Research, Field Schools, and Internships | Anthropology 2022 Summer Archaeological Field School ANTH:3295 - Field Research in Archaeology Dates: May 16th - June 9th, 2022 Contact: Dr. Matthew Hill (, 319-335-1425) Join us for a four-week archaeological field school where we will investigate Ancestral Apache residential camps in the High Plains of Kansas. The Origins Field School is offered as two distinct yet integrative programs: theSemester Abroad program, offered in both the fall and spring, and theSummer Program. The Summer 2023 session will take place in Illinois and Tennessee and offer opportunities to learn and apply archaeological field methods. Puritan venture capitalists financed the primary colonization of Old Providence and Santa Catalina whose founding members arrived on the Seaflower, sister ship to the Mayflower one year after the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in what was to become the United States. Cost is approximately $4,500. Let us elevate the typical summer day camp experience. Our goals for the summer include determining if the subfloor pit we found belongs to a larger cluster of pits, under a single house. When the fire goes out, the bones are washed in wine, wrapped in a piece of cloth, collected in an urn and buried. Geographically unpopular, ignored by academia, and until recently left to crumble. Field School Dates: June 5- July 14, 2023 Application deadline: April 1, 2023, Project Website:, A UNIQUE LEARNING EXPERIENCE AT THOMAS JEFFERSONS RETREAT. This area is 10x10m and at least 2m deep, and is located between the wall that encloses the Forum on the west and to the east of the tabernae excavated in 1981. Field study includes visits to all the major, The semester program is open to all UIUC students, who receive academic credit through their home institution for the classes they take in Athens. Students who wish to extend their stay in Ireland could, for example, combine the two-week architecture course with a four-week excavation course (e.g. Payment processing occurs upon acceptance into the program. can be accessed from this email, and here are links to our social media pages (press ctrl and click to access). The area around Siddi was inhabited by prehistoric villagers beginning in the Neolithic period (ca. A two-week introductory course runs from 9 May to 4 August. Ditte Kofod, BARC-Bornholm Museum, Denmark ( This wealth of information allows for excellent comparative research, studying changes in cremation technology (temperature and type of fuel used), cultural preferences and choices (type of urns, objects found within them, number of individuals collected together in a single urn) and biological elements (examining pathologies, diseases and using aDNA to study population variability). Geophysical investigations in 2015, followed by recent commercial archaeological work in 2019, have shed some light on the original monastic enclosure, but virtually nothing is known of the internal space or phasing of the monastery. In fact, the Transylvanian Saxon cities, Braov, Sibiu, Sighioara to name a few, are emblematic of the persistence of this historical heritage. ONLINE REGISTRATION. UNC Wilmington will offer a field school in the Wilmington area. Scholars have incomplete understanding of how Neolithic sites were built, how different parts functioned and what activities took place, or how circular structures (identified through timber post holes in a circular form) had developed. Our goal is not only to explore the richness of the archaeological materials found on Vasagrd but also the type and history of interactions among different groups/farming communities in the Baltic, their technology, economy, religion, and social organization. Applications are now open for the fourth season of fieldwork at Castelo de Cuncos, an Iron Age/Roman Republican walled settlement located in the Central Alentejo. The applications for participation in the Dmanisi Paleoanthropology Field School are being accepted from December 1st annually, through April 15th. Read more about results of years of work with this community. Dates: May 22-June 16, 2023 (Priority Application Deadline: March 1st, 2023), Project website Sessions 1 + 2 or Sessions 3 + 4) to create an unforgettable six-week stay which would immerse them fully in Irish culture, history and heritage, while students focussed on excavation could combine Sessions 2 & 3 in order to take both the introductory and advanced excavation courses in one eight-week, intensive stay. BHFS first started in 2003 and resumed as the BHF program in 2008. Students will also play a major role in the work we do with objects back in the museum and lab: not only conservation, 3D documentation, and study of finds, but leveraging these materials to help implement new research, exhibit, and heritage management strategies. Date: July 1 to July 29, 2023 Application deadline: March 31, 2023, Location:Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia, Affiliation: Students will understand how systematic data collection and peer review facilitates bioarchaeological research. The participation fee is $2,800 (CDN), which includes accommodation in hotel, breakfast (7 days per week), lunch (5 days per week), dinner (5 days per week), insurance (, and program and equipment costs for the field school. UVic