Firefighters estimate nearly 100 people continue to use the abandoned naval base as their illicit home. Police, fire and EMS worked Monday morning to clear the. Then in June, New Orleans police swarm the base and put surrounding neighborhoods on lockdown after reports of gunfire. Its a death trap for anybody thats in there, especially for firefighters.. Why did the AG join the NAACP in seeking a 'stay' of this years sole Supreme Court election? What a waste of good buildings! I MEAN THERE IS ONE SECURITY GUARD HERE AT THE VERY FRONT ENTRANCE OF THE SITE ME AND MY PHOTOGRAPHER HAVE BEEN DRIVING AROUND THE SITE TO SEE IF WE CAN FIND ANY OTHER GUARDS PEOPLE MEANWHILE WHO LIVE IN THIS AREA. 2005:The Defense Department'sBase Closure and Realignment Commissionrecommends closing Naval Support Activity New Orleans, to funnel more money to new weaponry and technology. NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - The reputation of the abandoned naval base in the Bywater is unfortunately well known. Hes hopeful his questions will be answered by city officials and developers on Monday, but other residents say they have mixed feelings about the sites official closure. 2018: In August, WWL-TV reported that Mayor Mitch Landrieu's administration three years earlier had redirected at least $40 million in federal grants intended for revitalizing the Bywater property and had used it for unrelated drainage projects. Between 1944 and 1966, thenaval complexprogressed from aU.S. There could be an explosion or fires and, heaven forbid, somebody gets killed or theres an accident of some sort - its going to be the citys responsibility.. Neighbors, like Judy Bolton, say its apparent the city has done little to restrict access to the 1.5 million square-foot facility. Emergency workers have had to respond when problems get out of hand, such as during the oil spill. New Orleans submits a reuse plan to transform it into a disaster management center. The fire was a 1-alarm fire, and NOFD is on the scene securing the fire.The naval base in the Bywater is supposed to be secured, as there are supposed to be three guards on-site 24/7 to ensure no one enters the site. I worked there for the Public Works Department for several years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Abandoned Georgia: Exploring the Peach State, Abandoned Georgia: Traveling the Backroads, Abandoned Alabama: Exploring the Heart of Dixie, Things to do in New Orleans: Bywater & Marigny Edition | Lost On Purpose Travel, Hunting Down The 10 Best Abandoned Places In Louisiana, 2021, Follow Abandoned Southeast on Officials from the Office of Economic Development, the police department and UNITY of Greater New Orleans which provides services for the unhoused population will be conducting an intensive walk through and cleanup of the blighted property, according to a news release from Mayor LaToya Cantrell's office. woman accused of using aunts debit card for 136 DoorDash orders held on preset $18 million bond, Juvenile injured after homemade pipe bomb detonated, police say. Under the terms of the 50-year agreement, Jaeger's EMDRC Partners LLC would payNew Orleans $150,000 a year, plus 5 percent of the gross rents that the developers receive. An artist's sketch shows the F. Edward Hbert Defense Complex in New Orleans' Bywater section in 1975. The fire was reported to . MULTIPLE people were in custody on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, after reports of a possible active shooter situation at an abandoned Naval Base. The City continues to be a supportive partner with the developer to bring this site back into commerce as a transformative mixed-use project as quickly as possible, which is the only path to ensuring that they are no longer nuisances and hazards in our community.". The base dates. Rich people in their neighborhood instead of homeless. WDSU reached out to Jaegar but there was no response. The city of New Orleans technically owns the site. Together, the Bywater and Algiers locations become Naval Support Activity New Orleans, an administrative base with tenants such as the Navy Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve. 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, The New Orleans Police Department is responding to reports of shots fired, Multiple detained after active shooter fears at abandoned Naval base in New Orleans, Louisiana with 50 shots heard, Bone-chilling new details emerge about nephew's horror death after uncle 'chopped him up with a machete', Shocking pics of children brought away on stretchers after bounce house flips, injuring '18 kids', Boy, 7, left unable to walk after being bitten by venomous snake with SEVEN bags of antivenom given during 4 days in ICU, Dy'Sheae Hall's mom reveals double family tragedy and haunting link between two shootings of Dancing Dolls members, One of Britain's most wanted men, 32, arrested at hotel in Bulgaria 'with fake passport', Broke ex-billionaire James Stunt locked in a court battle with his father over painting worth millions, American men feel insecure about their looks three times a week - and new data suggests it's not all about gray hair, Mystery after dog swimming alone in a pond leads cops to body of owner, 38. On Sunday the abandoned Naval Base caught fire once again . Themassive sitespreads over bothsides of the Mississippi River, making it the largest in New Orleans. Jackson Barracks is a military base in New Orleans, Louisiana. MEAN, THEY NEED A PLACE TO GO THATS HOMELESS PEOPLE BUT TOO MUCH CRIME. A history of the abandoned