(You must log in or sign up to reply here. What is needed? Crap! How an A/C Expansion Valve Works. Also, would a genuine R12 TXV be better, or is it too marginal to worry about?I think I should do the FSM test for performance - they have a graph with ambient temp and a/c temp. Some 1993 and older R12 systems aren't as 'compatible' as you'd think to switch over. R-12 expansion valves can be re-used, but will not be as efficient as R-134a specific ones because of the slightly different pressure specs of R-12 vs. R-134a. Energy usage: R134a is less efficient in cooling compared to R12. R12 and R22 are both now banned by the EPA in the United States. VerticalScope Inc. All Rights Reserved. What is the refrigerant property involved that has caused this? I had to vaccum the system for 2 hours and recharge 4 oz of PAG oil plus 36 oz of 134A freon (3 cans). Not osmosis, but you know what I mean). That's a lot isn't it? Given two identical vehicles, each with the same weighted amount of refrigerant, the vehicle with the R134a has the capability to remove more heat (measured in btus) from the vehicle than the same type of vehicle using the same amount of R12. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve. You may be just fine on oil - it depends on what compressor you have & how much oil you put in.A T/C is short for Thermocouple. By using a black light the dye will glow in areas where oil leaks are visible. How is the vent airflow?I would jumper the aux fan & check the performance. I'm thinking I might have put too much oil in the system - everywhere i read had a different amount - the manufacturer of the compressor, the MB factory service manual, online forums. Could that be screwing up the systems performance?Anyway, when I installed the system, the new TXV (is that short for expansion valve?) The substitute that we used for R-12 was the new HFC called R-134a. we convert older systems where i work all the time and they work fine. R134a has a smaller molecule than R12 so R134a will leak out sooner than R12. in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/113983/domains/toragrafix.com/html/wp-content . Its duty is to convert toxic gasses produced by the engine into A brake cleaner is a powerful solvent for cleaning dirt from the brakes and other car components. A. Pressure/temperature table for R12, R134a, and R513A is shown in Figure 1. . A. Pressure/temperature table for R12, R134a, and R513A is shown in Figure 1. . I'll put the relay on for that. Just had knee surgery yesterday, so I"M not exactly hopping around too well. -------------------------"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." However, theyre still used in older plants, systems, and the automotive industry. SO here's my question. Usually, mechanics charge around $200 for conversion. There are other refrigerants: some of which may work, some of which dont work, some of which will destroy your a/c system and some of which are dangerous. Interestingly, theres one oil type that works perfectly with both types of refrigerants. Besides, R134a refrigerant was manufactured after R12 was banned to help reduce the harshness of the old chemical (R12) on the ozone layer. Replace the drier with a drier that has a desiccant that is R134a compatible, use new R134a o-rings. R12 Expansion Valve = 201 830 06 84 R134A Expansion Valve = 201 830 04 84 Is there a difference after all? We've updated our forums!Click here to visit the new forum, Year: 1991Make: Jaguar Model: XJ6Engine Size: 4.0. I have the original (R12) style expansion valve in the Maverick AC system. Read on for more information about using automotive r134a in a refrigerator and vice versa. But some types of PAG do not mix well with the old residual R12 mineral oil left in the system components whereas ester does mix very well. R134a refrigerant fittings are different size. They can be mounted quite easy,and there is a mounting kit that helps to hang it. R 134A is designed for the high demands of an automobile AC and cannot be used on refrigerators due to pressure differences. Spray it deep, and let it sit for a few minutes. With new R12 no longer being manufactured, the market price soared to $100/pound. Gain access to our free AOP (Ask a Professional) Section to get real answers for your questions. leading to corrosion of expansion valves, capillary tube plugging, and compressor bearing . ESP when a compressor has frozen. GWP is a measurement of Greenhouse Gases and their effect on Global Warming. Yes it will work with either Refrigerant! Theres no doubt that R12 refrigerant is one of the first compounds manufactured for the air conditioning and refrigeration world, but it had to be banned. Compressor. It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and fluorine. Then when it is switched off for a few minutes and then back on, the air cools again. Rich Membership Chairman Using R134a in an R12 system will cause the oil not to move