Another change from most other existing designs was the use of a coil mainspring, which Lewis had pioneered with his design of the Colt Trooper .357. 1 - 20 . 22 LR".The right side of the frame is marked "DAN WESSON ARMS / MONSON, MASS. * Completely updated pricing for Dan Wesson firearms with new entries and photos * Sleeper Alerts: Collectible guns that are outpacing the market * Links to manufacturers' website The 15-2 introduced more barrel and shroud options, including barrel/shroud lengths of 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 15inches, partial or fully lugged shrouds with choices of solid or ventilated ribs, plus removable and interchangeable front sights. [1], Seeking to diversify its product line, the company introduced a popular series of high quality M1911A1-type pistols in various calibers. WESSON FIREARMS CO., INC. Yeah, they're fussy about almost invisible flaws on the frame or slide, but they'll put very obviously blemmed parts on a gun and not bat an eye. Love this gun - it shoots to point-of-aim, is very accurate, decent trigger, and just feels good. The serial number is 26851-1. Thanks, SS. I show the first # for the Model 12 as #4, built 1/12/73. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); IN STOCK OUT OF STOCK Price Range. I recently bought one off GB that turned out to be not the deal it seemed. Dan Wesson usually includes unique grips that can help you identify the model. I don't know how long the shop had this gun. Please use caution when giving personal payment information online.
Dan Wesson Firearms The second step is to identify the number of digits in the serial number. The last 5 digits are the sequential number of the firearm (of all models) manufactured that year. The serial number data provided in the PDF below is based on information provided by members of the Dan Wesson Forum. Brownie, I have an old sheet from Dan Wesson (Monson) that showed the first serial # of a series, and the date built for their pistols. A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. What is the warranty on Dan Wesson revolvers? It is likely a Pointman or CBOB model if it is located on the left side of the frame. The shells are made to, Continue Reading How Do Airsoft Shotgun Shells WorkContinue, The Winchester Model 69 is a bolt-action rifle that was produced by the Winchester Repeating, Continue Reading How Much Is A Winchester Model 69 WorthContinue, Continue Reading How To Clean Shotgun HullsContinue, In order to get a FFL in MI, you will need to contact the Michigan, Continue Reading How To Get A Ffl In Mi Advance TipsContinue, Continue Reading How To Adjust Sights On Ak 47Continue, Continue Reading Advance Tips: How To Pin An Adjustable StockContinue, Your email address will not be published. This full-size, stainless, 10mm pistol is offered with its trademark, serrated rib atop the forged slide, and a solid aluminum trigger. Dan Wesson firearms stamped with a "" symbol have been determined to be "Blems". If you own a Dan Wesson handgun, it is important to know how to properly care for it. A quick and easy guide to help you identify Dan Wesson models.
serial numbers and production dates - GBO Reloaded More with the original box and grips.
Serial Number info from Dan Wesson Arms- Monson The best way to contact Dan Wesson is by phone.
Initial barrel/shroud options were 2 1/2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inches.
Dan Wesson - Serial # Manufacturer date | 1911 Firearm Addicts Dan Wesson Arms Monson, MASS 177XXX (serial number) Barrel Marking 357 Magnum CTG it's not listed on the roster now. At one time, after much research, I "guessed" it to date somewhere around 74 or 75. All contributions are greatly appreciated! [6] Models W11 and W12 were discontinued in 1974. The 15-2 increased sales markedly over the earlier models, and were often seen in use with both target shooters and hunters. Know what your Dan Wesson firearms are worth with this up-to-date 14-page .PDF download from the 19th edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms. Deciphering the model number can be difficult, as some letters have multiple meanings. Like the Model 15-2, the Model 44 could also be purchased with a variety of shroud configurations either partial lug or full lug with a solid rib or ventilated-rib barrel. If you are looking for a more accurate and higher quality revolver, the Elite or Expert models may be better choices. - Dan Wesson Forum Serial Number Search Updated! Manage Settings No records are available from the.. The company can be reached at 1-800-955-4486.
DAN WESSON 15-2 H .357 Magnum - YouTube Serial # 3268XX.