and Tsawout First Nation have partnered to run the 2023 summer archaeology fieldschool at the ancient village site of ELIE in Cordova Bay. The fieldwork will beundertaken at two sites, Milavii cemetery and Hatelji multiperiod burial ground, both with bioarchaeological evidence of disease, located on a former transportation routefor slaves from central Bosnia to the coast. The Slavia Project, Mortuary Archaeology Field School in Giecz welcomes all students wishing to gain practical experience in excavating human remains and other aspects of mortuary archaeology. Interested students should contact Dr. Ilaria Battiloro ( for further information. Its short occupation at a pivotal time in western expansion, makes it an excellent site to investigate life, commerce, and industry on the American frontier. Students who are interested in joining us for the 2023 season should review the information provided, including the 2019 Info Sheet (or forthcoming 2023 sheet), and contact us via email or by submitting an application. The last week of the course will be spent on the island of Paros, where students will work in the storage rooms of the Archaeological Museum of Paros with material from the site. Ashmolean Museum,2011 The first excavations date to 1861, a Macedonian tomb was discovered east of the Palace by Leon Heuzey and Henry Daumet. -Osteological analysis and documentation of remains Project website: This break helped me pace out my day and maintain my personal health and balance. While in Kampsville, participants engage in field and laboratory work with CAA archaeologists. 4. A four-day break is included in which you can relax on the island or explore the mainland. What has emerged from our investigations is a view of Maya commoners as living far more multifaceted lives than was previously believed. A one-page personal statement that describes your interest in the course and your academic background, including your expected graduation date and any previous courses, experiences, or special skills relevant to your participation in the field school. Archaeology Field School | Social Sciences | Michigan Technological In the written tradition, Aguntum played an important role for the last time in 610 AD, when a decisive battle between Baiuwarii and Slavs for supremacy in the region is said to have taken place in the area around the town. The site was first excavated in the 19th and early 20th centuries, following which its earliest remains have been traditionally assigned to the early Roman phase (post-80 BC), while a more recent interpretation dates the establishment of the monumental sanctuary to the second half of the second century BC. We offer a 300 discount for International Partner Universities and Study Abroad student mobility partners (email if you are unsure about your status). In 58 cases the dead were places in pithoi, usually at the periphery of the tumuli. Academic standing. Its urban area is structured around the Plaza Mayor, where we find the church, the Town Hall and some interesting mansions such as the house of the Curato and the house of the Dukes of Granada. Participants will learn about methodologies, practical approaches, theory for the archaeology of death, physical anthropology, and funerary archaeology. Strata Florida has a long and continuing history of research excavations, and the Trust now runs both university training digs and a public dig open to all. St. Marys Fort represented the first major foothold of European settlement in Maryland. This is a practical training program in the archaeology of death. Around the mid-14th century BCE, Roca was attacked and destroyed by fire after a siege. Students will be helping to expand our understanding of the site of James Fort (1607-1624). Students will receive extensive preparation in: 1) designing and conducting empirically-derived research; 2) archaeological theory; 3) excavation and survey methodology and laboratory analyses; and 4) archaeological law and ethics. Read more about the opportunity andApply Here! Recent and Final Bronze Age evidence from Roca also includes evidence of local specialized craftsmanship of exotica such as ivory and amber, as well as metalworking activities in bronze and gold. The sites rapid deterioration and important significance for the understanding of ancient Pompeii motivated us to begin extensive excavation at the area in 2017. Students doing the Session 2 course could also combine it with the 2-week non-excavation course in Session 1, while Session 3 students could consider signing up for the same 2-week non-excavation course in Session 4 students taking two courses get a 10% discount on both course fees. 2023 will be the thirteenth season of digging at this site where we have been providing the highest standards of teaching and training since 2010. . Newport is important for several reasons. Students will be trained in both academic writing and public interpretation of faunal materials. Use the above list as a guideline for exploring academic options at the partner. Students will understand fundamental concepts related to the human dentition. The University of Utah's summer program in archaeological field methods will be held at Range Creek Canyon. In 1976 the famous archaeologist started to excavate the great tumulus and discover, and all his treasure.