Naval Support Activity campus on New Orleans' east bank, Dauphine Street between Poland Avenue and the Industrial Canal, transform the building closest to Poland Avenue into a 295-unit "luxury affordable" apartment building, redirected at least $40 million in federal grants, later identified as 25-year-old Slidell waitress Brooke Buchler, one-alarm fire spreads across four floors. Electrical boxes have been scrapped for metal components. (LogOut/ COUNCILMAN FREDDIE KING SAYS HES RECENTLY HAD TO RETRIEVE TRASH CANS STOLEN FROM RESIDENTS IN THE AREA AND PLACED INSIDE OF THE SITE ASSISTED SLEEP. Campers and vehicles are parked alongside the former naval base on Poland Avenue in New Orleans' Bywater section on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. According to a news release, city agencies will begin sweeping the facility on Monday, July 11. New Orleans is known for its historical buildings and the city's ability to re-develop old buildings is part of the city's allure. In this video my friend Daisy and I explore a naval facility in New Orleans that has been abandoned since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Around 9 p.m. Tuesday,. (Photo by Sophia Germer,, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate). RAN OFF TOWARDS THE BASE. The property has been in a state of legal limbo for several years. Trash fires started by squatters grew out of control several times this year. local kids had turned it into a party spot. I live in the Boston area and these pictures looked really familiar. (It is for sale.) Its a shame this place went to the city just to be sitting in ruins. The menwere pulled off the streets and given a role in the Navy as soldiers. Copyright 2022 WVUE. WDSU reached out to Jaegar but there was no response. JOE YEAGER RECENTLY SIGNED A 99-YEAR LEASE WITH THE CITY TO BEGIN WORK RENOVATING THE PRETTY COUNCILMAN KING SAYS HE SPOKEN WITH YEAGER ON HIS PLANTS AND REMAINS HOPEFUL, HES BEEN A PROJECT. I want the city to handle this, because it is out of control.. In August 2020, a woman's body was dumped at the base after she was murdered by two men who have since been charged. The complex was completed in 1919. The agreement would also allow for two extensions, bringing the total term to 99 years. The New Orleans Fire Department reported that the abandoned naval base on 4400 Dauphine Street was on fire on Sunday morning. YEAH, THE CITY BEGAN WORKED TO SECURE THAT SITE, BUT YET ANOTHER FIRE WAS REPORTED THIS WEEKEND WDSU SHAY OCONNOR JOINS US LIVE IN THE BYWATER AND SHEA PEOPLE THERE SAY THEYRE WORRIED ABOUT THE CRIME. We found dead bodies, shootings, and open elevator shafts. Officials say about 100 people call the abandoned facility home. Help us make more by buying a print: http://shop.theproperpeople.comSupporting us on Patreon: a t-shirt: http://theproperpeople.spreadshirt.comOr shopping through our Amazon affiliate link: Join me as WE explore what is left inside!Abandoned Southeast - Blog Films a Little Explorations With Rick*Exploring Abandoned Navy Complex Base NSA - New Orleans, Louisiana*Epidemic music: 0:00 - 1:02History: 1:03 - 2:03Exploring abandoned Navy Base: 2:04 - 7:21Gym: 7:22 - 8:34Back Exploring abandoned Navy Base: 8:35 - 13:14Theater: 13:15 - 15:31Back to exploring Abandoned Navy Base: 15:32 - 20:16Homeless Set ups: 20:17 - 25:47Back to exploring Abandoned Navy Base: 25:48 - 29: 53Meeting Board Room: 29:54 - 31:36Cafeteria and more: 31:37 - 34:48 Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. A production crew is currently filming scenes there for a Netflix sci-fi movie called POWER about a drug epidemic. Become a Gambit member today and help us continue our mission, Email Sarah Ravits at When a fire broke out in the three-building, multi-storied, 1 million-square-foot property, even Clint Stanton who evacuated from the fire and should not be living on the property said something needed to be done to it. What actual net good do you feel the US military has done in the past 50 years? Joe Jaeger recently signed a 99 year lease with the city to began work renovating the property. My goal is to showcase the obscure, sometimes historic, forgotten places I have visited across the Southeast. By, 'Lot Next Door' Blight Remediation Program Revived. The 1.5. The New Orleans Police Department confirmed to The Sun that they were responding to reports of shots fired in the 4400 block of Dauphine Street. You arent very educated for sure. WWNO - New Orleans Public Radio | The backside of it is full of bicycles they steal all the time. Change). They will need food, water and a place to pee. See a spelling or grammar error in our story? ITS A CINNAMON CHARISA SHARES JUST SUNDAY NIGHT. to the address or the adjacent area 176 times . "The City and the private developer who controls the Naval Support Activity site began the process of fully securing and closing the former base on July 11. MORE INTO THE NEIGHBORHOODS KIND OF HANGING ON THE CORNER. HANO is in receipt of an application from the developer requesting tenant vouchers once the property is ready for occupancy. Theres a lot of drug use. Once a bustling federal administrative complex that employed thousands of people, the abandoned and deteriorating Navy base at the intersection of Dauphine Street and Poland Avenue in New Orleans' Bywater section is now home to squatters and a magnet for violent crime. I DO KNOW THERE ARE SOME SOME HER DOLLARS THATS SUPPOSED TO BE AVAILABLE SOMETIME NEXT YEAR. Its three buildings, spread across 25 acres, have sat empty for nearly a