Not sure why the pics posted twice but ok. It is also a great place to get an excellent hot meal before you journey on. If you need to re-fuel for the trip back to Fairbanks, you must drive 50 miles north of camp to Prudhoe Bay. 8 great scavenger hunts and tours near Bettles | Let's Roam Surprises of Springfield Scavenger Hunt. 2023 Photos & Text Copyright - Mountain Monarchs of Alaska Most of the aircraft that fly hunters onto the North Slope for caribou allow gracious weight limits, but make sure to check with your transporter before showing up with too much gear. Northwest Alaska Back Country Outfitters - About us Gear - Northwest Alaska Back Country Outfitters Hunting is done within walking distance of our centrally located camp. We provide transportation for do-it-yourself (DIY) Caribou hunts that offer the best opportunity to hunt Barren Ground Caribou in Northern Alaska at a budget-friendly price. Typically we will take 2 guests per camp and plan for 8 days of hunting. Assuming you have all the necessary gear to go on the hunt (Which on this you can just about have a castle or go as light as you think you can 75 pounds of gear I think would be a minimum). Alaska also offers trip planners that are available for a fee. Wolf or Black Bear - $1,500 USD. While 90% of our caribou are shot in combination with moose, goat, or elk hunting we offer stand-alone hunts in late August and early September by horseback. PDF Fall Hunting in Game Management Unit 23 Forgetting the 'I want, I need' mentality when it comes to caribou hunts The population was 43 at the 2000 census Bettles is located at 6654'48N 15131'21W / 66.91333N 151.5225W / 66.91333; -151.5225 (66.913419, -151.522374)[2]. For information on current fees and license information please refer to the Alaska Dept. The other 50% must be paid by August 1st of the year of your hunt, There is a 3.1% processing fee that is charged by Square that is added to every CC payment. It may be cheaper than checking it on the airline, depending on fee structure. After decades of seemingly limitless abundance, Quebec's caribou herd is in decline, and hunting has been stopped. One unique aspect of the North Slope is a road that runs north/south through the middle called the Dalton Highway better known as the Haul Road. Every year, multiple trophy Caribou Bulls are harvested in the Northern Brooks Range. 2023 PRICING $3,995.00 (per hunter) We spent the night back in from the field in the bunk house and used the kitchen and large counter in the back of the hanger to bone out our meat for the trip home. #1 Alaska hunting guide for moose, brown bear, black bear and caribou. The term grizzly bear is often used in reference to brown bears. The caribou migrate from the northernmost area of the North Slope starting in July and will make their way through the Brooks Range to their wintering grounds by mid-October. You must log in or register to reply here. The nearby tundra ridges make for great vantage points allowing us to spot migrating Caribou in all directions. Once arriving at David River Camp on the Bering Sea, you will be hunting either on our two Federal Guide Concessions or onto State Land where bands of caribou have been located. ** ensure your tags are for the season you are hunting. We will assist you at Alaska Air Cargo in Prudhoe Bay with shipping. When caribou are in the wide open, it is difficult to predict where they will pass, as they seem to wander more than travel in a single direction. bust head magnificent seven. Alaska Coast to Coast Road Trip | Juneau to Anchorage Driving Tour La Tuque A PARADISE FOR MOOSE HUNTING ! $28,500/Hunter. Or fly into Fairbanks on AK Air then to Bettles where you will get on the air taxi. Camps are strategically placed to insure solid hunting locations within a close walking distance. Once to that point, build a box for the antlers to go inside that does not exceed 120 linear inches, and check it on the airplane. Satellite phones are in each camp and each guide checks into base camp each day. There are no stores to purchase food and supplies after you leave Fairbanks, so you need to get everything needed before you depart. 