He didn't notice Malefactor's presence until he spoke up. He's not sure where the concern came from, that his father just simply doesn't want him. He gave Purple Tigre a look, causing him to turn around so Mayura could detransform. After the mysterious disappearance of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-cheng. and our It's been six months since Ladybug defeated Shadow Moth and disappeared without a trace, leaving Chat Noir with nothing but a message on the Ladyblog. As a miraculous holder, I have been watching the escalation of the miraculous situation in Paris for years. It's time for prom. There was always pieces of evidence that would imply that he could be Chat Noir, but there was always proof against it. He must not tell Ladybug ,he must not! Work Search: Instead she livestreams believing her best friends celebrity contacts will defend her. ', "Well what can I say, I am amazing at Surprises" Adrien replied. He even keeps an image of her in . No! Did you think we would not investigate? Gabriel asked. After discovering this, Gabrielwaited until he was cornered in a final battle with the superhero duo before finally akumatizing his own son, traumatizing him, and turning him into a weapon that ultimately destroyed all of Paris. Hawkmoth quietly, as Nathalie glanced towards Purple Tigre. Maybe what happened that day changed her life,but who knows? "You don't want to escape me?" She has been working for the Agrest brand for almost a year. And offer my lawyer to Miss Dupain-Cheng. Gabriel knows there is little chance of recovering from this without his company taking some sort of hit. Gabriel grabs her by the back of her shirt and pulls enough for her to fall back into her chair. Gabriel nods I am sure we can arrange something. The entire room is shocked by todays events. Category: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug y Chat Noir. Do you understand that? , and his Father. Gabriel deeply loved and cared for his wife. "Hawkmoth!!" "Dr Nelson!". Happy Birthday! it has gotta be Gabr. You can read it on Ao3. He glanced over to a rooftop to see Hawkmoth and Mayura patiently- or well impatiently waiting. In the corner of his eye, he saw a fencing trophy lying on the floor. "What does Ladybug think of that?" Marinette has a secret, her class gets a trip to China, during their visit turns out theres al A story about a girl, Y/N L/N. He had warned Miss Rossi to be nice to her no matter were they interacted. She had to do a double-take when she saw the clump of duvet that could have passed for a human in the dark, but when she looked again she was definitely sure Adrien wasn't under the sheets. What if it's a trap? Disfrtenlo. After becoming akumatized by Hawkmoth, but having no actual goal, she becomes the greatest Akuma that Hawkmoth has ever had, as well as th John is an ordinary guy living in Paris, but he has a secret: he knows the true identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir! She loves anime, cartoons, video games, and writing about them. However, he plays along with Lila's lies, pretending to fall for her tricks, all the while manipulating her so he might one day use her to his advantage. In the companies eyes, Felix had the perfect body to keep people hooked. I want to listen to different music. Gabriel and Nathalie decide to take the matter into their own hands and save his son Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a teenage girl who fights a mysterious villain that has manged to get their hands on the Miracle Box: Chai. So I'm now. What if Ladybug lost her miraculous The wish. Hawkmoth winds up in a fight were Chat yells why are you doing this about a month into the tour. The Wayne lawyers are particularly suited to handle her and the tabloid writer A young man states as he enters the room. A girl gets distracted. How was she supposed to know that the man living next door could hear every indecent encounter she had in her bedroom through the thin wall they shared? Part of her suspected that something bad had happened. After being in isolation for the majority of his life, Adrien finally broke free of his captivity and enrolled himself in public school. One-shots of obscenities related to Adrien x Gabriel (incest). But as long as Plagg is by her side, there will be others after her for the Miraculous. She walks over Mr. He looked confused and I couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out of my throat. Yes it's a terrible idea but it could work- Oh Marinette will be annoyed. He glanced around one last time, hoping he'd been wrong and Adrien would be there. Miraculous Ladybug; Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug . Fluff because I don't think there will be that many fluffy fics on this account. After finding that Adrien snuck out of the house to watch the only showing of the movie Solitude, featuring Adrien's mother Emilie, Gabriel realizes how distant he has been of late and offers to watch the film with his son. What is this about travels? Miss Rossis horror turned to anger and disappointed slowly as things snowballed from there. His eyes streamed with tears as he tried to breathe. Spinning and gliding over the makeshift dance floor and springing over the nails sticking up out of