decade, and it has become a hotbed for criminal activity and squatters. They need to do something about it, said Bywater resident Jerry Wickes. He said Bywater residents have dealt with problems stemming from the old Naval base site for more than ten years. This is a project thatll be going on for quite some time, he said. Despite early efforts to transform the sturdy buildings into a disaster management center, the project fell stagnant. For more upcoming events visit Exploring an Abandoned Navy Base - NSA New Orleans The Proper People 1.38M subscribers Join Subscribe 13K Share 737K views 4 years ago NEW ORLEANS Start protecting yourself on the web. Please include the headline. The hours of operation are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I will never forget you guys, take care. It was acquired by the Navy in 1966 as part of an expansion of its Algiers base, and was relinquished to the city in 2013. The project cannot be redeveloped unless it has lots of subsidy because none of those buildings are up to code. Its dangerous. TELL WDSU DEVELOPER. MICHAEL I WATER THE THIRD FOR HIM AND HIS WIFE MY BUDDY WAS SITTING THERE GETTING HIS WALLET OUT. City officials released this statement Monday regarding the ongoing issues at the naval base. Although plans are in place, like many other sites, the naval complex remains abandoned. 386. Bywater residents say the old F. Edward Hebert Defense Complex is a blight on the neighborhood. The former naval base on Poland Avenue in New Orleans' Bywater section is seen Tuesday, June 21, 2022. On Monday, New Orleans began its latest attempt to clear and secure the massive blighted Navy base that's stood vacant in the Bywater area of the city for over a decade. But the processing of that application is not associated with the construction financing and is in no way holding up the building renovations at the property.. After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans planned to spend $170 million redeveloping an old naval base in the Bywater. They trained,sheltered, and workedalmost 25,000New Orleans residents that lost their homes during the Great Depression. The City Council approves the lease in August, and it is signed in November. NOW THE COUNCILMAN DID SAY THAT HES WORKING TO GET MORE GUARDS OUT TO THE SITE MEAN WHILE I DID REACH OUT TO JOE YEAGER, NO RESPONSE FROM HIM JUST YET NOW. Saatva Mattress Review: Our Pick for the Best Overall Bed of 2023, We Found 12 Cute Planters and Flower Pots That Cost Less Than $25, Here's Where to Watch and Stream Marvel's 'Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' Online. Mayor Cantrell says she flipped the bird at a Tucks rider to defend New Orleans. Call the front desk to make reservations at phone number 504-678-9745 or 800-NAVY-BED. 1941:The Army establishes the Port of Embarkation on the property, to supply itsCaribbean and South Atlantic commands. Updated: 9:46 PM CDT September 5, 2018. Joe Jaeger recently signed a 99 year lease with the city to began work renovating the property. The Marine Corps Reserve headquarters was moved to the neighboring Algiers complex. They should have used it as the ships terminal. They build a monster facility for this NOBLE purpose and eventually just say oh well, well go somewhere else now, ta-da., Would like to become full time security there but am still trying to find out who to talk to. NEW ORLEANS ( WGNO) The New Orleans Police Department was on-scene in the Bywater area after a report of shots erupted near the abandoned Naval support base. I dont want to see worst case scenarios she says. She worries things will get worse before they get better. The base is located in the Bywater area of New Orleans. So now look what they are getting, one big shelter for the homeless. In October, New Orleanstakes ownership of the Bywater property, 25 acres with three six-story buildings that total1.5 million square feet. The Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) is not involved in supplying any financing for the construction of the property at 4400 Dauphine, commonly referred to as the old naval base, HANO communications director Suzanne Whitaker said in a statement. As World War II began, the lease was canceled and the navalcomplex reverted back to complete use by the military as the New Orleans Port of Embarkation. (LogOut/ TELL ME THAT WITH EVERY FIRE AND CRIME IN THE AREA. Now all those homeless living in tents under the overpasses will have a roof over their tents now. Water continuously runs from broken pipes, causing area flooding. Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans is a base of the United States military located in Belle Chasse, unincorporated Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, United States. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. The long-abandoned Bywater naval base will be shut down next week, city officials announced Friday afternoon. Campers and vehicles are parked alongside the former naval base on Poland Avenue in New Orleans' Bywater neighborhood. I personally have a background in private security and also in construction so if anyone can get this place back right again its me. Thenaval complexwas in full operation until June 1933, when it was placed ina maintenance status by the U.S. Army. The fire was a 1-alarm fire, and NOFD is on the scene securing the fire. NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - Some Bywater residents are breathing a sigh of relief as the city prepares to clean out, fully secure and officially close the old Naval base site.