We probably fail to meet the challenge of climate change. Creative things happened on the Internet,and certainly, they do still, but, like, it just feels like this, like, giant mall. [reporter 5] These cosmetic procedures are becoming so popular with teens, plastic surgeons have coined a new syndrome for it, Snapchat dysmorphia, with young patients wanting surgery so they can look more like they do in filtered selfies. With some very eye-opening observations and figures, The Social Dilemma serves as a reminder of the power these platforms wield over our lives. Sit down and see if you can get comfy. P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya. We would say, You cant advertise to these age children in these ways. But then you take YouTube for Kids, and it gobbles up that entire portion of the attention economy, and now all kids are exposed to YouTube for Kids. [Bailey] I was one of the really early employees at Instagram. How much of your life can we get you to give to us? Help me please. [Jaron] One of the ways I try to get people to understand just how wrong feeds from places like Facebook are is to think about the Wikipedia. [vlogger] Nine out of ten people are dissatisfied right now. One thing they concluded is that we now know we can affect real-world behavior and emotions without ever triggering the users awareness. [Alex Roetter] You could shut down the service and destroy whatever it is $20 billion of shareholder value and get sued and But you cant, in practice, put the genie back in the bottle. Thats not by accident. [chuckles] Like, the entire thing. Netflix's The Social Dilemma premiered only a few weeks ago and has already provoked a substantial response. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsbohnen fermentieren rezept. And those growth tactics have then become the standard playbook for Silicon Valley. [Alex] When I was there, I always felt like, fundamentally, it was a force for good. Yeah. [announcer] Once the Kitchen Safe is locked, it cannot be opened until the timer reaches zero. [reporter 2] The notion drinking water will flush coronavirus from your system is one of several myths about the virus circulating on social media. I dont know if I feel that way anymore. [Tim Kendall] I was the president of Pinterest. Come here! sehr einfaches strickmuster His phone A.I. [pundit] You have more than a third of Republicans saying the Democratic Party is a threat to the nation, more than a quarter of Democrats saying the same thing about the Republicans. [laughs], Full list of the cast (Interviewees and Actors). [Interviewer] Knowing what you know now, do you believe Facebook impacted the results of the 2016 election? Also, that isnt even actual connection.
Practical example of a social dilemma - UKEssays.com [Rene] What were seeing is a global assault on democracy. [Jeff Seibert] You are giving the computer the goal state, I want this outcome, and then the computer itself is learning how to do it. But from the point of view of watch time, this polarization is extremely efficient at keeping people online. It would be a lot easier to see the photo., [Tristan] When Facebook found that feature, they just dialed the hell out of that because they said, This is gonna be a great way to grow activity. It focuses on: Its exploitation of its users for financial gain through surveillance capitalism and data mining Its design is meant to nurture an addiction Tens of millions of Americans are hopelessly addicted to their electronic devices. It is tearing our country apart. If you haven't watched it yet, well, maybe you should. Youre not gonna get paid. 1. [Tristan] Its like remote-control warfare. [Tristan] When I was at Google, I was on the Gmail team, and I just started getting burnt out cause wed had so many conversations about you know, what the inbox should look like and what color it should be, and And I, you know, felt personally addicted to e-mail, and I found it fascinating there was no one at Gmail working on making it less addictive. So they can keep the power, so they can control everything. "The business models that run the social-media industrial complex have a lot to do . You know, its the the reality is, well, there were so many different forces at play. This is "The Social Dilemma (2020).mp4" by Meg Kenny on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps.
