Spruce and Birch both probably have about the same BTU rating, however I have found that Birch burns cleaner. Its a good starter wood . If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. Russian olive wood tends to warp and crack as it splits. I enjoyed the story about his neighbor that let his oak fire wood dry for a whole week and it wouldnt burn LOL !!!! The issue is that Russian olive is hard to buy as firewood and difficult to process in large quantities as opposed to hackberry for example. What Are The Physical Characteristics Of Russian Olive Wood? Though that is not to say that their moisture levels are exceedingly high. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. As the chainsaw reaches the middle of the tree, the tree will begin to fall due to the hinge you originally cut. The drawbacks are the stinky smoke and the fact I had to poke it every 10 min and its hard to split. 4) White birch (Betula papirifera) and Paper birch are used replaceably locally for the same species. Russian olive will mostly produce a lot of ash but will burn for a long time regardless. But smoke is very dangerous, known carcinogen. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Walnut (black) rates at 21.50/cord, my information is provided by Pocket Reference by Thomas J Glover printed in September 2006 ( 18th edition ). The two common types found in these parts are tall shrubs or small trees, depending on site characteristics They are in the Rose family. Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. In central MN (east Metro) that stuff is thick and burning the roots gives green-brown smoke. We used to call them hedge apples. Im also guessing that the Hickory that I can get are the Shagbark or the bitternut 27.7-26.5 correct? WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). They are the top wood, BTU-wise. Nobody seems able to beat 3 second cycle for efficiency for single splitters. Ive heard that burning a little cedar occasionally will help remove soot from stovepipes and chimneys. In my lifetime I have seen the end of the Chestnut,the American elm,and now the Ash, Dick Ashton. I will definitely cut more hickory, beech and oak . Axe Adviser is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. It does give off some pretty decent heat. However, as a downside, it tends to spit embers from time to time and produce a fair amount of ash. FYI, this insert has glass doors and a chain-link curtain inside them. Lit my first fire of the season. Makes a mean pizza and can sear steak like nobodys business. The initial smell is like a sweet-smelling perfume. I have a rather large Bradford pear that I need to take down. I use a LOT of hemlock because I have 10 acres of hemlock woods and trees come down in storms and have to be cleaned up. I have about 50 Euk logs for house heat. Pros And Cond Of Using Russian Olive as Firewood. Many people despise Russian olive trees as they make it difficult for other trees to thrive. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. It is tolerant of considerable amounts of salinity or alkalinity, and can survive considerable droughts. The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023, How Good Is Walnut Firewood? Neither one grows to a large size in my woodlot although Ironwood does reach a reasonable size if it doesnt die from root rot first. When were craning wood out of the tree or hauling big Monterey pine I use the weight charts for Douglas fir since Ive read they are almost the same density green. It smells great too . growth mindset activities for high school pdf Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. I need something to mix in wit the pine though to burn overnight. When he's not working on axes, he's probably camping, hunting, or honing his survivalist skills. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. I cant locate any ratings for this wood. It seems kinda light and when I pay 12.50/cord+driving for lodge poll pine I don't know if it is worth it. Kaleidoscope, Mini, Russian Olive Wood, Artisan Handcrafted, Gift for all Ages, Christmas, Graduation, Birthday, Men, Women (520) Ad vertisement by wrightmade. If youre going to load up your wood stove with the big stuff overnight, you might consider leaving the air intake barely cracked open. I am a latecomer to this site. Green firewood only gives off about 40% of the energy of dry firewood. In natural settings, they quickly become invasive, crowding out other native species. Clear the brush around the Russian olive tree and plan an escape route. I didnt find any data about almond wood, in your stats, and thought you might like to include it. Russian Olive RO 250. We just called them hedge trees. The average efficiency rating is around 19.9 million BTU per cord. I recently shaped into slabs. We use an outdoor wood burner. Russian olive firewood leaves a lot of ashes in the fireplace once the fire burns out. Its close to soft maple on the btu chart plus I dont need to go anywhere or handle it too many times. I really dont get the obsession with BTU by speicies. It doesnt burn, it just smolders and stinks. We have tons of the best hard woods in this country . Are these possibly data for the same species gleaned from different sources? Read to find out. You best be looking over your shoulder as you drive home with your coal! Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. BTU rating of russian olive stihltheone Nov 23, 2009 Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment. Quick AnswersContinue, A crackling fire is a great way to stay warm in the cold months, but using the right firewood is essential. AND TALK ABOUT FIREWOOD, IT BURNS HOT AND IS FAIRLY LONG LASTING.ABOUT HALF OF MY YEARLY FIREWOOD IS THIS CEDAR.ID CALL THIS TYPE SOMEWHAT OF A HARDWOOD, UNLIKE INCENSE CEDAR. When you burn the tree, you put the carbon back. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. interesting site. anyone know if red pine has lot of pitch. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. These silvery leafed trees gulp up 75 gallons of water a day and eagerly push out native trees, including willows and cottonwoods. Heat output Like many tree types, Magnolia's heat output varies depending on the species. This means that the wood has had no time to dry out. Around here it is about the most common tree taken down by tree services, so lots of firewood guys sell it because they get the wood dropped off in their yards for free. I have no empirical data, but for us they have given decent heat. Ten pieces of green 20 yellow birch or hard maple last for roughly eight hours and throw tons of heat. Id like to burn red oak as well but its a little too cold for it around here. Step 2 Lay small pieces of Russian olive wood in the fireplace with other types of wood. These firewood BTU charts compare the heat energy ratings and weight of common firewood species. Green wood from the olive tree is high in water content, so it will smoke in the fire. I really cant speak for pecan until I can try it seasoned . Im out here in southern Oregon, and theres red fir, which is a true fir, just as white fir, and grand fir are. I cant tell the actual temp because it made the temp gauge go past the max 600 degree mark then go back around to the 200 degree mark . Many black oaks lost big limbs in the