Lucy: How did Lincoln got food poisoning? Lori: Since mom and dad are out, I'm in charge. Middle School student (before "Rita Her Rights")High school student (since "Rita Her Rights")Owner of Funny Business Inc.Babysitter Lori: Well, we might be upset, but I will never stay mad at you. It wasnt your fault. [8] No matter how bad any problem is, she'll find the funnier side of the matter. Luna is holding it. Portrayal When lisa invents and activates a nuclear fusion bomb, it unleashed a devastating explosion throughout the entire world. It all started when a family moved into Royal Woods and caught the eye of a certain Loud. It played so much, he didn't like the beach anymore.*. For the part when Luan said "Oh my godthat's a great idea! Relatives I hope they don't beat me up over this *He opens his door and notices his sisters are angry at him except Lily, who heard and saw everything secretly*. He was being used as a slave and gets constantly bullied. Lori never misses a call nowadays. [15] Back then, she wore a sleeveless yellow dress with a square pattern, a black belt, white socks, and brown ballerina flats. (leaves), (Cameron walks towards the counter and grabs the order.). I think we'll take our orders to go. She also owned another ventriloquist dummy (before Mr. Coconuts) named Colonel Crackers. Shall we? Lincoln eats the cake and goes back to his room. Luan (brightens up): Im so glad! Lincoln: (notices something) Wait, I see something on the table. Luna: Dudes, am I the only one that feels guilty for kicking out Lincoln like that? I will try to be there as fast I can. This version of Luan has a female version of her dummy Mr. Coconuts, named Mrs. Coconuts.
Loud House fic - Hide and Sick by Vincent-Starman on DeviantArt Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. You might want to check out up the other drone right now. Baby Like Luan, Bebe is a comedian who tells jokes to lighten the situation and, like the human counterparts, none of her siblings find her funny. I can't anymoreI need to show myself to themone by one, perhaps? *Grabs her equipment and hears her heart*, Luan: *Smiles, giggles hoarsely & softly*, Leni: *Smiles* Your heart has a nice beat and it's doing good. Luan (catching her breath): I am here. *The girls laughed, as Lincoln was in pain. Luan is strong enough to carry Lincoln on her head. Occupation I get it, NSL is a dead horse by now, it's been like 3 years since it aired, but I joined in 2020, so I decided I should do my take on it before I eventually move on from this episode and into doing extended versions of other episodes that aren't well liked by the fandom, so without further ado, enjoy. On some occasions she can get angry when drama unbreaks in her family; like when she fought against her siblings to obtain a seat in Vanzilla,[6] when she and her siblings destroyed the whole house looking for money,[7] or when Luan and her siblings argued. Luan is rather immature, as she has a childlike fondness for pranking people and laughing at their misfortunes. *He goes to his room with Lily in his hands, he lets her go in his bed, as he closes the door*. Luna: Well, I could be your assistant for a while dude. Younger She wears a yellow mask with a red diamond-shape over one eye and a black one over the other, a yellow and black jester's shirt, one yellow boot, and one black boot. What happened to you guys? "You can never have too much money." He said as he gently rubbed Lori's head. (Meanwhile, Stella is hiding in one of the bushes. After few hours have gone buy, Luna and Luan were going back home. Clyde: What did he mean by "a couple months left"?
Comedy hurts Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction We can play at Lori's Golf Course. Then Lily comes out. How are we going to spy on them now?
