Theres something dangerous, mysterious, and primal about them that kindles a deep sense of raw attraction. The females are the most aggressive of the female Venus signs. Courtship is a truly romantic period for him, with flowers, love-making all over the place, and till-death-do-us-part-atmosphere. That said, you dont mind exclusivity! Posts: 2641From: The Cusp of LoveRegistered: May 2009, Posts: 3842From: UNITED STATES, BABYRegistered: Jan 2012, Most aesthetically pleasing: venus air/fire which in vedic translates to earth/water all commital nonbackstabbers, some Venuses come in two distinct flavours~, ~ we're only talking about the male venus signs here - or can we discuss the female venus signs too??? If you were born with Venus in secretive Scorpio, your approach to love is seductive, soulful, and intense. Hey. If they let go of the hyper-cockiness and attention-seeking behavior and instead embrace their chill side, they can really enhance their attractiveness. He may utter obscenities, depending on the rest of the chart, but you should not. My ex husband and my husband are both Scorpio rising and I'm a Taurus rising. He is very poetic and romantic. You are a feel first, think later person who tends to be guided by your emotionslogic, be damned! Given the information youve provided, though, I would say that his type: That said, Venus in Capricorn gives you a strong "provider" instinct. They beam with pro-social qualities like loyalty, curiosity, and romanticism. WebVenus in Taurus will cling to a relationship because of vows or money, but they also know how to save their own money and can go from poverty to wealth. Youre a natural earner who loves to spoil the people in your den, from your mate to your cubs. The Most Attractive Rising Sign | Keen Articles "Peaceful people have a glow about them, and Libra's inner balance, symbolized by their sigilthe Scalesmakes them very peaceful," says Honigman. Hence, it has some of the loveliest traits of any Venus. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. This Venus does not like coarse humor or off color jokes. You take your time to warm up to people and reveal your emotions slowly and deliberately even when the attraction is burning inside you. WebAttractiveness: reliable and practical Taurus is an earth sign and is associated with the planet Venus. Most Attractive Like Libra, Taurus is usually physically refined and beautiful, and also an aesthete at heart. All that effort pays off in the end. As his Venus is in the 9th house, he easily attracts (and is attracted to) partners with a cultural background different from his own: foreigners, travelers, highly educated people, people who dont fit in, or all of that at once. Odette Moderator . The chemistrys gotta be bubbling like a freshly corked Veuve! can be pure paradise, whether youre building a family or your dream home (or both). And what kind of woman is he looking for? Also, your culinary skills are well above average. The Most Attractive Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer Ever wondered why certain people seem to sparkle more than others? Youre always willing to try a new gadget, toy, even a rotating cast of partners and "extras." Love at first sight is all too real for youand youve probably fallen head over heels in a nanosecond more than once. This elegant and sophisticated Venus-ruled sign is revered for bestowing model-like looks and symmetry on individuals with it on their Sun or Rising sign. Each person has very different tastes. This is a rather rare Venus sign, from my experience. They will defend friends, family, and partners ferociously, and are always ready to cheer people up and provide motivational coaching. Loves sex and tender me and me . xoxo. I used to somewhat go out with this Aries Venus guy, I do see some things in common both of them like skinny women (the one with Aries Venus was obsessed) With Venus in nurturing Cancer, youre equal parts caretaker and coquette. Alas, that levelheaded approach might dull the sparks with a more passionate person. They think they're the hottest thing in the neighbourhood while I find them just really not attractive (to stay polite ), Posts: 544From: Greenville, South CarolinaRegistered: Jan 2012. Your Venus sign is the zodiac placement of the planet of love and beauty at your time of birthso it can explain a lot about your romantic attractions. In the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. What starts as a Tinder, "Lets meet up for drinks" thing could evolve into a 24-hour date that takes you from karaoke to after-hours bars to the bedroom to brunchand maybe a burlesque show in between. It is difficult for you to commit fully as being tied down feels too permanent for someone like you. You are attracted to the soul of a person, not the masks people hide behind. Scorpio is the sign of mass sex appeal. According to Astrolger these are the Top 5 Most As for his type of woman, to me, his whole natal chart should be studied, not just Venus and Moon placements. The planet of love and beauty is literally at home (domicile) in decadent Taurus, one of the two zodiac signs Venus rules. When Venus is in Cancer, you are a secure option for someone looking to be welcomed home with open arms. Youre welcome, Laura. The only pitfall of this gift is that you can be SO focused on creating harmony that you sweep important issues under the rug. While people might think of Taureans as being more understated, they're often effortlessly good-looking. The man Im currently dating has Venus in Pisces (conjunct my Moon). The partners he chooses must be the same. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. Own your Venus sign and you'll be on your way to feeling more confident and whole within your own skin. Venus This man, for instance, easily (sextile) meets charming (Venus) and soft-hearted (Pisces) partners. No problem! So you want to know what the most attractive Zodiac signs are? But, the Moon runs deeper, dealing with long-term relationships and friendships. Assista a contedos populares dos seguintes criadores: Owen Pierson(@owenpiersonxo), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), Astrotok(@realms0flight), IntuitionsbyNiko(@intuitionsbyniko), Throw away that rulebook! Donald Trump, one of my role models, has it. He likes instant gratification. It is very refined and very well mannered. READ THIS NEXT: The Most Flirtatious Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers. She should stay physically active, do sports (conjunct Mars), and probably do some male stuff from time to time (help him to mend the roof, or to work in the garden, etc.). Yes, they can come off as a bit needy for relational harmony, which isnt their most attractive trait. Marriage might not be your ideal with ultramodern Aquarius ruling your heart. You enjoy conversation and witty banter. With that said, we can pinpoint some of the most attractive signs based on certain qualities, like planet rulerships. His life is more likely lived in the exciting outside world. People are, in the beginning, attracted to your Venus sign. Venus Every time we are together I feel like Im in an old French romantic movie. One soulfully sexy gaze from you might be all it takes for clothes to go a-flinging. As such, your vetting process is strict and thorough. Blankets and pillows on the couch? Cuddling is foreplay for your sensual sign, and you are especially gifted at the art of touch. To determine your Venus position, first locate the Sun in your natal chart (do your FREE free birth chart here). When love planet Venus is retrograde it can disrupt the harmony of our most important ties. bright and visible in the sky near sundown. And lucky for them since your charismatic and generous Venus sign gives as good as you get. Let the slow jams pipe softly through your speakers and the vintage Pinot breathe alongside a pair of glasses on your counter. Let us know your thoughts (and the most attractive sign to you) in the comments below. WebLook to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. meanwhile they need to get laid regularly, so it's like normal for them to have emotional and sexual needs satisfied separately. When they get closer and scratch the surface, knowing you on a deeper level, this is when your Moon emerges. Being fussed over is so NOT your thing (unless bae is bringing you chicken soup when you have the flu). You might install mirrors on the ceiling or, with consenting partners, build up a private video collection of your greatest moves. Digital connections are still plenty strong for youand because of this, a long-distance relationship could actually work out just fine. When you inevitably do find "The One," youll take care of them in every way possible. Venus Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. In furniture, he may like the dark, heavy woods. As such, you may have to sift through a few more twists and turns than most before you master Cupids game. WebWestern Venus in earth/water signs are completely unloyal Venus Taurus/Scorpio males, by far least attractive.(IME!!!!!) and witness all that youve built together? Looks are very important to this Venus. Once the object of your affections passes your tests, youre all in, shopping for housewares at Crate and Barrel, pinning iconic engagements rings, scouting out hillside mansions for your wedding ceremony, and figuring out which grandparent youll name the first kid after. Venus is "exalted" in Pisces, meaning this is its most potent placement in the zodiac. Explores truth through relationships, and instinctively knows our first engagement is with life. They may be slow-moving, but they move with incredible self-confidence. 7th house ruler is Uranus in Capricorn sextile Venus, conjunct Neptune. Best matches are another Venus in Taurus, or a Sun-sign Libra, a sign ruled by Venus, or an empathetic Sun Scorpio. This Venus likes quality, quality, quality. Casual dating is so NOT your jam. Ultimately, youre a sapiosexual, turned on by a beautiful mind. This is simply a self-protective measure because once you open your heart, you go "all in." Venus is "in detriment" in Scorpio, which is a somewhat challenging position because it falls opposite to Taurus, the sign that the love planet rules. Plays sport (conjunct Mars), but, most possibly, artistic one (Mars in Pisces). How she hates anything scruffy! Read on to discover the six most attractive zodiac signs, from slightly tempting to completely bewitching. Julia, thank you for the reply! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Really! Which Venus Zodiac Signs Do You But try not to declare your undying love too quickly. Jealousy can be a troubling issue in your relationships. Anyway.. YOU are the most important person to me. They are relentless in a way that few others are. He has excellent taste in everything, from the opposite sex to toothpaste. n the middle of this transition, Venus vanishes from the skywell, at least from our view here on Earth. why can't you!? They dont need to be a model for GQ, but they cant wear black shoes with white socks, either. But, even then, peoples tastes vary based on so many unique ideals. attractive venus signs Lets study some of the Venus signs. While moves like these can be manipulative, you know how to keep an attraction dynamic by interrupting lazy habits that can dull the sexual tension. And so he told me I was too clingy (??? Venus Signs He takes love seriously. Venus in Scorpio takes break ups very hard, even though he, likely, would not let you know. Since trust does not come easily when you have Venus in Scorpio, you might choose a partner who is an open book and knows how to create a safe, nonjudgmental space for you to bare your soul. Your ideal mate would slay a thousand dragons and cross treacherous oceans for the opportunity to have your hand. However, with the Venus in Aries men, after the initial chase, they want you to chase them, which can make for a lot of confusion because he may go from Attila the Hun to Mister Rogers. Alas, these romantic rescue missions can throw you off your game for months, even years! READ THIS NEXT: The Zodiac Sign Least Likely to Fall in Love, According to Astrologers. In 5 B.C., it was mathematician/stargazer Pythagoras who realized that Phosphorus and Hesperus were one and the same. If you were born with Venus in iconoclastic Aquarius, your approach to relationships is unconventional, if not outright rebellious. By the same token, your S.O. This 40-day backspin marks the period when Venus begins her shift from anevening starbright and visible in the sky near sundownto amorning star, rising just before the Sun. This sign is governed by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, "so they have a helping hand from the Goddess of Aspects do matter, for sure. With dualistic Gemini directing your love jones, your feelings run hot and coldand can fluctuate by the second. If Sun and Venus are at the same degree, youll have to check the minutes, which are the little numbers to the right of the degree symbol. Venus in Pisces is, unlikely, to play games when he is in love. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Smartest? Hey, if its not a page-turner, its probably not for you! My house is all bright colors and flower prints. As such, you want to know what youre getting yourself into before getting swept away. Because of these standards, some men can feel uncomfortableowning their Venus and project it onto women, while many women feel the pressure to be the 'Venus' in the relationship. While Leo easily rocks their natural glamorous, royal air, they often need to learn to moderate their egos. A dog is very different from a giraffe. Fun fact: While the Mayans werent fooled, the ancient Greeks once thought that Venus was two planets. Your secrets may stay locked in the vault forever, not even to be shared with your Sex and the City brunch crewwhich might be for the best. Come back, Dan! Often predictable and a little cold, you are often misunderstood. I hope I can do this in my articles. A creative hobby (Mars in Pisces) is welcome. He is, surprisingly, moral, although you would not know that by his actions, usually. This sign is governed by the sun, so everything around them is bright, which draws people to them, says Honigman. Youll wait patiently as your potential S.O. He is likely to give his wife all the freedom she wants, too, but her loyalty is a must (Aquarius is a fixed sign). He likes someone whom others will admire. Placements/aspects of other planets? Deeply private and mysterious, you hate to feel vulnerable or exposed. I find it respectable that he made it in business and in life, although he could have rested on his fathers laurels. The list is obviously wrong! is part of the Meredith Health Group. This can create confusion and insecurity in love or the individual may see things differently than their partner where love and commitment are concerned. Note that the rankings on this list are based partially on raw physical attractiveness (prettiness) as well as raw beauty, which transcends physical appearance. When Venus is in Capricorn, you are a dependable partner who will never let down your lover. Yes, please, and plenty of it. This is me. Cancers know when to give it up~! Hell hath no fury like a Venus in Scorpio who has been cheated on! Your mate must be a strong individual with a lush life outside of the relationship. While your book of love may be filled with steamy and half-finished chapters, at least it wont be boring! Venus in Gemini loves intelligence and wit like a sugarholic likes Ding Dongs. He wants to bare his soul to you-and a beautiful soul it is! "They're people who sleep well at night, knowing they've done all they can to aid humanity every day," she says. A sexy raconteur, you keep your "targets" spellbound with witty banter, fascinating stories, and even a few head games. Honigman credits their good looks with getting enough beauty sleep. Loves sex, but, most possibly, creative and tender. Thank you! Venus in Gemini is stylish and likes partners who have some sense of style. This Venus likes refinement in the partner. When Venus is in Gemini, you possess a natural ability to lighten moods with your friendly nature. You can also use the tables below to determine your Venus type. Also, he will,likely, make a mad dash for you from across the room. One minute youre worshipping at the altar of your mate, the next youre gasping for airand even pulling a "slippery fish" disappearing act! If youre not working the room like a Hollywood head-turner on the red carpet, youre probably writing a cinematic narrative in your head about all the ups and downs of your romantic life.
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