, Unbiased and independent advice on what to buy, Which Synology NAS should you buy? The price jump from the Plus to the XS+/XS is quite large and anyone reading this article is probably not going to be doing enough heavy work that they need the extra horsepower. Many Synology NAS applications have their own mobile versions. There are just too many apps. Spot on on everything, I'll just add to this, the SE is the cheapest and is a great backup device, passive data access and stuff. Shows | Jellyfin Back here at the office we use a 7 year old 12 Bay XS series Synology server with a 12 Bay add on chassis. In your discussion of the available apps I did not see mention of a good encryption app. I have a 5 Bay Synology at home that backs up work files, along with 4 and 5 bay Synologies in 3 other cities at our leads homes to sync files back to us. If you have a rack that you'd like to mount one in, then you want a RS model. But, no negative about how back in the day thousands of Synology NAS got hacked with Synolocker ransomware. normal i would put it under specials S00E## but i have two problems with that there are extras for every season and the other issue is there where already Special for the TV show, Scroll down to Tips for naming video files. Of the many Synology NAS servers Ive used, I had issues with just one, the DS1515+, which died after almost four years of non-stop operation. And its even more so now. The DVD episode numbering and order is different from the series episodes broadcast as found on the internet. On this front, heres Synologys official statement: [] We are steering away from transcoding on the NAS and do not have any current plans to include GPUs for transcoding purposes in the near future. MODULES - Movies Naming - TV Shows Naming - TV Shows Releases - Metadata Scanner METADATA PROVIDER How can it support 18 hard drives then? More in this post on how to pick a server. Maybe someone else can fill in the details that I'm not as familiar with. For example, the DS2xx would have 2 bays in the unit, with no option to add an expansion unit. In cases where you group your movie files together (not within individual folders for each movie), you'll need to make sure that the files are named appropriately. Mount the internal drives onto the drive trays and insert them into the server. A NAS with this suffix such as the DS216j is a budget, home-orientated model with a slower processor and often less RAM than more expensive versions. Under " Policies", click Repositories. It has a start button, a desktop, a taskbar, and a control panel. You can find Plus models with only 2 bays, J models with 4, and Value models with 8. Other than the limitation in RAID configurations, as you have noted, Kent, and performance speed (RAID 1 is slow), a dual-bay server is fine. How are you naming your backup repositories (or extents in SOBR) today? After quit a research I finally decided to buy synology nas as they seems to have best software and 3rd party apps support compared to Netgear and WD(as I want to run SABNZBD, SickBeard, CouchPotato, Plex, Transmission-or any other torrent client) But unfortunately can't decide on the particular model. NVR (Network Video Recorder): A server designed mostly to work as a video recorder. but I dont really understand the capacity. Create an account on our community. When fitted with three or more disks, a Synology NAS will be able to tolerate one disk failing without the loss of any data and all you sacrifice is the capacity of a single hard disk. Adding the year at the end in parentheses will yield the best results when scraping metadata. We have a small hotel (for ~150 clients) The hotel is far from civilization, the Internet is only mobile (about 30-50Mbps) so the Internet is only for email and chats, and is connected to our Wi-Fi system (6 EAP265-620-670 access points, network 1 GB) At the moment, a computer with a video folder is installed, clients watch movies via VLC on smartphones (downloaded at low bitrate), in principle, nothing freezes. SYNOLOGY_NFS_SSD_01. I generally use WD Red and Seagate IronWolf HDDs, Andy. But thanks to the stellar DSM operating system, you still pay for what you get in most cases. In choosing this option then I assume using hyperbackup daily to backup to C2 AND a usb external drive would be the safe way to move, yes? As a result, when you know one Synology server, for the most part, you know them all. NAS Compares - Synology 2022 NAS Hardware - SynoForum.com My servers play an essential role in my daily life and outdo my mobile phone in importance because of their apps. Enforcing repository management policies in your enterprise NAS Selector. Choosing the model year for a Synology NAS is almost identical to choosing the model year for a car. Its by far the most advanced and robust NAS OS. For 99.99% of the people reading this, you are going to want a desktop NAS that can be put on a shelf or stuffed in a closet. Thanks for the article. Starting with DSM 7, these features include a free SSL certificate, making remote management a much better experience. The + are high end