Unscrew and remove the two takedown pins located on either side of the frame, just above the trigger guard. Likewise, the year 1981 was represented with the code A2. Take time to groom your llama. Just use this handy translation code list. At this point, you will have the main components of the weapon disassembled. The codes are the same whether it's a Llama, a Star, or an Astra By signing up you agree to Guns.com's Go for walks together. 0000002305 00000 n Take out the hammer and mainspring assembly and set aside. Mod. Llama especials require regular grooming, so take the time to brush, comb, and bathe your llama to keep their fur looking soft and healthy. 1967 = XXIII. Pull those off (for many guns, like the Firestar, be careful not to move the safety as a plunger can become dislodged and fly away, lost forever when the grips are off) and look if you have no other luck. Spend time playing with and bonding with your llama before you start dating. This patent covers not only the Grub's Mystery Green, but also Brads Atomic Grape and Barrys Crazy Cherry. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers this appears to be the export version of Mod. The contract was so large that the company had to subcontract with as many as 50 other small cottage gunmakers in the Eibar area to fill the demand. Remove the firing pin and firing pin spring. For pistols built after 1936 slide marking reads: "LLAMA GABILONDO Y CIA ELOEIBAR (ESPANA) CAL 9MM .380". 0000010495 00000 n %%EOF This is also a good example of how hidden proomarks can be. be submitted to the Eibar Proof House for testing prior to being released A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Show your llama that you are trustworthy. Remove the slide from the frame. 1984 according to the site - seems a lot more likely. These pistols were made available for I don't see anything in these links that isn't there already. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! Founded by two brothers Julian and Bonifacio Echeverria in 1905, Star is perhaps the best-known of the three big Spanish handgun makers. Retract the slide back until it locks. Llama pistols are now made in the Philippines, by Metro Arms and imported into the U.S. by Eagle Imports of Wanamassa, New Jersey. There are no Llama pistols designated as Models XII, XIII, and XIV as these designations have been reserved for and are used on the Llama revolvers. 529. 0000048483 00000 n Get creative! IX-A This is the .45 ACP caliber, to which a grip safety was added immediately following World War II. 0000007757 00000 n MB Date code on German M98 rifles with swv marks signifying that it was made in late 1944 early 1945. . It dates from about 1935 and is believed to have replaced the first two models in distribution and to have been dropped from production in 1954. The simple blowback .32ACP handgun won a large contract with the French Army, then embroiled in World War I. In 1980s, firm introduced a new line of pistols that were more modern in design and function. It takes 60 days for Red Rocket tomatoes to reach maturit. These were . The table below indicates the various year codes. The first three years of proofing (1927-29) were reportedly somewhat confused, so dates of manufacture may vary widely from the stamped date. The code should be found on the left side of the frame just above the trigger or under the frame and it will be identified by a * over the letter or a * over the letter and number year code. 0000019854 00000 n V Made in 9 mm. "Spanish Year Of MFG. As for his price being overinflated, at $500-$600 for each, to me yes his price is very inflated. VII (or IV) style are known to have been made in the 7.63 Mauser caliber, expressly for the German trade, and it is possible that the designation of Mod. Manufactured by GABILONDO Y CIA, ELGOIBAR (ESPANA) in Sadly, due to a variety of market reasons and competition from Latin American gun makers such as Bersa, Rossi, and Taurus who managed to crowd the Spanish gunmakers out of the import line to North America, Astra and Star closed their doors in the late 1990s, leaving Llama to endure with their Max and Micro Max series guns today. I found a D*2 on the other side of the barrels. This example in the Guns.com Vault is in excellent condition. The one at the top looks like an original used Llama mag, but the three at the bottom kind of strike me as being Triple K copies. #925888. Note that most will not be hilited in white as these are. 1911. pistol. Though there was another one operating for a short time in the early 1920s, Eibar is the one and only Spanish government proof house for most of the 20th century. On a Llama it is usually on the left side of the frame just above the trigger guard. In 1931, company began to produce a semi-automatic pistol based on Colt Model 1911. Many materials reproduced here are copyrighted by their respective owners, and may not be reproduced without permission. Fixed sights. Though the US government has inspection processes for military goods, there is no proof house of any sort for domestic US gun makers. Italian Date Codes. For Llama pistols built prior to 1936 slide marking reads: "GABILONDO Y CIA ELOEIBAR (ESPANA) CAL 9MM/.380IN