Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. The creature was more popular during its time than you might expect, considering it was a giant bug. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tues.-Fri.; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekends. His slogan changed to "Remember. In particular, ways to prevent wildfires with flammable substances comprise: The newly-released EOSDA product EOSDA Forest Monitoring can be helpful as a part of a wildfire prevention plan as well as forest monitoring to understand forest productivity, address tree diseases, identify deforestation trends (palm oil deforestation in particular), etc. Fire prevention in forests is ultimately important as it greatly helps in the timely detection of hot spots, localization of ignition sources, and mitigating losses due to wildfires. Forest History Society via Flickr // CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. To find out more about Smokey's story and to see how the campaign has changed through the years, please visitSmokey's Journey., lightning provokes ignition in dry forest trees. Circa 1946. give expert help and assistance on how to tackle them. (All images: Forest History Society), In the early 1940s, American Forest Products Industries, a trade group representing the countrys lumber interests, found themselves in the thick of a PR crisis. He showed up on the Johnny Cash show to sing the Johnny Horizon song! says Lewis. For more information on what cookies are and how you can manage and remove them click here. profiling many of them.) With the aforementioned solutions to prevent wildfires, the software users can understand the forest fire probability season by season, provided they can analyze historical air temperature and water stress available on EOSDA Forest Monitoring. He's the Oprah of animal mascots - a cultural figure who is recognizable to Americans between the ages of 5 and 105. forest fire, uncontrolled fire occurring in vegetation more than 1.8 metres (6 feet) in height. In particular, with wildfire prevention in mind, the users of EOSDA Forest Monitoring can minimize forest management activities or re-schedule them for a safer time if the risk of ignition is too high. Farewell, Johnnywe hardly knew you. Make sure that your fire is dead out.. Its equally a problem that were not doing the good burning that would calm bad fires. Smokeys focus on fire prevention is dated, Pyne says. Wildfires often result in sustained and prolonged operations by UK fire & rescue services and other partner agencies. For example, typical natural forces setting forests on fire are as follows: Therefore, in wildfire prevention, it is crucial to know wildfire hazards due to natural factors. As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. Wildfire Prevention. Next time youre in Idaho, watch out for a dopey bug, probably vaping this time. Smokeys message is be careful with it. Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. Between the 1930s and 1950s, the average number of annual wildfires in the United States decreased by over 40,000. Tell us in the comments below. But Smokey overcame that hurdle, just as he overcame children's interest in network television, rock 'n' roll music, video games and now social networking. By 1944, the character Woody was created for an advertising campaign and was used to symbolize proper forest management and forest products; additionally, his image was sometimes used to drum up support for the war effort. But Smokey has a strong history of avoiding or outright mocking trends. By the end, he has sung the praises of the eras new, responsible logging practices, and has left us with an all-American lesson: As I go rolling down the line Im going to be thankful that Im leaving a better chance in life for my seedlings and grand-seedlings than I had when I was young., In the mid-1980s, the definition of forestry was changing once again, expanding past the forests proper and into towns and cities. Second, hot equipment may be a source of ignition. Today we represent over 200 members and welcome new members all year round. A Brief History of Smokey Bear, the Forest Service's Legendary Mascot How the beloved figure has become a lightning rod in a heated environmental debate Lyndsie Bourgon July 2019 The character. Smokey Bear, the recognizable mascot of wildfire prevention in the United States, turns 75 Thursday. Since the 1940s, American organizations have marshaled a whole menagerie of spokesflora and fauna to guilt, tempt and cajole us into giving a darn about the environment. They needed, in the words of AFA leader Hank DeBruin, a young dynamic City Squirrela Spunky Squirrel, if you will. In 1944, the group debuted a versatile solution: a cartoon mascot named Woody, described in his introductory press release as a smiling, animated log. Essentially a chunk of wood with arms, legs, a twig nose, and a big grin, Woody was tasked with getting across these various forest-related messages. Your