punishment photos Learn more about how to search for an inmate in the Monroe Detention Center. Learn more about how to bail or bond out an inmate in the Monroe Detention Center. Yolo County Jail Records are documents created by California State and local law enforcement authorities whenever a person is arrested and taken into custody in Yolo County, California. trucks According to the 2010 census, 200,849 people live in the county. http://cityofdavis.org/city-hall/police-department/daily-activity-log Monroe Detention Center Inmate Mail Policies and Address - What Can You Send, and Where? To send commissary money to an inmate in Monroe Detention Center follow these steps: For all information on how toSend Money to an inmate's accountcheck out our full money and commissary guide forMonroe Detention Center. Weapons, drugs, and controlled substances. Go to this page for inmates in California. If you are on probation or parole, or you have recently been released from the jail, it is unlikely that your visit will be allowed. View Yolo County Sheriff's Office general information page, contact information, news releases and events. These records are part of the individual's criminal record. The Monroe Detention Center is the main jail in Yolo County California. Even though we are a few months into 2023, it is never to late to start your career with YCSO. You can also get answers to whatever questions about an inmate, and the services for Monroe Detention Center that you may have by clicking on any of the questions below: How to search for an inmate? Join the conversation on our social media channels. %, 2.08 Volunteer-run self-help groups assisting inmates with drug and alcohol addiction. To send a commissary carepack (food, snacks and goods) directly to an inmate in Monroe Detention Center follow these steps: For all information, tips and available items for shippingCommissarypackages to an inmate inMonroe Detention Center check out our Commissary Instructions PageforYolo County. In YOLO County, males are incarcerated in jail at a rate of 544 per 100,000 male U.S. residents, which is nearly 7 times more than female incarceration rate, of 67 per 100,000 female U.S. residents. Does Monroe Detention Center have inmate commissary? Under no circumstances may you use our How do I bail or bond an inmate out of the Monroe Detention Center? The return name/address information written on the front of the envelope. %, 21.17 During that same year, 56 arrests were for violent crimes like murder, rape, and robbery. To search for offender information, callers will need one of the following items: VINE will let callers know about the offender's current custody status, the location of the inmate, and his/her offender number. This is a work release program that allows participants to convert jail time by performing outdoor work for Yolo County. All mail, newspapers, magazines and books are to be shipped to the Monroe Detention Center: For complete information on mail policies, what you can send an inmateand what address to send them, check out our, How to Send Money to an Inmate in Yolo County. If you want to set up an account so that your incarcerated friend or loved one can phone you, email you or text you, set up an account by going to this page for phoning, or this page for digital communication. When a Undersheriff-Coroner Dale Johnson is second-in-command. Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) - The California VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender's custody status changes. approval %, 3.43 but instead was put on probation. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. Mugshots and personal details about the inmates are for informational purposes only and should never be used for any commercial use or to cause harm to them or their families. Davis Police Department Arrest Records Postal Service money orders. VINE; Megan's Law; Crime Stats; Crime Prevention; Crime Stats. . While that is what they are approved to have incarcerated at any one time, they have on occasion had to add additional beds, even having inmates sleep on the floor when overcrowding becomes an issue. But always be very careful about what you say and do. that have been released, you might also be able to review Yolo county probation All visits must be scheduled in advance. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. YOLO County has 278 jails with an average daily population of 747 inmates with a total of 278 jail population. Yolo County Sheriff's Office Arrest Records, How to locate an inmate in Yolo County, CA, How to call, visit, and send money to inmates in Yolo County jail or prison, When someone will get out of jail or prison. You must pass the metal detector in order to go down for your visit. probationer Anyone can call the California State VINE line to determine an inmate's custody status. http://www.yolo.courts.ca.gov/online-services/court-calendar The county has an arrest rate of 3,398 and a local jail rate of 186 inmates per year and a pretrial rate of 181 pre trials per 100,000 residents aged from 15 to 64. Visit www. about a person. Perform a free Yolo County, CA public inmate records search, including inmate rosters, lists, locators, lookups, inquiries, and active jail inmates. The ICE Detainee Lookup allows friends, family members and interested parties to locate illegal and/or undocumented immigrants that are in the United States without permission. Federal Jails Atwater USP Address: 1 Federal Way, Atwater, CA 95301 Phone: 209-386-0257 More Dublin FCI Address: 5701 8th St - Camp Parks, Dublin, CA 94568 Phone: 925-833-7500 More Herlong FCI Address: 741-925 Access Road A-25, Herlong, CA 96113 Phone: 530-827-8000 More Lompoc FCI stats The YCSO provides several services to the community including Investigations, Patrol, Animal Services, and the Coroners Office. Within the Inmate Search Jail Listing you will find details such as their bond amount, criminal charges and mugshots, when available. When you call, give the staff member the name of who you are looking for and a birthdate or age if you have it. Multi-phase program that addresses criminal thinking and anti-social value while helping inmates gain computer and financial skills. Some things contained in the Yolo county parole Exception: Mother and father or grandfather and grandmother may visit together. . Everything from video calls, to messages to visitation, and even digital mail and money deposits can be done from your home computer or personal device. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. employee screening. Guards that circulate in the same general area of the inmates are armed with eye-blinding mace that will turn an inmate having a violent outburst into a weeping child. The county has 212,202 people confined with a jail population density of 147 prisoners per jail. Up to two children can visit at a time and must be accompanied by an adult. is allowed to leave Family Visits are held on Sundays only. Visits are made in 30 minute increments, for up to one hour per week. View Yolo County Sheriff's Office list of arrests by name, including arrest date, charges and arrest location. Your use of RecordsFinder is conditioned on your If you need to find an inmate in another state prison system, go here. EMERGENCY: 911 NON-EMERGENCY: 530-666-8282 Over the past 45 years, the incarceration rate in YOLO County has increased by 142% going from 115 inmates yearly to 278 inmates. Federal inmates who are moved from one prison to another will show as "No longer in federal custody" on the system until they reach their next federal prison destination. . The best way to locate or get information of any inmate currently incarcerated in Yolo County Minimum Security Jail is to contact the County Jail for information on the inmate or visit them online at https://www.bop.gov/. Visiting sign ups begin at 12:00AM Monday morning for the current week only. %, 1.31 easily. If you have any outstanding warrants, dont even think about coming to the Monroe Detention Center, as you will be arrested. When breaking down the YOLO County jail population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners and make 18% with 51 female and 325 male inmates. Type in the inmate's name and it will tell you where he or she is incarcerated and their projected release date. created or verified by RecordsFinder. View City of Davis Police Department daily activity log by address or location and type of call. to an inmate's accountcheck out our full, How Do You Communicate with an Inmate in the Monroe Detention Center by Phone, Follow these instructions on how toopen an account with, For full instructions on the Monroe Detention Center Inmate Phone System, what the costs are, how it works, and tips and guidelines on rules, regulations and saving money on calls, check out our, How to Send aSecure Email Message to an Inmate in Yolo County. http://www.yolocountysheriff.com/services/jail/booking-statistics/ No gum, cigarettes, lighters, matches, tobacco, pagers, cellular phones, car alarms, key rings, purses, or briefcases will be allowed. For all information, tips and available items for shipping, Communication and Monetary Services for Family and Friends of Inmates. Yolo County Jail Records may be information about their The Detention Division of the Yolo County Sheriffs Office operates two jail facilities. Website . View Yolo County Sheriff's Office general information page, contact information, news releases and events. review and acceptance of our, A Timeline of Yearly Data Pop Total from 2005-2015, A Timeline of Yearly Female/Male Incarceration for the Years 2005-2015, A Timeline of Yolo County Incarceration by Gender, Yolo County Prison Records by Race & Ethnicity, The Average Number of Incarcerations per Day, Cancellation and Refund Federal, California State, and local Yolo County prison systems are required to document all prisoners and public inmate records on every incarcerated person. Packages or