the wood. ", "No." She does not like spelling things the American way, but will do what she must for the sake of great writing. "Do you have any shock collars?". Knowing that Adrien wouldn't ask his father for anything, Nino went to the Agreste house to appeal to Gabriel, hoping that he would allow Adrien to have a birthday party. Lila has taken almost everything from MarinetteALMOST. I DON'T SUPPORT INCEST IN REAL LIFE. But he struggled to decide what would be best for Marinette. I would like to offer my apologies I had no clue of Miss Rossis behavior. It was the first time he'd wanted to be wrong. One of the Celebrities? Miss Rossi asks. He also needed to find someone who could help him, hed never be able to do this on his own. Ill personally fire her. It's possible that if Adrien was able to voice his opinions more oftenthat Gabriel would listen to his son, but until such a day comesLadybug fanswill have to settle for Gabriel doing the bare minimum in letting Adrien go to school. Why didnt you fact check everything? Here some scenarios and one shots of Gabriel and Marinette. "Do you have another plan? Its surprisingly easy really for Nathalie to make the wish. "Ask" Nathalie asked, glancing back towards Purple Tigre. . There was never a field trip and even of there was we would have to have everyones parents sign work permissions since they are minors. Alternative Season 5. Two months ago, Paris finally found out who was hiding under the mask of Hawk Moth. Adrien would bring more miraculouses here, what if this mystery villain just wanted miraculouses. Marinette with Nino moves closer to the inner edge of the crowd but no closer. Nathalie transformed back into Mayura. Its finally hit Gabriel Agreste, Iconic Fashion Designer, that maybe all of Hawkmoths designs arent measuring up. Yes sir Nathalie stood. He was filled with worry about his son. Mayura felt lightheaded, she had been Mayura for hours straight now. He doesnt know exactly were they are going though. Basado en "Cuento de navidad" por Charles Dickens. ConvincedthatAdrien was kidnapped, Gabriel not only called the police but also ordered Nathalie to organize a search party to help find Adrien. Hawkmoth suggested to Nathalie. Site: Archive of Our Own | Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug | Published: 2016-12-06 | Words: 5176 . You contact that poor girls parents so you can explain to them too. She gets excited upon seeing Gabriel believing she could play up her fame. !!ongoing!! NO. "I'm- Fine-" She answered, she knew it most definitely wasn't the case but she couldn't give Gabriel anymore stress right now. Adrien takes notice and decides to use his free day to his advantage. As Adrian moves to stand beside him. As she ran up to the doors, she noticed Marinettes parents closing up the bakery. She knew of her history of always running late, but she never was hours late. I am the assistant for Gabriel Agrest. What happen Gabenath Oneshots ? He heard Ladybugs voice, echoing through the Airvents. She zoned out thinking of the possible scenarios she'll face in the future. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Language: English Words: 560 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Kudos: 13 Hits: 161 The Butterfly Effect by Stygian_Moon Miraculous Ladybug Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/M Work in Progress Am I not enough, mom? He said before he could stop himself. Marinette fearfully asked. All he knew was that he needed to get miraculouses so he can save Ladybug- well Marinette. And maybe the mutilation should have been the peak of Chat's fear, but that was nothing compared to the terror he feels at this. It was the first time he'd wanted to be wrong. The only person Felix has ever spoken to is his father. While Gabriel did show regret at endangering his son, he still waited as long as he possibly could before ordering the release ofLadybug so that she could rescue Adrien. Gabriel was seething with anger as he replayed the video. It will be easier to find Adrien with me being Mayura.. She passed Gabriel's room and her own to head towards Adrien's. We will meet you at the school. Nathalie says. But he remembered one better then all the others. Luka, Kagami, Adrian, Chloe, Marinette, and Damian spent the next year traveling with Jagged. 4 guests She had always known that to her, her life didn't matter when it came to the Agreste family.She only used the peacock miraculous to help Gabriel save his wife on many different occasions-Well with her first being to save Hawkmoth himself, and now she is trying to help him find Adrien.She glanced over to him, and saw his face full of dread. Gabriel Agreste doesn't want to celebrate Christmas, so he forbids Adrien to do it. While Emma is determined to pay any price to bring back . Felix and Y/N are the new students of Francoise Dupont High School Purple Tigre!". "What the fu-", Adrien rubbed his eyes not able to believe what he was seeing. I hate myself already and I know this is disgusting. I- I felt it Nooroo trailed off, eyes distant as if he were remembering the day they had first met. He needs to fix this, get a fresher angle. #1 Halfway Adrien is more a prisoner in his own home than ever, his father-- still wracked