(Coughing) (Fart) *Blushes* Excuse me. Loud House fic - Hide and Sick Add to Favourites By Vincent-Starman Published: Apr 18, 2019 23 Favourites 15 Comments 12K Views Plot: After Lincoln gets sick, the sisters leave him with their grandparents while they're away, but a minion of Sulio's has other ideas. I didnt want to bother you. We were protected with your luck and no jellyfish stung us! A Loud's Return 27 parts Ongoing Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav. When Luan is very thirsty, her voice becomes raspy, forcing her to cough to get her voice back to normal. "Okay." Lori said, though not quite convinced. (It begins at the Loud House, Lincoln is sitting on the couch while playing a video game. Unlike Lincoln, Luan already knows that she cannot upload videos without her subject's permission. *The 2 friends went to bed and woke up at 7am*, *The siblings (minus Lincoln) are now awake, at the table with bacon and pancakes as breakfast*. And for making me fall for that too! *The loud siblings walk home, as soon as they came home, Lynn came down*, *Everybody moved out the way to reveal Lincoln, in which Lynn ran up to him and hugged him tightly*. I love you. Anything for my funny clown. She occasionally jokes around in inappropriate situations, like making a prison joke while her mother is in jail,[9] and planning to tell Rita jokes about how old she is at her birthday party. Lincoln: Yeah, maybe. She needs to 'come out of the closet' and tell her family who she really is. But they can't hear them talking.). Lori Loud (oldest sister)Leni Loud (older sister)Luna Loud (older sister)Lynn Loud (younger sister)Lincoln Loud (younger brother)Lucy Loud (younger sister)Lana Loud (younger sister)Lola Loud (younger sister)Lisa Loud (younger sister)Lily Loud (youngest sister)Rita Loud (mother)Lynn Loud Sr. (father)Shirley (aunt)Unnamed uncleUnnamed cousinRuth (great aunt)Albert (maternal grandfather)Leonard Loud (paternal grandfather)Unnamed paternal great-grandfatherHarriet (great-grandmother, deceased)Ancestors from 1600s (paternal ancestors) Luna (suprised): Wait. (Stella turns on the drone's microphone and they can hear Lori and Bobby talking.). Coconuts (dummy/soulmate)GigglesColonel Crackers (former)The Santiago familyThe Casagrande family, ComedyPulling pranks on her siblingsMaking puns and jokesMaking prank callsMaking funny videosFunny internet videosWhoopee cushionsThrowing piesApril Fool's DayMr. Here's some loud house fanfic ideas I plan to make in the future or some I can give to others if they interested. Completed suicidalthoughts loriloud loudhouse +12 more # 2 Family Bond by Babysqid 67.8K 801 16 Lincoln: Oh no. We should get going. Cashier: (calls out) Order for table number 3! Her swimsuit is a yellow one piece with one of her gag-squirt flowers. At age six, Luan was the middle child when Lucy was born. *Grabs a spoon and pours some medicine in it*. Luan: Even though is disgusting I'll take it.
Lunaloud Stories - Wattpad At 15-years-old (14-years-old before Season 5), Luan is the fourth oldest child of the Loud family, and the second-youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. Lincoln and Luan were at Lunas and Luans room. (Later, everyone is at the loud house and Lincoln is using his laptop.). [10], Despite her immaturity and passion for comedy, Luan has on numerous occasions shown herself capable of acting serious and responsible if the situation warrants. Keep reading to find out! The final chapter of my Loud House fanfiction!Music used:Temple Of Seasons Remix - Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsEternal Hope - Kevin MacLeodThe Purest S.
It wasnt your fault that Lincoln is poisoned. She performed out in public for the first time at the Royal Woods Bowling Alley but the audience did not enjoy her performance and heckled her with curly fries. All the sisters run upstairs and saw Lincoln sick in his bed. "Dang it" muttered Luan under her breath as she went to change the baby. *Then after 44 seconds of silence and eating, Leni says something*. Or will NSL AU, unfortunately. Even if you dont know how will they happen. You probablyfeelterrible. It wasnt your fault. Suddenly, the door bell rings. Lola: So? The War is over but she doesn't feel that she will be able t Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav (Remastered) Lincoln Loud, the only boy in his family, is always getting teased by his sisters. One thing's for sure nothing gets this Loud down! Luan is slowly los. Stella's controlling them. Its a chocolate cake. Coconuts humiliating othersLosing Mr.CoconutsMr. We think you are gonna love it. Her goal is to make the world laugh along with her, though some of her material still needs work. [Source], Lori Loud (oldest sister)Leni Loud (older sister)Luna Loud (older sister)Lynn Loud (younger sister)Lincoln Loud (younger brother)Lucy Loud (younger sister)Lana Loud (younger sister)Lola Loud (younger sister)Lisa Loud (younger sister)Lily Loud (youngest sister)Rita Loud (mother)Lynn Loud Sr. (father)Shirley (aunt)Unnamed uncleUnnamed cousinRuth (great aunt)Albert (maternal grandfather)Leonard Loud (paternal grandfather)Unnamed paternal great-grandfatherHarriet (great-grandmother, deceased)Ancestors from 1600s (paternal ancestors), Her familyBennyClydeRonnie AnneMr. Since I don't like writing descriptions I'll get to the point quickly. Lincoln: Lori, why don't you take this hole first? Lincoln: *takes off the suit* That's it! In the mini-comic "Deuces Wild!," Luan interprets the superheroine called "The Joker," who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. Stella, can you please zoom the drone closer towards the table? Luna: You sure, dude? "I'm not sure about that anymore." *All 9 sisters burst in the house and start searching, as Lincoln sneaks around into a very secure place, which is under Clyde's bed, as Lincoln was freaking out*. Luan (on the phone): Hello? "The Loud House" (unofficial)"Left in the Dark" (official)"Cursed!" Join the misadventures of the Loud Family as they tackle u Luna Loud and (Y/N) (L/N) been best friends since preschool and had always been there for each other. Cameron: Thanks (notices Robert working at the counter and gasps in surprise) Dad?! However, this episode also shows a jealous side to her, as Luan holds a grudge against Lucy for surpassing her dream of becoming the youngest performer at the Royal Woods Theater; although, she eventually drops her selfishness and encourages Lucy to do her performance. We're all free from his bad luck!