with the refrigerant, causing a system failure and probably won't even cool the system well, if at all. We are an automotive mechanic blog that helps mechanics and car users to find the most recent and accurate technical and repair information for their cars. 2) Frost on the Vents. A lower GWP alternative to R-134a had to be found and thus we have the new 1234yf. According to the thermodynamic characteristics, it is close to the R12 freon, however, it is 10-15% worse in terms of cooling capacity and is more fluid. About four or five years ago, I guy with an MB came here with the same problem, that tread was over six pages long. There is NO reason to retrofit a vehicle to R-134a as long as the R-12 system is cooling properly and contains a normal charge of refrigerant. Autor de l'entrada Per ; Data de l'entrada calexico west port of entry hours; 12 month libor rate 2021 a difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve a difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve Figure 2 shows the different phases and pressures the refrigerant . A slow loss of cooling at city speeds is usually related to condensor capacity & airflow issues.You could improve the cooling capacity by replacing the condensor with a high effeciency parallel flow unit. At this time you can still find R12, but, because it is no longer produced, availability is limited to current inventories and the price per pound is greater than R134a. The good thing is that after you convert to R134 you can top off the system easily and cheaply. As R134A refrigerant has different operating characteristics and pressures this valve is not necesssry. had writing on the side that said R134a. 4.3 out of 5 stars 491. R134a has a smaller molecule than R12 so R134a will leak out sooner than R12. Don't like the sound of custom parallel condensor. Debug the condensor (I am a computer nerd after all!)3. and he synthesized R-134a in 1936, 5 years after R-12 was . It can be used applications like walk-in coolers, food and dairy display cases, domestic refrigerators, and beverage dispensers and vending machines. ). I'll report back on the aux fan on performance next. The system has been previously converted to R-134a. 4.R404A R134a increased mass transfer resistance to reduce the transmission chamber heat coefficient, while R507 heat transfer coefficient is higher than R404A. RULES for AOP - Owner Assistance and Contractors, Energy Efficiency and Building Performance Discussion NEW, Carnak Zone/Locked Areas - For Professional Member Only, How To Become a Pro and Rules For Pro Members, Pro Forum: Refrigerants and EPA regulations **NEW, Pro Forum: Residential Refrigeration and Appliances **NEW, Pro Forum: Equipment Recalls and Bulletins **NEW, Pro's Forum: Building Science Discussions, Educational Forums - Open for all in the industry, Welcome to HVAC-Talk's Educational Forums, How to Submit Links, Articles and Quiz Questions, Frequently Asked Questions About Submissions, Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Flow and Combustion, Educational, Training & Reference Information, Manufacturer's Technical Information Links, Electrical Theory, Circuits and Electronics, HVACR Equipment, Components & Accessories, Accessories Humidifiers, Air Cleaners, HRUs, Fans, Filters, etc. I had a pair on my SAAB that seemed ok - but new ones ran 20% faster!Your best clue to airflow issues is a 60 mph test. Ask Our Pros-Owner Assistance - NO DIY advice will be given. is good, then I should be looking elsewhere? Can I just use an adapter and save $200? And by matching the correct amount of R134a to use in a given vehicle, correcting the superheat of the expansion valve (if necessary), you can in some manner nearly balance or match the amount of heat drawn out by the evaporator and released by the condenser. A/C Expansion Valve Replacement Cost. Its among the greenhouse gases and will keep adding the current problem of heat not leaving the earths atmosphere. Besides R134a there are some other refrigerants that are approved to replace R12 and there is a long list of refrigerants that are not approved. Look deep into the fins. Jun 19, 2007. Super heats are so close, it should not be a major concern.-------------------------The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. James10952001. Bad Car A/C Expansion Valve Symptoms. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi, An Autobiography, M. K. Gandhi, page 446. There is only a temperature switch on these cars as far as I recall, and it just switches on the aux fan. Please enter a valid email address for yourself. The best replacement for R134a is R1234yf, while R12 refrigerant replacement was R134a. Took me a while to figure that one out, and how to say that. Flush with a garden hose - do not use a high pressure washer - you can bend the fins flat & damage the condensor.B. We've updated our forums!Click here to visit the new forum, Year: 1983Make: MercedesModel: 240DEngine Size: 2.4Refrigerant Type: R12Ambient Temp: 90Pressure Low: 35Pressure High: ?Country of Origin: United States, Hi, this is my first post, so please take it easy on the noob. Pound for pound R134a is a more efficient refrigerant than R12, however it runs at higher pressures in some aspects and therefore requires more effective condensing. A capacity curve is shown in figure 2 for relative capacity of R134a vs. R12 for evaporating temperatures from 0F to 50F. Break out the new gauges and measure hi and lo at 1500rpm, and do the Merc FSM test to see how we're doing performance wise. The typical scenario here is when the car owner buys an inexpensive retro-fit kit from the local auto parts store. The problem with not being an expert is that you don't know what is important and what's not. Also the new quick connect fittings for the high & low side. sparkee said: Thanks for the Service Bulletin. Then, subtract that result by 0.25 pounds to get the proper amount of R134a charge. Environmental Impact: When R134a escapes into the atmosphere, it contributes to global warming. Or is there always room for improvement, the more the merrier. It runs between the condenser outlet, receiver/drier unit and expansion valve at the firewall. We sometimes use a relay switched from the compressor clutch to run fans. _____ 2012 E350 2006 Callaway SC560 . You do not have to split up the 5-6 oz of oil and add it to each component, just simply put it all in the compressor as it will move throughout the whole system once the system is operational. The difference really shows up on the high side. Looks like a couple of things happening here1) 80's vintage Eurocars were not "meat lockers". R-12 to R-134a Conversion. Paul:It is never a waste of my time to chat with someone that understands the problem, and wants to fix it. The OEM spec is 2300 rpm @ 12.6v (engine stopped fully charged battery). I think so. BTW, I use a stick thermo in the vents and the laser on the condenser. Is the information not applicable to the old Pantera system? The experimental values of C.O.P.H obtained with the R134a/ester charge were 20.2% For example, if your system originally had 36 ounces of R12 then you multiply that by .80 and you have 29 ounce of R134a. Its cylinders are colored white. #13. The analysis focuses on Coefficient of Performance for . You either get a system that will function well with R1234yf or get any other type. R-134a XV for R-134a use. By after changing just about everything, he got what was termed, satisfactory cooling. This allows the refrigerant in the condenser to be void of oil particles. Replied by Rich928 on topic R12 or R134a. First, differences in physical properties: 1, insoluble R12 compressor oil is used (to reduce the lubricant) 2, dissolved sealing materials are used (resulting in refrigerant leakage) 3, easy to damp (so easy to internal . Even with proper fan operation, missing seals & air dams can effect condensor effeciency. of refrigerant insulation tape. R134a vs R12 refrigerant? Mark Baker R-401b is the mixture by weight of 61% R22, 11% R-152a and 28% of R-124. I don't know where it is getting the switch off command, or why the vent temp drops steadily. I think the way to go here is1. of coiled cap tube on VCR system with R134a. These cheap kits usually have a few cans of R134a (either 12 ounce or 16 ounce), maybe an extra can of refrigerant oil, a few generic R134a charge port adapters and maybe some o-rings. It cycles on off in med (or low for that matter)Gotta tell ya. CLUTCH CYCLING SWITCH. Thanks again. Your old hoses of course will not fit. In short, NO! Any advice appreciated. I don't have the FSM matrix handy for that 123.123, but a 123.133 shows a test rpm of 2,000 - and vent temps between 54f & 66f at 91f to 95f ambient. Fitting a PF condensor is not rocket science, but it requires some planning. Before we mentioned that you can add approximately 5-6 ounces of ester oil to the compressor. Production of R12 ceased in 1996, although it can still be reclaimed, purified, and resold, and small cans of New Old Stock R12 are still widely available on eBay and Craigslist. In most cases, the systems used have varied components, designs, and service ports. It will work and there will be very little, in any difference in performance.As Chick stated, the difference is only the gas used in the sensor tube. You can spend long evenings reading about the differences between the two refrigerants. The non-flammables can have R22 type gas which is not compatible with most rubber hoses or they have gases that contribute to global warming. Disconnect the two hose lines to the compressor, protect the ends from getting dirty. Thanks so much Bohica - you've save me many more hours of fruitless speculation. R12 was once used in many air conditioning units as a refrigerant or cooling agent. Below are the major differences between R134a and R12: The chemical composition of R12 and R134a