with grief and depression-- sinking to levels of cruelty and control he didn't think possible. by c 439K 15.1K 43 He didn't notice a tear fall from his eye. Alya was sat in her room, staring at her unread message to Marinette. Once Gabriel had worked up enough courage to go back to Adrien's room, he stepped through the door and immediately felt a shiver run up his spine. Kwami's??" No one is born a villain. The Miraculous of the Black Cat was said to hold great power, abilities far beyond the Destruction it granted; and for that reason it had been sought after for centuries, an artifact that people are still seeking to this very day. Its over here Adrien! One of the kwamis exclaimed, flying over to her drawer. "What's that, petit chton?" tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Adrien started to panic, he lost his miraculous, What if Ladybug lost her miraculous The wish. The blinding, bright light shone into his eyes forcing him to squint. I AM JUST WARNING YOU NOW. Adrien searched around the room he was locked up in. While Nathalie hopes this new relationship will be good for Adrien, she is suspicious as to what Gabriel is planning for them, and what he is hiding from her. In Ladybug'smusically charged Christmas special, Adrien ran away from home, feeling lost and alone on the holiday, certain that his father didn't love him. Slightly aged up.Bad taggs but worth to read !!! There's plenty of reasons why her classmates have called her their 'Everyday Ladybug', blissfully unaware that she is, in fact, the superheroine who's been fighting to protect their home from Hawk . Thankfully, it seems one of his sons hobbies might just be the answer. You should have my number from when you signed the papers for Lila to model. Nathalie began to panic as she saw Miss Rossis reaction. He jumped across the other rooftops towards where they were waiting. She decided that going to Marinettes would be the best course of action. Marinette Dupain-Cheng might be his only chance of escape. "I think The Bee!" Determined to get back on track after his last defeat, Gabriel akumatizes someone without fully comprehending their power. Tonight, Nathalie's life changes forever. When this super-akuma Malefactor captures Chat Noir, he decides he can't be controlled, and Gabriel has to decide how many lines he's willing to cross to get his wish. What about asking them for help? You mean to tell me Adrian never said anything because he was afraid I would pull him out of class?, Nathalie sat down looking more tired then anyone had ever seen her. Diferentes historias erticas de Adrien Agreste x Gabriel Agreste. Adrien Agreste had known for a while that he was in love Marinette Dupain-Cheng. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Chat Noir? Two months ago, Paris finally found out who was hiding under the mask of Hawk Moth. Something had to be done soon. I do not wish for conflict with your rising business? Gabriel states. Dude your dad is here Nino whispers to Adrian. Join the adventures of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Bluebird, as they protect the citizens of Paris, France from evil villains, akumatized by the villianous Hawk Moth who seeks to obtain their Miraculous's for his evil plan. Mayura glanced over to him and glanced back to Hawkmoth. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Gabrielconstantly neglects Adrien's needs,isolateshim from the rest of the world, risksAdrien's life repeatedly, and even akumatizesAdrien to get what he wants. A voice shouted, walking into the room. ", "I'm staying" Nathalie protested. 4 year old Adrien and Felix have a fun night with their husband Gabriel. That was until he wore white briefs in front of Kim. She knew that she had to hide this from Gabriel, if he found out how sick this was making her feel he would send her back to the mansion. How would be be supported to live with himself knowing that someone somewhere has both of their miraculouses and able to make a wish. Adrien had never had a crush on a boy. Heck, they knew e Life for Marinette has become miserable. Nino, Alix and Kim, along with, surprisingly Chl *DISCLAIMER I DONT OWN MLB OR THE COVER PIC I JUST FOUND IT ON PINTEREST* A company that serves as a modeling company. Adrien sprinted through the streets of Paris trying to avoid the akuma, the police H El cambio es bueno pero no siempre se cambia para bien en el proceso se puede caer en la desesperacin dejando morir la esperanza de un final feliz. Wouldn't it be interesting if Gabriel Agreste was the good guy for once? Gabriel was just a stonewall of slight surprise on the outside, but on the inside his brain had derailed at his son's actions. "Do you know where Marinette keeps the miraculouses? Adrien asked. In Ladybug'sfirst timeline where Gabriel discovered that Adrien is Cat Noir, Gabriel didn't immediately akumatize Adrien. This scared her. With a . Diferentes mini historias erticas de Adrien x bsicamente cualquier personaje.Las historias no estn conectadas entre s. They both heard the sound of laughing, they slowly turned around to see Mayura laughing at them. As the new Ladybug, Camille has to protect Paris without a Chat Noir. Gabriel stands in the court yard. How could that insolent little brat! Therefore, he