We want you to share your individual experience and what you took away from the course. Best instructor hands down. In addition to professor reviews, Rate my Professors app also allows students to leave reviews on the university or campus itself. evergreen funeral home live stream. Excellent lectures, slides & recordings, minor inaccuracies here and there. The list is based on the comments, ratings, and reviews from the schools students. The estimated total pay for a Adjunct Instructor at Eastern Gateway Community College is $30 per hour. If you disagree with the details mentioned in a review, see the paragraph above regarding managing your profile. I love the challenge and I strive to beat my last scores. I barely make any money, and I have bills to pay. Not much chances for friendship or social life and campus is pretty small. Dr. Meyers cares not only about your grade but he makes sure that you understand the material. DRS loses your paperwork and they all lie to you. In other words, if you are a college freshman student who is researching or on the prowl for the best professor who can provide you with the best instruction about your course, then, feel free to check out the Rate My Professors app today. Clear syllabus and course structure. Right in the heart of New Haven, there are many nice cafes and restaurants to go to. In 2020, Eastern Gateway Community College had a total salary expenditure of $65.8M. Were here to help and will happily review the comments in question. The campus has a lot of natural lighting which helps keep students motivated. Gateway Community College. You can contact us here or at support@ratemyprofessors.com. Gateway's Campus. This professor is really amazing though because he's extremely clear about what's important to know for the exams. The hockey games and broom ball are to die for and there are numerous clubs and organizations, the food does suck(don't eat at wads). For the price, it's a good school to learn a trade and then move on. Lab exam: study practice practical pdf & do practice quizzes. great staffs, great faculties, perfect career services, strongly recommended. The link address is: http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=1478353 GATEWAY CHRISTIAN TRAINING COLLEGE. Professor of Human Services, jcohen@GatewayCT.edu, 203-285-2289, Office S124D Details & Hours Cole Charles Lead Custodian, ccole@GatewayCT.edu, x86045, Office N024 Details Cornell Jaimie L Student Account and Appeals Coordinator-EA, JCornell@GatewayCT.edu, 203-285-2110, Office N216 Details Crawford Christine One of the ten campuses of the University of California system, UCI offers 87 undergraduate degrees and 129 graduate and professional degrees, and roughly 30,000 undergraduates and 6,000 graduate . very nice campus. Hard grader. The goal of the app is simple; provide a trustworthy platform the students can use to gain basic knowledge on the courses offered and the professors in the colleges or universities in their area. Did not learn anything. Fast accessible internet, great opportunities and clubs, on a small campus where everyone pretty much knows everyone in a small town. That is what I learned at GWCC. I've had my transcripts lost that I had sent. y Professors will let you rate your professor and campus. GateWay Community College Priority Registration Be the First to Register Starts March 6 My Maricopa Find A Class Financial Aid Library Learning Center Don't Miss Out We invite you to attend three online events featuring uplifting speakers. It will only be removed if it does not comply with our site guidelines. Rate my Professors app also allows students to learn more about each professor by reading the comments left by their students. She wants to make sure you have a full understanding of the material she is teaching. This leads to much more credible and constructive feedback for your peers. There is no extra credit, so make sure you study! She is always around to answer questions. Dr. DeLivron is one of Gateway, if not CSCU's finest. This pathway map will help you gain the expertise needed to: Prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by registered respiratory therapists (RRTs). Great school, with plenty of opportunities. The administration doesnt seem to be engaged with students, professors, or their needs and are pretty uncaring. She is the best math teacher Ive ever had. Other professors are heavily biased and probably shouldn't be teaching at all. Rate My Professors reserves the right to remove ratings that do not contain substantive comments. The College is mandated with the task of equipping and developing educators and sports coaches with professional skills enshrined in Bible-based values thus making them effective in their chosen profession. The goal of the app is simple; provide a trustworthy platform the students can use to gain basic knowledge on the courses offered and the professors in the colleges or universities in their area. New and nice. The grass area is a nice addition for some greenery and event place. There are two homework and two quizzes per unit (three units) and there are no tests or exams. Youre basically on your own. Rate My Professors - Review Teachers and Professors, School Reviews, College Campus Ratings Gateway Community College Phoenix, AZ Website Rate this campus Share Submit a Correction Top Professors view all professors Swaba, Joseph 148 reviews 5.0 Meyers, Mark 70 reviews 5.0 Tapscott, Michael As for online experience and classes, there are professors that put their heart and soul into the class who are wonderful, and others that make it feel like a closed-door policy and as if you are there to ride a treadmill. Grades fast with feedback. It's impossible to fail her class. Dont pass it up! However, she made the class material presentable and was present with office hours. Class is mainly lectures, labs, test. Transfer credits too. her lectures are great and also her power point and