differ. The oil is spread all over your system when it is at rest. Is there a graph? I put one in my old daily driver '79 Chevy tank (r-12), and it really made a difference. You do not however need to replace all the o-rings or seals for a simple conversion, it is simply a logical thing to do when and if the time comes to work or replace certain components because of age issues. Still, I have some simple green, so may as well give it a go. And no, you cannot "drain' excess oil out. The condenser water inlet temperature and flow rate are controlled with the use of a . Is there more info needed?THanks -------------------------1983 Mercedes 240D on R12 and WVO!1192 Mercedes 300D 2.5 R134a1993 Toyota Pickup converted to R134a, Paul:I had to dig a bit deeper - MB made several running changes in the 1983 123'sThere are actually 4 different circuit diagrams for the A/C system that year - just for your 123.123 I found the R4 reference, and it should have 170 Ml of oil in the system.Your aux fan should run at the ambients you listed. With R134a you do not rely on the site glass. As for R134a and R1234yf, theres no room for conversion. How dumb!I will jumper the aux fan and redo the test. video clubhouse baseball; nick fairley draft profile; ben davis work pants He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. Why wait for 200f on the engine coolant to start the fan? I don't want to be chasing ghosts. Nice to use new gadgets! Lets take you through the advantages, disadvantages, and differences of these two refrigerants a detailed comparison including R12 vs R134a performance. One of the differences between auto air conditioners that have been redesigned from R12 to R134a is that the condensers have gone from serpentine to pseudo-parallel. R134a compressors are substituted as new to retrofit the R12 system compressor part numbers with different height sealing washers. Only show this user. R134a refrigerant is lighter than R12. The MB chart shows 360 psi with R12 in some conditions. It is possible I have 10 ounces (250 ml) in the system. A Lot of the fins are bent, especially at the top. A/C receiver difference between R12 and R134a? Use a drop light in the engine bay, and check the air path from the front of the car at night. But as there's not a big difference, people say you can suffice with either. There are significant differences between R12, R134a, and R513A, which must be considered when handling, processing, applying, or retrofitting with these refrigerants. Like say half a can or so recharge come springtime warm weather or something. The mechanical fan & clutch should be checked as well. He used thermostatic expansion valve and Capillary tube for analysis with R12. The common problem when converting from R12 to R134a is lack of knowledge or equipment. The only mechanical differences between an R12 system and an R134a system are that R134a systems typically have larger condensers and more powerful compressors. Remember, being aluminum, they lower the temps better, and do not pass off as much heat to the radiator, which then makes it's job easier and lowers underhood temps (besides lowering vent temps inside the car). Operating Pressure/Temperature Differences The pressure/temperature curves for R-1234yf and R-134a are very similar. . One of the differences between auto air conditioners that have been redesigned from R12 to R134a is that the condensers have gone from serpentine to pseudo-parallel. I would suggest you do stay away from R-134a since with the hot gas bypass of your system (if it is to be just as the original) extremes of temperature and pressure will be very hard on your compressor and the rest of the system. . If the charge is low the compressor will cycle on/off in the max AC position. The cure is to use the newer R134a compressors is sealing washers that are different thickness. If liquid refrigerant were to exit the evaporator. Biggest you can fit in there is best. $21 . = R134a Charge Level. That would be the "black death" syndrome. When you add fluorescent tracer dye to with the refrigerant oil it helps to track down leaks that push oil out of the system. Unfortunately, the R12 refrigerant doesnt always blow cold air. R12 systems used mineral oil, but unfortunately mineral oil doesn't dissolve in R134a. I bought a relay to put on it connected to the compressor clutch. R134a and water have the same abilities to change the state but R134a can do this more rapidly and at a much lower temperature than water. Thus, when the system is running, condensing the CO2 is not a problem. Its chemical symbol is CH2FCF3. And, unfortunately a small high side pressure gauge on a short hose. evarporator, expansion valve plus flushing out the full system and replacing all the o rings. If you are replacing other system components, such as condensers, driers or hoses, you may need to add more a/c refrigerant oil to the system. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve. The aux fan didn't switch on though and I didn't check the high side temperature. One thing at a time here, and slowly, the knee is not up to jumping around like I used to at the moment. However, take note that R134a refrigerants are manufactured specifically for automotive air conditioners. . Until 1995, most cars with air conditioning used R-12 Freon refrigerant which has shown to have an environmental impact. This chart has a column of ambient (outside) air temperatures on one side and a corresponding range of high side pressures on the other side. I'm just trying to help you avoid headaches in the long run. I've straightened the fans I can and sprayed simple green on it, let it soak then hosed it down well. I am ordering new parts, and planning to convert my system to R-134a. R-12 - yellow R-134a - light blue R-22 - green R-402A - light brown (sand) R-402B - olive R-404A - orange R-407C - medium brown R-410A - rose R-507 - teal J Originally Posted by goldNSX. On this website we are addressing only R134a and not other suggested drop in replacements. R134a is called tetrafluoroethane (HFC). -------------------------"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." Please enter the name by which you would like to log-in and be known on this site. They plug all the time. If not, you just don't know unless a test is performed. Welcome to rxmechanic.com. Note that passwords are case-sensitive. Your average garage that works on a/c on the side probably would not have this. Als nostres webs oferimOne Piece,Doctor Who,Torchwood, El Detectiu ConaniSlam Dunkdoblats en catal. R12 is heavier than R134a and has smaller molecules. After the system has been tested out it should be checked for leaks. and feeds it through an expansion valve. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve. The major reason for the replacement of R12 with R134a was to curb future greenhouse effects. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valvewarning signs for a deteriorating patient with covid 19 infection 2022.07.03 18:36 18:36 Ensure you contact a professional mechanic to do the work for you so you dont end up incurring more costs for yourself. . This drop can affect energy consumption since the plant will operate for a longer period or a larger plant will have to be installed. Therefore, its most suitable for both commercial and domestic environments. They might say for instance, add 3-4 oz of oil to the compressor, 1 oz of oil for when you replace a drier, 2 oz oil for the evaporator and so on. Is that why expansion valves are specific to R12 or R134A? I have just bought gauges. When the sensor detects the refrigerant leak the sniffers lights glow and the sniffer makes a noise. In cases such as this, the required capacity value of the expansion valve with R134a is reduced by 30% (correction factor 1.42). Therefore, the R12 refrigerant is illegal, and emitting it is illegal. Very nice! The name of the oil is Polyol Ester (POE). In sum, R12 has done more bad than good. Also, they are mostly used in refrigeration and automotive air conditioning systems. Electric fans do wear out. Nevertheless, if your application is configured only for R12, then you can use it or consider replacing the applications engine. It is a known suspect that lets heat into the heat exchanger/core even when off because the mono-valve is on the exit side of the heater core. (The .133 is the 300D Turbo).So, what does your compressor look like?B. system of 0.33 TR and refrigerant used was R12. I'm doing one thing at a time so I know what the cause was. Participate in over 40 different forums and search/browse from nearly 3 million posts. Though you can purchase 12 or 16 ounce cans of R134a from local retailers it is very difficult to measure out the correct amount into your system. Discussion in 'Technical' started by Jsarnold, May 25, 2012. For instance at 25 F the pressure of R-12 is 24.6 PSI and the pressure of R-134a is 22.1 PSI. I have one can left, so maybe a plan can be made. Sense ells no existirem. As per their results . Do a pre-inspection and then Evacuate (vacuum down) the system, the longer the evacuation the better but there is a point of diminishing return, 2-3 hours is generally very good. Rxmechanic.