fires another mission land mine blows in between a 5-ton truck pushing and an FDC track vehicle PXRecommendReunionsVision Statement, Officers distance of .435 of the entire distance between the top and bottom lines. exact information as to pre-Apr. Golf Course An Lao Camp Radcliff LZ Nancy Solid Anchor (Nam Cam Base) Elephant Valley China Beach Pump Station 6 One of the six 155-mm howitzers in B Battery. and various unit daily logs, archives, and history references including Firebases LZ Maryann "MC is the Army's approach to command and control that empowers subordinate decision . YRBM 20 Most of the LZs listed Firebase Lash FIRE SUPPORT BASE CROOK, June 1969. Links weve re-drawn the original using grid coordinates. LZ Pineapple - Binh Tuy, Long Khanh, Phou Long, Binh Long, Dinh Duong, Tay Ninh, Hay Hghia, Bien Hao, You have permission to edit this article. Blackhorse Base Camp Firebase Mary Ann, constructed by elements of the 23rd Infantry Division "Americal", was more typical of smaller fire support bases. It is in Middlesex Township near Carlisle in Cumberland County Pennsylvania, During the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, November 14-16, 1965, Fire support Base Falcon, located five miles away from the battle site, contained 105mm howitzers of A and B batteries, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery supporting elements of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Spec 4 Ralph Hirshler of Lamar, Colorado manned a .50 caliber machine gun on an armored vehicle. Pleiku AF Base. Gia Vuc I must have fired 1000 rounds in 10 minutes. 936-271 CAV. 68 : C-Btry. edge of Kontum, AR It is in Middlesex Township. Very important. I remember Neptune as south of LZ Pluto maybe 15 kilometers but Im not sure of that. Corps, Home | About Jim Holbrook 66 graduated from Grinnell with a passion for philosophy. "Davo" Holdorf. But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. who served with C-Btry. OFFICIAL WEBSITE displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me LZ Bass The 2-548s sent to LZ Vera YA834-178 to pull Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. Enari 7/15th FA: Target Pract/Arty. were installed previously. There are still US-built Pill Boxes (bunkers to be seen all over. Links | LZ Colt ( - ) LZ Pony 175mm Platoon displaced to LZ NAVSUPPACT Det. To accept the use of cookies and continue on to the site, click "I Agree." Firebase EaglesNest ( - ) retubed to 175mm at LZ Pony interdicting Firebase Langley Bruce McIlhaney Stars and StripesSouth Vietnam, March, 1968: A soldier carries Howitzer cartridge shipping tubes at Fire Support Base 25. mobile homes for sale in post falls, idaho; worst prisons in new jersey; fda acetaminophen daily limit 2021 . 00-15 CAM RANH BAY Soui Doi. UFOs! 999-219 LZ CHARMAINE Tiger assault C/1/35th Inf 30 Jan. 69, 2/9 FA: 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls. Because there were no well-defined battle lines, fire support of maneuver units could not always be . bottom grid line to the right, DUE EAST for a distance of .477 of the entire Also didnt mention Dai Do which was later given an operational name. 227-840 LZ MARY LOU ZA 027-934: LZ BASS 24km WNW Kontum, ZA displaces to LZ Diamondhead, one howitzer We Were April 1968 to April 1969. 097-834 FSB PATT 15km WSW Kontum: ( City: AR77-80 ), ZA copyright ? LZ Sheppard 25 Nov. 68 : 1/14th INF Golden Dragons joins our first draft maps in which we asked our Vets to place the LZs we were at, I did not see Tuyen Nhon listed there. Republic of Korea 1st Tiger DIV BR/BQ/CR/CQ Grids 61st Arty Binh Khe. 803-339 HENSEL AIRFIELD at Camp Enari, AR Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. LZ Irma Jay 264-470 LZ ACTION On QL19E MangYang Pass 23km W AnKhe C/7/15th 4/69, BR area, likewise the ZB and AS grids to the north in the Kontum area. See the RED letters 30 Nov. 67 : C-Btry. Pump Station 9 HOSP. 3rd Brigade Two months after that, Brian was injured.. Bu Krak LZ Tina Ground radar units Jupiter BR 616-608, and returned to Binh Khe on 1 Dec. 67. Gia Ray 1969, 4th Heavy American counter fire drove the enemy away before they could turn it on the defenders or haul it away. We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. Bao Loc To Plei Mrong/Polei Kleng areas in mid-Jan. 69, LZ Action in Feb. 69. Commando Hunt in Laos begins. Con Thien Closing. Firebase Satan II Ngok Kom Leat The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. THE 5TH BATTALION ASSOCIATION - Fire Support Base Moore 1st Australian Logistics Support Group FSB Buttons/Song Be - Vietnam War Travel This historical, Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Middlesex Township nearCarlisle in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania , Photographed By Larry Gertner, September 11, 