models, will run Plex with quite a bit of transcoding and multiple streams, all while running other packages like VPN server and a database or other packages. Contain at least two of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers. The easiest to explain is j. How do I name multi-part movies? My statement above used to be true almost exclusively. For years, Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR) a proprietary flexible RAID configuration alone has made Synology servers superior to those from other vendors. Asus RT-AX86S vs RT-AX86U vs RT-AX86U Pro: Whats the Deal? Which NAS will pull 150 low-resolution video views on smartphones through a single local site. Also, in the later model years the RAM is error correction code (ECC) memory. You can also subscribe without commenting. Naming Conventions Short vs. Long Names Paths Fully Qualified vs. Synology DiskStation DS220+ will be weak, I guess. Id go with the DS923+ if NVMe as storage is needed and its great, read the review for more. If someone is using a NAS with a 100BT Switch, I encourage them to consider spending $29 to go buy a 1GBit Switch . This file name convention is. I wonder if I should use the Italian names for the episodes and whether I should name the files in the style Commissario Montalbano S01E01 The Snack Thief (or should I use the Italian title Il ladro di merendine). The numbers after DS or RS is where it gets a bit confusing. One month ago the box just flat out failed and suupport said it was a motherboard issue, not power supply. This format is recommended by Plex itself to ensure the link to TVDB and their metadata crawling app can correctly identify and label media. I will note one major change to Synology products that may have taken effect since the original publishing date of this article Synology no longer universally works with all make of drives. I just bought the DX517, because my DS920+ is almost full. I'm going to start with four 10TB Seagate IronWolf hard drives in a Synology Hybrid Raid and have the ability to add four more hard drives and evolve into SHR2. SYNOLOGY_NFS_HDD_01. Is there a delay to the database update? Nothing for "value series" (DS414, play series is part of value series). And make sure you read my post on the Surveillance Station. Examples are content streaming, surveillance apps, photo sharing, downloading, etc. <wip> .example.com. The price gap between Value and J is usually quite small and the expansion capabilities of the Value series will always trump the J series. I am keen to know if you have any suggestions. I want both 10g Ethernet and 2x NVMe SSD for cache and I have to choose one or the other via a card. Make sure you confirm via the link in the email. The J is entry level, above the first model, will do quite well with most packages (applications) that run on Synology. DNS is hierarchical by design, so taking advantage of that will provide us with some benefits later on. You don't want to wake up one morning and find out that one of your hard drives failed and now you've lost all the photos of your child's first year. we all know nas appliance is more secure and data security is necessary. Synology NAS: 100% the Best Servers | Dong Knows Tech This will allow me to get a lot of storage with just four hard drives but leave me plenty of room for expansion. Starting with DSM 7, all Synology NAS servers have the option of a 2-Factor Authentication login, which you can enforce on individual accounts or a user group. The only requirement is that the destination server has the same or more drive bays than your existing unit. Now the question is: We need a local site where schedules, Hotel rules, etc. The 24 funniest server naming conventions you've ever seen Sure it's not the coolest looking car and doesn't have flashy gimmicks inside but it is a car that will get you from point A to point B. It required MUCH more care and feeding than the Synology, and Im regretting recommending QNAP to one of my clients. QuickConnect is an easy and quick way to use your server remotely. I understand that DS 2** is 2 bay and 4** is bay(then there is 2 bay which is 7** which I guess ara expandable with 5 bay unit hence 7**) but what with +, Play, J, SE. mean. Go to DSM Control Panel > Login Portal > Applications. But Synology servers are entirely different from WD, for a good reason. Keep in mind that, by default, Video Station doesnt support DTS sound, but you can quickly fix that with a third-party app on the front end, such as VLC. Which at the end of the day exploited a hole thst was Synologys fault. Naming Conventions - Devopedia This is going to be the easiest decision you have to make because the answer is "DS". Synology today released the DiskStation DS1823xs+, an 8-bay server with built-in 10Gbps Ethernet capability. Once integrated, you can manage NASs resources based on the settings of the domain server. r/StorageReview 14 days ago u/StorageReview Synology has quietly added support for M.2 SSD volumes. I assume the 9 means that it starts with 5 and can add on a 4 bay expansion to get to the 9 in the name. My