The yearly programs are implemented to ensure that miscellaneous medical needs are taken care of before deploying so that the focus stays on the mission overseas and not the member. The U.S. militarys global reach means that our service members are affected by public health issues around the world. - Conducted QC inspections for COVID MTT; ensured specimens/paperwork matched up-->16K inspected w/ 0 errors. - Oversaw disease non-battle injury stats of >700; isolated adverse trends; certified for SOUTHCOM resolution, - Oversaw OH prgm reviews; evaluated 855 exams/trng plans--upheald health f/167/averted fed violations/$70K penalty They also control all aspects of disease control and outbreak. A few job reviews from previous employees are below. A U.S. Army medical officer has strengthened alliances and built relationships with military medical personnel around the world. A DNBI can cause added costs, resources and time to any deployment mission, which requires a deployed member to be cared for or even replaced during deployment. Medical Service Corps officers are professional health care administrators and executives who play a critical role leading and managing one of the nations largest, most diverse health care systems. To have a USPHS officer among our ranks is unique and an honor., Anderson added, We are in a national pandemic, the worst we've ever seen in modern history. - Selected by flt ldrship to stand-up MSME; streamlined process/trnd nine staff mbrs--cut patient wait time 12%, - Selected f/FEMA MRE insps; partnered w/Army/cleared 60K rations/valued $2.4B--vital spt f/nat'l disaster relief ops Mission: Lead the Air Force with professional health care administrators delivering the full spectrum of patient-centered services. For individuals who choose to live off of the base, they will be provided with a housing allowance that is based on rank, family status and location. - Tracked reqs/2.1K MDG employees; captured 200 due/overdue personnel--drove compliance 89% to 98% < 90 days Flights and 30-days vacation with pay each year. To maintain our base readiness and to meet the Air Force mission requirements, it is vital for the base to use the Individual Medical Readiness System to ensure 95 percent of its Airmen are ready to deploy at any given time. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The 30th Medical Group Public Health Office at Vandenberg Air Force Base knows the importance of mission and deployment readiness all too well and has continued to ensure members are ready at a moment's notice. To join the Air Force you must be at least 17 years old with parental consent, or 18 without. * Food safety and public facility sanitation programs involve the continuous inspection and monitoring of food and public facilities on Air Force installations to prevent foodborne illness outbreaks. keep the worlds #1 Air Force healthy and fit. Conducts preventive medicine communicable disease control, occupational health, food safety, and disaster response programs. Social workerofficers may be paid a retention bonus in the amount of: Social workers are not eligible for incentive pay. Public Health Officers are vital members of the Air Force's Biomedical Science Corps (BSC), who will work with some of the most advanced technologies and facilities while caring for a diverse population. - Execut'd SG direct'd Aerospace Med Transformation; stood-up 4E-MSME/PHA cells; SG vision met/on-time, - Executed 300+ audiograms; wg Occupational Health compliance rate 100%20 months in a row#2/80 in AF - Performed 24 vendor evals during base Open House; educated 100 foodhandlers--safeguarded 900+ attendees All individuals in the Air Force make the same base pay based on rank and years of service. Specifically, for the medical workers who are still fighting a war against COVID-19, while struggling emotionally and mentally with compassion fatigue, burnout and trauma. This retirement plan is available without payroll deductions. - Manag'd 2.9K audiograms; ensured follow-up of 106 exams; 0.78% permanent shift rate; beat AF goal of <3% Public Health specialists will train medical staff on the proper techniques for avoiding the spreading illnesses. ELIMINATING PREVENTABLE HAZARDS Whether they're active in the field or performing duties on base, the safety of our Airmen is a top priority. All Rights Reserved. - Oversaw 40 IFC/commissioning physicals; streamlined pgm; cut processing time by 2 weeks; 100% w/in stds The benefits range from housing assistance to tuition assistance. In just the last nine months, hes deployed three separate times in service to his nation. - Leads med audits of mobilized prsnl, preps/delivers site specific med intel briefings, certifies prsnl deployment ready Air Force Public Health specialist is responsible for the health and safety of all individuals who visit medical and food facilities. - Spt'd wg AF CPI initiative; dev'd 1-stop reintegration prgm/assets brought to 2K redeployers--saved pt/gp 2K hrs/yr Because of his expertise as a social worker, behavioral health consultant and forensic psychotherapist, Anderson was uniquely qualified for this mission. - Drove flight Safety prgm; led 170 insps/taught 7 brfs/val'd safety checklists 58 item--prevented mishaps f/18 PH mbrs, - Drove food sfty prgm; led 19 insps/eval'd 933 items/id'd/corrected 28 discreps--saf'd 243K beneficiaries/$78M supply Joint Base Andrews AFB, MD. - Processed 3.6K vaccinations/2015 Influenza campaign; key support/21 day rollout--drove 90% 81 