Dan wesson serial number - DAN WESSON New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2023 For example, the Cobra is stamped as COBRA. Sometimes the model name will be stamped on the right side of the barrel.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-homesteadandprepper_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); If you cannot find the model name, look for the serial number. The Pointman is a larger revolver designed for competition shooting. The 12 month average price is $1,470.23 new and $1,204.29 used. In 1971, DW introduced the Models 14 (fixed sights) and 15 (adjustable sights) in .357 Magnum caliber. You can find the serial number on a Dan Wesson pistol on the frame between the take down lever and the trigger guard, on the right side of the gun with respect to the position of the gun when gripped.
Do they still make Dan Wesson revolvers? - Heimduo It's fair to say that the Dan Wesson .357 magnum revolver is one of the most well-built guns on the market. At the time, Dan Wesson M44 was the lightest recoiling .44 magnum ever produced. Warranty All of our firearms come with a 5-year warranty. For example, the Pointman is a heavyweight gun, while the Cobra is a lightweight gun. First, to identify the sights on a Dan Wesson firearm, take a close look at the front sight. Dan Wesson Serial Number 138612 Dan Wesson Firearms DW , part of CZ-USA, is an American handgun manufacturer. This new version of the revolver again demonstrated the inherent accuracy of the threaded barrel design, and the Model 15 and its successor Model 15-2 became extremely popular with both civilian target shooters and hunters. Is that an overstatement, or is there truth in that opinion? By unscrewing the muzzle nut, the shroud and barrel could be removed and replaced with different barrel lengths and shroud configurations. This .357 beauty is accurate as can be but. 1979 - The model 44 is displayed at the NSGH Show in Denver, CO. 1980 - The model 44 starts shipping in December of 1980. Dan Wesson usually includes unique grips that can help you identify the model. Here are some tips: By following these tips, you can ensure that your Dan Wesson handgun will provide you with many years of service. The following websites are NOT affiliated with CZ-USA:,,, Dan Wesson65 Borden Ave.Norwich, NY 13815, Monday-Friday7am-4pm Eastern(800) 955-4486. The serial number can be found on the frame, under the grips, or on the cylinder. If the rear sight is not adjustable, it is likely a Classic model. These revolvers are available in a few different calibers, and they are known for their accuracy and reliability.,,
Dan Wesson 357 Magnum | Review - American Gun Facts These pistols are only available in .357 Magnum, and they are known for their accuracy and reliability as well. The company offers a variety of models, including the Classic, the Specialist, the Expert, the Elite, the RZ-45, and the RZ-10.The company offers a variety of models, including the 1911, the P-9, the P-40, the P-45, and the P-357. A new Large Frame DW was offered in the Supermag series of cartridges .357, .375, and .445 Supermag (later called the Alaskan Special). The Power Control barrel and vented shroud were eventually dropped, though DW did experiment with an external shroud-mounted compensator in later models. Dan Wesson Firearms 2020. I don't even live in Florida anymore so I can't even see if shop still exists and ask if they remember. Is there a web site I haven't come across? I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that I have updated the serial number search functionality in the Site Supporters section. It's been my recent experience that "blems" in some DW models are scarcer then hens teeth. There is a inverted "v" after the serial #. How to Identify Dan Wesson Models by Their Unique Features, How to Identify a Dan Wesson by Its Serial Number. One of the many innovations that the Dan Wesson company has made, is in the variety of calibers which are offered. Other revolvers place this latch on the frame, behind the cylinder. The fourth step is to identify the production run. By carefully examining the grips, you should be able to narrow down which model youre looking at. A 2 1/2" barrel/shroud was later introduced, available as a separate option from the factory. It's been praised by gun experts and firearms aficionados alike. Oct 22, 2011. But, recently I have seen several pistols for sale that have a serial number beginning with a V or some other letter. Quote from: Dan Wesson on March 22, 2005, 07:04:28 PM, Quote from: mcshot on July 23, 2007, 03:00:15 PM, Quote from: tthomas8107 on January 22, 2008, 10:37:29 AM. If the cylinder release latch is located on the right side of the frame, it is most likely a classic model. Each Dan Wesson revolver has its own unique serial number that can be used to identify it. The fifth step is to compare the weight. There are a few different types of Dan Wesson handguns. Guess we'll never know! Hope that helps. A custom barrel nut wrench and feeler gauge were supplied with each pistol, and barrel changes could be accomplished in two minutes or less.[5]. Dan Wesson has a variety of online resources to help our customers. var ffid = 1; *Caliber, Barrel Length, Generations, Sub Models may all affect item price. Joe Pilot, just search gunbroker for "Blem". If you have any questions please let me know! Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for calculating used Values. The serial number is 381840. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; For example, many Dan Wesson models have a distinctive barrel lug design that is not found on other brands of handguns. The company declared bankruptcy in 1990.
