play the role through October 12, 1993, reappearing from February 5, 2001, to October 27, 2003, and June 22, 2004, until September 21, 2006, with a guest appearance on April 24, 2007, and again from September 23, 2011, until August 15, 2012. As the violence progressed, Jack ended up falling off a roof after a fight with his rival. Jack, and a few others including Cassie Brady, are being held in a castle in Europe. Jackson Kiriakis (biological nephew) After returning to Salem, Peter paid Daniel to tell Jennifer that Jack had bribed him to tell her those lies. His daughter, actress Jennifer Aniston, paid tribute to her father. Charlotte DiMera (granddaughter), Abigail Deveraux (daughter with Jennifer Horton-Deveraux-Brady) Eventually, they agree to return to Salem where they would attempt to work out a custody agreement of Abby. They have two children together, Abigail Deveraux and JJ Deveraux, in addition to a grandson, Thomas DiMera and a granddaughter Charlotte DiMera, through Abigail. Her desperation got the better of her and, as she followed Jack back to Salem, she was pushed into dire straits. Following this, Jack was released and when he and Abbey returned home they found Jennifer waiting for them. After tracking them down to an isolated cabin, he fought Trent until he pushed him off of a mountain. Jack escapes his prison a little too late, and tries to get Jennifer to leave. He gets engaged to Melissa, but she leaves him at the altar and leaves town when she realizes he had been cheating on her and using her to help clean up his name to further his political career. Since Steve was his brother, he was a match and their mother pressured him into giving his kidney. In the fall of 2011, Jack returned to Salem with the real story of where he was for a year. "Days of Our Lives" Episode #1.14554 (TV Episode 2023) Matthew Ashford as Jack Deveraux. Josephine Johnson (biological mother) He works tirelessly to prove his hunch that Peter is up to no good, but Jennifer writes off Jack's claims as the pathetic schemes he had become all too known for. After Jennifer was kidnapped by Dr. Henry Shah, Jack raced to her rescue and suddenly remembered their life and love together! When Jack learned this, he broke out of prison and followed them to the Grand Canyon. Jennifer took a job as a talk show host and Jack became a reporter and novelist. Accepting charity from her father, they moved into a little house and had a daughter, Abigail. The couple faced many ups and downs, but eventually found their way to the altar, per Soaps in Depth. Jennifer discovered Jack's affair with Laura when she walked in on Jack comforting her mother, and married Peter in her devastation (while Jack was in jail for arson, charges that were later dropped). Jack died after being trapped in an elevator that crashed. They went undercover at the Blue Moon, but just as they were about to prove Peter and Jude were linked, there was a police bust. Realizing their discovery, Peter set off a series of explosions, but they managed to escape. Jack had developed PTSD. While suffering from health issues, Jack fell in love with Kayla and the couple got married. When Jack returns he will definitely have to explain to Jennifer and his children where he's been all this time. Finally, JJ remembered Jack giving JJ the very same pen he was using to write his suicide letters. Trent was Jack's cell mate before being released and moved next door to Jennifer. Colin, however, reveals he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and threatens Jack's life unless Jennifer sleeps with him. While escaping the island, Jack was again presumed dead in a storm but he was really being held prisoner in Europe. Jack is unaware of all of this, as he had been adopted at a young age by wealthy Senator Harper Deveraux, and was raised in a life of privilege. She continues to put him off, telling him that she is still feeling tired from being sick, promising that someday soon, they would be together. In December 2020, it was announced Jon Lindstromthe real-life spouse of Cady McClainwould step-in as Ashford's body double for scenes between Jack and McClain's Jennifer. Details of her return are under wraps, except that she's already. He met up with Jennifer there and they looked for information about Peter, discovering Stefano's underground hideout and books with Peter's name in them. Jack followed them with the desire to break them up but was waylaid when he met Sarah. His own marriage plans were interrupted when Jennifer stepped in for her high-school chum Katerina von Leuschner (now known as Dr. Carly Manning) and married Lawrence Alamain. In 2011 when Ashford returned to the role yet again, he revealed his thoughts about his on-screen alter-ego to Michael Fairman TV. Jennifer gently lets Frankie know that she cares deeply about him, but does not love him. From 2016 to 2017, Ashford reprised the role for several