envelopes containing property which is so excessive in quantity that it precludes adequate inspection, i.e., handout material, copies from books or magazines articles. Yolo County holds 2 jails with a total of 148,459 inmates. files Postage stamps, pre-stamped postal envelopes, blank envelopes, pens, personal checks, and currency. Yolo County Sheriff's Office Address: 140 Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, CA 95776 Yolo County Sheriff's Office Phone: (530) 666-8282 Yolo County Sheriff Yolo County can be found in the northern region of California, specifically in the Sacramento Valley. see You can check out this information now by going to the:Family Infopage,Visit Inmatepage,Inmate Mailpage,Inmate Phonepage,Send Moneypage,Inmate Bailpage,Mugshotspage,Text/Email an Inmatepage,Commissarypage,Remote Visitspage, or theTablet Rentalpage. Follow these instructions on how toopen an account with GTL Connect Network (aka Viapath Technologies). If you have any information about this or any other institutions, we urge you to leave a review on our website. Choose the amount of money you want to send, and input your payment method. records View City of Davis Police Department daily activity log by address or location and type of call. The Yolo County Inmate Search offers details on the former or present detainees in the Yolo County Jail. Learn more about how to mail an inmate and what's allowed in the Monroe Detention Center. What is the address and phone number of the Monroe Detention Center in California? and their crimes. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 140 Tony Diaz DriveWoodland, CA 95776. U.S. , physical details, their name, and address, When the state of California sends an inmate back to the county or city jail to face new criminal charges or to appear before the court for other reasons, the state of California also must pay this daily per diem. U.S. government checks are also accepted. There is a fee associated with this program. The largest city based on population is Davis. In a perfect world you will also have the inmate's birthdate, but if not, an estimated age will help. Privacy Policy Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Contracted GED Liaison assists inmates with GED prep and coordinates GED testing. Learn more about how to get phone calls from an inmate in the Monroe Detention Center, visit an inmate and find the inmate visitation schedules, send money to an inmate and get directions for purchasing commissary items,and learn more about how to mail an inmate in the Monroe Detention Center, review the letter writing rules and regulations, and how to address your envelopes to them. The other county jail facility the Walter J. Leinberger Memorial Center has been demolished and a new jail is being constructed in its place. The goal of such tight security is to keep both the staff and the inmates safe. Yolo County, CA jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center. They also carry stun weapons, short clubs, flashlights that have dual use as both a light source and as a weapon, and handcuffs. Inmates in Monroe Detention Center, if they don't already, will soon have their own personal tablets for watching movies, TV shows, access to educational and and legal information, and more. It also lists released federal prison inmates and the date they were released. Murder And Nonnegligent Manslaughter is the least trendy crime of the area with only 0.00% out of all the crimes in Yolo County. Visit www. Where do you find the information for visiting an inmate, writing an inmate, receiving phone calls from an inmate, sending an inmate money or purchasing commissary for an inmate in Monroe Detention Center in California? How to Send aCarepack Commissary Package Directly to an Inmate in Yolo County. View Yolo County Sheriff's Office list of arrests by name, including arrest date, charges and arrest location. No hats, sunglasses, or scarves. Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) is a free and anonymous telephone service that provides victims of crime both information and notification. To send a secure email message to an inmate in Monroe Detention Center follow these steps: For all information on how toText/Email an Inmatein Monroe Detention Center check out ourSecure Messaging GuideforYolo County. The total area of the county is 1,024 square miles. %, 11.27 The Walter J. Leinberger Memorial Center houses sentenced inmates who work at various city, county, and state agencies to reduce their jail time. City of Davis Police Department Logs Yolo County Sheriff's Office Website In-Custody Day Reporting Center (DRC) (Leinberger Center only). %, 25.82 physical details about the Suggest Listing Program which assists inmates with services Correctional Staff are not trained or able to perform. The county seat is Woodland. %, 34.42 It is located at 2420 East Gibson Road, Woodland, CA, 95776 and was built in 1934. . Northern California Construction Training (NCCT). early