Privacy Rights He has since been adopted as a mascot by national charity the Children's Burns Trust. should animals perform in circuses balanced argument Navigation. Hes not as well known as Smokey the Bear, but if the Department of the Interior can help it, Johnny Horizon soon will be, wrote Michigans Argus-Press in 1975. have properly functioning spark arrestors; never park near dry grass, especially, close to forests; carry a bucket or anything suitable to fill with water; cooling down the engine before refueling; clearing up the working place from any flammables 10 to 25 feet around; avoiding the use of heating and spark-producing equipment near dried-up vegetation; restraining from working with potentially dangerous equipment in dry and windy weather; providing fire-extinguishing equipment for wildfire prevention concerns. Howdy and his values proved popular enough that both were adopted by a dedicated Seattleite, Margaret Robarge, who started a Good Outdoor Manners Association over on the West Coast. Most wildfires in the UK originate from human activity. According to Government statistics, 5.2% of firefighters in England . But he was successful enough in his own time that Idaho Firewise, a new fire prevention group. The importance of wildfire prevention is best illustrated with overwhelming statistics. This past summer has been terrible for fires, as record dry weather and average human incompetence have combined to turn forests from California to the Canary Islands into tinderboxes. In this regard, for wildfire prevention reasons, it is ultimately important to obey the applicable laws and restrictions. -- There was briefly a real Smokey bear, a cub with burns on his paws who was discovered in a scorched tree after a 1950 fire in New Mexico. Thus this scheme of prevention and control of forest fire is being proposed with the following main objectives:-To prevent and promptly control the forest fire so as to save the fauna and flora. but use sand instead. UK Fires is a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London. When the federal government gets into cartooning, you know there's trouble In this regard, satellite forest monitoring and data analytics, and the EOSDA Forest Monitoring software in particular, prove useful as a forest fire prevention new tech. The coolest non-cat in town. Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention (CFFP) and Forest Service Handbook 5109.18, Chapter 20, CFFP, and the Smokey Bear Use Guidelines at www . The crisis is not the number of fires, its that we have too many bad fires and too few good fires, warns Stephen Pyne of Arizona State University, a leading scholar of forest fire history. Photo taken November 9, 1976. You've been successfuly subscribed to our newsletter and will hear from us soon! 07720 464 589. uk forest fire prevention mascot. Smokey was created during World War II following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Smokey Bear is easily the most famous fire prevention mascot, and he has been featured in the longest running PSA campaign in American history. Official websites use .gov We appreciate the time youve taken to respond, and we hope to hear from you again soon. Howdy and his values proved popular enough that both were adopted by a dedicated Seattleite, Margaret Robarge, who started a Good Outdoor Manners Association over on the West Coast. If you're going to pick someone to voice the greatest mascot on the planet, pick the guy who was Patrick Swayze's mentor in "Road House. Do you have any photos. And for almost as long, weve had Smokey Bear, sweetly but insistently reminding each of us of our role in protecting the country from this danger: Rememberonly you can prevent forest fires.. Here, a young bear is shown near a poster of Smokey the Bear in Eustis, Maine. Kids signed Johnny Horizon pledge cards, and went hunting for pollution with their Parker Brothers Johnny Horizon Environmental Test Kits. Offer subject to change without notice. These will either be leisure activities or deliberate acts. It depicted a bear pouring a bucket of water on a campfire and saying Care will prevent 9 out of 10 fires. Smokey Bear soon became very popular as his image appeared on a variety of forest fire prevention materials. (The Forest History Societys blog. Natalia is actively engaged in scientific research related to the practical application of new programming algorithms. What are wildfire prevention methods for agricultural and household wastes? Sam Elliott was a wonderful choice for the new voice of Smokey. Some Howdy/Smokey cross-promotion, at the 1964 Dauphin County Firemens Parade. The higher water stress is, the drier is the territory correspondingly, meaning the surface grass and leaves are drier, too. Although all were eventually defeated by Smokey and his sidekick, Woodsy Owl, they still have things to teach us. Managing large burning territories is next to impossible, which leads to severe deforestation due to wildfires. 