8 day/ 7 night (DIY) Self-Guided Caribou Non-Resident hunts ($3,300 per person) (Non-hunter $2,000), 8 day/ 7 night (DIY) Self-Guided Caribou Alaska Resident hunts ($2,500 per person) (Non-hunter $1,500), DHO Rentals is the only rental company we have a contract with to transport gear from Fairbanks Alaska to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. If being flown out is what you are looking for, you must decide if you want to be dropped off to set up a basecamp and hunt from there or dropped off near a river and float/hunt to an airstrip down river. Only outfit I would trust to fly with in that area. Look in creek bottoms for places where caribou will bed down. The Charely is good for both moose and caribou. A GIANT CARIBOU!! - Ep. 5 - Caribou Hunting in Alaska $800-week $120-per day Wien Airlines was established by the most famous bush pilot in Alaska history, Noel Wien. We get you in, we get you out. Hunters can access caribou migration routes from the road, providing an opportunity to hunt caribou without the need to fly on a chartered airplane. Mike Westwick, a spokesperson for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, confirmed that 143 caribou had been illegally hunted this winter, though added that the number was not . The other options out there for getting flown onto the North Slope all entail flying into a village or small community by commercial air, or driving up the Haul Road, and then meeting up with a charter air taxi service to be flown out to your hunting location. Bettles is a city in Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska, United States. We do not offer a hunting guide service. A cook/mess tent is also set up to allow comfortable dining during adverse weather conditions. Ryan Clairmont is an avid outdoorsman who has spent the last 17 years serving his country. Hard to reach and probably booked up for 2008, but good to go nonetheless. Alaska | Bureau of Land Management Thats 700 pounds per flight! Alaska Air Taxis, Bush Pilots and Charter Services Bettles Lodge- Historic Arctic Bed and Breakfast, Bettles, Alaska Bed This location is also known for its huge salmon runs, which draw these huge coastal Brown bears. Though sometimes an overlooked and taken for granted species, a true Alaskan Barren Ground Caribou is a remarkable animal, a fun and adventurous hunt, and a great addition to any trophy room! As most of our falls hunting camps are accessed via float plane, we are typically set up on or near a lake shore. Pensar a incluso pensar tambm em acessibilidade. You can expect to harvest a bull in the 350 - 400 class with a few bulls a year going over 400. If you have not already purchased your hunting license and tags, we will stop by Fish and Game before leaving town. Many hotels offer freezer space while you are staying there; make sure to ask about it when you make your reservations. BC Mountain Caribou Hunt. Although usually paler than their southern cousins they come in a wide range of coloration from reddish brown to the stereotypical Toklat grizzly. Anchorage, AK 99502 (907) 243-3331 (907) 249-5190 (fax) Northern Air Cargo email Penninsula Airways (Penair) Al Wright began flying in the 1940's. He was involved with various aviation endeavors including: Nenana Air Service, Fort Yukon Air, and Wien Airlines. There are numerous resident hunters that hunt from the Haul Road, therefore if seeing others and dealing with a high amount of hunting pressure is not what you had in mind, then this method of hunting the North Slope is not for you. Please note we can not and will not assist in the processing or packaging of your harvest. If so, how was your experience (the flight, the hunt, etc.)? Some pics of 2013 caribou hunt with Brooks Range Aviation out of Bettles. Many allow extra time and arrive at our camp the night before their fly-out date. Many of our lake camps are inhabited by both pike and graying. I will discuss the logistics of getting from your home to your hunting location, how to get your animal home, and some costs to consider. It can afford a fun and social hunt with friends and family and a great way to experience Alaska. The four herds found on the North Slope, from east to west, are the Porcupine herd estimated at 197,000 animals (2013 census), the Central Arctic herd estimated at 70,000 animals (2013 census), the Teshekpuk herd estimated at 33,000 animals (2013 census), and, finally, the Western Arctic herd estimated at 201,000 animals (2016 census). There are no schools or college courses available to train a guide; instead, this highly skilled profession is only learned from hands-on experience and apprenticeship. Caribou Hunting Photos Moose Hunting Photos Contact 907-202-3106 Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunt