Keyller, kEnaelyza, Lunaticalum, Latte0910, HarleQuin714, Luz_Ifer, Usami07, the_real_lord_grim, scarletcamelia24, Beri_Litt, CreatureofHabitz, Amaya_Winchester1967, ioona, Melanyba_6, LilPsychoLala, Sesantos, yada1993, MarieTheirin, griffonskies, Shedemonica, DyingEmbers, hewwocopter, Son_Nickie, MDCBD, Trash_nerd12, shereeashleigh, mysideofthecoin, Kiomori, riverdaze, moon01234, LunaNix, Mysterious_Prophetess, sofiacass, gardengalaxy, DeathLadyShinigami, Solei98, Renalafae, and bloodychild His brother has the perfect life and his best friend at the best university. It is Age 734. Both the two Saiyans would still be busy training, but the future events of that time were uncertain, his powers only limited it seemed to certain key aspects he could not fully flesh out. Leo Son is a half-Saiyan girl who was adopted by Goku when she was young. In this state Future Goten is referred to as "Super Goten". In fact, he seems downright livid. Series Part 2 of Adventures of a Dragon Ball AU He uses his brand new technique, instant transmission to stop him from leaving. Even so, he always retains his already natural aggressive, serious, yet surprisingly focused demeanour. But with the arrival of his son and bald headed friend, they managed to defeat him and sent him away. In doing this, the entire course of history is changed forever. Takes place after Gohan's death from the androids. The man, after training on a planet of heavy gravity, now faced one of his kin. Goten feels his level of excitement rise as he realizes it's his father. Goten thinks to himself. Enjoy..! When Future Goten, using his Super Saiyan form, was able to easily overpower both Mecha Frieza and King Cold. Remnants of an old organization. Just read.. A series of stories/scenes about the lives of Future Trunks and Future Reilena (my OC) before and possibly after my original story Android Cell Saga My Version. What if Goten had actually been born before the Androids killed Chi Chi? Yeah, but it aint our era anymore.. Browse through and read goten love stories stories and books . "It's not fair. Just some ideas I don't feel think turning into books. He was extremely happy to see his dad, but now he realizes he will never get the chance to talk to him without changing the timeline. Future Goten Yuri_Namikaze Summary: What if Goten had actually been born before the Androids killed Chi Chi? Follows plot. Chapter 1: The Mysterious Young Super Saiyan <3. He now has to deal with the trials of dragonball in this new environment. Of course, the Grand Priest had ordered the erasure of all his kind and he barely escaped, making them believe he was nothing but ashes scattered across the universe, when in reality, he wasnt. What if goten was in the fu. He still laughed, over nearly forgetting it in his own excitement to make this timeline happen. Teen Gohan x Future Trunks Today. A DBZ fanfiction. The homeworld of theirs was in danger once more. Unfortunately, theyd taken note of that fact also, meaning his remaining time was dwindling. King Vegeta is watching over his son when a stranger comes to Planet Vegeta with news that he can reveal the future. You never knew how much faith you needed to have in others until you are s A man gets reborn into the Dragon Ball realm as Cell's clone from Super but start out as a Imperfect Model and stable, will he reach Perfection and help the heroes or wi Just trying to pass the time, because I'm bored out of my mind , (DBzBroly x Future Trunks) Still, despite everything, Gohan can't help this irrepressible urge to see her again, This story follows the future timeline in dragon universe and how the survivours, survive with the threat of the androids. Please consider turning it on! broten; feedom; goten +7 more # 4. His rival, Vegeta, simply glanced at them. Due to living in such a bleak and dangerous future, Future Goten is very different than his present time counterpart. Please consider turning it on! This story is Gohan from the events of DBSSH and after fighting Cell Max, Gohan, Piccolo, Gamma 1, Pan, Trunks, Goten and a revived Gamma 2 are thrust in to a portal whi Oneshots about your favorite dbz or dbs characters! Videl gave up hope. However, this newly arrived female droi What happens when two mortal hating beings fall in love? They fought. While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku, Future Goten not only master the Super Saiyan form and match his father's might, but also surpass him as well. After agreeing to play a game the Zenos made up, Goten must go to different eras to find the Four-Star Dragon Ball. He is weaker than his present counterpart as a Super Saiyan, prior to becoming Xeno/Super Goten, due to inexperience. Dragon Ball | Vegeta Raditz | Anime/Manga Romance Love Goku Goten Trunks Bulma Oc Original Character. Of course, the event was his favorite. Noble and arrogant, he told the man how their race valued and functioned. A journey into space to find a set of different wish orbs. Chapter Three: Saiyaman Apperas/Combat Training. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Her world had shattered many times before thanks to various villains along her lifetime, but the androids had taken the most from her. Rather than attempting the more arduous and time-consuming task of refining this form, they came to the conclusion that that the basic Super Saiyan form is better suited for combat, making a plan to master it and abandon this form completely. He blushes when he realizes everyone is looking at him. left kudos on this work. Work Search: What if the person they love was a mortal themselves? La historia de cmo los ltimos saiyajines forjaron una amistad inquebrantable que trascendera ms all del tiempo. "And they won't know who you are? By the time we are introduced to the pair of Androids, over three fourths of the world's population has been eliminated due to their spree of destruction. Admit that he'd die for his f My truth or dare story Other things, such as his surprise that Piccolo's fusion would make a difference, also show this. Friends will be made and lost, allies will become enemies and enemies will become allies as the saga of Earth's new Defenders continues to unfold. Sort by: Hot. And most importantly A boy is reincarnated into the body of one of cells children the cell jrs. This would be the start to his story! When a new villain shows up to threaten Earth, everyone knows Goku will be there to defeat it and save everyone like he always does. "Hi, I'm Goku." It's just something I wrote because I was dissatisfied with how Gohan slacked off in canon for seven years. Featured Stories. During his early days of training, even as a Super Saiyan, Future Goten was unable to defeat base Future Roxbes. He frowned. (Two things, the Pilaf Gang never returned in this. It started with one dream. Past, Present, and Future 116 pages Completed May 3, 2017 Katherine bardock goku dbz vegeta gine dragonball raditz gohan saiyan kakarot bulma frieza trunks goten dbs kingvegeta dragonballsuper broly turles saiyans. |-|Fusions=, Future Goten can fuse through the Potara Fusion with his master Future Boxres, resulting in Future Basukoten. Goku noted while much stronger than Semi-Perfect Cell, it meant nothing if he could not actually hit his foe with it. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Turles (Dragon Ball)/Original Character(s) (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, androids are not a huge part of the story, Future Trunks Briefs & Future Son Gohan - Freeform, Brief appearance of the Brief grandparents, Trunks Briefs & Supreme Kai of Time | Chronoa, Supreme Kai of Time | Chronoa (Dragon Ball), Happy old couples is the name of the game here, Remember: the future versions are different characters, I don't quite know how to tag this yet I'll get back to you, Vegeta pretty blatantly hates himself but this is hardly a shock, sorry guys he's got a heart to take care of, well it's an optional chapter it's not important to the plot, there's a lot of declarations of love in between, they may be older but they got needs too don't @ me, yes we made it to the wedding too somehow, it's out of order right now but shhh I'll fix it later it's fine, Surprise now bra is going to be born ooooops, there's where irresponsible use of dragonballs comes in, Mirai Trunks | Future Trunks/Original Character(s), Mirai Gohan| Future Gohan/Mirai Videl | Future Videl, Immortal (at least until I think of a better title), Mirai Trunks/Original Female Character(s), Little White Boots (Were Made For Walkin'), i saw this when i typed the a in and its what kiara would have wanted. A dark being that took the mans form, promising extinction of every living being. Both desperate and driven to win, they pulled out many techniques, and the man was forced to his limit. He knocked them aside like toys, their power still incomparable. Just One Punch || BNHA 60 parts Ongoing F! The man made a wish to the wish orbs, hoping that the pink monster would come back as a good guy in the shape of a young boy, the greatest foe he had ever fought. Just one. Wow this kid looks like Goku wait what if he is no way Goku Grew up but he looks so much like him. *Everyone comically falls, minutes later, they are finally finshed eating*. A being of destruction came to the home of the man in search of a god among them after the fight with the pink monster. While in this form, Goten's muscle mass increases slightly and hair stands straight up and spikier with the exception of two locks that hangs down. Matters turn worst for the Z fighters as they realized that he had constructed and designed yet Oneshots about your favorite dbz or dbs characters! His facial features also sharpen, and the color of his eyes turns a bright emerald green. Quizzes Stories People Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Tests Surveys. A portal to the dead was opened up. He looks confused. He bought warnings of a threat in the form of two androids, stronger than the golden form they achieved. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. They would not, with their own abidance to their laws! In this part we cover more of the buu saga I hope you enjoy ! Dragonball Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. This mastery of Super Saiyan enables full control over the energy output and consumption, completely diminishing strain on the body, even while constantly maintaining maximum power for. A round pink monster the man now fought, his golden hair now longer as they clashed. The pink monster smashed a fist across his face, the man retaliating with a foot to the stomach. 