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Expansion Valve. The global warming potential of R134a is 1430. Since you will be using less R134a than R12 you do not want to rely on the driers site glass to determine if the system is full. Neuro spine Super Speciality Clinic - Above Apollo Pharmacy, Bangarpet Circle, Kolar - Bangarpet Road, Kolar Town. Hot coolant migrates up through the core by convection (is that the word? You should keep in mind that recharging your air conditioner improperly could result in more serious damage. R134a compressors are substituted as new to retrofit the R12 system compressor part numbers with different height sealing washers. Yes, this was a smokers car. . bokoen1 hoi4 the great purge / meryl and maks dancing with the stars / difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve. The bad thing is I don't know what to do about it. Yes, the 50F diff (160-110F) on the condenser was at idle, and ambient was about 90F. You will be fine with a 134a-compatible TXV running R12. . When I compare parts, 93 uses one part number and 94 has a different part number. Can I use the one for the R-12? The system has been previously converted to R-134a. R134a was selected as a replacement refrigerant for R12 because R12 contains chlorine and has a major effect to ozone layer depletion. Are you sure you have an R4? -------------------------"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." Formula: (R12 Charge Specification x 0.9) - 0.25 lbs. Make sure to get the R12 EXP valve if that is the way you go. This would be a custom install, there is no "drop-in" condensor upgrade for that car.Check for proper fan operation, and clean the air path on both the condensor & radiator. R404a for freezing of product. Its not that difficult but the procedures of evacuation, charging and testing should be done by a licensed a/c technician that is experienced with R134a and your particular car. link to How to cut off a Catalytic Converter. A discussion of the relationship between valve capacities and superheat set-tings can be found in Bulletin 10-9. Does it matter - assuming both are new & uncontaminated? I had a 1991 BMW switched to 134a by just changing the low pressure charging valve, flushing and refilling with 134 (maybe with 10% . It is common for eurocar threads to go multiple pages, and as Nick points out - sometimes cool is all you will ever get. With the oil leaking out and being told all sorts of things about how these compressors don't have a sump etc, I wanted to be on the safe side. Table 1 summarizes the technical characteristics of three potential R134a alternatives. Reattach the hose lines using new R134a compatible o-rings, lightly lubricate with compressor oil. According to Wikipedia, There is such a thing as "r132a" (1,1-Dichloro-2,2-Difluoroethane), however there is no indication of it being a commercially produced refrigerant. Recharge the compressor with a/c ester oil and a tracer dye. If you find any of these conditions you will want to liquid flush (with dedicated AC flush solution) all the lines, condensers, evaporator (remove the expansion valve) before you proceed further. I don't recall all the details, but starts off with the largest parallel flow condenser and improved fans. You are indeed 20% out of the OEM spec for cooling. The problem with these so called drop in replacements is that to properly handle them you may need dedicated equipment to identify the gas and evacuate it for proper disposal. I don't think it has any air dams or seals, I'll check to make sure. I mean, really a lot. What is a T/C?4. Is there a difference in the expansion valve for R12 as opposed to R-134a? It is also used in automotive car conditioning and the plastic industry. Since then, the industry standard has been R134a, which is an efficient replacement. If there is no pusher fan, and you have the room, put one in. I dont know why the cost difference between compressors is so huge, though. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi, An Autobiography, M. K. Gandhi, page 446. But, if your old compressor has lock-up or if your current expansion valve is not functional it would wise to replace the expansion valve with a valve designed for R134a. Next I'll jumper the aux fan. 3 ounces? Thus, when the system is running, condensing the CO2 is not a problem. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. B. In this study, without the need for major modifications to the bus air conditioner, the variation of the ejector dimensions according to different parameters has been investigated in the case of using the R1234yf, R1234ze(E), or R600a refrigerants, which may be a substitute for R134a as a refrigerant due to . We mention using ester type refrigerant oil. The Wikipedia explanation for expansions valves cited in Frank's thread says that the gas inside the bulb in the metering valve is the same as the refrigerant in the system. It can be used applications like walk-in coolers, food and dairy display cases, domestic refrigerators, and beverage dispensers and vending machines. If your compressor requires replacement or its seals and o-rings need to be replaced due to leakage, it would be wise at this time to either obtain a compressor that has o-rings and seals that are compatible with R134a or have your unit re-manufactured with compatible components. Refrigerators generally utilize R22, R32, or 410A-based coolants as their cooling agent. To ensure the right charge, you must fill the new system with between 75 and 85% of the factory-set capacity for optimal cooling.
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