TRW compliance Public Health positions are in high-demand and searching for Public Health jobs will allow you to see open positions in your area. - Inprocessed 75 prsnl in Med Employee Health pgm; all received critical shots/lab rqmts; rate 97%/7%>AF std - Trained 12 MDG teams on proper profiling; enforced new policies/directives--reduced profiling errors 35% While in the military, he spent time analyzing imagery from a variety of aircraft such as the SR-71. - Expedited 3 CENTCOM dplmnts; validated 98K med components--processed 2.3K mbrs readiness ensured rqmt met, - Flight ATR; directed/performed 83 RAMs/taught team vigilance/protection skills--safeguarded 15 mbrs/mil property Help! Main Menu To mitigate risk factors at an Airmans home station, they can expect to receive education on medical concerns in their deployment location, as well as other health hazards like food and water sources, prevalent diseases, dangerous animals, and environmental concerns. - Drove CDC/Youth center PI; instituted e-record utilization f/93 employees--slashed review time 80%/cut 16 man hrs/yr Is It Risky to Buy a Home Before a Recession? Related Article Air Force Emergency Management (3E9X1): Career Details. - Drove new ORI screening; 17 med tm's/102 medics align'd--2K Amn cleared/cut mbr processing time 75% In addition, they also participate in a variety of humanitarian missions and specialized medical training all over the globe. - Mng'd inprocessing prsnl records; rvw'd 55 jt svc mbrs/330 criteria--secured #1 in USAFE/#3 in AF IMR rt's, - Mngd Food Sanitation Prgm; 41 facilities/237 insp, validated 1.2K FDA Food Code Rqmt's--98.7% pass rate | Privacy Statement Related Article How To Join The US Air Force. - Teamed w/local health department; inspected 33 LAFB '10 AirFest booths; guaranteed 9K visitors food safety - Led Occ Hlth prgm; mng'd qtrly ESOC rpts/monitored 186 mbrs/85 MOD; praised by ABG/CC/#1 in USAFE June 14, 2022; indigo child symbol when to drink wine vintage guide. It's the job of Public Health specialists to protect our forces from a vast array of illness and disease by minimizing health risks within our community. - Audited 182 pt case files; ID'd 58 errors/bolstered comm disease prgm--process improvement sav'd $3K/referral costs Air Force Public Health (4E0X1) specialist are responsible for the health and safety of the community. - Reviewed 739 med records; verified 13K rqmts/disqual'd 8 Amn--enabled IMR ready force/saved AF $7.5K, - Screened 25 TB cases; coord'd doctor/lab visits/bridged 4 clinics--guaranteed 100% comp/protect'd 83K PAR Responsible for everything from educating Airmen on safety procedures and food inspection to investigating hazardous materials and sanitary standards, these professionals perform public health activities ensuring that our Airmen remain healthy on bases all over the world. 2023 Bonus & Incentive Pays for Non-Physician Medical Officers, Opt Out or Pay: All Troops to Automatically Get Life Insurance March 1, Better Housing, Health Care, Pay and a Call for National Service Needed to Buoy Recruitment, Enlisted Chiefs Say, All Combat-Injured Vets Would Keep Their Full Retirement, Disability Pay Under Proposal, Hawaii Congressional Delegation Asks IRS to Exempt Red Hill Families, DoD Still Hasn't Released a Form Needed for Retirees One-Time Chance to Change SBP, Veterans' Emergency Room Bills Could Get Repaid by VA Thanks to Change, Army Urges Soldiers to Check Their Records in New HR System After String of Glitches. The USPHS Commissioned Corps will accept Ready Reserve Corps applications online beginning in Fall 2020, and will commission its first officers in Spring 2021. To streamline this process, Public Health provides commander designees, unit deployment monitors and unit health monitors access to track their unit personnel IMR requirements. I have a bs in biology 3.2 gpa and an MSPH in Public Health 3.78 gpa with research experience with both degrees. The most relate-able civilian job is working for the Health Department as a Food and Health Inspector. Our administrators help lead our health utilization field by planning, programming and providing for the various operations that ensure our Airmen continue to stay healthy so we can . - Sptd IMR rodeo; boost'd Wg fit/rdy force/2 day 12hr ops/ID'd 215 overdue mbrs--enhanced msn readiness capes by 3% The PDHRA provides education, screening, assessment and access to care for a wide variety of questions and concerns about personnel health after return from deployment. Time periods when the President, by Executive order, has declared the USPHS . - Audited HCP; monitored 51 STS/PTS patients to resolution--mitigated VA #1 disability/$2.3M potential comp, - Augmented critically-manned sister flt; fit-tested 98 mbrs on M50 gas mask--Air Commandos mobility req met The video below is from an Air Force Public Health specialist and explains the positions basic job duties. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If you work in the health care field you may be eligible for a sign-on bonus, retention bonus andmonthly incentive pay. Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS. air force public health officer deployment. - Created 1 of a kind resp cell; trnd 112 vols/conductedd 1.5K interviews--eradicated disease threat in 114 workctrs | Qualified physician assistantofficers are eligible for a $37,500 bonus for a three year obligation or $60,000 for a four year initial obligation.
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