3. Announced in the 1965 Keep California Green newsletter Keep Greener, cartoon logger Cal Green briefly served as a symbol of the California timber industry as well as a regional figure for fire prevention in what was a growing national movement. When water stress combines with long-lasting temperature rises, it signals a high risk of forest fires. Walk on clearly defined paths to avoid brushing against vegetation. Furthermore, humans are to blame for the fire season prolongation: wildfires duration has extended more than thrice. The Giving Tree, the 1964 Shel Silverstein classic, tells the tale of a tree who so loves a little boy, she gives up everything for himher apples, her branches, and eventually her whole trunk. I have a small gripe with the new commercials, which present Smokey as a computer-animated character. We are recognized in the UK fire trade as being the first choice for small and medium sized enterprises to turn to for help and support. The effects of forest fire prevention are apparent. By investing and postgraduate training, we are building the . Oct. 15, 2010 8 First, and perhaps most important, don't call him Smokey the Bear. They realized the impact of animal messengers early on when a promotional poster featuring Bambi in 1944 garnered the publics attention (remember Bambi and his woodland friends fleeing a large, scary wildfire nearthe end of the film?). Dont start bonfires when the weather is windy. His highest times came during the runup to the 1976 bicentennial, when he spurred the campaign to Clean Up America For Our 200th Birthday. He made cameos on Fat Albert. It not only deprives rare biodiversity species of their habitat but often goes out of control, setting even unintended territories on fire. From the Fire Wolf to the Guberif, each of these characters were used in campaigns to create awareness for fire safety in American woodlands during and after World War II. hydrangea pink avalanche 29th June 2022. First, working with spark-producing tools must be avoided near dry vegetation. After the Guberif, when agencies sought to shame people out of burning down the forest, they generally refrained from inventing new species. In one image, theyre all holding hands: Please folks, Smokey says, holding his charges close, be extra careful this year! As Pyne sees it, Theres two of them, so they could educate about lighting fires and fighting fires, a modern understanding of fires, both good and bad. can lead to spate conditions for such fires. Previous Post. Back in 1941, faced with the threat of federal regulation and increasing criticism, the American Forest Products Industry (AFPI) decided to form a public relations program. Make campfires only in the permitted areas; never do it when it is prohibited. Nofziger continued to put out Joe Beaver cartoons until the end of the 1940s, when the mascot was no longer used by the Forest Service. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The character, meant to differentiate Idahos fire prevention campaign from those of other states, was said to start forest fires due to reckless behavior. . How can wildfires be prevented when having a picnic in the forest with bonfires? Lyndsie Bourgon is a writer and oral historian. how long does sacher torte last. In career accomplishment terms, Smokey leaves Woodsy, the crash dummies and McGruff the Crime Dog in the dust. I love Spunky because hes ahead of the curve, says Lewis. This past summer has been terrible for fires, as record dry weather and average human incompetence have combined to turn forests from. -- Jackson Weaver, a morning-drive DJ for WMAL in Washington, D.C., provided the voice of Smokey from the beginning of the campaign until Weaver's death in 1992. Government policy has evolved to include the targeted use of controlled burnsgood burningin hopes of preventing larger, unplanned fires. Now, a catastrophic blaze, once an unusual occurrence, could be set off by the heat from a lightning strike. One of the AFPI's 1945 advertising campaigns featured a character called the Fire Wolf. In 2019, she successfully defended a thesis, Mathematical modeling of filtration processes in soil environments taking into account the influence of elements of engineering structures and earned the Candidate of Technical Sciences degree. Forest Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE with more than 1.6 million acres as the 5-year average in 2012-2016. they also signed his Good Outdoor Manners Pledge,. Unfavourable conditions may make the situation devastating. Therefore, any prescribed burnings should always have thorough forest management plans to prevent fire. -- The CB radio term "smokey" came from Smokey Bear's hat, which was worn by sheriffs and state highway patrolmen for years before the Forest Service campaign started. Dont operate sparkling tools near dry grass. Layer by Layer: A Mexico City Culinary Adventure, Sacred Granaries, Kasbahs and Feasts in Morocco, Monster of the Month: The Hopkinsville Goblins, Paper