LLAMA". Mod. LLama Model I was a blowback pistol The standards setting and IP regimes in Russia are open to some manipulation, as evidenced by last y, Harvest Delicious Red Tomatoes with Red Rocket in Hot Climates South of Memphis, Tomatoes are a popular and versatile crop that can be grown in many climates, but it is important to choose the right variety for your climate. Largo (Bergmann) and .38 ACP calibers. Elgoiba (Espana). I assume the Star chart is accurate for the Llama? Pull the slide backward and off the frame. Welcome to the updated GunBroker.com forums. Ensure that the gun is unloaded by removing the magazine and visually inspecting the chamber. To this weapon was given the trade name Llama" which is the name for currently made Gabilondo pistols. The left side of the slide is marked Gabilondo Y Cia. Continue reading here: Glisenti pistols Fpb, FREE Military Tough 6-in-1 Tactical Survival Knife, Free 2nd Amendment Gun Rights Silver Coin, Green Beret Master Sergeant Home Security Checklist, Winning Plays Texted To Your Phone That Comes Directly From An Elite Team Of Sharps, Internal External and Terminal Ballistics, High Standard Pistols - Firearms identification, Drop In Auto Sear - AR15 to M16 Conversion. 1927, Spanish law has required that every firearm manufactured in Spain This logo is said to have been used on the Mexican made Llamas but they were III-A's. Also used by Spain in the early years. This is located on the underside of the slide, and should slide out with a slight tug. Additionally, no proof date code means only "pre-1930" not "pre-1927.". In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique Nationale. 0000006231 00000 n Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. As seen below, there are four possible marks on any Star firearm. 0000043689 00000 n If you like interesting and often rare guns like these Spanish classics, be sure to check out ourCollectors Corneror look through our entire catalog of more than3,000 new and used guns of all sorts. A Model X-1 has been noted, but details are unknown. The model S photo to the left shows the typical location and appearance of proofmarks on Star pistols. Besides coughing up clones of various FN and Mannlicher pistols, Star got in on the Ruby making enterprise in the Great War and in the 1920s began producing a series of innovative handguns such as the curious JO-LO-AR, and their take on John Brownings M1911. Date of manufacture for Spanish handguns. Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. 0000070355 00000 n Send me email be sure to leave the subject line prefix or your message will be filtered out! models of 1903, 1906, 1910, and 1922. Though 100% of armor in those early days was tested, this rapidly changed to batch testing, which is what we have now with most firearms. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. 10 Best ways to Make Money on Social Media and not waste time. Furthermore, if you're growing heirloom varieties or rare species that may not, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Privacy Policy. Remove the slide stop pin from the frame. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. The 12 month average price is $325.41 new and $169.82 used. Llama was born in Spain over 100 years ago but now resides in the Philippines. 7.65M/M (32) "LLAMA"". IV This was the original Llama pistol, dating from 1931-32, in 9 mm. Remove the hammer and mainspring assembly from the frame, located just above the trigger. rufe-snow 18,649. 1955. adam762 Apr 7, 2019 adam762 Well-known member Gold Contributor FALaholic # 11334 Joined Jul 28, 2003 Posts 5,118 Location Washington Court House, OH Feedback: 269 / 1 / 0 So based on what I know about dating Spanish pistols, this could either be 1927, 1932, or Jan of 1978. III. Next, remove the barrel from the slide. My 2 cents worth is only.183 with exc hange. Place the safety in the "Off" position and your Llama 22 pistol is now loaded and ready to fire. Mod. Mini-Mag solids is always my go to ammo. Pull out the magazine release button and its spring. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. Pull the trigger return spring out of the frame. You might not notice them unless looking, under bright light, at low angles. Registered Member. For some reason this first model produced later was designated Model IV. Anyone have a date code chart for the Llama 380 small 1911 look alike? Remove the cylindrical pin, located at the bottom rear of the receiver, which holds the cylinder in place. All rights reserved worldwide. Besides Spain, the guns were used by Germany, Finland, and Portugal, among others. In order to participate in the GunBroker Member forums, you must be logged in with your GunBroker.com account. It looks like you're new here. The caliber is stamped just below the maker's name, "CAL 7.65M/M (32) "LLAMA"". Nope, Llama Martial. It . Mod. Every cowboy needs a revolver. 0 Llama made a lot of different 9mms and .45s. Mod. 0000065199 00000 n Star Firearms: Dating your Star Pistol with Proofmarks. The oldest of the three by a year, Llama-Gabilondo y Cia SA, best known as Llama, dated back to 1904 when the company ran under the banner of its two principal gunsmiths, Gabilondo y Urresti..