5 Years aft Basically a story dedicated to the greatest fighters in the universe. (Cover art by Cloud-Kitsune on DeviantArt) A thought about the current time but brushed it off. All he can see is the colors of their hair and clothes. How come you get to see and talk to your dad, and I can't?". If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). After Bulma waves goodbye to Trunks and Goten, the older of the two presses a button and takes them back into the past. Gohan is having a sweet moment with Videl when Trunks shows up with something to say. . After the events that unfolded and the destruction of Planet Vageta, like the . |-|Transformations=. Also like his father before him, Future Goten has learned to fear his mothers temper, but this did little to deter the loving bond he desired from his mother for so long. Goten: Zenos, where are we? Just a little Future Gohan and Videl oneshot. King Vegeta (Dragon Ball)/Original Character(s), Android 21/Son Goku (Dragon Ball) (onesided), Characters Watching Dragon Ball Super: Broly. 4 yr. ago Divineffej on ffn. Please consider turning it on! Because he comes from the future and believes he knows what is going to happen, Future Goten is usually shown thinking that only some things will matter and others probably would not (although he is usually right in the long term). By combining his intense training with his hidden potential, Future Goten achieved this form upon witnessing the death of Future Kibito at the hands of Future Dabura. Age 737 was the starting point where all the future events had begun. This is often mixed with awe, annoyance, and anger towards his father's nonchalant and laid back behavior towards everything happening around him, especially when Goku gave up against Cell during the Cell Games. It was even worth the trouble to add in more confusing elements courtesy of his boss needing a "complete set." When Goku left for a second time, he left Gohan behind once again, without sorting out their problems. While possessing little to no fear of the Androids, Future Goten is not above expressing shock and horror at the introduction of Android 16. A time traveling boy. In an alternate future world, where Trunks kills the Androids and Cell, #18 miraculously but barely survives and is thought to be dead. Zeno: You're in my palace. He sees his dads friends and a younger version of his adopted mom all surprised about Trunks' abilities. Daddy Dearest. I just won't do the Moro and Merus. After going through multiple timelines and having a lot of battles he fi 21, awoken from her slumber by the androids 17 and 18, seems to form a new barrier between the world peace Gohan and Trunks seek. This is a look into my take on the pair that I may continue in the future (no pun intended). Dragonball Xz: Episode 75 by The dark TRUNKS. He would not understand it now, but the man would later discover his foe of royalty to be his greatest rival and ally. Images that flashed around him. He also sports much more longer and spikier hair that reaches down to his mid-back, which is later cut back to its normal length. Future Goten trains with Piccolo instead Goku, for his second time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and they increase in power enough to become the two of four the Z Fighters capable of holding their own in a fight with a Cell Jr. At this point, Future Goten was capable effortlessly killing a Cell Jr. and fought on par with (less restrained) Perfect Cell, a feat no one could match (let alone top) but his father Goku, and then later Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. The boy ducked under and unleashed a punch to the androids jaw, he spat out blood and screamed profanities and promises of pain at the boy, the boy ignored him and kicked him away, sending him away at breathtaking speeds to a cliff, destroying it and trapping him under a pile of rubble. Hey guys this is my first ever what if dragon ball video I really enjoyed making this and would love to do more in this video I go into my what if story of i. His sword also turned into the Sword of Dreams- a white sword with light red edges, larger in size and in the shape of a great sword. Guess again. I won't be writing that, so don't request it. 2. This contrasts to his present day counterpart, who is upbeat, well mannered, and respectful towards his opponents. Goten: Zenos I. give a second. When it finally does open Goku steps out of it in really weird clothes. By working to remain transformed for extended periods of time, Goten and his father gradually learned to overcome the transformation's drawback to feel as natural in this form as their base state. The man achieved the powers of a god. ). "But Trunks," Goten whines. Future Goten was shown to be able to completely pressure Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta in the same form - causing Goku to note that Future Goten was even is stronger than him. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos, 1. Future Gohan's Fairy Tail (F.Gohan. And if memory serves him right, the God of Destruction would be still asleep, his attendant unable to leave him. He demanded his son to hurry up and leave, before he turned his furious gaze on the Emperor, shock, realization, and fear now on his face. Work Search: This was all he watched, going back a few certain pieces to make sure he had the necessary information. He knew the only thing going through Goten's head was that his dad would be there soon, and he'd finally be able to see him. 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