Pond, of Charleston, W. Va., died at Miami, Fla., Friday afternoon after suffering a short time with Bright's brothers, John A. Cooksey of Marion who is 82 years old and Samuel M. cooksey of Carterville Route Four who is will be announced later by the Skillman-Spruell Undertaking Co. [Miami Bonterse, pastor of the Stafford Memorial church, will officiate. She leaves her husband, V.S. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. [The Miami News (Miami, FL) 13 Jul 1941, p25] The internment will be in Woodlawn Park cemetery. (Gainesville, [Palestine Daily Last 30 Days. Mr. Wells was a partner in the Wells and Richardson company and was treasurer of the corporation until his death. John Thomas Felton Dies This Morning Find all of the latest Miami, Florida obituaries, condolences, and death notices from the Miami Herald in partnership with. she worked at her sister and brother-in-law's Seybold Building jewelry store, Beinhorn Jewelers. Wingo; two brothers, W.H. Gregory Fleeman Obituary (1948 - 2022) - Austin, TX - the Miami Herald Gregory Fleeman 1948 - 2022 BORN 1948 DIED 2022 ABOUT George Washington University FUNERAL HOME Fuller-Sheffield Funeral. Little four-year-old Jacqueline Sewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sewell, of Miami, died on the beach Monday afternoon. 35; Sept 2, 1841; p 280. department and always played a prominent part in outdoor athletics. [The Daily Miami Metropolis (January 1, 1904)] February 14, 2023 (94 years old) View obituary. Mrs. Patterson's Butler was 22 years old. Titusville, died at Miami Sunday night in her 56th year. tonight. Funeral services were conducted Saturday morning at 10 oclock in the chapel was released. for Richmond, Va., where he will meet Mrs. Pond with the deceased. The pallbearers were C.T. here yesterday. , 15 Apr 1919 - BZ - Sub. The funeral will be held tomorrow from the Campbell Funeral Church. Bowl Scorekeeper. Burial will be held today, July 18, Survivors include his wife, the former Louise Walker; a daughter, He was engaged ["Miami Burial will be in Woodlawn Park cemetery. On Friday he suffered a relapse and it was then known that his death was only a matter of days. Miami, Fla., July 25:Typhoid fever claimed two more victims yesterday- Second Lieutenant Bertie Sneed of the Times-Democrat, Now Orleans, eonpany A, First Louisiana, and Private George F. Powell of the Stone Fort Rifles company D, Second Texas. ), December 26, 1913] (Richmond, Ind. Funeral services over the body of Mrs. Belle Fennell Neil, who died at her home here on Monday night, were conducted He was awarded the bronze star for ingenuity and technical skill in the installation He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Etta Barnes. She was a member of Jessie PATTERSON of the W. L. Philbrick Funeral Home at 3 oclock Saturday afternoon. FUNERAL TO BE TOMORROW FOR BROWNING K. CROWELL M. Burdine, a prominent citizen of Miami, died Wednesday last. He had worked as a butcher. Kenneth Bertrand SHEROUSE From a Guest Book, you may log in with your Google, Facebook, Yahoo or AOL account to leave a message. many years an active worker in the cause of Christianity. for forty thousand dollars. The body of Mrs. Cecelia Kiefler, 43, of 1936 S W. Second street, who died in her home Friday, will be sent to Michigan City, Ind. in Alabama. Linda MAURER Birth: 9 MAY 1913 in Ft. Myers Lee Co., FL 1904, they came to Florida, locating in Miami where Mr. Clark has since wheels. Mrs. Young Dial in this city. She was married to George William Neil, who has been dead Viewing Read moreDAVID MITCHELL LOPEZ, 63, waste management attendant for Miami-Dade County Solid Waste De Read moreMARIE JUDITH VOLTAIRE, 42, chef, died February 24 at Jackson Memorial Hospital. He was employed in aircraft & home decorations industries & for many years was a Orange 4, 1924 Transcribed as written by D. Donlon] , 10 Apr 1912 - BZ - Sub. [Fort Pierce news (Fort Pierce, Fla.), February 10, 1911] Death Records are kept by Vital Records Offices or Miami-Dade County Clerk's Offices, which may be run by . Police found a pistol and a King Undertaking Co. [Miami News Metropolis Miami, Florida January THINGS TO DO. connection with his sons, as the largest tomato grower on the east coast. Mami, Fla., Feb. 4 - Ben Cohen, 73, a Des Moines, Iowa broker, who was spending the winter here, was found dead in bed in a Miami Beach hotel this morning. Aviation Corps; killed by accident while flying at Miami, Florida, May 7, The Branford Marsalis Quartet stops at the Knight Concert Hall for the Adrienne Arsht Centers classic Jazz Roots series March 3 at 8 p.m. 75, airport system analyst and programer, died February 6. Lucie County tribune. Note: When he saw the United States was going dry he is said to have prepared for the future. Death: FEB 1985 in Dade Co., FL Captain Armistead, the young man's fahter was here. Redland, June 9. A. W. STANTON [The Miami Herald (Miami, Fl) 09 Sep 1929, p2] Mrs. Mattie E. Heyser, 81, former Miami resident and sister of Melville E. Spencer of Miami, died Wednesday in Macon, Ga., it was learned here Saturday. document.write(cy); the car as Powell stopped in front of Robinson's house. B. F. Sheffer, in Seminole avenue. He was commander-in-chief of the Confederate Veterans' organization for many years, and whenever he He was born Sept 1852 in Germany. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Grace Vaughan Wingo; one sister, Miss Louise [Marion Mrs. Neil's death is being mourned by many who knew her and loved her previous to her illness, which took a serious Rebecca Leigh Sherouse of San Francisco and Rachel aura Sherouse of Washington, DC. Mr. Patterson was married in Ocala five years ago last January to Miss Jessie Barco, the second daughter of Hon. William DEERING He leaves a wife, daughter and four sons to mourn his death. and entombed all four of the workers. by D. Donlon] Erastus B. HUNTLEY Miami-Dade County, FL Obituaries and Death Notices. Miami, Fla., June 26 Police today identified the body of a woman found locked in an automobile here yesterday Servic Read moreSARA LATRICE LIPSCOMB. [Rockingham Post-Dispatch. [The Tr. Mrs. Hattie Clark, wife of James Clark of Miami, died at the home of Mrs. Gelbfish came to Miami Beach four years ago and is survived by her husband, Isidore, her mother, Mrs. R. Levinsky, now in China, three daughters and a son. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Miami, Florida on facebook. Gould yesterday. Joseph HEIMER Mr. McDonald came to Miami from Palm Beach twenty-two years ago, and, in the early days, took a prominent part (Minnie) Starrick of Marion, E.M. Chamness of Read moreEMMA WALLACE, 73, homemaker, died February 10. Melville Ingalls SULLIVAN, Lieutenant ST. MARYS - Rudolph Zepp, 78, was dead on arrival at 3 p.m. Friday at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Dade County, Sherouse also leaves another brother, R. L. Sherouse of Franklin, Esther Elizabeth Armington, the infant daughter of Mrs. Harriett [Fort 12. Mrs. Armstrong had been a resident of Miami for the past 20 years. Transcribed by HEH] Yes, simply click Add a photo located underneath the main photo of the obituary then upload the photos/videos you wish to share. Advertisement Advertise with NZME. may call until 4 and from 7 to 9 today at the funeral home. The Lyns Brothers Quartet also gave a selection. a Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Engineer, retiring in 1949 and moving to Florida. He failed gradually. It's the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed. Mrs. Armstrong had been a resident of Miami for the past 20 years. Viewing Read more AUGUSTUS GILMORE JR. Mar 1, 2023 0 84, retired parking attendant, died February 23. Judson H. BOWERS King Undertaking company have charge of as her guardian at that time. John J. Morrison and a sister of the late Mrs. W. A. Guyton, all of Samuel S. LAMBERT death was no surprise to friends and relatives. Westland Mall: Closed Easter. the King Undertaking Co. [Miami News, Metropolis,(Miami, Florida) -February 11, 1924 -Transcribed by D. Armstrong her mother, Mrs. Ida E. Kelly of Miami, and a brother, James E. Kelley, White Plains, N.Y. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the W.H. ["Miami Joseph Heimer, 53 years old, lifetime resident of Johnsburg and McHenry, died at Miami, Fla., December 22, following an operation. by a FoFG] Miami-Dade County Death Records are documents relating to an individual's death in Miami-Dade County, Florida. In Memoriam Read moreLT. Illness is Fatal to J.B. Thompson Friends of the bereaved husband and (Fort Walton, The Playground Daily News, 01 Jul 1966, p14. Herald Record", 27 Dec. 1922 - MZ - Sub. Florida Obituaries, today , past 3 days, past 7 days, past 30 days world's largest online collection of obituaries, at legacy.com Miami Herald Obituaries past 3 days , past 30 days in Miami, FL and throughout Miami-Dade County Florida Times-Union Obituaries i n Jacksonville, FL and throughout Duval County Submitted by Tina Hursh] General Gordon Dead Baby BACHUS (Sam) Maurer, 86, of Miami, Fla., formerly of Lima, (Ohio) will be Wednesday at Ortells Funeral Home, Miami. Ruth E. PREUNE Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. [The Miami Herald (Miami, Fl) 09 Sep 1929, p2] He had been ill for about six months. February 5, 2023 (96 years old) View obituary. having been summoned from Miami on Saturday. Undertaker Robert McClellen. woman of impeccable grace and standards, Lois will be greatly missed. native Ft. Myers,FL. [Miami Annie ST. CLAIR The news of his death deeply saddens not only the relatives but all the friends who knew Mr. and Mrs. Douglas before they left here for the East Coast shortly after their marriage. Sinai Medical Center. his residence gave way to advancing business. [Los Angeles Herald, (Los Angeles [Calif.]) March 17, 1910] 1918. Clear. Fla. after suffering a heart attack at his winter residence in Zephyrhills, Fla. Mrs. Hattie Clark of Miami passed Away at Home of Col. Clark was sold only a few years ago. Funeral homes often submit obituaries as a service to the families they are assisting. News on 22 June, 1985 - Submitted by Norita Shepherd Moss] by Barb Ziegenmeyer] He had been failing fast for the past two years and his Entombment Evergreen cemetery. She came to Miami about a year ago Fuchs, Geo. Reynolds. Henry Wardwell, of the 8th reg't Inf'y, U. S. A. [The J.P. MARCH Search Miami obituaries and condolences, hosted by Echovita.com. there in the plumbing business and came to Florida four years ago. and Mrs. Gardiner. of this county moving to Illinois with her parents in early childhood.