Bus Stop Temporarily Discontinued. 0000019888 00000 n
Feel free to give us a shout, RTS Transit Center Entrances
0000007996 00000 n
458 0 obj
0000010647 00000 n
Service Excellence: We strive to meet the needs of our customers, every day, no exceptions. Seneca Feel free to give us a shout, (585) 394-2250
0000005646 00000 n
GNVRideRTS currently is available for download at www.RideRTS.app for Apple, Android and desktop use. Services span from Trinidad, south along Hwy. currentTime %= 12;
Transit in Humboldt County is administered through a joint powers authority between Humboldt County and the cities of Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna, Rio Dell and Trinidad. W6
sYYYY9p370@3dy OX-m7;^S9^b#_8&WW` eT
0000008076 00000 n
0000009929 00000 n
Regional Connectivity schedule information is available at myRTS.com or by calling 585-394-2250. value Passes $10 Value Pass 11 rides $20 Value Pass 23 rides deviated Route . Segn la gobernadora del estado de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul: Las mascarillas ahora son opcionales cuando se utiliza el transporte pblico. Visite la pgina de alertas de servicio para ms informacin sobre eventos que estn afectando servicio. 0000016531 00000 n
Exceed Expectations: Give more than expected and give the unexpected! Tamara/RTS 585-394-2250 Clifton Springs Meet bus at Spa Apartments Ambulatory Ontario x 1 Week . 0000032126 00000 n
RTS has discontinued direct service to River Campus . 0000151991 00000 n
There are plenty of opportunities to work with RTS! Integrity: We do what we say we are going to do and take responsibility for our actions. RTS provides more than 600,000 passenger-trips per year. Courtesy: Greet every customer (and one another) with courtesy and a smile. 0000018006 00000 n
Plan your trips on RTS Connect and RTS On Demand all in one place: the Transit app! xref
When the Route 122 bus now approaches NW 13thfrom NW 7th, it will turn left onto 13th Street, turn Right onto University Avenue, and then left onto Buckman. Ontario County Public Transportation Resources . Route will run normally from 5:30am-9:30am Restarts in Canandaigua at 2:30pm and runs until 6:30pm Route 261 Service hours will now end at 6:30pm Route 253 Route will run normally from 6:00am-10:00am Restart in the afternoon from 2:00pm to 6:00pm Route 250 & 252 Will be shut down for lunch from 1:30pm-2:30pm Route 250 Canandaigua North Here are some How-to links for the new GNVriderts.app , New free fare transit program begins for RTS riders 18 and younger, 65 and older, Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy and Plan, a drag-and-drop rider icon to access Street View photos of a specific location; and. 0000005021 00000 n
RTA Routes & Schedules The Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) provides bus service to the City of Temecula and throughout Riverside County. Please be respectful of others' choices regarding masking. The Orange Line shuttle stops at Rush Rhees Library. Developed by transit-based app, // Edit the strings below this line
Genesee Give customers something thats great to read and great for your business. Route: 1
por favor llamar al (585) 589-0707. }. RTS . Routes 203 204.pdf(Pilot: Starting Monday, January 9, 2023, the Batavia/Brockport route will run on Mondays and Thursdays. Customers in Ontario County can schedule a ride at least 24 hours in advance by calling RTS Ontario at (585) 394-2250. Feel free to give us a shout, RTS Transit Center Entrances
60 St. Paul St. Rochester, NY 14604
0000002336 00000 n
The Category Search is arranged by topic. Join our mailing list to get the latest RTS updates, news and alerts. 0000008453 00000 n
RTS Route #47/Monroe will now be RTS Route #11/Monroe, which will operate on a 15-minute frequency, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. on weekdays. The new platform, which is powered by Via, the global leader in TransitTech, will improve the customer and employee experience with the RTS On Demand service. 0000032747 00000 n
0000037542 00000 n
Routes 290, 293, 296: Lyons, Geneva, Canandaigua, Newark. currentDate += (date.getMonth() + 1) + '/';
[Business]: RTS Ontario, 2930 County Road 48, , , , CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424-. The change in this RTS policy comes after the announcement today by Governor Kathy Hochul that the mask mandate on public transportation is no longer in effect. Route deviation requests must be made at least two business days prior to the planned trip. Email: city@burlington.ca Phone: 905-335-7777. RTS - Regional Transit Service & RTS Transit Center Rutas290, 293, 296: Lyons, Geneva, Canandaigua, Newark. We're here to help! por favor llamar al (585) 394-2250. :PFi?`w|%I;,=X B1xig.wUv+2
R`|}N\'AA AlimAv8Z9 In most instances, one route can serve your trip needs. NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability. 0000008883 00000 n
The technology behind the Via platform will help RTS improve trip times, vehicle capacity usage, and the overall user experience. myRTS.com/Contact-Us, Para atencin en Espaol,