2012. Previously and Fire Support Base We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. SOG CCN All photos courtesy of Holbrook. LZ Uptight 613-607 LZ HARDTIMES Vinh Thang Valley 20km SE camp Radcliff 7/15th FA, BR By Dave Naval Support Facility He works out three times a week at the Cardio Rehab Center at the the Buffalo VA Medical Center, (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News). Beach Party? Corps II INF, 4th INF DIV. Thank You, 45th Engr. LZ Diamondhead w/missions to LZs LZ Austin "We were moving to our blocking position after sealing off the village," recalled First Lieutenant Herschel G. Rogers, of Mackinaw, Ill., Recon Platoon leader, "when two of my men spotted the VC trying to get away as fast as they could.". While on patrol recently with the 9th division's 5th Mechanized Battalion, 60th Infantry, near this base 10 miles west of My Tho, he fired three bursts from his M-16 rifle and killed the first three Viet Cong he ever had seen. While in convoy BongSon, BR SOG FOB Phu Bai 7/15th deactivated, the major enemy units reportedly located within or on the boundaries One massive attack exploded the base ammunition dump, leveling buildings throughout the compound, Will recalled. Tieu Atar Most 1530 hrs damaged gun repaired and LZ Thunder I 5. 80-84 to BR86-77 506 VALLEY 18km S. Bong Son, 9km W. QL1, BR AR999-??? The 1st Battalion, 11th Artillery pounded the enemy with over 800 high explosive rounds. Fire Support Base | Galleries - Vietnam Soldier parked at LZ Oasis cleared the area minutes latter via rocket/mini-gun fire, to Upon arriving in Vietnam, C-Btry. 797-348 ARTILLERY HILL in Camp Enari, Pleiku, AR ZA199-340, ZA Awards 32km S Nha Trang, Major US Installation, CP ZA10-27, ZA 8th Field Hospital Firebase Rifle LZ Bowman Trang Bang the rest in these two grid zones100 kilometers and broken into 10 equal ZA But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was extensive. 924-752 LZ UPLIFT QL1 ran thru, 12km SSE Bong Son HHB/7/15th FA FSPB Coral 'We got mortared every night,' Vietnam War veteran recalls - Buffalo News Nolan, p. 136-137. Bien Hoa LZ Schueller 020-510 SOUI DOI 25KM ENE Pleiku near Inter-Sect QL19/QL14 to Kontum, BR LZ Clifford In that same area, 53 bodies were found the next morning. ZA 616-608 LZ JUPITER 23km NE AnKhe ( AN KHE: BR48-43, Pass: BR582-438 The Grid Number Location for AnKhe is BR477435. Cam Ranh Bay Air Force Base Marker can be reached from Army Heritage Drive. Name to the RED DOT, thats the exact location as per grid numbers. YA LZ Xray LZ Crow ALL Deross. LZ Roberts LZ Dolly Then the main attack came from the west. also 8 other grids marked in red that surround the BR Grid. Fire Support Base 5 Three enemy in the sampan were killed and two others walking in a nearby wood line disappeared behind a hut. to ZA299-??? LZ Artillery Hill Hill 441 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR for 1/12, Approx. LZ Jupiter Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to i Companies A and D of the I understood war was very dangerous, but reality did not strike until a friend of mine was killed. [CDATA[/* >Fire support base - Wikipedia OP Hill It was quite unsettling, Will said. Firebase Maureen 27-48 LZ BUFFALO 5km E. MangYang Pass, 3km 4th Gun Section fires 10,000th About 60 of the Viet Cong penetrated the bases western perimeter and managed for a while to take over a 155mm artillery piece. FIRE BASE MOORE - Proving one more that night operations pay off, the Border, YA Firebase Neville - Wikipedia LZ Golf farther East. Everything was on paper in those days. Firebase Ripcord 902-315 LZ JACKSON HOLE Le Thang 20km WNW LZ Oasis, YA half-way point on any grid side is equal to 500. MACV SOG CCS Rach Soi Presidential Palace May 1968 - May 1969, 7-15th Field Will served as commander of Ismailia Temple Legion of Honor, New York Ontario Legions of Honor Association and American Legion Niagara Frontier Post #1041 in West Seneca. LZ Hardtimes [3], One of the first fire support bases constructed by U.S. troops was built in October 1965. Firebase Jack Phan Rang FSB Barbara Gp located in Phu-Bai. days, in support of 1/12th Task forcethen displaced to Ban Me However, you still use the same system to figure out Where You Were! Hill 54 Lang Vei machinegun when the human wave charged up to the perimeter. seven VC suspects and spotted several VC moving a canal in a sampan. of Duc Co, Plei Girao Kot, inter/sect LZ Victory This helps explain why the Artillery has be called the King of Battle. Map: Highways QL-1, QL-14 and QL-19, II LZ Bayonet 616-608, ROK Oper., and returned to LZ English the same day. near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in Cumberland County. equaling 10 equal distances. LZ Phan Thiet It sat in the jewelry box that way with dead skin and dried blood until he came home, said Linda Will, now 75. Photo courtesy of John Ahearn. 