Arctic North offers Alaska Grizzly Bear Hunting Guides. (cooler with food and drinks not included in gear weight* *this is per group*, You will need to coordinate a room with Brooks Camp for the day prior to and the day after your hunt. Awesome pics. Native crafts are available for purchase in the Bettles Lodge gift shop. Back Country Excursions - Bettles Lodge Our fly-out Caribou hunts are conducted from our base camp, located at MP 366.5 of the Dalton Highway (approx. Alaska Local Takes Trophy Caribou Bull | Field & Stream Is that cost everything, getting their and all or just the air service? Hunting for both subsistence and recreation is a central activity in Unit 23. This has led our hunters to enjoy a 100% success for the past 10 years. A float hunt will be more logistically challenging but can be very rewarding as well. This would be my first trip to alaska, would like to do 2016. As populations ac All hunting in Quebec and the Nunavik Territory is now closed for the foreseeable future. 445 miles North of Fairbanks and 50 miles South of Prudhoe Bay). The drive is stunning and the road is very well maintained. moose/caribou in Tok area? | IFish Fishing Forum During which, we check your license documentation, go over communications, transport of game meat, leave no trace camping and other important information. LocationBettles Lodge is located 35 miles north of the Arctic Circle, in the foothills of the Brooks Range along the Koyukuk River. With our ability to be situated in the proximity of one of Canada . A finite amount of Alaska Moose hunt permits restricts hunting pressure. We showed up in Bettles on Aug. 23rd and were not scheduled to fly into the bush until the 25th (Just how flight logistics worked out) As soon as we got to Bettles we were met by the pilot and he said if you guys can be ready in 3 hours I can get you out today! To get the antlers home, the best method is to split the skull (must be free of meat and blood) down the center and stack the antlers together, fasten them, protect the antler tips by taping 1-2 of plastic hose on them, and wrap everything with shrink wrap. Wolves and wolverine are also available to hunt during this time. We will extract you, your gear, harvested game and antlers. One of the questions you need to ask is if they will pick your mount up at Alaska Air Cargo in Fairbanks. We have 24 hour Fuel Service - with no call out fees, Pump Service and Bulk Truck - Bettles Field, Alaska, Radio Frequency: 121.7MhPhone: 907-692-5444Toll-Free: 800-692-5443. Saw groups of bulls everyday. The road is still in use by workers and truckers hauling equipment to keep the operation producing and delivering oil. bettles caribou huntingbettles caribou huntingbettles caribou hunting Situated just South of the Manitoba/Nunavut border, our caribou camps on the barren lands are located in the Central Barren Ground Caribou's migration route. The Arrigetch Peaks is a popular location for more experienced hikers and rock climbers. Assuming you have all the necessary gear to go on the hunt (Which on this you can just about have a castle or go as light as you think you can 75 pounds of gear I think would be a minimum). Gordon, who had been a newspaper writer like his friend Jack London the famous author, established a trading post at the junction of the John River and the Koyukuk River. While we encourage our clients to plan for at least a 10 day field stay, many have found success after just a few days of pursuit. September 9 to September 20. Air charter to caribou from Bettles is: $2500, caribou tag for non-res is: $325 plus hunting license is $85. All rights reserved. Typical caribou hunt. 1 bull was shot while I was cooking breakfast. Brooks Range Aviation is on the cutting edge in providing efficient and safe operation in the Brooks Range. 2026 - 8 day Spring Brown Bear Hunt . Shrinking Western Arctic Caribou Herd prompts discussion about future Females are typically much lighter, on average between 150-250 pounds. 