[16] She also wore pigtails in two yellow scrunchies. Quote Lisa: Let's turn on The Weather Channel! However, instead of trying to sabotage her moment in the spotlight, Luan eventually drops her jealousy and gets Lucy to perform at the theater, since Luan herself was the inspiration for Lucy's poem. We're all sorry, Even Lynn's probably sorry! What was particularly special about this day, however, was that it was Lincoln's birthday, his twelfth birthday to be exact. Lori: Well we were hoping you would like to go golfing with us.
The loud house fanfiction luan depressed - Young Why did you guys think of that? BEWARE S [Male Loud oc x Fem oc] (Everyone puts Lana to bed and everyone goes to sleep), (Lana walks around mourning with Leni and Lola.). (Stella flies the drone through an open window of the house. In Tuesday, Luan and Lincoln went back from another party gig. *They were blinded with anger about the suit being crashed that they didn't care about what he went through and beat him up*. It will start in a few minutes. In "Kings of the Con", Luan attends an Ace Savvy convention cosplaying as the Joker. Luan's gag glasses are black glasses, with eyebrows, and a pink nose and mustache at the end of them, which are a reference to Groucho Marx of The Marx Brothers. *No response, Leni tried again, but no avail, which made Leni open the door and see the note*, *Everybody came to Lincoln's room, except Lynn Jr*, Dear Loud Sisters, If you are reading this note, I ran away at 4am and you discovered it after 7am. The title of this fanfic is based on the title of the 2017 movie "The Big Sick". Really. Lincoln was holding his stomache in pain. (Lincoln is at the Burpin' Burger along with Leni, Clyde, and Cameron.). Clyde: I agree. "It's your home too, Alex." Luan later enrolled in a clowning academy to get better at jokes and started her business, Funny Business Inc.. Like her older sisters, Luan attended Royal Woods Middle School and was served undesirable food at lunch from Chef Pat due a grudge held against her mother, Rita. Rita: Hey, Leni, could you go wake up Lincoln? According to Lisa in episode 20 of the Nick Animation Podcast, Luan doesn't go to the movies. I hope the next one wont be so bad. Lisa: No. Luan is a sophomore (a freshman in Seasons 1-4) at Royal Woods High School and attends school with her siblings Leni and Luna. Leni: Looks like someones tired and sick. He join renee and her group of goth friends. Leni: I know but promise it will make you feel better. She also didn't have any braces. From whoopee cushions to squirting flowers, to her ventriloquist dummy Mr. Coconuts, Luan is ALWAYS ready for the perfect prank. Do you know where Lincoln is? You're my family. At least I won't be in a squirrel suit anymore. ), (Lincoln and Bobby turns to Lori and sees her holding her stomach in pain.
"Luan Goes Too Far: A Loud House Fanfiction" (Chapter 16 - YouTube The Loud House Fanfiction : Sick Day TheSims2Player . He Lincoln finally had enough of his family treating like crap and how much he gets bullied at school [please read the trigger warnings in a/n] Lincoln is sick and I have no one to assist me. Her powers are not shown, as she's only seen mocking the gas monster. He tries to kill hims Amalthea Potter suffered all her life. Lori, Leni and Luna had pancakes, Luan was eating bacon and eggs, Lynn was having a meatball sub, Lucy and Lisa were eating cereal, Lola and Lana were having hot dogs and Lily was eating mashed potatoes. And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it? Luna: Its ok sis. Lincoln hits his golf ball but misses. They hug again and the other sisters were moved by the touching moment. Bobby: Wait, wait, wait! Literally wrong! Years have passed since the explosion and the wo /This story contains mature theme/ Luan: Sorry Luna. Make Lana drink it. Luan: I will do my best. In The Loud House Movie, her ponytail is slightly different, and it appears to be worn slightly higher as well. When Lincoln is gravely injured by Luna, the rest of the family is left to ponder how close they really are, and discover how frail a family bond truly is. She wanted to be the youngest performer at the Royal Woods Theater, though she lost her dream when Lucy claimed that title. But since it's raining, I won't be the queen of-. Bobby: Great! omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- The Loud Sick View source (It begins at the Loud House, Lincoln is sitting on the couch while playing a video game. She drops her club and holds her stomach while groaning. *He opens his window and chucks the squirrel suit onto the road, where it got ran over and crushed*. (18+) 42 parts Complete *As soon as he finished that sentence, Lily came down*, *Lily wanted to be carried by Lincoln, so he carried her.
