Its perfect for Warriors, and Rogues if they use Stealth and then a combo of Rapid and Suprise. Try to get past the bear, Defeat the bear, hate the Blue Moglin Rat and follow the road again. So, in Dragonfable, your character has a specific level. To assign stat points, you must go to one of 3 stat trainers. Pedia Link, DoT monster. Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: The amound of XP is your level + 1 * 50, so if I were level 40, I would get 2050 XP (that is fighting Mega). We dont really know what exactly it does, though. So, this formula is used to determine how much it would cost to retrain your stats. In this guide, we'll cover the best experience (or EXP) farming. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None Average EXP/Gold per hour: A lot if you concentrate on only DF Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 1k to 2k XP, around 100 gold Item Reward Price Range: 87-200 Useful Notes/Advice: None, Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): SPOILER!!! If youre level oneyou get 6315 gold/hour on average! Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Talk to Lady Celestia about training your dragon. Some fights are very hard even with perfect strategy. Well they are very strong weapons you can obtain at lvl 8 (?!?) Oaklore (Book 1) - The Trainer is Rolith. Required fields are marked *. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. See, in the middle of this is the equation to find out how many stat points you have. I had a lot of fun writing it. *Note*If you have trouble beating this quest, try using potions, the health potions (the red potion on the left of your skill bar) heals 100 HP each. Ill be covering that in Section V: Stat Formulas. Oh no, youre thinking, thats terrible! Not only they have had more time to farm XP in-between releases, but they also were around for wars (which are excellent for farming). Keep pressing on. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? Another upgrade may be purchased for another 20,000 Gold to get the Evolved DragonLord Armor. When I do unequip them, my HP goes down back down to 995. (You must complete the Orb Sagas, especially the Fire Orb saga, first.) *Note* Dragon Amulet holders if you dont have Rolith in your party anymore, invite him again. You can now leave Oaklore and go to Falconreach. play and find out! Just a side note before I state the formula, this is the one the staff used to determine the gold given to players to retrain. If your result is .49 or lower, you basically lose a point of damage. Im making this guide to tell you about stats. Before you can leave Oaklore you have to finish the the priestess message quest. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? Your email address will not be published. This is the section of the guide you NEED if you want to set up your characters stats properly. Message << Older Topic Newer Topic >> 2/9/2011 9:43:57 CloudOfDoom Member Exp per level Guide [000] Table of Contents [001] Introduction . This guidewill help with finding it. OMG. : Gold Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None, because its scaled Average EXP/Gold per hour: 1170*level XP, 6135+180*((level/3) rounded up) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 39*level EXP, 6*((level/3) rounded up) gold for a straight run. Dexterity was also changed. I ordered them in order they were released. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? For a level 24 thats 71250 XP and 3910 gold an hour. For example: If a monster has -100 water, that means attacks with a water element will do double damage! Step 2: Here I have gone ahead and added the 52 in all the places that x was present. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? DragonFable Stats Guide | GuideScroll I recommend starting with Book 1&2 since book 3 requires knowledge from the previous chapters. : Gold and reward (junk items) Average EXP/Gold per hour: 4,648 XP, 476 gold (1,596 gold with items) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 148-216 XP, 15-19 gold (without list) Item Reward Price Range:: 5-80 (excluding junk items worth 500 gold) Useful Notes/Advice: Same as above. When you go into the Resident Sneevil Camp and fight in the War. First go down from the main screen in Oaklore now go right and follow the road. All good, right? (wb4), In Dragonfable you can unlock 2 characters for special storylines. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None Average EXP/Gold per hour: 2k XP and 400 gold Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 243 XP and 50 gold Item Reward Price Range: 1-80 gold Useful Notes/Advice: None. To equip the weapon you can select the bag right of your HP/MP bar, select the weapon you want to equip and click equip. I just defeat the two guards at the beginning, go back, restart. Oaklores trainer is named Rolith is easily identifiable by his hammer and single winged shoulder. Nythera Quest ChainWarlics zone Help Nythera become one of the greatest mages alive Sir AnoOaklore keep Help Sir Ano become a Pactognal knight. When you level up, you'll get this screen. Endurance (END): Increases max Health Points (HP), Wisdom (WIS): Increases max Mana Points (MP). Ice Dragon Invasion War at See! DA only? You will turn into a Zardbie. 