8-day DIY Caribou hunting adventures on the Ivishack and Echooka rivers. Thread starter jpauli; Start date Mar 30, 2018; Mar 30, 2018 #1 J. jpauli New member. On the even numbered years (2024, 2026 etc), all of our hunts our based directly from out David River Base Camp. Hunt dates are Sept. 16 - 22 and Sept. 24 - 30. Have a Caribou hunt out of Fairbanks/Bettles booked for this next season. We recommend you research and reach out to a couple of them before your trip if you plan on sending your mount to them. While out hunting, lighter pack lunches are packed. There are 2 of us wanting to get in to 26A for the 2 Caribou Non Resident hunt this fall. Sheep, Brown Bear, Moose, Caribou Hunting in Alaska From $11,500 to $18,000. Home - Wright Air Service Prices depend on weight and box sizes. Please call us for all of your Arctic Circle Tours, Lodging, Fuel & Air Taxi needs. The only other way to get onto the North Slope is to charter an airplane from one of many companies that service that area. Light tackle, spinners and spoons are our choice for catching both species. In this small rural community, your pilot will meet you with the float plane on the Yukon River. All of our guides have dedicated themselves to perfecting these skills. Most out-of-state hunters begin their journey to Alaska by flying on Alaska Airlines into Fairbanks. 1.31 mi 1 hour 5. The Harvest Tickets are free and are mandatory in order to hunt. bettles caribou hunting bettles caribou hunting David Alexandrowicz and his 2021 monster bull that scored 432. each. Caribou migrate near the village . Inuit government calls to respect ban on caribou harvest in Atlantic Before nightfall, you'll have your camp set up in one of the most remote areas of the world: the arctic tundra. You cannot book online; you have to contact the manager to coordinate pickup and drop-off from the airport at 907-659-6233, Alaska Air cargo flies out of Prudhoe Bay. 7:00 am ; Departure from Thompson to Munroe Lake Lodge on a wheeled 9 seater Cessna Caravan. Getting your meat and trophy home is the goal of every hunter and doing so if done right, will cost very little and be as smooth as checking a piece of luggage. Northwest Alaska Back Country Outfitters - About us Offering the best Dolly Varden and Sheefish fishing in the WORLD! Hunters must advise us if they will be arriving later. Manitoba Caribou Hunts | The Lodge at Little Duck The town has two excellent Bed and Bed and Breakfasts. They have large freezers and shipping boxes that you can purchase to ship your meat. Location: The rest of gear needed for a caribou hunt on the North Slope is not much different than a backcountry hunt for any other species. In this article I will focus on one area of Alaska known as the North Slope. Including Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Caribou Mountain, and Gobblers Knob 1004 AM AKST Tue Feb 28 2023 .WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 3 PM THIS AFTERNOON TO 6 AM AKST WEDNESDAY. Had an absolutely great experience and would use them again without a second thought. The fly-in Alaska hunting trip you have dreamed of is simply a phone call away. DHO Rentals is the only rental company we have a contract with to transport gear from Fairbanks Alaska to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Most hunters will stay within 1 2 miles of camp and many will hunt much closer. After over 100 caribou illegally killed, N.W.T. minister turns to - CBC The Arrigetch also offers spectacular flight seeing opportunities. If this is attractive then you must do your research to find rental agencies that allow their trucks to be driven on the Haul Road. The Perfect Caribou Rifle - Hunting Rangifer Tarandus Our area of use is virtually un-hunted. I talked to Bettles Lodge during my planning and pricing was virtually the same between the two. Alaska Wilderness Charters & Guiding - Rates & Dates There are opportunities to fish in most of our hunting camps. These hunts are 7 days in length and we are now operating every September. santa ana housing authority waiting list; icelandic soccer player heart attack Whether this is your first Caribou hunt or your 15th, you are sure to experience the hunt of a lifetime in the Northern Brooks Range. Alaska Woman and Self-Described "Meat Hunter" Kills 400-Plus-Inch Caribou. There are a total of 32 caribou herds in Alaska, with four of them located on the North Slope. Bumper berry patches are generally good spots to find a bear along with any Caribou kill sites. During the winter season, trapping of small, fur-bearing animals is done, with the furs either being sold raw or made into hats, gloves, and other clothing. I'd check out Bettles Lodge/air. Caribou Hunting | Caribou Hunt Prices - Mike Odin Contact us today about joining one of our 2023 hunts. All camps are supplied with at least one satellite communication device and appropriate survival gear.