There are plenty of opportunities to work with RTS! Gainesville's Regional Transit System (RTS) is set to launch a new transit app - GNVRideRTS - on Oct. 1, and provide public transit passengers with a more efficient and user-friendly interface for planning daily commutes. loc+='dirflg=r';
Visit the Service Alerts page for events impacting service. Thank you. We encourage the use of masks by all passengers on RTS buses during the pandemic. Last trip 4:00pm from Santa Fe College, Route 78 (SAF) Route 010 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Santa Fe. if(date.getMonth() < 9)
Ontario Base Map, Province of Ontario, Ontario MNR, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, NGA, EPA, USDA, NPS | City of Gainesville Department of Transportation Call our main number at 585.546.1081 or complete the I Need Services form. (Rts. 0000000016 00000 n
0000152030 00000 n
else {
The Keyword Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. We appreciate your patience as we update all signage accordingly. Regional Transit Service (RTS) is a regional transit authority established by New York State with more than 1,000 employees who proudly serve customers and business partners in Monroe, Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, and Wyoming counties. Use the location bar above to find providers of these services in your area.See the FAQs to learn how to save and organize your results. function buildURL() {
0000001292 00000 n
0000009425 00000 n
View View our Facebook Page; View View our Twitter Page; 0000027098 00000 n
This year SF College will have spring break March 8th thru March 13th. To get to River Campus, connect to the University's Orange Line shuttle at Monroe and Goodman. Ontario County is uniquely positioned relative to I-90 with four interchanges across the northern tier of the countyat Victor, Canandaigua, Manchester and Geneva. Livingston currentTime = 12;
b`f`h| ,l@`XZ0DsE|H"Tj@u -3*S4`QA&=I@LU!^ if(document.myForm[i].name == 'saddr')
These are our customer services standards for everyone at RTS. Livingston 0000008526 00000 n
The Wegmans Senior Service and Office for Aging Services will continue running on its normal schedule. December 15, 2022 in 0000003268 00000 n
We're here to help!
The Guided Search helps you find long term services and supports in your area. Route will run normally from 5:30am-9:30am, Restarts in Canandaigua at 2:30pm and runs until 6:30pm, Route will run normally from 6:00am-10:00am, Restart in the afternoon from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, Will be shut down for lunch from 1:30pm-2:30pm.
HTA provides riders with affordable fixed route and dial-a-ride transportation options that allow access throughout Humboldt County. Wayne <<2871657F1B88994194E7B56027393A84>]/Prev 386016/XRefStm 1292>>
Livingston To purchase, simply currentDate = '0';
0000022700 00000 n
Thank you.
0000001016 00000 n
Orleans 0000001479 00000 n
2930 County Road 48 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Enjoy the ride! var endExample = "401 E. University Ave";
To purchase . por favor llamar al (315) 946-5617. 0000001281 00000 n
H\Aj@E:E/EN@x Th~F` ^}rb?=
^'sc2\S>t};}]2oIx6GyE:M}Vpl6+~"?-cK\+%['{0ZeNtp:Gv`.2rTpz:=Np 0000011724 00000 n
ROUTE 255 Canandaigua - Geneva (Rts. Seneca 0000013882 00000 n
0000002053 00000 n
RTS provides more than 600,000 passenger-trips per year. First trip 8:45am from Butler Plaza currentTime += date.getMinutes();
Kathy Hochul, masks are now optional when using public transit. Por favor, sea respetuoso con las elecciones de los dems en cuanto al enmascaramiento. Por favor, sea respetuoso con las elecciones de los dems en cuanto al enmascaramiento. RTS Bus Operators operate a public transit vehicle (40 ft. buses) to transport passengers along specific routes in Monroe County in accordance with published timetables. startxref
1-800-342-9871. RTS Bus Operators operate a public transit vehicle (40 ft. buses) to transport passengers along specific routes in Monroe County in accordance with published timetables. 0000006928 00000 n
for (var i = 0; (i < document.myForm.length - 1); i++) {
var currentDate = "";
Thank you. Ontario We're here to help! 1-800-342-9871. December 15, 2022 - The Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA) Board of Commissioners announced today that Deputy CEO Miguel Velzquez has been appointed as the next CEO and will begin in his new role on January 1, 2023. County, September 07, 2022 in %PDF-1.5
Saturday & Sunday Service ;c[/O5M4n8};O I3AUb %9U$=@mE)ao1rwhyR$>w/Ywq:~-l7il=oLav&Sgc Holidays not listed above operate on a regular schedule. Last trip 5:26pm from Santa Fe College, Route 43 // Builds the destination URL
0000021344 00000 n
The passes can be used on any RTS bus in Monroe, Livingston, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, and Wyoming counties and are good for three years. Kathy Hochul, masks are now optional when using public transit. Title VI Non-Discrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure, 6th Ave & Spring Ln, Westhaven Post Office, Rohnerville Rd. Regional Transit Service (RTS)is currently seeking a qualified individualwho enjoys driving and working with the public to join our team as a Bus Operator in Monroe County! Read more RTS CEO Bill Carpenter Announces Retirement Please have correct fare amount. Follow Us. Rutas 201, 202 &205.pdf TTY (800) 662-1220