the social dilemma transcript with timestamps [Justin] When you go to Google and type in Climate change is, youre going to see different results depending on where you live. Yeah. [Tristan] The race to keep peoples attention isnt going away. What is The Social Dilemma about? [Yellow AI] We need something actually good for a proper resurrection, given that the typical stuff isnt working. Some of those things could be described as simple algorithms, some could be described as algorithms that are so complicated, you would call them intelligence. Everyone believes the governments lying to them. Its not in Facebooks business interest to give up the data. [Growth AI] We should suggest Flat Earth Football Club. And its the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds. But what are we meant to do about it? You dont even realize it. It has its own goals, and it has its own means of pursuing them by using your psychology against you. [Annas Son, James Lembke, Age 15] Id say upwards hour, hour and a half. As the groups got bigger on Facebook, Facebooks recommendation engine started suggesting to regular users that they join Pizzagate groups. We can start to change the conversation. Thats what makes the illusion work. Some real big things. All right. [Shoshana] This is a new kind of marketplace now. Real Fake Transcript. Thats a separate discipline. I dont wanna do any harm to Google or Facebook. Algorithms are optimized to some definition of success. That ref just, like, sucked or something. You can make some tweaks, but at the end of the day, youve gotta grow revenue and usage, quarter over quarter. In [Jon Tester] I I am 62 years old, getting older every minute, the more this conversation goes on.
Social Issues | Causes & Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript - Study.com I was the director of monetization. Get out of the system. And I could fool adults, fully-grown adults with, like, PhDs.
THE SOCIAL DILEMMA - Teach with Movies [Bailey Richardson] Hello, world. [Ben] Youre always talking about how messed up everything is. Cause I think we can change what social media looks like and means.
An Analysis of The Social Dilemma. | by Antonio Mendieta - Medium Solving the social dilemma | MIT Technology Review Format the transcript. And everyone else shes ever met in her entire life. [Tristan] And the question now is whether or not were willing to admit that those bad outcomes are coming directly as a product of our work. If its not that big a deal, dont use it for a week. [Randima (Randy) Fernando] Perhaps the most dangerous piece of all this is the fact that its driven by technology thats advancing exponentially.
How to Cite a TV Show or Movie in MLA - EasyBib Much has been written by now about the documentary that first aired on Netflix at the end of August 2020after months of pandemic restrictions in which people were . The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American docudrama lm directed by Je Orlowski and written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis.
the social dilemma transcript with timestamps 'The Social Dilemma' Cast: Who's Who In The New Netflix Doc? Subscribe, [vlogger] and also come back because Im telling you, yo. YouTube is being forced to concentrate on cleansing the site. [Rebecca] Okay, well, Im gonna get a snack before practice if you wanna come. [Tristan] They know when people are lonely. [Jeff] Nobody, I deeply believe, ever intended any of these consequences. Its not like theyre trying to benefit us. Look, its great out there. For months and, like, literally all of them, and then nothing.
The Social Dilemma: The Insidious Power of Social Media They dont have a They dont have a proxy for truth thats better than a click.
The Social Dilemma: a wake-up call for a world drunk on dopamine [Cathy ONeil, PhD] I like to say that algorithms are opinions embedded in code and that algorithms are not objective.
The Social Dilemma (2020) - The Digital Workspace Works Podcast So, you know, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, companies like this, their business model is to keep people engaged on the screen. The Social Dilemma explores the unintended and devastating consequences of social media including: polarization, isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, disorientation from reality, and even violence against self or others. [vlogger] And and, honestly, Im telling you, Im willing to do whatever it takes. Im just catching up on some news stuff. Its easy to think that its just a few stupid people who get convinced, but the algorithm is getting smarter and smarter every day. [teacher] He brings a golden nugget to an officer in the army in San Francisco. -[cell phone vibrates] [crew member] Take one, marker. . I want to develop a lesson plan for my English and Psychology students. This is deep-seated, like, human personality that theyre tapping into. Right? [Yellow AI] Sold for 3.4 cents an impression.
The Social Dilemma (2020) - Transcript - Scraps from the loft And weve lost sight of it because it became the cool thing to do, as opposed to the right thing to do. I actually had to write myself software to break my addiction to reading Reddit. This is short-term thinking based on this religion of profit at all costs, as if somehow, magically, each corporation acting in its selfish interest is going to produce the best result. [Aza Raskin] Its a little even trite to say now, but because we dont pay for the products that we use, advertisers pay for the products that we use. [Mary] Instagram, six hours, 13 minutes. What is that world gonna look like when one has a six-times advantage to the other one?