DAN WESSON 44 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2023 He had taken over the company after Dan had died, and some investors had mucked up the company for awhile. The barrels and shrouds for both models were interchangeable and used a large externally mounted nut on the muzzle end to secure the barrel and shroud. Post pictures here including the serial number on the butt of the gun and someone will look up the shipping date. The demand of new DAN WESSON pistol's has risen 150 units over the past 12 months. - Grim Warrior, Are Optics Good For Remington Express Tactical 870, What Are Vortex Optics Tactical 30Mm Riflescope Rings, How To Change Warren Tactical Front Fiber Optic Sight, How Do You Terminate Military Grade Tactical Fiber Optics, Best Aftermarket Trigger For Ruger Lcp Reviews & Tips, Would The Kriss Vector Work With Larger Calibers, Best Gun Cleaning Patches Reviews With Buying Guide. The company started in a small factory in Norwich, New York, where they made high quality revolvers. Additionally, the Dan Wesson logo is usually prominently displayed on the grip of the gun. Mine is 34XXXX. ), Later the company offered the Model 15-2 chambered in .32 H&R. It's a little concerning since someone supplied a higher serial number but a much earlier purchase date. Dan Wesson Serial Number History 1691xx 1978 Original Purchaser krogers647 180xxx 1979 Dated receipt/Auction SHOOTIST357 208653 1979 Paperwork in box Dusty Trail 26230x 1979 Barrel wrapper April 1979 Bearhands 2238xx 1979 Original Purchaser melsell 1026xx 1979 Original Purchaser DW4DWC 228989 1979 Paperwork in box GB Auction How To Remove Lead From A Gun Barrel? This led to the development of the Model 15, which was the first production revolver with interchangeable barrels. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. I have a DW made in Monson, MA, the ser# is 32-20b05xx It is a 32-20 that I bought new in I think 88 or 89, anyone know how many of these they made and what model it is IE 15 etc? The first type is the Dan Wesson revolvers. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to I am a new DW owner and have a model 15 with a serial number of 18xxx. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); 2023 Grim Warrior | All rights reserved. The serial number is now a seven (7) digit number. Thanks, I Googled searched "DW Blemished Photos", and that's pretty much what I found too. !Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The Model 44 or Large Frame Dan Wesson was initially offered with 4", 6", 8", or 10" interchangeable barrel/shroud options,[6] and most guns shipped with a 6-inch barrel. Kurt Logged John C Trade Count: ( 0) Member Posts: 45 serial numbers and production dates Reply #2 on: November 29, 2003, 08:47:50 PM Other calibers [ edit] Later the company offered the Model 15-2 chambered in .32 H&R. Our authorized dealers can be found here or call us at 1-800-955-4486. All Rights Reserved. The website includes a full product catalog with detailed information about each model.Advertisementsif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'grimwarrior_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_13',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-grimwarrior_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad.
How Do You Find Dan Wesson Pistol Serial Numbers? - I show the first # for the Model 12 as #4, built 1/12/73. The second type of Dan Wesson handgun is the Dan Wesson semi-automatic pistols. The new Dan Wesson revolver proved extremely accurate, though sales were limited, in large part due to the gun's unorthodox appearance. I have a DW Model 11, s/n 41xx, with 6' and 2-1/2" barrels. Next, take a look at the rear sight. When he was in the process of mucking it up. Hope this helps, Kurt, John, I also have info on a 15-2. Copyright Complaints: Please direct DMCA Takedown Notices to the registered agent. Serial #1343xx was built 4/87. The corporate headquarters, customer service and manufacturing plant is located in Norwich, New York. i have no idea of what model it is. No records are available from the various Dan Wesson companies, and we rely on records/recollections of original purchasers, paperwork retained with the pistol, dated barrel wrappers, etc. Dan Wesson does NOT sell firearms directly to consumers online,instead selling our products through an Authorized Dealer network as well as to major wholesale distributors that work with all other FFL dealers. I'm not sure, hoever, when or if the model 15 became model 15-2. Dan Wesson revolvers have established themselves as champion metallic silhouette competition guns. U.S.A . I have spoken with several distributors and several people at DW. But why do they put the over travel screw in the wrong way around so you have to tear the revolver apart to adjust it?