5 Unlock all the skills for the necromancer. Method 1 Going to Amityvale 1 Travel to Amityvale. So you noticed Dragoncoins? Your email address will not be published. Its a Dirty Job/Earth Cave Thanks to 2bewitched! My mission statement is that I want to inform people, while also keeping them interested, without being bored to death with facts. Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Go to Willowshire DA only? Section III: Leveling up Okay, so, youve got the basics down. DragonLord Armor | DragonFable Wiki | Fandom : both Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: not scaled but fully trained dragon helps immensely Average EXP/Gold per hour: I got about 14,000G and 2 lvl per 3 hour and I started at 36 and went to 40. (bgn04d)Stats? Fight monsters, get EXP, level up. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? To activate Mega Junkyard Driller, press the button, at the left of the wooden hut and go inside to fight the Driller. New players will start with a choice, Book 1&2 or Book 3. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None Average EXP/Gold per hour: 23400 XP, 1200 gold (without selling reward) 3220 gold (selling the reward) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 1170 XP and 61 gold (without selling reward with 100 gold) Item Reward Price Range: 100 gold (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: Be sure to stun Underbed because he hits hard. : Something else Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: Level 12 is recommended, but not required Average EXP/Gold per hour: 13300 XP, 720 gold (not including item reward) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Average of 1330 XP, 72 gold Item Reward Price Range: (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: With a level 29 warrior with Sapphire Wave it took 5 mins and 55 seconds to complete, with all rooms explored. And DEX was supposed to be the Rogues main stat. If you choose to punt him back youll still have to fight the monster but without help. To get there, follow these directions. It also helps that he has a giant yellow ! Also added more. The formula for finding the EXP needed is: ; where x = level #. DragonFable Leveling and Stats Guide by Doom Zero, So, just so you dont have some unknown stranger telling you all these things, and also to help you understand me a bit better, Im going to talk a bit about myself. : EXP and Gold Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: none Average EXP/Gold per hour: 5025 XP, 589 gold (excluding the rewards) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 335 XP, 39 gold Item Reward Price Range: 25-200 Useful Notes/Advice: To go the short way, take the lower path. : Yes Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? *Note2* you can also use a (fire) weapon you may have bought in Oaklore. Defeat the army of monsters and face Wargoth, but are you strong enough? The Ancient Treasures are useful for the 25 gold or training Ranger Skills. The added damage may not seem like much, but every little helps in the long run. : EXP, Gold AND Something else Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None, its scaled Average EXP/Gold per hour: Its scaled Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Its scaled Item Reward Price Range: You get Defenders Medals and possible a Sword/Dagger/Staff of Tears (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: Very good for XP, good for gold, plus you get Defenders Medals. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None Average EXP/Gold per hour: Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 2540 XP 64 gold Item Reward Price Range: Moonglow (worth 2 gold) (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: None. If you wait 2 years you get a discount, instead of $79,80 you pay $65,00. Im not going to say much about this, talk to Twilly (The red rabbit like thing on the tree stump) to start looking for the Dragon Egg. Quest/Event Name: The Arena (Monster Set #2) Average EXP/Gold/DS per hour: No Information Total EXP/Gold/DS in this Quest/Event : EXP: 32/Gold: 18/DS: 0, Quest/Event Name: The Arena (Monster Set #3) Average EXP/Gold/DS per hour: No Information Total EXP/Gold/DS in this Quest/Event : EXP: 115/Gold: 15/DS: 0, Quest/Event Name: The Arena (Monster Set #4) Average EXP/Gold/DS per hour: No Information Total EXP/Gold/DS in this Quest/Event : EXP: 32/Gold: 18/DS: 0, Quest/Event Name: The Arena (Monster Set #5) Average EXP/Gold/DS per hour: EXP: 6300/Gold: 450/DS: 0 (From Rock God) Total EXP/Gold/DS in this Quest/Event : EXP: 167/Gold: 22[/center]. A recommended one is pride lord. Is faster without pets. Youve reached the end of this guide! The downside is that they cost a lot of gold (Checkthis guidefor good gold farming spots). (Unless you have a DA, then you can try this quest) Use your energy weapon to defeat the hydra heads and continue following the road again. See the format used: Weapon A (Best)->Weapon B (Powerful alternate) "=" means the weapon is equal to the next weapon. To look for weapons or accessories with the resistances you need, here's a useful method. 