has become obsessed with obtaining Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses in order to use their absolute power to erase the past event that caused her condition and therefore bring her back. What if he wasn't able to save Marinette? And lied about school. Alya sped through the streets of Paris towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Adrien ran towards the doors of the bakery relieved that her parents were inside. Could he be probably not. Gabriel spots her but says nothing Lila leads her class too the courtyard. Miraculous Ladybug: 5 Times Gabriel Agreste Was A Terrible Father (& 5 He Is Okay) By Sophie Jacklin Published Mar 26, 2022 Gabriel Agreste has proven time and time again that he is a terrible father to his son, Adrien, but sometimes he acts in Adrien's best interests. Strap in, for this will be one hell of a ride! Camille Rossi never asked to be a hero, Emma Dupain-Cheng never imagined herself as a villain. He was just about to fall asleep when he smelled cheese. Is there anything I could do? He led Adrien down into his secret lair, revealed the comatose Emilie who had been missing for 100 weeks, and then took sadistic glee inakumatizingAdrien. Gabriel Agreste Falling In Love Love Confessions Friends to Lovers Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste at first Then Good Parent Gabriel Agreste Crushes Andr Glacier's Ice Cream Soulmate Ice Cream A birds of a feather mini sequel. "Wait Marinette are you? Unfortunately, it got worse before it got better. Please read that story first, which is an alternative season five. "Hawkmoth they're not going to show up" Mayura quietly said, hiding the headache shooting around her head. He loathes himself for not being a good son in the eyes of his father. Marinette Dupain-Cheng has been struggling. NEXT:Miraculous Ladybug: 10 Best Relationships In The Series, Ranked. He stepped closer and heard a crunch under his feet. gabriel reveals to nathalie that he will be telling audrey about them. As he entered her room, he looked for where Marinette could possibly keep the kwamis. She quietly coughed causing Hawkmoth to look over to her. In two separate realities, Gabriel did akumatize Adrien. "Who are you?" Who even came up with this ridiculous idea? Now his son was missing He assumed she didn't want to add to his stress. Favs: 231 - Follows: 211 - Updated: 2/14/2021 . He didn't know what he'd do if this got her killed. Adrien asked. "YOU'RE CHAT NOIR??? What? He asked himself, noticing the unfamiliar surroundings. Nathalie looked ready to tear out her hair in frustration. In the corner of his eye, he saw a fencing trophy lying on the floor. We are going on tour with Jagged and getting personal tutors. "It's Chat Noir". Why was Marinette here, he was worried that this was one of Hawkmoth's evil ploys to get Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous- well if it's true he's already got his miraculous - Locking up two of the closest people to Ladybug, "ADRIEN??" Hawkmoth asks quietly, dangerously. She returned quickly with a woman looking sickly pale. Fortunately, two new holders arrive on the scene Only to stop his Akumas Well, no matter. In canon- in most AU's even- I would agree with you 110%! What if something happened? Enough to make her leave Paris.. So, when Gabriel meets Lila, he is able to see through her lies and mind games. What if Adrien took the loss of Emilie a lot harder than Gabriel did And turned down the wrong path? Hawkmoth shouted, causing Mayura to roll her eyes. Based off what Adrian said Lila had made sure it was near impossible to contact her mother. He was just sitting in Adrien's bag with absolutely nothing to do. After a pathetic death, I woke up reincarnated in the world of Miraculous Ladybug, a show that I Felix X Reader We found out because you posted it. It appears Lila forged her mothers signature on all the paperwork for us. Then everything changed. "Do you have any shock collars?". Oh that wont be necessary. gabrielagreste adrienagreste miraculousladybug miraculous ladybug hawkmoth marinettedupaincheng chatnoir adrienette adrien marinette nathaliesancoeur gabenath catnoir mlb plagg ladynoir alyacesaire tikki marichat. The three came with and when they saw the blondes outfit, it caused someone to get akumatized. Especially after miracle day they almost won and Nathalie started to feel more of the affects of using a broken miraculous. The horror on Miss Rossis face was clear. Also, who is that cute guy with the black hair? Oc Insert. She gets excited upon seeing Gabriel believing she could play up her fame. Gabriel's beloved wife had mysteriously disappeared five years ago when Adrien was twelve and Gabriel had foolishly chosen to avoid and neglect his son to keep himself from hurting upon constantly being reminded of his lost love by looking at their child, all without thinking how Adrien himself had been hurting too. During Ladybug's Season 4 finale, Gabrielclaimed that if Adrien's modeling career was togrow, then the latest advertising campaign ought to take place around the world,with Adrien and Lila touring together. These are recommendations made by tropers for Miraculous Ladybug fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page.