Copy of THE Social Dilemma (2020) - Transcript Now, just imagine for a second that Wikipedia said, Were gonna give each person a different customized definition, and were gonna be paid by people for that. So, Wikipedia would be spying on you. [Jaron] Thats a little too simplistic. Everything is a conspiracy theory. Like, if everyones starting to go around on bicycles, no one said, Oh, my God, weve just ruined society. Millions of years of evolution, um, are behind that system to get us to come together and live in communities, to find mates, to propagate our species. So, the first rule is all devices out of the bedroom at a fixed time every night. [Growth AI] Yes, and connecting Ben with the entire world. [Tristan] Its about making two sides who couldnt hear each other anymore, who didnt want to hear each other anymore, who didnt trust each other anymore. We are a nation of people who have isolated ourselves to only watch channels that tell us that were right. Advertisers are the customers. Facebook is in charge of your news feed. It involves two prisoners that have the option of co-operating with each other by not being aware of the other prisoners' decision or defecting without talking to one another. Interviewees state that social media platforms and big tech companies have been instrumental in providing positive change for society; they also note that such platforms have also caused problematic social, political, and cultural consequences. We weren't expecting any of this when we created Twitter over 12 years ago. [Tristan] Human beings, at a mind and body and sort of physical level, are not gonna fundamentally change. [Engagement AI] Dont show him sports updates. This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. [Joe] I dont think these guys set out to be evil. [Green AI] Did I overwhelm him with friends and family content? The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American docudrama film directed by Jeff Orlowski and written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis. They know when people are looking at photos of your ex-romantic partners. By state actors, by people with millions of dollars saying, I wanna destabilize Kenya. [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. The truth is boring. Netflix's The Social Dilemma: Filmmaker and Tech Experts in Conversation with Katie Couric The 92nd Street Y, New York 261K subscribers Subscribe 12K 1.2M views Streamed 2 years ago Your. School time. [Renee] Before you share, fact-check, consider the source, do that extra Google. [Maria A. Ressa] Democracy crumbled quickly. These services are killing people and causing people to kill themselves. This time, in Italy and Spain. [reporter 1] After that chaos in Chicago, violent clashes between protesters and supporters. This Google doc contains detailed notes with corresponding timestamps for every 5 (or so) minutes. Two billion people will have thoughts that they didnt intend to have because a designer at Google said, This is how notifications work on that screen that you wake up to in the morning. And we have a moral responsibility, as Google, for solving this problem. Middle schools hard enough. [James] That I dont think thats No. 31. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. Two hours, 50 minutes per day. Netflix just released a new documentary called The Social Dilemma. [Tristan] I think we have to have the platforms be responsible for when they take over election advertising, theyre responsible for protecting elections. The EC is like any political movement in history, when you think about it. In certain cities, youre gonna see it autocomplete with climate change is a hoax. In other cases, youre gonna see climate change is causing the destruction of nature. And thats a function not of what the truth is about climate change, but about where you happen to be Googling from and the particular things Google knows about your interests. And that is why I think we need regulation. [reporter] Overall, Europes traditional, centrist coalition lost its majority while far right and far left populist parties made gains.
The Social Dilemma Transcript - Main Arguments - Atlantis School This freaks me out.
the social dilemma transcript with timestamps This cartoon super villain view of the world strikes me as a kind of mirror image of the right-wing. Take three. [Mary] Moment of truth. Companies like Google and Facebook would roll out lots of little, tiny experiments that they were constantly doing on users. [Rene Diresta] Its not that highly motivated propagandists havent existed before. The Kitchen Safe is great. [Tristan] And that was when I decided to make a presentation, kind of a call to arms. Great road map to guide me toward original source materials. Like, I could hit a button on my phone, and a car shows up in 30 seconds, and I can go exactly where I need to go.