5. DragonFable is a free to play fantasy browser RPG, in which you control your character via pointing and clicking. If theres a need for a guide on another DF topic Im interested, and I have some spare time, Ill make another guide. And which weapon do you guys think is stronger, the doom or destiny Dragon fable Doom weapons in five You must pay with gold on Dragonfable, i think a destiny weapon is better than doom weapon because there are 80 percent If you have a basic knowledge of experience points, just bare with me. : Something else Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None, but a high level recommended Average EXP/Gold per hour: Scaled 10200 XP, 936 gold (level 34 rogue) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Scaled 850 XP, 78 gold (level 34 rogue) Item Reward Price Range: None (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: This quest is really just for getting to the next quest in the chain. The basic thing you need to know about my character is that my level is 42. Every piece of equipment (Sword, Helm, Cloak and Armor) costs $19,95 and comes with 10000 Dragon coins EACH! Next we have Leveling Up! DragonFable Farming Guide DragonFable Farming Guide by Amboo What is farming? :No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? Easily defeats with stun and double attacks for early levels. 840 gold | Mega Junkyard Driller: 16,500 exp. : EXP and Gold Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: Level 10, because you need a dragon Average EXP/Gold per hour: Scaled; 22800 XP, 4800 gold Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 570 XP, 120 gold (the quest is scaled) Item Reward Price Range: 0-10 gold(excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: These calculations were made with a level 21 character. Paladins for BEATING Undead, of course, Necromancers, you call out minions to fight for you, has a skill that makes the opponent heal you, a skill that has 50/50 chance for either the opponent to attack himself, or gives them a high boost for them to kill you. Unlock Primal Skills, which can be accessed by talking to Elysia and selecting Primal Dragon Skills, and then Unlock Primal Skills. It also affects Baby Dragon specials, along with stat rolls. Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Speak to Ash to talk to Grams or Aria DA only? Item Reward Price Range: (excluding junk items) Scrap metal is useful to buy the pets, but it can be sold for 10 gold each. NOTE: If you didnt understand the above formulas this is what it boils down to. This article has been viewed 15,632 times. Travel to other towns by clicking on the sign and choosing TravelMap with names. Second hit inflicts 'Daze DOT' for 3 turns, a 33% weapon + stat damage DoT. DragonLord(DA only), SunBreeze Grove, Elysia. Every piece of equipment (Sword, Helm, Cloak and Armor) costs $19,95 and comes with 10000 Dragon coins EACH! The Blue Lotus Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): The Sandsea > Zhoom > Quests > The Blue Lotus DA only? Luck (LUK): It affects all little things in the game, as said by the staff. Coming back to DF, best early leveling places? : r/dragonfable - reddit : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None, but level 8+ is recommended Average EXP/Gold per hour: 38,100 XP, 960 gold Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 2540 XP and 64 gold Item Reward Price Range: 2-2 gold (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: None, Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? Once you do that, you add either 10, or 20. 7. : Gold Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: 1 Average EXP/Gold per hour: Scaled Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Scaled Item Reward Price Range: None (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: You can do this quest is about 30 seconds. ->Necromancer AP Builds ->Ranger AP Builds : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: None Average EXP/Gold per hour: 6,300 XP, 450 Gold Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 210 XP, 15 gold Item Reward Price Range:: None Useful Notes/Advice: It is supposed to show the newest monsters, but the staff havent got to it in a while. Lets get out of here! Smoke Required Level: 5 6 MP, 9 CD Applies 'Smoke' for 4 turns inclusive. (wb3)What is the levelcap (wb4)I heard something about special characters? : Yes Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Available first time you log in and by talking to Twilly DA only? Having issues leveling up : dragonfable - reddit As you level up, you will be given 20 hp and 5 mp, as well as five stat points. Just keep fighting until you find the boss if you're lucky and finished it you might get a very rare "ChickenCow Armor". 