extra problem solving. Some professors are great, others think online class means they dont have to teach. His one credit cadaver course is graded entirely on attendance so you literally just have to show up (remarkably some people couldn't even manage this) and not be a jerk to get an A. are all very rude. Her lectures are easy to understand and follow and she gives prompt feedback. Read the PowerPoint, and you'll pass! Best professor ever! Rate My Professors app is built for college students to help them choose the best courses and professors in the US, UK, and Canada. Its database includes more than 7,500 schools across the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, and Wales. Take a minute to step back and make sure your review will genuinely help others understand your experience. AP 2 has too much info not to. Gateway Community College 5 months Biology Instructor Aug 2022 - Present5 months Adjunct Professor Aug 2022 - Present5 months Clinical Research Assistant Yale University Aug 2022 - Present5. I decided I want to focus on a humanities instead of a business degree. The campus is great. 1. The staff is very helpful and the school is full of places to study, get help on finding a job, picking your career choice etc. With a Professor account, you can post a reply and are alerted when new ratings are posted on your profile. Fantastic teacher, but difficult tests. Self service school, the online platform for student information is archaic, and assistance from non teaching staff is non existent. *****. Biochem can be very daunting, but Dr. D was an amazing professor and made everything digestible and easy to understand. Very friendly and more than willing to answer any uncertainties or concerns. If you need something broken down he will break it down for you so you understand. Download Rate, Rating and Reviewing Application Used for. If you can make it through neverless with a decent GPA you will do okay in a career but there are much better universities with much better staff and facilities. At Gateway we utilize a state-of-the-art software portal called myCommNet, which allows you to access your grades, schedule, online coursework, and library databases, all with the same NetID (user name and password). After Dr. Meyers first lecture I realized that I can do this! I absolutely loved Professor Meyers. when you do speak to someone they either dont know what they are doing or have an attitude. We are unable to remove a comment simply because it is negative. The campus was built in the 70's and it shows. Its a great school! Think of it as part of your college initiation. Rate my Professors app is a user-friendly review platform new and upcoming students can use in choosing the right campus, course, and professor for their college education. I hadnt taken chemistry in years. Megan Delivron at Gateway Community College - RateMyProfessors.com 5 / 5 Overall Quality Based on 47 ratings Megan Delivron Professor in the Chemistry department at Gateway Community College 96% Would take again 3.4 Level of Difficulty Rate Professor Delivron I'm Professor Delivron Submit a Correction Professor Delivron 's Top Tags I FEEL THE ONLY THING I WILL GIVE A GREAT RATING IS "THE LEARNING CENTER" ON CAMPUS. Eric Meyers at Gateway Community College - RateMyProfessors.com 4.9 / 5 Overall Quality Based on 42 ratings Eric Meyers Professor in the Biology department at Gateway Community College 93% Would take again 2.9 Level of Difficulty Rate Professor Meyers I'm Professor Meyers Submit a Correction Professor Meyers 's Top Tags Her practice Qs are like her tests Qs so do them. The place is unique, and small, with all the same opportunities and amenities as the big schools. I wish there was more tutoring opportunities and more choices for clubs, Hard to get faculty and staff to return e-mails and phone calls Even after sitting down with some of the above mentioned persons they seemed to have little knowledge of how to address most of my questions and concerns Their data system is outdated. If I could graduate with a bachelors/masters here, I would have stayed all the way through. Keep copies and records of everything! She is always available. I am currently taking the crunched 4 week summer A & P II course (4 days a week, just under 5 hrs each day!) Rate my Professors to allow college and university students to post or assign ratings to campuses and professors of American, UK, and Canadian institutions. Always do your research as you might get runarounds. It shows the actual grades from past students. . For the price and as long as you are attending to learn a trade (don't waste your time with an art degree), Seminole State has been much better to me than UCF. One of the best professors I've ever had. The top professors' list is also featured on each of the schools in the apps database. Instructor (# reviews) View Course: Add Review You will love her style!!!!! Write A Review he helps you out when needed. Furthermore, Rate My Professor allows students to leave comments about the performance not only of the professor but the entire campus itself. Gateway Community and Technical CollegeMain numbers: (859) 441-45001-(855) 3GO-GCTC [1-(855) 346-4282]gateway.kctcs.edu Boone Campus500 Technology WayFlorence, KY 41042 Edgewood Campus790 Thomas More ParkwayEdgewood, KY 41017 Urban Metro Campus516 Madison AvenueCovington, KY 41011 General Information General Information Administration As far as clubs, there isnt one that peaks my interests but if any of you lot anime or are really into the black lives matter movement, there is something for you. Take this course with her you will not regret it I promise! As to how accurate the reviews are depending on the volume itself, after all, not everyone will be pleased by a certain campus or the teaching methods used by professors. She provides study guides for each exam so you know what to expect. She makes the lessons clear and easy to understand. /*