guest-appearances; he returned full-time on December 28, 2018. May 30, 2016.,, The incident left him in need of a kidney transplant. TV Shows. In April 2005, Jack leads another escape from the castle and he and Jennifer are reunited at the injured Abigail's bedside, and Jack gets to know his infant son, Jack Deveraux Jr. Jennifer gives birth to a daughter, Abigail Deveraux in October 1992. He managed to escape and Jack bonded with his baby boy. Jack learned from Alice that she had gone to Paris for Greta's coronation, and turned up to try, one last time, to get his wife and daughter back. Aniston was on "Days of Our Lives" on and off for 37 years. It turned out that the orderly was Steve, and Jack insisted on a DNA test. Born onscreen in 2004, the character was portrayed by several child actors between 2004 and 2006. She is immediately horrified and apologetic, but Jack is unable to hear her words. After Kayla confesses to Steve that Jack had raped her, Jack and Steve fight on a rooftop. Although she disagrees with the idea, she does genuinely care about Jack, and is herself reeling from Steve's sudden and unexpected rejection. Jennifer Leaves Salem Cady McClain had some pretty big heels to fill when she joined Days of Our Lives. No one has apparently physically spoken to Jack in months. Due to her love for Steve, Kayla is not yet able to consummate her marriage with Jack, however. He wants to transform himself into the kind of man his brother was, but he is wracked with guilt over what he had done, and filled with resentment at people's inability to give him a second chance. He escaped and managed to find Roman and Marlena. In reality he had been taken prisoner once more and held at the DiMera castle in Europe. While escaping Tony's island, Jack is again presumed dead after a tsunami. Sometime during this whole fiasco, Jack learned from Melissa Horton, who he had turned to when his marriage had gone sour (not realizing that Harper was trying to frame her for poisoning Kayla), that he was adopted. While she tried to help him unveil corruption in the prison, she was almost raped by one of the guards. Who played Abigail in Days of Our Lives? Jack came to Salem in 1985 where he discovered he was suffering from Hodgkin's disease. Days of Our Lives alum and reality TV star Lisa Rinna is set to return to Salem to reprise her role as the feisty Billie Reed. During an episode aired on Thursday, September 29, her husband Chad DiMera visits her grave site. During this time, he also broke Isabella out of a mental institution so that he could learn about the treasure which Marina Toscao had hidden. In 2013, Casey Moss joined the cast as a rapidly aged JJ. Joseph Adams (1987) Jack "J.J." Deveraux Jr. is a fictional character from the original NBC soap opera, Days of Our Lives. When the two went down there to check it out, Peter magically had the names on the account erased at the very moment they were accessing it. Jack filled his wife in on what she missed during her coma but left out his fling with Kate! When Abigail threw a party for her parents, Gwen Rizchech manipulated her into exposing that Jack had cheated on Jennifer with Kate Roberts while she was in the coma! By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and that you have read our Privacy Policy. Gwen despises Jack for abandoning her as a child, which is why she despises her younger sister, Abigail for getting all the attention that should have been hers after Gwen drugged Abigail in the early 2020. Use left and right arrow keys to navigate between menu items. Unfortunately, by the time he got word to Mickey, Trent had kidnapped Jennifer. "I think there is a whole new generation of people watching. Peter also made an appearance, with a shotgun in his hands and opened fire on the proceedings. In September 2011, after a four-year absence, the character returned to reconnect with his estranged family. Before Hawk could leave Salem (with Jennifer in tow), Jack returned and convinced Hawk to admit to taking the money. He used it, and learned that 'Travis' was living next door to Jennifer as Trent Davis. Xander Kiriakis gave an amnesiac Jack over to Eve, and Eve took him back to Salem. Jack spent their wedding day in prison thanks to accusations of arson that came after Peter rescued him from a fire caused by one of his backhanded business partners, Jude St Clair. While still an infant, Abigail is diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia, caused from exposure to water from the river Jack's company had dumped chemicals in. Meanwhile, Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) thinks he has another chance while Maggie Horton Kiriakis (Suzanne Rogers . She caught him in his deception though and Daniel confessed everything to her. As he was taken into custody, Peter chased Jennifer's car off the road where it exploded. is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Her