loud house luan sick fanfiction - You may catch his unluckiness! Please, come home. Lincoln: (nervous) But, we've sort of been spying on you. Lincoln: You all just don't get the pain of what I went through!! He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad luck, once again. I'm so sick I'm not in a mood for a joke right now!!! I was inspired by other fanfic writers here, so I wanted to make one. Queen of The Loud House Luan Nickelodeon UK, Loud House's Wildest Pranks with Luan! Luan: *Smiles in her sleep, snore lightly*. Lincoln: Oh!
Well, see you later Dad. Luan: Yeah, more gassier then Lori, Lana, and Lynn combined. Lynn Sr: Yeah! Lisa: Techniclly, he isnt poisoned. What do you mean? Lincoln: I already did that, but I guess I'll be sleeping here tonight. Leni: Don't worry. I should have never given you that cake. Despite Luan's occasional ruthlessness she is mostly friendly towards her siblings, especially to Leni and Luna. At some point Luan originally used fresh whip cream for her pranks but stopped around when the twins were born so she could use spoiled products to attract animals. Why are you all upset? Lisa: Lincoln propablly ate or drinked something that had a experation date on it. Luan slowly walked towards the next party gig. Durin the day, Luna and Luan were doing good at the birthday party gigs. Lincoln: The other sisters helped to get better with my food poisoning. Lori: Has anyone seen Lincoln? We need to help Lincoln to feel better. The girls hear Lincoln barfing again and weakly saying: My tummy hurts. Pfft!! Luan: Thanks Len.. *Covers her mouth as her face turn green like Percy*, Leni: Your welcome Luan. Lincoln quickly runs to the bathroom and barths in the toilet. Luan has a habit of sometimes saying 'but seriously' after delivering a pun, to show that she is being serious. This should be the last NSL fanfic I do, hopefully, It's been 3 years I think so don't go "AAA THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY IDOIT WHO WON'T LET GO TO IT!!!" Leni: (hugs Lincoln) Aw, Linky. Luan was already gone. Leni: But, she'll find that we've been spying on her. Plot: When Luan's not feeling well Leni has to make her better while the other Louds are out. Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own. Maybe we should tell him that his favorite TV show got a renew. (tears up). You were just looking out for me and I love you for that. Luna notices Luan leaving. Luan also used her baby brother Lincoln as a ventriloquist dummy and cheered him up along with her other sisters whenever he got upset. That issuspicious.
Lynn: I'll find something that will help. Hey Lori! I was forced to leave because of you guys. Lynn: Which is why we only saw Lana, Lola, and Leni. However, she does not wear her emotions on her sleeves in this situation, as she closes her eyes rather than full-stop crying out loud, to avoid giving her siblings the impression of immorality, also showing that she lacks courage. Luan: Lincoln wait! Luan (sighs): Man. In "White Hare," where Lincoln imagined how difficult it is to live with 15 extra sisters, Luan is a rabbit named Bebe. I was free today!
The Loud House Fanfiction : Sick Day - The Loud House Encyclopedia It was Wednsday morning and all Loud, except for Lincoln all went downstairs for breakfest. Plot Synopsis: April Fools day has arrived, and Luan is up to no good with her pranks again. (another NSL fanfic) Takes place in the middle of the night as lincoln was walking through the streets of royal woods as he was kicked out of his own home by his family. I'M SORRY I CAUSED PAIN FOR YOU!!! Home Cameron: Me too. Luan's Problem Chapter 1: A Birthday Disaster, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction It was another day at the Loud House; granted, there was ruckus as usual, but it is to be expected. Bobby: Yeah, a couple months left for our child to be born. Lincoln: Maybe Clyde. Leni: Man!! She's just. uh, you know what? But I'm glad your here Leni. [17] In A Loud House Christmas, she can be seen wearing an attached pair of variable reindeer antlers, but does not wear them in the cast photoshoot and The Really Loud House. meross smart switch manual; triple crown softball world series 2022.