0 cd multi, harder hitting nukes, etc Atealan base class (a straight upgrade of your regular base class). Steps 1 After you beat the hydras, find or buy a Water/Ice weapon then go to the "100 fiery rooms of doom". Step 7: We are now at the final step. There are also a lot of sidequests in Dragonfable. What has changed? I dont exactly phrase what I say correctly all the time, so it might come out a biiiiit jumbled. For information on where to put your stat points, lookhere. TogSlayer: Frostval, Act 6, the last chapter. Experience Farming How To Do It and Where To Go V3. So. Tomb Traps Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler):Speak to Zhoom and press random quest (Tomb Traps quest) DA only? After following the road pass through the gate, Welcome in Falconreach! Only 7 skills. Thats easy! To level up, you must get the required number of experience points. Depending on the monsters and your level, you will get various amounts of experience points (EXP). Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Speak to Ash and ask him about quests and select The Grove or go to Warlics Zone DA only? Training Statistics | DragonFable Wiki | Fandom Daze Required Level: 6 17 MP, 14 CD Attacks for 2 hits of 0% damage. Dragoncoins are a special currency in DragonFable. The current levelcap is 80 this updates once a year most of the times. Thanks to gastria! So, now to explain the formula. Refer to Experience Per Level to see how much experience is needed to the next level. Runs were made with Silver Tong. click the link for the locker) meet Aquella, defeat Captain Davey and Kathoo and try to retrieve the Water orb. {OV} Overview of how to use this guide {CR} Credits {GC} General Considerations {KT} Key Terminology {BC} Base Classes {WA} Warrior/Dragon Warrior/Shadow Warrior {RO} Rogue/Dragon Rogue/Shadow Rogue {MA} Mage/Dragon Mage/Shadow Mage {ABC} Atealan Base Classes Intelligence (INT): Increases Magic damage. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: All levels Average EXP/Gold per hour: 15k XP, 240 gold Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Average of 75 XP, 12 gold Item Reward Price Range: 1-80 (average of 26) (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: Really easy for low levels, Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Speak to Ash in front of Serenitys Inn DA only? If you dont, dont worry, you arent alone in that. Used by Mages and Necromancers. If anybody has anything to add, just PM me, and Ill be sure to add it. Its high mobility both in and out of combat makes it a nearly ideal solo build that can take on any content. ->Warrior, Mage and Rogue AP builds: ->DragonLord AP Builds. This guide shows you the most powerful (taking both damage and stats into mind) weapons of each element available. You therefore need 272200 EXP points in order to level up from level 52 to 53. R is a random integer between 0 and 100 included. Yes, stats. Sir ValanceOaklore keep Help Sir Valance study the sneevils Thursdays questsAmityvale Help Thursday by doing things for her. The building is marked by a coin with a crown. If you have a decent energy weapon (Twin Crescent Blade) and a good energy pet (dragons are perfect) that you might be able to defeat the normal Junkyard Driller in about 1 minute. Welcome to Oaklore Oaklore Keep is every hero's first stop on their journey into the world of DragonFable. Darkness Orb Necropolis Invade the Necropolis, learn Artix and Vayles past and save the Darkness orb, you can also trainPaladin,NecromancerandDeathknight. Well, theres a problem. DragonFable Leveling and Stats Guide GuideScroll Do i lose any benefits if i use a destiny weapon with my deathknight armor? This is not true for Dragon Amulet weapons and Dragon Coin weapons. You help the game develop and making it even more awesome! : EXP and Gold Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: 11 if you have a good fire/energy weapon Average EXP/Gold per hour: 12800 XP, 670 gold (excluding the items you sell) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: 2513 Xp and 122 gold Item Reward Price Range: All around 100, lowest 25 (excluding junk items) Useful Notes/Advice: None, Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Speak to Serenity and Talk about Ghosts DA only? *Note* For $5 extra you get 2000 Dragon coins foreachcharacter you bought a Dragon Amulet for! Same as before. ColorlessFalconreach Lore is losing its color! This will be approximately 1 week, playing 1-2 hrs a day :D. Battle for Moonridge! 100 + (5 x (42 1)) + (10 x 40) 100 + (5 x 41) + (10 x 40) 100 + 205 + 400 705. 28 gold | Mega Junkyard Driller: 550 exp, 33 gold. : EXP Minimum Level for this Quest/Event: Its scaled, so any level (but at least level 8) Average EXP/Gold per hour: You can run this quest about 15-20 times an hour (or in other words, its scaled) Total EXP/Gold in this Quest/Event: Completly scaled Item Reward Price Range: No rewards Useful Notes/Advice: You need some wind weapons, Vurrmen Ruins Tolkienfanatic and esoytumadre, Location (Do not add if it is a spoiler): Speak to Sir Casm DA only? (I always hate it when guides thank the reader. : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? If you . *Note* Anything above the 100 resist will heal your enemy! : No Farmed for EXP, Gold or something else? See, that 100 is because at level 1, you start with 100 HP. Ceiling(value) means that value is always rounded UP, even if it is 0.0001. Wrath of WargothThe Anomaly AKA atrea Wargoths final and biggest war!
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