What Netflix's The Social Dilemma gets wrong about Big Tech [Tristan] Its not just that its controlling where they spend their attention. [Cass] Ben and Jerry, its time to go, bud! [CBSN News] Representatives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google are back on Capitol Hill for a second day of testimony about Russias interference in the 2016 election. And its not like were lab rats for developing a cure for cancer. You tax these companies on the data assets that they have. What do you think is a good amount? theyll often say something pretty reasonable. We want them to keep doing this with their finger. [vlogger] They can control our minds, so that they can keep their secrets. Theyre pulling people away from their kids.
Six chilling quotes from 'The Social Dilemma' - The Utah Statesman Because it leaves you feeling. The worlds beautiful. So, it sounds crazy to say we need to change all that, but thats what we need to do. [CBSN News] Well, a new bombshell investigation exposes Facebooks growing struggle to tackle hate speech in Myanmar. You know?
the social dilemma transcript with timestamps [reporter 2] Democracy is facing a crisis of confidence. So, do it! I think the US government started this shit. [Growth AI] Hey, do you guys ever wonder if, you know, like, the feed is good for Ben? Nobody is sick. WhatsApp has done it. [Tristan] Is this the last generation of people that are gonna know what it was like before this illusion took place? The algorithm is actually trying to find a few rabbit holes that are very powerful, trying to find which rabbit hole is the closest to your interest. video games, credit cards, and cell phones. [reporter] These accounts were deliberately, specifically attempting to sow political discord in Hong Kong. Beautiful. Like, Oh, my God, technologys just ruining the world and its ruining kids, and its like No. [chuckles] Its confusing because its simultaneous utopia and dystopia. We were not evolved to have social approval being dosed to us every five minutes. The Social Network is told through the deposition hearings of Mark Zuckerberg. [Blue AI] [sighs] Its not good enough to lead with. The film features interviews with many former employees, executives and other professionals from top tech companies and social media platforms, who provide their first-hand experiences of working in and around the tech industry. I might have to start blocking her e-mails. 130 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. AIs not gonna solve these problems. Nobody knows anybody whos sick. October 3, 2020 This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of socialnetworking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
A closer look into the "The Social Dilemma" - FSView You know, Snapchat has done it.
How Social Media Is Affecting Our Mental Health, According to Top Whatever the time is, half an hour before bedtime, all devices out. [Aza Raskin] The one that Im Im most prone to is Twitter. Get off the stupid stuff. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. Like, they were the ones who first understood how peoples minds work. Its the technologys ability to bring out the worst in society [chuckles] and the worst in society being the existential threat. [Tristan] We can demand that these products be designed humanely. And perhaps most importantly, our human our physiology, our brains have evolved not at all. Sinopsis Social Dilemma. There are 13,694 people behaving just like him in his region. Wikipedia would calculate, Whats the thing I can do to get this person to change a little bit on behalf of some commercial interest? Right? And remember, for every one of these, for every hospital admission, theres a family that is traumatized and horrified.
Real Fake Transcript | CISA The Social Dilemma (2020).mp4 on Vimeo All right. [Tristan] It basically just said, you know, never before in history have 50 designers20- to 35-year-old white guys in Californiamade decisions that would have an impact on two billion people. [sighs], [AI] New link! I was coming home, and I couldnt get off my phone once I got home, despite having two young kids who needed my love and attention. [Tristan] On the other side of the screen, its almost as if they had this avatar voodoo doll-like model of us. [Anna] I am optimistic that were going to figure it out, but I think its gonna take a long time. [Aza] People have the misconception its our data being sold. [Jaron] Weve created a world in which online connection has become primary, especially for younger generations. [Sandy Parakilas] Theres only a handful of people at these companies, at Facebook and Twitter and other companies Theres only a few people who understand how those systems work, and even they dont necessarily fully understand whats gonna happen with a particular piece of content. [Jeff Flake] My message here today is that tribalism is ruining us. 6. [Tristan] We can do genetic engineering and develop new kinds of human beings, but realistically speaking, youre living inside of hardware, a brain, that was, like, millions of years old, and then theres this screen, and then on the opposite side of the screen, theres these thousands of engineers and supercomputers that have goals that are different than your goals, and so, whos gonna win in that game?