surprise snow of Nov 2010. It might be interesting if someone else also burns that stuff and has a good supply of different types of wood to compare with. I found that if you have some green (wet) wood and want to have a campfire go to your local hardware store and buy a duraflame fire log . I am going to try some Apple wood next to see if it matches up with the hickory. While we have quite a few woods available to us, what weve settled on for the fire place is a 50/50 mix of Oregon Ash and Black Locust. It burns as hot as h_ll . I dont like the choke cherry and Orgon Ash. First find you a steel bucket with a metal lid . Get The FactsContinue, There are 21 species of walnut trees around the world, but black walnut and English walnut are two of the most popular varieties in North, Read More How Good Is Walnut Firewood? Overall, compared to other hardwoods, Russian olive can burn for just as long as douglas fir or birch while producing very creosote. The cons are , no coal bed in the morning and it burns down a bit faster than the ash but it puts out real good heat. The cores, thick bark that protects the Russian olive wood makes it difficult for the wood to dry out as quickly as pine or fir if not split. I have been looking for the B.T.U. It is recommended that you use a mixture of firewood when starting a fire instead of relying solely on Russian olive to get it going. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. It also helps that its wood tends to be denser than other pines, taking longer to burn out. http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/elaang/all.html, http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/nativegardening/avoid.shtml, Want a masonry heater, Russian, Finish, kakelofen type, The Hearth Room - Wood Stoves and Fireplaces, Russian Fireplace / Masonry Heaterabsolute newbie. Western Hardwoods Figures from California Energy Commission BTU Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord. just came from the woods. It peeled off like bark ( but clearly wasnt) exposing 4 panels glued together. A few other elders like black locust . A week later he tried to burn it and told me to never burn oak , because it burned terrible and smoked bad . Is it toxic? 10. The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . I BELIEVE ITS CALLED SALT CEDAR. Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. Less dense softwoods have less BTU per cord than more dense hardwood but they also weigh less per cord. The tulip poplar is not a poplar, it is in different family. This guide looks at whether its worth tossing in the fire so that you dont waste time splitting it for no reason. I have done a lot of research over the last few months on the best wood here in the mid-south (west Tennessee). But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. I am planning on doing a little experiment to find out which wood is best for campfires and fire pits. I have some upstate PA, that often is recovered when down, and used for firewood. Anyone that enjoys cooking with fire should check out these top types of wood for cooking. But when burnt while still holding more than 20% moisture in its wood, it will continue to release that unpleasant smell. they r clean , no bark or bugs, hard as a rock & burn hot! Does anyone have any experience with growing and maintaining a small coppice wood? 2 heating oil is about 140,000 Btu per gallon. We bought cedar this year and it burns slowly and puts out little to no heat. Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? Very hard to split, but more importantly it doesnt burn well at all. If you take a piece of that wood and another same size piece of another type of wood that you know the BTU of, you can get a general idea. Hit the wood against the wood box or ground before bringing it indoors. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information. I picked up some cherry wood and have to say, Im very impressed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utECDaIoBFU, Too Much Charcoal Building Up in a Wood Stove, Does Burning Softwood Cause Creosote in a Chimney, Soaking Wood Chips for Smoking and Grilling. While holiday cards often feature cute, picturesque birch rounds in the hearth, old-time Yule logs in 6th and 7th century Europe were monster tree trunks that were meant to burn all day, and in certain cultures for twelve . Looked through posts and didnt see if there was any mention of the BTUs of a Norway Maple. A slower burning wood like oak is too slow to respond and may not flame up when heat is called for. Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. Split these sections into sticks. How Does Russian Olive Compare To Other Firewood. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. Russian olive does produce a lot of heat. But in many cases softwoods actually have more BTU per pound than hardwoods. Some wood gives off a lot of sparks in the fireplace. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? BTU Values of Wood Species Wood species type BTU values of a cord burning wood in a wood stove As you can see from the chart below, the famed red oak is not the highest on the list. I believe that pecan should be very high in BTUs and close to the other hickories, only because its in the family. This keeps all sparks from shooting onto our carpet. Depending on the types of conditions that the Russian olive tree was growing in, it may be carrying a higher moisture content than you expect. Hey Mikee, your right, red oak goes fast and so does beech and elm. Sprinkle lightly, dont dump, and over several years, weve seen a material improvement in our plants and soil from recycling everything full circle. must be mangable It is surpassed by 13 other varieties that have as much as 37% more BTUs per cord! I take that to mean that seasoned wood, with the same moisture content, will be pound for pound equivalent in terms of heating value but you may need to burn to 2-3x pine vs hickory. As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. Make another cut at a 45-degree angle above the original cut, so the cuts join, creating a notch in the wood resembling a wedge of watermelon. Great site. Definitely a burning smell. . Fresh cut it has a sap like a pine in the outer bark but overall it contains a lot of water depending on the time of year it is cut. I have put together the best data I could find, but consider the figures to be approximate. Lodgepole can generate a BTU as high as 17.7, making it one of the higher burning pines. Fascinating site! After seeing this list, I now understand why live oak dulls my chainsaw blades so quick. The ash burns hot and fast with a nice flame, the black locust burns without a lot of flame but lasts much longer. Wood is limited to small-scale andhobbyistuses. Or the thousands of different genus found in Australia . My neighbors complemented on the smell of it .Its great cooking wood too . if it does not stay at 30,40 C . Dogwood, apple and the smaller trees burn good but are only for small fires (late spring or early fall when you dont want a fire to last all day) If you are serious about heating your home with wood just stick to these trees for the max in BTUs..they burn hot and clean. For campfires, olive makes an excellent choice.
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