Luanloud Stories - Wattpad Even if she fills these flowers with water, she likes to wear them for decoration. But I'm mostly worried about Lori. When she was a baby, she entertained her family with sock puppets. All the kids laughed, but the mother was furious at Luan. (Luna gets infected. I swear, I didnt know that Lincoln would sick of the cake was bad. Non-permitted web videos of othersHer pranks being ruinedLincoln being bulliedScience fiction movies (sometimes)Missing April Fool's DayPrincess PonySophisticated partiesKnock-knock jokes (sometimes)Nobody liking her comedyLynn being competitiveWrong punchlinesHaving her leftovers being stolenStage frightBeing too shyHer spotlight being takenSomeone gets attention more than herLola's bratty behaviorSomeone more talented than herJapanese mecha figuresPimples/zitsMr. Her movie design also depicts her eyes as closer to her nose (albeit only when she is viewed from the side). Lincoln walked back upstairs with Luans comedy props and walked into her room and put them on the floor. Her eyebrows were also less curved and rather pointy, while her nose was less pointy and more curved. Lincoln: (in his head) Oh godplease don't find medon't see medon't look under here *He notices it's Luna looking in the room he's in, making him nervous*. Her Christmas gift was a box of magicians' items. Luna: Yeah, well, it doesnt hurt to ask if Im free or not. Also, if you have a story you want to have narrated, send a link to it in the comment section below.Disclaimer: All credit for the original artwork and soundtracks goes to the original creators. In which Alexand What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? (walks Lori to their car). Sorry, I can't pick up the phone right now. Lynn: Lana became a temporary zombie that spits on people to infect them. Lincoln: I won't be put in a squirrel suit again, will I? Leni: Well, if you're really worried about Lori, just give her a call and see how she's doing. Anyways, we should try our best to help our only male sibling to feel better. I tried asking other sisters for help, but they didnt work out so well, so I thought you and Lori wouldnt help me. W You and your parents are moving to a neighborhood you know nothing about looking for a fresh start. There for in 3, 2, 1. Her entire family was sitting among a crowded restaurant as she was announced onto a makeshift stage. ), (Leni, Clyde, and Cameron grab their burgers and eat them. Luna (smiles): What are waiting for? (Cough). Leni: (notices Lincoln looking down) Is something wrong Lincoln? The memory of what happened at the beach kept replaying in his mind. y r the siblings dating- The family staged this as an April Fools joke, and Luan, in relief, commended to her family she's glad that they're finally getting the hang of April Fools, but suggests to her family to stop the moving truck. Luan doesn't make a pun in this fanfic because I'm not perfect at coming up with puns. First episode "And now ladies and gentlemen, Tony's pizzeria is proud to present aspiring comedian, Luan Loud, come on up Luan" said an employee whose .
Pun Fever fanfiction | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom She hiding outside Lori's house. . Add an extra 14 days to that! Luna (puts her hands on Luans shoulders): Dude! Now let's check you heartbeat. The Joker has her hair in pigtails, and has one red scrunchie and one yellow.
Hurt (a Loud House fanfiction) - alex9076 - Wattpad (The others gasp after hearing what Bobby just said.). But when one of Luan's prank traps badly injures Lincoln to the point of hospitalization, how will the Loud family react? #theloudhouse #luanloud", Luan bears some resemblance to the 2007 character. I almost forgot. Bobby puts his arms around her.). Luan is a sophomore (a freshman in Sea sons 1- 4) at Royal Woods High School and attends school with her siblings Leni and Luna.
For the part where Lynn Jr didn't go downstairs to eat and started to regret what she did, Lola and Lisa were planned to be there, but I decided to not do that because the parents weren't there at the moment and Lisa learned it was fake so it would be strange for her to have the talk after she learned the flaws in her ways. It'll heal her and the rest. She aims her ball towards the hole. Hope you liked my first fanfic, and tell me if I should write some more! Coconuts being brokenKnitting (formerly). But where do I sleep? You know, just for a little fun time together. She is shown to be mature enough to babysit along with her three older siblings.[11]. Clyde: (on his knees) But please forgive us for spying on you! Leni rings the door bell and Bobby answers.). (Lincoln grabs his phone and dials Lori's number. Leni: Why don't we go find Linky instead of being upset like this? I couldnt ask for a better assistant. Lincoln: Alright then, well I'm gonna go to my room now. Lincoln: Oh hey Bobby! Disclaimer: All credit for the art and soundtracks goes to the original creators. This reaches its epitome in "No Laughing Matter," where she abandons her comedy routine and behaves like a civilized human being following backlash from her siblings.