anger at his disappearance, compounded when she was almost killed and he didn't even bother to call, caused her to file for divorce. Ashford later took a brief absence from the series from October 2003 to June 2004 where he would appear as a special guest star on One Life to Live. Jennifer, Jack, and Cameron Davis worked to get Abigail out. She still freezes up whenever he tries to get close, however. Joseph Kiriakis (biological nephew by adoption) What experience does she have? In September 2011, a disheveled Jack mysteriously returns to Salem from overseas, looking to reconnect with his family. He had been working on a case involving drug trafficking in Europe. Jack speaks so highly of Kayla that Steve says it sounds it like she had been Jack's wife, not Steve's. He abducted her and brought her to an island while leaving the ship behind to explode. In 1994, Ashford opted not to portray Jack when the character returned home. Although Jack witnessed this, no one believed him. He then appeared in Salem off and on for many years as the fan-favorite character. Jack was overwhelmed with guilt, but redirected it at anger against Steve and Kayla. When Jack stops the interlude just short of sex, Jennifer finds herself surprisingly disappointed and very confused. Unfortunately the money belonged to a crime boss. Days of Our Lives spoilers for Friday, March 3 reveal that Rex Brady (Kyle Lowder) offers Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) a solution to her problem. Jack and Jennifer's relationship didn't come easy. Jack dies in August 2012, after being trapped inside of an elevator that fell and crashed. Jack allowed this to happen believing he was unworthy of Jennifer all the while his actions spoke for him as he kept throwing monkey wrenches into Jennifer and Emilio's 'relationship'. Jack tries to help her by bringing her to a cabin so that they could get away from Lawrence. Jack begins to work with college intern Jennifer Horton at The Spectator, a newspaper that he now co-owns with Diana Colville. Later, he tried again in Aremid to break up Peter and Jennifer, until Peter revealed that Jack had an affair with Laura (to Laura). Jack was happy to be home with his wife and children, but he soon began feeling sick, and when he went to Lexie, she advised him he only had a short period of time to live. Over the years, Abigail has been played by several actresses. Jack is clearly attracted to her and attempts to throw monkey wrenches in Jennifer's budding relationship with Emilio Ramirez. Ashford's casting stuck and he played Jack until 1993 when Jack left town, blaming himself for his daughter Abigail's own medical condition, aplastic anemia. Jack however returned to Salem with Eve Donovan at his side, at the annual New Year's Eve celebration at Doug's Place. Eventually, however, they are both proven innocent. She wants to divorce Jack, but Steve and Jo Johnson both beg her to stay with him until after his election, fearing that a divorce would ruin his image with voters. . Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. He was soon replaced by actor James Acheson, via Soaps in Depth. He feared for her safety, and for good reason, she was kidnapped by Trent by the time. In May 2016, while Jennifer is dealing with a addiction to pain medication, Jack appears to her in her dreams, and is later seen standing by the wall when Jennifer goes to a drug addiction meeting. To make matters worse, Jack learns that the woman he had met and had a relationship with at The Meadows is Jennifer's mother, Laura Horton, whom he had never met before. Jack tries to hurt Steve by helping Adrienne find long lost brother Billy, hoping that this Billy would have resentment against a brother who stayed with his family. Heck, Jack himself didn't even know who he was for a time! Jack watches Peter shoot Jude in cold blood, but everyone believes that Peter did it in self-defense. Her death and resurrection were faked with help by their circus friends. Eve Donovan (annulled), Melissa Horton The entire group nearly dies, but finally makes it out and back home to Salem. Through the years, Jack has been involved in many storylines and has become a favorite among viewers. The last time Jack was seen was as a ghostly apparition that appeared to his family in 2017 to help them get through difficult periods in their lives. The most recent actress to take on the role was Marci Miller, who joined in 2016 but. Soon, however, Jack was struck dead by the Salem Stalker. She moved back in with Jack for Abby's sake and, though she resisted him at first, they finally got remarried. Steve says that he would only go back if Jack went back too, so that he could say goodbye to his family. With the help of his partner, Desire, Hawk not only got himself a spot in the Deveraux home (after pretending he threw his back out at their place), but managed to convince Jack the FBI was after him.