understanding is that Apple requires AFSP formatting on SSDs. So, if you get a new server today, you can safely expect it to last a decade. Also while we are on the topic of RAM, increasing your RAM is the easiest way to increase the performance of your NAS. How do you Label episode extras and by that i mean there was an episode video but there was a interview video on the Episode. There is no right Plex naming convention, but generally, movies use a (year), so that you can organize chronologically. I hear you, Aaron. Still, running Synology's DiskStation Manager (DSM) operating system, it shares the Plus notion of non-xs . Which Synology NAS should you buy? Model numbers explained But if you want to get the most out of network storage, Id recommend Synology. Required fields are marked *. honestly for transcoding 4k content i would highly recommend not getting a Synology system and building your own instead. Upgrading your RAM means your NAS simply has that much more space to store files in fast memory rather than reading from disk. Unfortunately, I did. , It is still a huge issue, having your NAS constantly attacked. Domain client. RAID 1 of two hard drives can be quite slow. which is also a lot more expensive than generic hardware from other vendors. Shared Folder Sync works locally and over the Internet via VPN or QuickConnect. Like all OSes, DSM has essential functions, such as user management, network settings, security, shared folders, Time Machine backup support, and many others. Privacy Policy. When working with it, you can open and rearrange multiple windows, log in, log out as different users, etc., all with transitional effects. Each unsupported character is replaced by an underscore. And I know a lot of users are crying foul about it. Do the following and click OK . My main server, the DS1821+ has eight bays and I love every single one. J/K. I have QNAP based and they try and do to much. But remember, I mentioned that this is where it gets a bit tricky. Your best bet is to start with the latest model year for the number of drive bays you want and work backwards from there. Figure I can disable cache before moving disks so that the DS923+ is an option). And its app store is a desert. My original plan was to expand volumes across the two units and switch from SHR to SHR2, but now I am reading a lot about spanning volumes across two units being a bad idea. The server houses five drives and can host two 5-bay expansion units. It just finished. At first glance they appear almost nonsensical. Something could very easily go wrong with this cable and it could end up corrupting your data. Well, for example, Synology DiskStation DS720+ will be able to meet our needs? We just bought the 420j to be able to smoothly take the 414j hdds and just plug and play. Thank you for writing this article. Go to Settings > Library, and click Create > Create library. This is not true. But backup is a matter of a daily thing, dont wait till something is broken to think about it. Can you tell me if Synology can do this? I have been putting my Inspector Montalbano/Commissario Montalbano TV series in a /video/Italian TV/ folder identified in VS as Italian TV library with Italiano as the language. In the case of unwanted data alteration, such as after a ransomware attack, you can restore the data to the previous version, either the entire shared folder or by selecting individual files. If you are reading this article there is no way you will want to get 1 or 2 drive bays. Synology today released the DiskStation DS1823xs+, an 8-bay server with built-in 10Gbps Ethernet capability. This works for models such as the DS116 (one drive bay) and DS216 and DS416 but youll occasionally come across a model that doesnt fit this format the DS1515, for example, has five bays. Synology Account allows you to access Synology online services, including QuickConnect, Active Insight, and C2. I have always been the type of person who built and ran their own file server. How To Name TV shows and Movies in Plex - Tech Junkie I actually was one of those loving DIY NAS servers for many years. What Is a Naming Convention? Each TV Show requires its own folder in the Source folder. Plex naming convention is also quite important. But you can go with whichever youd like, if you use SHR-2 (or RAID 6) chances are youre OK. , May I know what brand of HDD you operate for yours NAS now? The price on those drives is in the neighborhood of 2x the equivalent unit by specification, and while the NAS may technically function to create storage, reports are that monitoring features (I consider it critical to know if my drive is healthy) are rendered useless on the unsupported drives. We synch them up via the internet for the photos and videos from projects, as well as synchronizing our time machine backups for offsite backup. You now know everything you need to buy your Synology NAS so go ahead and pull the trigger. As we have not formally heard Synology launch SRM 3 (in beta, provisionally or in RC), that likely means that the RT6600ax will arrive with the current fully-featured SRM software and