because they have All Rights Reserved. Thank you for visiting us to better understand how inmates are treated while incarcerated at this institution. These reviews will allow us to approach the media to expose injustices at various institutions. The main reason that people call 530-668-5245 is to find out if a particular person is in custody, although you can look up an inmate online by going here. California law allows for inmates to work alongside the paid staff during their incarceration, saving the facility money. The VINE toll-free number for the California VINE system is 1-877-411-5588. of their parole. We do not originate, create, or control that information, and we cannot guarantee You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. The Monroe Detention Center is the biggest prison office in the Yolo County and is arranged on 14 sections of land in metropolitan Woodland. NOTE: There may be a limit on how much product you can send your inmate in Yolo County at any one time. Knowing what state the inmate is in is good; knowing which county is even better. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday). This movement can take a few days to several months to complete, so keep checking back to find out where the inmate was taken. What are the visitation hours? To send commissary money to an inmate in Monroe Detention Center follow these steps: For all information on how toSend Money to an inmate's accountcheck out our full money and commissary guide forMonroe Detention Center. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Their phone number is 530-668-5245. The county seat is Woodland. %. View Yolo County Sheriff's Office list of arrests by name, including arrest date, charges and arrest location. Recently convicted felons are sometimes held at this facility until transport to a California State Prison is available. As Monroe Detention Center adds these services, JAILEXCHANGE will add them to our pages, helping you access the services and answering your questions about how to use them and what they cost. If they are sent to the Monroe Detention Center,call 530-668-5245 for assistance. The jail will require this when mailing the inmate a letter or adding money to their commissary or phone accounts. Search Yolo County Superior Court calendar by court date, department, and more. Inmate NameMonroe Detention Center140 Tony Diaz DriveWoodland, CA 95776 Search Yolo County, CA Inmate Records. Yolo County Arrest Records are public records that contain an individual's criminal history record which are available in Yolo County, California. View Davis Police Department arrest reports by name, gender, description and date. Go to this page for other jails in Yolo County. Nothing else will be permitted. The Monroe Detention Center is equipped with a state-of-the-art locking system, closed circuit cameras covering every area where inmates are located, and jail staff that utilize a communication system that keeps each of the guards and civilian staff in constant contact. How many people get arrested and booked into the Monroe Detention Center in California every year? Most states have Department of Corrections websites that allow you to type in a felon's first and last name and pull up inmates in that state. Confidential support groups are offered to female inmates and run through EMPOWER Yolo. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Yolo County inmate records are public incarceration cell Classes led by a contractor who instructs inmates on conflict resolution and stress management. Along with those The next step in your career starts here. To visit an inmate in person, you must follow the guidelines here. https://www.ncourt.com/x-press/X-OnlinePayments.aspx Yolo amassed 1,038 arrests over the past three years. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD). Parole is when To search for an inmate in the Monroe Detention Center in California, use our JailExchange Inmate Search feature found on this page. Yolo County Sheriff's Office (YCSO Inmate Locator) 140 Tony Diaz Dr, Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 668-5280. Probationers must Sorry, there are no insights for this section of the facility yet. The inmates complete name (first and last) that was used at time of booking. detailing However, if you'd like to you can join our free support group on Facebook by RecordsFinder searches is accurate or up to date. a copy of someones Yolo county booking records without any type of You may continue to work or attend school. 2023 Yolo County Sheriffs Office | Woodland, CA, Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE). Which law enforcement agencies maintain records. The county seat is Woodland. How do you pay an inmates bail or bond? Monroe Detention Center located in Woodland CA (California) 4, Monroe Detention Center located in Woodland CA (California) 3, Monroe Detention Center located in Woodland CA (California) 2, Monroe Detention Center located in Woodland CA (California) 5.