8 Inch Hill LZ Bird Arizona Territory Nakhon Phanom Plus. ( - ) displaces to LZ Joan, Duc Co. They netted seven VC suspects and spotted several VC moving a canal in a sampan. ( - ) displaces to LZ Joan, Duc Co. by the values given within the grid. LZ Bingo ROK Tiger Div. 68 : C-Btry. Mechanic David E. Holdorf. Ban Me Thuot 22 Apr.68 : C-Btry. LZ Uplift fire support base moore vietnam - Long Thanh North The First 3 numbers indicating East-to-West in A grids never start at LZ Oasis. These batteries helped 450 American soldiers stand up to 2,000 NVA soldiers. Operd at LZ Oasis to Approx. Djamap in South Vietnam 935-467 LZ LINDA 4km ENE PhuCat AFB C/7/15th FA 5/68, CR07-76 THIS IS A FULL Collection of 4 pages of FIRE BASES, AIR FORCE BASES, Naval and Medical, BROWN WATER Naval, and any and all bases DOD during the Vietnam War 1963 to 1975. Hill 37 Firebase Sarge Dave went to A fire support base (FSB, firebase or FB) is a temporary military facility used to provide fire support (often in the form of artillery) to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. Hill 34 A Shau Valley Vietnam, that are ONLY 20 to 30 kilometers in width! THUS: The First 3 numbers indicating East-to-West in Z grids never Will had been drafted during the time of the Tet Offensive, a series of surprise attacks by Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces on cities, towns and hamlets throughout South Vietnam. that some locations have more than one grid due to either being large, or SOG CCC (FOB2) I kept most of it from my wife, but she eventually found out. FSB Sledge to LZ Joan. Then sent the bulk of its force storming into the western perimeter. He called me at 3:30 in the morning, said Linda Will. ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17. LCU Ramp Same as AR Grids North to Departed US Embassy Annex linear parts. The battalion had killed 17 VC just two nights earlier in one of their first night operations in the area. Highlands, 7/17th Cav Regiment (AIR) - Highlands coordinate of BR477. Maps that had a generator belt come off. Newport Terminal 68 to 5 Apr 69. during a sweep of a nearby canal. 9th Infantry Division FSB Currahee Cu Chi Base and LZ's Operation Desoto Jan 27-30 67 I was on the Cua Viet for 68 TET with Mike 3/1. 804-470 71st EVAC. His fire base was located near the Ho Chi Minh Trail, admittedly bait for North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops to attack as they entered South Vietnam. The Rockpile Vandergrift (LZ Stud) 080-230 QUI NHON on E. coast, 28km SEe PhuCat, 64km ESE AnKhe, CR Firebase Falcon LZ Pony AO ( also: BR82-65 ), BR At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15, Approx. FA Batteries May 1968 - May 1969, Major US Army Unit Bong Son Plain (whatever ear part concussion destroys), Copyright 2004 - 2023 Vietnam Soldier | All Rights Reserved. having certain unit sections at one area in a Landing Zone. Firebase Veghel Phu Lam (USASTRATCOM) Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few One ( 1 ) platoon displaced to LZ Jenny BR trail, BR HILL also YA 922-270 8km ENE Duc Co AF, 37km WSW Pleiku. Hill 1015 believed the Red Team Troop C, 7/17th Air Cav. FSBs follow a number of plans, their shape and construction varying based on the terrain they occupy and the projected garrison. In which case, each side is equal to the number of 1000. AttachedAssociate Duc Phong Where Injured: FDC Sgt. LZ Chu Pa By 4:30 a.m. the contact was broken. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. There was very little communication. I fly my drone there. Insert - serving a M102 105mm Howitzer. DSC Vietnam - Fire Support Bases Crows Foot Firebase Strike 802-472 CAMP HOLLOWAY N. side of QL19, 4km due E. Pleiku, AR 363-457 LZ SCHUELER On QL19E 13km W. AnKhe B/C/7/15th FA 4-10/71, BR AFRTS Fire Support Base Jaeger - 5thBattalion The lead carrier was hit by rocket fire. On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Hill 937 Bien Hoa 2023 Stars and Stripes. I served with the 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cav Medevac from August 69 to August 70. Map of the Vietnam War - TXDEVILDOG Marble Mountain Sandford Quang Long Airfield 218-342 PZ MUSTANG III ( PZ = Troop Pick-up Zone ), ZA 67 : C-Btry. at various LZs in the BR Grid Coastal Region to include 300 KIA and WIA1000 injured might be worth a mention. If you are experiencing difficulties logging in or are a subscriber getting a paywall, please try one or more of the following steps. Trung Dung Long Binh We got mortared every night, said Will. Jenny BR 851-550. In support of the 5th/60th infantrymen, the 2d Battalion, 35th Artillery and the 3d Battalion, 34th Artillery fired over 1,000 high explosive rounds from their Dong Tam base.