services, with the newest version with enhanced network management, security, improved intuitive layout and enhanced mobile app soon afterwards. Oh you don't like Seagate for some arbitrary reason? I am considering the DS1621+ as well, however tossing between this and DS1520+ due to lack of hardware transcoding in the DS1622+ due to the processor. To sign in using Video Station login portal: Make sure your computer and Synology NAS are on the same local network. MLC: The 2-bit data multi-level cell (MLC) flash generally takes up to 3,000 write cycles. Synology NAS servers come in different tiers and models. No doubt it is a well explained review about NAS server but my point here is that why someone prefer nas server on nas appliance. Would you have a suggestion on the 1621+ vs. the 923+/1522+? Please allow ads when visiting Dong Knows Tech!Ads pay for the sites free and No-Nonsense content. I found a post with the following file naming conventions given: Filenames A Movie Title.mpg A Movie Title YYYY.mpg Title s01e01.mpg If you want something that you can just set up once and count on for a long time, go with Synology. Any help would be great. I manage 6 Synology NAS and have had much better durability and less instance of bad sectors with Exos. For consumers, this is excellent news when it comes to ease of buying. You can specify whatever normal text you want for the edition name (with a max limit of 32 characters). Assuming that you are purchasing a desktop form factor NAS there are essentially four types of series you will encounter which I will list here from best to "worst": The simplest breakdown of these series I can give is that the top two (XS+/XS and Plus) are for enthusiasts or those approaching small business use cases. For example, Avatar was released in 2009. On the other hand, the Snapshot portion is a must-use. My take is Synology has decided to exert more control over the hardware, and removing support for third-party USB dongles is part of the effort. Again, its just like any Windows or Mac OS. App - SynoForum.com - The Unofficial Synology Forum I dont use an Apple TV, Sid, but generally this is the best server Ive used and I so some 4K streaming too. If you're estimating 40TB, prepare for 60TB. For more, check out my full review of the Surveillance Station. Synology Account Don't expect amazing performance, would avoid it if you're planning to do anything more than a single stream of video (without transcoding), but overall it's a good home solution. Pick the detected server and follow the wizard to install the DiskStation Manager (DSM) operating system directly from Synologys website and finish with the initial setup process. in certain cases failure of HW RAID controller may render even RAID 1 disks unusable. a movie split across multiple files)? Reconfigured everything..set up the LA on the Synology side to the 2nd option 802.3ad Dynamic LA. CNAME crimson.example.com. As always I really appreciate your engagement with your readers and your expertise youre willing to share. I am your regular reader. Here are the common detailed steps. xs stands for extra storage. There are three parts to the names, the leading letters, the numbers, and the ending letter(s)/characters. Everything else is a tick for me with that model. Optionally, to enforce the default branch name for all organizations in the enterprise, select Enforce across this enterprise. Data is written to both disks by the controller, however, is is done in parallel, not sequentially. The supplied disks tend to be WD Red models, which are designed to be used specifically with a NAS. Unless you know what the words "rack mount" mean there is no way you are going to want anything other than the desktop form factor. Accessing the server directly means you wont need to store data on the computer, which is great if you want to share the same data with others in the network or your computer has limited space. So yes thats the case. If you buy your hard drives from multiple retailers (say half from Newegg.com and half from Amazon.com) you'll likely get a bunch of hard drives that were manufactured at different times and maybe even in different factories. Recently I decided to make use of the extra space available on the NAS and began coverting films and comedy shows. Starting with DSM 7, Synology sheds support for third-party USB dongles. Provided you apply the recommended naming conventions ( TV, movies ), Plex is usually good at auto-matching and fetching the right metadata, especially since the new movie scanner and agent were introduced with PMS 1.20. Its recommended that you (think of) replacing them every 3 or 5 years, depending on the type you use. Synology Community File Naming Convention | Synology Community However, its always worth doing the maths a special offer on a separate hard disk might save you some cash; and fitting a hard disk in a Synology NAS takes no time at all. Hope this time it is a charm. As TV shows have multiple seasons and some episodes are double bills, these can be a little more complicated. In a year or two though, youll get what you