You wont find many people out on the streets in Whitehorse, theyre all living it up in the restaurants and bars. 30 Interesting And Fun Facts About Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada NetflightsAfter Skyscanner I go and check Netflights to see what they come up with. @martin Thanks for taking the time to comment. Because of its location in the valley of the Yukon River, it is relatively mild compared to communities like Yellowknife. Required fields are marked *. I couldnt check in to my hotel the Edgewater as it was so early, and so wandered along the front, admiring the Yukon River and taking in the fresh mountain air after the stuffiness of my long flights. You can also see some (stuffed) Canadian animals at the MacBride Museum on Front Street in Whitehorse. Its currently being built out by the fish ladder. How cold or hot can it get in Whitehorse? Taylor Swift Artistfacts. The Whitehorse street art game is strong, and The Collective Good independent shop in the precinct on Front Street has some great Yukon-themed gifts for all. You can really live up here, and breathe the fresh air and feel the sun on your face. Photo: Jonathan Tucker. Glassblowing? Get really good travel insurance to cover you in case anything goes wrong. In winter it will often drop to -20C (-4F) at night. Also worth a morning or midday visit is. The Dirty Northerner was a personal favourite. I think that Whitehorse and the Yukon are the best kept secrets! Whitehorse has a dry subarctic climate. Northern Tales, which hosted us and which also operates tours through the Wildlife Preserve included a knowledgeable driver who broadcasted a sense that we could take all the time we wanted to photograph stuff, imbibe by the woodstove, and marvel at the absolute silence of the ethereal snow-covered landscape in the middle of the night. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, 1. Now I have Northern Lights, which Id love to see. (17) If you want to know more about the wildlife of Whitehorse then the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre is a great place to explore. @Bree Thats a great addition and I have heard about it since writing this post. Nearly half the population is under the age of 35 - making it one of the youngest cities in the country. Your email address will not be published. It covers the last great ice age which means the untouched areas of Eastern Siberia, Alaska and the Yukon are relayed. Its the most photographed spot in the Yukon and was formed by a lava vent that happened 8.5 million years ago. 15 Interesting Horse Facts - The Spruce Pets Cheers! Whitehorse Fun Facts. Quebec City was founded in 1608. For mains I had a chicken quesadilla, which Id already ordered spicy before I had the chance to take my own advice. was all colourful tablecloths, yellow walls and jolly Mexican music in the background. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Notify me about the next festivals in WHITEHORSE,YUKON. Bounded by the 60th parallel in the south, the Beaufort Sea in the north, Alaska to the west and the Northwest Territories to the east, it covers an area of 482,443 km, an area slightly larger than California but with a population of just over 42,000, far short of the 39 million elbowing for space in Cali. The record low temperature in Whitehorse was -52.2 C set on January 31, 1947. At 50 shed entered the local beauty queen competition for Rendezvous Festival and managed to beat all the young ones, inspiring the local older people for evermore. LOOKING FOR COOL WHITEHORSE ACCOMMODATION? Our guide, lifelong Yukoner Teena Dickson of, , recalled visiting the long-standing and. If youre looking for things to do in Whitehorse for kids, this would be a great option. Just Fun Facts Yukon : Whitehorse, Yukon Territory by Pradeep Sharma And, with the river literally flowing through the city theres a whole hub of fun built up around there too. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions, Copyright 2023 VickyFlipFlopTravels | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, (26) Welcome to my humble habereno, so said the sign above the door. Elsewhere, sister establishments, serve elevated pub fare abetted by a slate of inventive cocktails. I had a great time there. This is not a zoo. If you want to know more, then the best place to start would be the impressive Kwanlin Dn Cultural Centre. The Beringia Land Bridge once linked North America and Asia about 30,000 to 16,000 years ago. The capital city of Yukon is Whitehorse. It is home to Dawson Citys newspaper, the Yukon News. The Yukon has 10 times more moose, bears, wolves, caribou, goats and sheep than people. The 11-metre totem was erected for the students of Aboriginal schools. You can expect a history of the wooly mammoths, giant beavers, caribou and muskox of the area, tracked back through the bones and fossils found in the Yukon area. I didn't encounter any locals during my visit that did not speak English. It sits inside the relatively swank Edgewater Hotel. On the winter solstice the sun rises at 10:10am and sets at 3:48pm. 5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Thunder Bay (His mother, however, insisted on calling him . fun facts about whitehorse Join the Whitehorse Sport and Recreation Reference Group! (1) Theres a paved path to walk all along the Yukon river, the Millennium Trail. But were happy to clear things up by filling you in on whats up here. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 11. Come in season and youll find 24-hour skiing trails. Follow-Up as quickly as possible 3. @Tammi I will check it out this summer and Im already thinking a photos essay of the city will be in order after my visit. @Suzanne I absolutely love your random Sarah Palin fact. why bother writing about something you know nothing about hikebiketravel girl, maybe stay a few years and get to know the place! I left Whitehorse desperate to come back, but next time, Id give those below 40 winters a try, hunting for those elusive Northern Lights. On the summer solstice the sun rises at 4:27am and sets at 23:36am. Whitehorse hosts a steady stream of festivals including The Frostbite Music Festival in February and the Adka Cultural Festival in June which brings First Nations artists from across the Yukon along with a group of international artists to celebrate their creativity. fun facts about whitehorse Required fields are marked *. Nicole from Detroit, Mi Reminds me of the guy I fell for who said that we would be the happily never ending story, a fairytale come true. Elsewhere, sister establishments Dirty Northern and Miners Daughter serve elevated pub fare abetted by a slate of inventive cocktails. Mar 20, 2019 - Here are 26 fun, interesting & useful facts about the city of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, the largest northern city in Canada. Maybe someone can verify this or set me right. My definition of hustle and bustle compared to the average Yukoners seemed to be very different. How many of these Hali-Facts did you already know? On average there are 269 hours of bright sunshine in June but only 27 hours of bright sunshine in December. La Cara offers straight-up Mexican food opposite eye-popping neon art. You can spend the afternoon shopping in Whitehorse to stock up on tasty, beautiful goodies. Winnipeg City Guide - My son and granddaughter found an injured Kesler Falcon and took it therethey treated it and released it a few days later back into the wild. A climb to the top of Grey Mountain Lookout provides a panoramic view of the city. But isnt the Yukon Gold Panning Championships in Dawson City? Montreal is the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec. Anyone who has ever tried to take in multiple films at a big-city festival like the Toronto International Film Festival knows it can be overwhelming, with demand outstripping supply, massive crowds forming massive queues to enter theatres, and venues spread far apart. During the summer, parts of the Arctic Circle are never 'hidden' from the sun for the whole 24 hours it takes for the Earth to spin on its axis. In winter, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are her passion. 35 Yukon Facts To Know Before You Go Yukon Facts About Geography 1- The Yukon Is Twice The Size of Victoria The Yukon is 483,450 km2, which is about the size of Spain, slightly smaller than Thailand, more than twice the size of the Australian state of Victoria and over three times England's size. 1. Whitehorse, the capital city of the Yukon Territory of Canada, is a major northern hub. @Erin Im hoping to canoe to Lake Laberge this summer. Not a good time to eat them. None of them wished they had so a long winter obviously plays only a minor role in the whole scheme of things. The best time is usually around midnight between late August and April. Facts and Maps | Whitehorse City Council Adding a film festival to a travel itinerary is genius. This territory is no small thing, measuring in at a massive 483,450 km. Three radio stations (CBC, CHON-FM and CKRW) and one TV station are . A great way to spend a few hours enveloped in Whitehorses history. This peak is the second tallest in all of North America. @Susanne If we all could only be right all the time but you have forgotten to err is human. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES somewhere along the line and I find a dialogue with an accusatory tone doesnt work well. Retrieved from You can catch 35 kg lake trout from Great Slave Lake as well as monster sized northern pike. Leigh McAdam is an award-winning photographer and three-time author. Charlottetown was the site for the world's longest softball game. Lets do it. These are my favourite companies to use when I travel anywhere. Canadian Staycation: Must-See Stops and Stays in Yukon, Ticket to Ride: Back in the Saddle and Back to Nature in the Yukon, The Yukon: A Wonderland With Endless Possibilities, EXPLORE HealthMoneyTravelFoodStyleBook ClubClassifieds#ZoomerDailyPolicy & PerspectiveArts & EntertainmentStars & RoyaltySex & Love, SUBSCRIBE Terms of Subscription ServiceE-NewslettersSubscribe to Zoomer Magazine, BROWSE AboutMastheadContact UsAdvertise with UsPrivacy Policy, is part of the ZoomerMedia Digital Network.