If monetized, this popularity could bring in a significant additional income of several thousand dollars each month. McCue has also gained notoriety online, as she has more than 3.5 million followers on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. The net worth of Captain Kate McCue's channel through 4 Mar 2023. The captain of a cruise ship is usually required to attend various social events that are held on board the ship. Captain Kate McCue on Beyond released a TikTok story answering follower questions. A wiggle jiggle kinda day in Costa Maya. Celebrity Beyond Captain Kate McCue is an American YouTube channel with over 54.50K subscribers. There is a wide range of estimates on cruise ship captains' salaries, as seen below: Her promotion placed her in the maritime history books. #livingontheedge #lifeintheSeaSuite #seastheday #celebrityedge" Jobs include Staff Captain, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Officers, Safety . Captain Kate McCue was 45 years old in January 2023. An American sea captain is going viral for her brilliant reply to a sexist commenter who questioned how she could do her job as a woman. MULTIPLE CRUISE SHIPS RESCUE REFUGEES OFF COAST OF CUBA, Captains wife Kate McCue at Celebrity Edge, Celebrity Equinox with Captain Kate McCue, Episode 8: How I Sea It: Welcoming our sister ship, the Celebrity Apex, AADOM Radio-THE Podcast For Dental Managers podcast episodes, Risk and Reels: A Cybersecurity Podcast podcast episodes, All About Affordable NFTs podcast episodes, We Are The Gayers | A Buffy Podcast podcast episodes, The Lorehounds: A Mandalorian Podcast podcast episodes, The Not Ready for Prime Time Podcast podcast episodes, The Movie Roulette Podcast podcast episodes, I Watch More Movies Than You podcast episodes, The House That Screams Horror Podcast podcast episodes, Weird, Together: Watching the Latest in Indie Horror Films podcast episodes. Staff Captain Vangelis reaches a milestone with his 500th maneuver! Among cruise world personalities, she has one of the biggest followings on social media, including nearly 200,000 followers on Instagram and more than 300,000 followers on TikTok. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. We update this indicator regularly with the latest trends and verified revenue data. As Celebrity Edge spent months in limbo, McCue also documented life on board via her Instagram account. This includes things like cocktail parties, dinners, and balls. The captain will also be responsible for charting the course of the ship, taking into account weather conditions and other factors that could affect the safe passage of the vessel. The captain of a cruise ship is responsible for managing the crew and making sure that they are adhering to the rules and regulations of the ship. Kate McCue is considered both a pioneer and a trailblazer in this field as she demonstrates another occupation that women can succeed in. The captain of a cruise ship is also responsible for the crew and will need to ensure that they are properly trained and aware of their roles and responsibilities and carry them out to the best of their ability. 1. and must be updated when channel data changes. And whether people love it or not, that wasnt really my concern. If you've ever sailed on a cruise ship, you could almost count on the fact that the captain. Captain Kate McCue is a true trailblazer in the Cruising industry. Captain Kate's salary is likely to be in the region of $200,000 per year which is the upper end of what a cruise ship captain can earn. According to Payscale the highest pay for a ship captain is US$190,000 annual salary. Bear in mind the Payscale stats are based on ship captains and not specifically cruise ship captains, but we can expect the earnings to be in the right ballpark as they are on par with the Comparably stats. She is the first American woman to be appointed captain of a mega cruise ship. Tasks is on vacation and his brother Dimetris is relieving Captain Kate on the Beyond. As Captain of the ship, McCue is in charge of navigation, operations, safety and passenger service onboard her vessel. McCue is the commanding officer for Celebrity Beyond, the cruise line's newest luxury cruise ship launching in spring 2022. Captain Kate McCue, 43, will embark on a new leg of her career on the Celebrity Beyond, captaining the ship which is expected to launch in April 2022. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Published on October 8, 2020 03:30 PM. On sea days, it's important to . The weight of responsibility of captaining a cruise ship had never been more apparent. McCue did not allow her gender to limit her thinking. Some may even earn upwards of $200,000 per year while at the other end of the spectrum for small vessels and those newly promoted to the position make approximately $50,000 annually. People like this keep the gender se operation going as well as the race barriers. During her time at the university, she landed an internship for Chiquita Brands International working on one of their cargo ships. Kate McCue - who became the first American woman to captain a megaship at the age of 38 and accessorises her uniform with black platform patent Christian Louboutins - may be pretty, but she . Captain Kate McCue, a trailblazer, is at the helm as U.S. relaunches cruises In 2015, then-37-year-old McCue became the first female American captain of a megaship. Not only is she the first American female captain of a mega cruise ship, but she has sought to modernise the somewhat stuffy role traditionally played by a ships captain. Q: "Is this my last cruise before I go on vacation? Cruise ship captains earn an average of $96,000 per year. I know for a fact women can do the same job as men But it just seems odd she was invited. At the end of it, I sat down with a gentleman to go through the results, recalls McCue. This brought her one step closer to her dream, as she was now fully qualified to take command of a vessel. Captain Kate McCue, America's first female cruise ship captain, takes the helm of Celebrity Beyond SM, the third ship in our groundbreaking Edge Series.The dynamic and decorated captain leads us into a new era of luxury travel on a ship brought to life by a dream team of icons, including multi-award-winning designer Kelly Hoppen, CBE, as well . Who is captain of Celebrity Solstice? After graduation, she moved to Maui in the Hawaiian Islands where she stayed with her cousins for six months, working as a general deck hand on a catamaran undertaking tourist cruises to the Molokini crater. Spouses are usually permitted to accompany captains whilst they are on voyages. I look back on that 10-month contract as the most satisfying contract of my career, says McCue. A post shared by Nikola Petrovic (@chief_nikolapetrovic). This not only made her the first female captain of a cruise ship, but one of the youngest cruise ship captains ever appointed. Captain Kate McCue is the first American female captain of a large cruise ship. If she stays on the ship, shell do inspections and meet with crew. Kate McCue and her cat Bug Naked, are voyaging the open seas together as best friends. [5] Celebrity Cruises is owned by the Royal Caribbean Cruises LTD.[6] McCue duly applied and was appointed as the commanding officer of Celebrity Summit on September 13, 2015,[7] making her the first American woman to command a modern "mega ship". We have also worked out the monthly salaries for those cruise ship captains earning higher annual salaries as follows: There are a number of factors that have an impact on how much a cruise captain can expect to get paid a year. McCue was offered a job in 2003 as a second officer for the Royal Caribbean line, providing her with the opportunity and experience to travel on a global scale and gain more experience in the cruise industry. 2. She accepted the highly-coveted role of commanding officer for Celebrity Summit in September 2015. This summer she started experimenting with TikTok, which she says is just for fun although shes already gone viral in a clip responding to a sexist comment and YouTube, where she answers more in-depth questions about life at sea. Today, McCue chats to CNN Travel over video call from her home in Las Vegas, where she recently returned after spending months unexpectedly stuck at sea in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Hoping Captailn Kate will be at the helm sailing the Beyond on its repositioning cruise from Bayonne, NJ to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The element of surprise Waterdrop - Chris Alan Lee. Kate McCue spends three months at a time at sea, so will only spend half of her time in Las Vegas each year. That time Bug flexed her meow-scles as the perfect Pop-Eye. Captain Kate McCue Is a trailblazer in the maritime industry, and is the first American female to take the helm of a mega cruise ship, but she is so much more! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Maybe next time, we'll even let you win McCue is proud of her accomplishments as it took 19 years to obtain the title of Captain. Inside Sales Representative salaries - 3 salaries reported. Are There Celebrities on Celebrity Cruises? The most notable is Captain Kate McCue of Celebrity Edge. This accomplishment brought her closer to her ultimate dream of becoming a ships captain. $54,405 / yr. Project Manager salaries - 2 salaries reported. Sales salaries - 2 salaries reported. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Quite simply, the more years of experience they have as an actual captain, the more they can expect to be paid. TikTok video from captainkatemccue (@captainkatemccue): "When it comes to our people, you can't stop these floodgates. In 2015, Kate McCue made history when she became captain of the Celebrity Edge at the age of 37 years old. Captain Kate had the honour of sailing the ship for its maiden voyage in April 2022 from Southampton, England. No one has ever correctly . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Celebrity Beyond is the largest ship in the fleet, and it offers a ten-night voyage, going to Spain, Portugal, and the Canary Islands. She says Celebrity Cruises went from having a 3% female bridge team when she started in 2015 to over 27% today.