want from Synology. Hello. So let's assume we are going to use a Synology Hybrid Raid (SHR) and we're looking at that sweet spot of 4 to 8 drive bays. But yes, its quite an excellent app to use. RAID 1 is definitely about data survival and not performance. DSM is robust and has excellent context-based help and description. Once turned on, users can use the phone or an app as a verification key for added security. Imagine always having your data backed up and synced in real-time, no matter where you are, without you having to do anything (other than the initial setup). Once you are sure your NAS is operating fine for a few weeks, then you can easily shut it down and upgrade the RAM. You can see that in the cheapening of the hardware line occurring the past two years. Now that we can break Synology model names down into their component pieces, we need to come up with our answer for each piece. But then a few years down the road they realize they are running out of space. Cheers! That works independently from apps. Thanks. All you need to do is register a unique name. Specify Geography The router acts as wireless node of XT8 (wired LAN is not an option in some rooms ). Any file name that is changed is recorded in the Migration Job Report. Years ago, somebody asked me about my most important piece of tech and was surprised when I said it was my Synology NAS server the DS410, to be specific and not the iPhone 5 I was holding. Why are we talking about drive bays instead of hard drives? ago. Learn how your comment data is processed. As the Synology Media Server bases its indexing, cover images and descriptions on the filename of your movies and TV shows, its critical to get the format correct. But as I got older and time became more precious, I began to hate all of the maintenance those servers required. is there something like S01.EX##? Including a server package and client apps, Synology Drive turns the NAS into a personal cloud server, like Dropbox, but much better. According to Plex, the correct naming convention goes like this: Its a good idea to know what those names mean. Take the F2 223 vs DS220+ the two latest dual-bay servers from TerraMaster and Synology for example. The following are acceptable file naming conventions, I have emboldened my recommended format: Movie Title (1981).avi Movie Title.avi Movie Title 1981.avi. This works fine for me have you enabled the video info plugin? Enter your customized port number in the Customized port (HTTP) or Customized port (HTTPS) field. eMLC (enterprise MLC) sustains up to10,000 write cycles, and can reach 35,000 cycles on 3D NAND TLC: Triple-level cells (3-bit) NAND flash is low at 300-1000 write cycles, and can achieve 1500-3000 write cycles with 3D NAND How to Bend Plex to Your Will to Handle Complex Libraries Without Synology makes two basic NAS shapes: rack-mounted and desktop. Still, for home users, it remains one of many things that make Synology NAS great today. But no matter what Synology NAS you get, youll experience most of what I previewed above, if not all. RX (RackStation Expansion): This one is another expansion unit, but for an RS server. Its important to note that a server can have multiple volumes, so you can always use two or more to double or triple their storage space. You have to set the same type of LA on both ends, Raghu. No matter which NAS server model you get, youll have the same core experience. For example, DS for DiskStation, their desktop product, or RS for RackStation, their rackmount solution. Well, thats true for all servers none can handle unlimited storage space. File Naming Conventions | Data Management - Harvard University TV Show Naming Can't understand the product names : r/synology - reddit Naming conventions result in improvements in terms of "four Cs": communication, code integration, consistency and clarity. File and Directory Names The prevailing sentiment from all the reading I've done and the YouTube videos I've watched is that you should not rely on expansion. Model numbers explained. It has a fast Ryzen CPU, upgradable ECC RAM, and 8 drive bays. It may not display this or other websites correctly. And your assessment is fine. Synology sometimes upgrades a NAS with a faster processor and more RAM, but without changing the model number. First and foremost, Plex will never alter your actual files because all the data it uses is stored in your Plex Media Server's database. Each drive model is put through a comprehensive validation test to assure maximum compatibility, reliability, and stability in our NAS. Yet another excellent article. It's generally faster to get answers via site/page search. There are a couple of extra suffixes too. Does the OS work better with more than 2 drives? These are said to have the best price/performance ratio. Beyond that are xs and xs+ models. Compatibility Note: Chris Finnamore contributed computing reviews to Trusted Reviews between 2016 and 2017. But 2 Seagate is all bad sector found under Synology system, do you think WD is better than Seagate, or just I am unlucky? The last two numbers represent the model range.