Botanicals With Kate Croghan Alarcn, Writing the Food Memoir: A Workshop With Gina Rae La Cerva, Reading the Urban Landscape With Annie Novak, How to Grow a Dye Garden With Aaron Sanders Head, Making Scents: Experimental Perfumery With Saskia Wilson-Brown, The Frozen Banana Stands of Balboa Island, The Paratethys Sea Was the Largest Lake in Earths History, How Communities Are Uncovering Untold Black Histories, The Medieval Thieves Who Used Cats, Apes, and Turtles as Accomplices. The Smokey Bear campaign has stood the test of time. Cals image showed up on signs and mailings around the state, but the character never managed to catch on, perhaps because Smokey Bear already had such a strong foothold as the national symbol of fire prevention. We depend on ad revenue to craft and curate stories about the worlds hidden wonders. Aliens and Human Mascot Costumes (26) Animal Mascot Costumes (204) Award Winning Professional Range Mascots (267) Nobodys sung the accolades of Woodsy Owl on a national program.. The idea with most of these mascots was, if you get the kids indoctrinated, theyll convince their parents, says Lewis. A small creature with a large name, a cute hat, and a flannel shirt, Howdy was introduced in 1959 by the Pennsylvania Forestry Association, and went on to have a brief but illustrious career in litter prevention and outdoor etiquette. Forest History Society via Flickr // CC BY-NC 2.0. Nobody wanted to be a Guberifand they were reminded of this fact frequently, as they pulled anti-Guberif postcards out of their mailboxes, ran into human-sized Guberifs at educational events, and drove over DONT BE A GUBERIFPREVENT FOREST FIRES painted on the tarmac outside highway rest stops. Smoking and flickering items often lead to wildfires, especially under extremely dry weather conditions. Prune away the lower limbs of evergreens that are within the fire safe zone. 7 Little Words Daily Puzzle January 19 2022 Answers. My favorite Smokey Bear ad came in the mid-1990s, when the character started rapping for a music video, then walked off the set in disgust. Smokeys popularity made him an effective spokesbear for the Forest Services fire prevention message, which helped dramatically reduce fire on Americas public lands. To reflect this, the nonprofit American Forestry Organization developed an Urban Forestry Program, focused on teaching people how to care for trees closer to home. He is given away free." Join his efforts by taking the pledge. Her expertise and constant desire to learn and perfect her programming skills, especially in working with Python, has been most beneficial for EOS Data Analytics. Clue: Fire prevention mascot. (The Forest History Societys blog, Peeling Back the Bark, has a running series profiling many of them.) But Howdy, too, lost the limelight, perhaps because of Woodsy Owlwhose slogan, Give A Hoot, Dont Pollute was somewhat more memorable than Howdys unwieldy surname. It is typical for some farms and especially households to burn leaves, crop residues, and other agricultural wastes. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can In 1942, Japanese submarines shelled an oil field outside Santa Barbara, near the 2,700-square-mile Los Padres National Forest. (Called Smokey the Bear to improve the rhythm, it led to decades of confusion over the characters name.) Woody was perfect for the joba round peg in a round hole, if you willand by the 1950s, he was everywhere, predicting forest fire danger on road signs, shilling for redwoods on dinner placemats, and holding hands with Santa on Christmas cards. Instead, they began turning to tried-and-true critterslike. Dont refuel a car when the engine is hot. The Munduruku people in the state of Par, Brazil, are suffering from the detrimental effects of gold mining that poisons the soil and local rivers. $8 for children ages 1-17 and seniors; $10 for adults. Hes got the baggy pants, the high-top shoes, and the hat he sometimes wears backwards. An early draft of Spunky, in which hes, , was returned to artist Rudy Wendelin with the note This one is OK if we needed a Grandpa Squirrel., The strategy worked, and soon kids all around were wearing Spunky Squirrel buttons, flinging Spunky Squirrel frisbees, and watching the rodent himself appear on Romper Room. A lock ( Smokey Bear was born on Aug. 9, 1944, when the U.S. Forest Service and the Ad Council agreed that a fictional bear would be the symbol for their joint effort to promote forest fire prevention. The combination of dead vegetation which builds up over the winter can lead to spate conditions for such fires. The total number of Fire Safety Audits has been declining since financial year 2010 to 2011. To accept and hide this message click the cross on the right. Welephant has also been spotted in and around Norfolk and even has his own Facebook page thanks to the Norfolk Fire Museum. (ButWoodys ready for peace, too, assures an inlay, showing a demure white picket fence, presumably made of softer Woodys.). Often carried out by people unaware of the risks associated with fire, especially wildfires. High in the branches of the Pacific Northwest, entire ecosystems know nothing of the ground below. What are your memories of Welephant? With him, there is no question that fires are bad, and that individual citizens are responsible.. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. At Diamond, we are here to support you with equipment that can make a difference in protecting your land. An official website of the United States government. Equipment and machinery may present a certain wildfire danger, too. Eventually hewas donated to Washington, D.C.s National Zoo, where he continued to promote fire safety until his death in 1976. Taking these risks into consideration, it is necessary to develop wildfire prevention techniques. Now the force's other mascots - fire extinguisher-shaped Freddy, Filbert and Penelope - will be used in place of Fireman Sam. See. He first appeared in August 1944 pouring a bucket of water on a campfire saying, Care will prevent 9 out of 10 fires. In 1947, he got his better-known tagline. He appears on posters and other advertisements as part of campaigns sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and state foresters. Even that kind of name recognition couldnt save Spunky from his fatewithin a few years, he was smothered, like all the others, by the all-consuming power of Smokey. Introduced in 1968 by the Bureau of Land Management, Johnny won hearts and minds from coast to coast. Welephant was created for the Greater Manchester Fire Service to promote . Materials are available exclusively through fire departments nationwide. Since you already solved the clue Fire prevention mascot which had the answer SMOKEY, you can simply go back at the main post to check the other daily crossword clues. Send tips This photographer took on Berlin's entire U-Bahn network, one station at a time. The delivered data is essential not only for current AOIs in forest monitoring but also for long-term forest management. All rights reserved. In forest management to prevent wildfires, detecting temperature rises on the forest surface is essential because timely identification of the fire source allows mitigating losses. A campaign began in 1944 featuring Smokey and the slogan "Smokey Says - Care Will Prevent 9 out of 10 Forest Fires". Traditionally, the First Nations People of Australia used fire to manage the landscape, encourage new growth and help them hunt. Have a fire extinguisher, water reservoir, and a shovel ready to put the inflammation out. In fact, the US Forest Service estimated about 6.7 thousand firesFire Statistics. You know Smokey the Bearbut have you met Woody the Smiling, AnimatedLog? 9. He covers Bay Area culture, co-hosts the Total SF podcast and writes the archive-based Our SF local history column. Once any thermal anomalies are detected, users get alerts about them and can check these stands for potential danger, which is critical for wildfires prevention. A regulation in 1992 provided the legal framework for specific measures devoted to forest fire prevention between 1992 and 2002. In 1940, Washington state created the first statewide forest fire prevention organization of its kind with the Keep Washington Green Association. contact IPSO here, 2001-2023. A, shows Spunky somersaulting out of a tree and sharing some tree-protection tips after being spotted by Danny, who yells Its a squirrel! Dont throw explosives and combustibles into the fire. This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. Smokey. The ashes provide nutrients boosting soil fertility. The fire service's much-loved fire safety mascot. By 1949, 24 states had Keep Green programs, and by the 1960s, Keep California Green decided they should have their own mascot. Singer Burl Ives put his considerable voice behind Johnny. As forest fires continue to spread and become a justified concern for many land and homeowners across the US, there are ways we can reduce fuel available to fires. "By the mid-1950s, Eric S. Huestis, Alberta's Forestry Director and Game Commissioner, strongly felt that Alberta should have its own distinct image to deliver fire prevention messages to the public. Local popularity led the Forest Service to take the cartoon national, and Joe Beaver soon appeared in trade journals and other publications across the United States. Through GOMA, Howdy soon had a new batch of fans, along with his own monthly magazine (he was also billed first in a 30-minute film, Recreation or Wreckreation?). Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service also continue to use a modern version of the character (see above). Introduced in 1968 by the Bureau of Land Management, Johnny won hearts and minds from coast to coast. Earlier this month, as wildfires blazed up and down the West Coastof the United States, Smokey the Bear turned 71 years old. Forest History Society via Flickr // CC BY-NC 2.0. Never burn household wastes when any regulations of wildfire prevention policy prohibit it. 2017 YTD National Fire Statistics. That mistake started in 1952, when songwriters Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins decided that the cadence of their song "Smokey the Bear" was more important than getting the U.S. Forest Service mascot's name right. But in the 1930s and 40s, a steady increase in forest fires forced officials to confront the dangers of indulging in all of these activities at once. The constant fear was, as people drove through the woods, they would flick their cigarette butts out the window, says Lewis. We are funded by EPSRC. ), An ad from 1946.Forest History Society via Flickr// CC BY-NC 2.0. Cookie Settings, Subscribe to Smithsonian magazine now for just $12, Kids Start Forgetting Early Childhood Around Age 7, Archaeologists Discover Wooden Spikes Described by Julius Caesar, 5,000-Year-Old Tavern With Food Still Inside Discovered in Iraq, Artificial Sweetener Tied to Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds, The Surprisingly Scientific Roots of Monkey Bars. Certain weather causes forest fires by itself, but human activities aggravate the situation even more. Please add your goals, features that would best suit your needs, preferred contact date and time, and other useful information. , in which he stops their less well-educated peers from burning down the forests, like chumps. Two years later Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins, the songwriting team behind Frosty the Snowman, wrote an ode to Smokey. Forestn is the official mascot of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) of Chile. You know Smokey the Bearbut have you met Woody the Smiling, AnimatedLog? What is a Smoke Jumper?-A wildland firefighter who parachutes into a remote area to combat wildfires.-Usually and most often deployed to fires that are very remote 10.What has been the impact of fire suppression?-Worse fires because fire is actually normal and required in order to prevent bigger ones in the future. Photo was taken September 7, 1961. Such an approach is faster and more convenient than taking them away. uk forest fire prevention mascot Larne BT40 2RP. (Image: , Smokey the Bear turned 71 years old. In 1950, a burned bear cub survived a fire in Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico and was named after the popular fire prevention figure. In this spirit, Howdy was named by first grader John Hoyes, who won a contest that drew thousands of entries. Photo taken July 11, 1974. Forest fire prevention and control are possible with effective agricultural and forest management plans, alongside public awareness, responsibility, and concern. Postcard from 1951. It provides a range of tools to help fire and rescue services, key stakeholders and partner agencies prevent and reduce the impact of wildfires. Make batches and piles small because they are easier to control. We want our readers to tell us if they were paid a visit? Smokey Bear is easily the most famous fire prevention mascot, and he has been featured in the longest running PSA campaign in American history. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Artist Albert Staehle was asked to paint the first poster of Smokey Bear. Forests are also habitat of our valuable Wildlife. Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. NFCC Wildfire lead Paul Hedley on BBC Breakfast (June 2020), National Fire Chiefs Council Limited, West Midlands Fire Service Headquarters, 99 Vauxhall Road, Birmingham, B7 4HWRegistered in England as a Limited Company: No 3677186Registered in England as a Charity: No: 1074071VAT Registration No: GB902195446, West Midlands Fire Service Headquarters, 99 Vauxhall Road, Birmingham, B7 4HWRegistered in England as a Limited Company: No 3677186Registered in England as a Charity: No: 1074071VAT Registration No: GB902195446. Exhaust temperature is often high enough to set dry grass or straw on fire, with potential danger to nearby forests. Smokey ties fire suppression to good citizenship, explains Catriona Sandilands, an environmental studies professor at York University in Toronto. But what if Smokey was actually wrong about that? Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). Learn more about that in numbers and facts in this overview post. They wanted to educate locals about trying not to start forest fires, because trees were, in essence, standing capital, explains Jamie Lewis, a historian at the Forest History Society. The Fire Wolf only appeared in print ads, and unlike Smokey Bear and Woody, he never gained much traction with the public. A mere sparkle from the overheated engine, poorly greased bearings, dragging safety chains, or worn-out tires can lead to wildfires, too. Youre no doubt familiar with Smokey Bear, the anthropomorphic bear who proclaimed, Only you can prevent forest fires, but did you know there used to be an entire menagerie meant to help prevent major fires in the United States? louisiana brass knuckle laws,