0000173159 00000 n
Process to Acquire a Free Bus Pass: Contact VOC to schedule an appointment. Saturday & Sunday Service Though the weather outside is mild, Rochesterians know the snow and ice will be here soon! Per NYS Gov. Provider Address: RTS Ontario, 2930 County Road 48, Ontario, CANANDAIGUA, NY, 14424- Per NYS Gov. & School St., Fortuna, CA 95540, Rigby Ave & Center Street, Rio Dell, CA 95562, School St. & Ronald Ave., Fortuna, CA 95540, Scenic and Loleta Drive, Loleta, CA 95551, Broadway St & McCullens Ave, Eureka, CA 95501, Central Ave & Murray Road, McKinleyville, CA 95519, Westhaven offramp & Sea Drift Lane (Moonstone Beach), ADA Reasonable Modification Policy and Grievance Form. Wyoming 31 talking about this. Is there a need for help with any of the following: Address:
(SAF) Route 076: Haile Market Place to Santa Fe College, (SAF) Route 078: Santa Fe College to Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 001 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 002 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to NE Walmart Supercenter, Route 003 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to North Main Post Office, Route 005 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to Oaks Mall, Route 006 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to N Walmart Supercenter, Route 007 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Eastwood Meadows, Route 008 Shands To North Walmart Supercenter, Route 010 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Santa Fe, Route 011 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Eastwood Meadows, Route 012 Reitz Union To Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 013 Beaty Towers To Cottage Grove Apartments, Route 015 Rosa Parks Transfer Station to NW 13th Street, Route 017 Beaty Towers To Rosa Parks Transfer Station. 0000028246 00000 n
Last trip 3:30pm from Santa Fe College. Orleans if(date.getMinutes() < 10)
0000022783 00000 n
0000012753 00000 n
loc += document.myForm[i].name + '=' + document.myForm[i].value + '&';
Bus Stop Temporarily Discontinued. First trip 9:26am from Hobby Lobby Wayne Join our mailing list to get the latest RTS updates, news and alerts. Masks remain available on each City bus free of charge. Please be respectful of others choices regarding masking. 0000019785 00000 n
La ruta funcionar normalmente de 5:30 a. m. a 9:30 a. m. Reinicia en Canandaigua a las 2:30 p.m. y dura hasta las 6:30 p.m. El horario de servicio ahora terminar a las 6:30 p.m. La ruta funcionar normalmente de 6:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Reinicia por la tarde de 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. No funcionarn durante el horario de 1:30 p.m. a 2:30 p.m. debido a la hora de almuerzo. 2930 County Road 48 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Enjoy the ride! We're here to help! Click the schedules button to find the route youre looking for! if(isPM)
Last trip 5:33pm from Santa Fe College, Sunday Service Livingston Genesee Orleans En Espaol Try our new transit app GNVriderts.app for your mobile device riderts.app for your desktop. RTS Wayne Maps & Schedules Per NYS Gov. 3) When you see an R next to the times that indicates your bus/route will continue to run during RTS reduced service days. var loc = 'http://www.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&f=d&';
Route 026 Rosa Parks Transfer Station To Airport, Route 028 Hub to Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 033 Butler Plaza Transfer Station to Midtown, Route 036 The Hub to SW 34th St Post Office, Route 037 Reitz Union to Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 046 Reitz Union to Rosa Parks Transfer Station, Route 075: Oaks Mall To Butler Plaza Transfer Station, Route 076: Haile Market Place to Santa Fe College, Route 078: Santa Fe College to Butler Plaza Transfer Station, (Route 600) Eastwood Meadows Area to Rosa Parks Transfer Station, Route 711: Rosa Parks Transfer Station to Eastwood Meadows, Spring Break Reduced Schedule 3/11/2023 thru 3/19/2023. NY Connects is your trusted place to go for free, unbiased information about long term services and supports in New York State for people of all ages or with any type of disability. Engagement: We understand how our work impacts customers and we maintain an environment focused on teamwork, dedication, and fun. The new platform, which is powered by Via, the global leader in TransitTech, will improve the customer and employee experience with the RTS On Demand service. 1) go to the go-rts.com/schedule tab
Effective Friday, July 2, 2022, weekend service will be paused until further notice. Redwood Transit System (RTS) offers service between Scotia, Fortuna, Loleta, Fields Landing, Eureka, Arcata, McKinleyville, Westhaven, and Trinidad Monday through 6 days per week. Transit in Humboldt County. Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 6:00 pm and Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Redwood Transit System Service Map Route Redwood Transit System go-rts.com # This year UF will have spring break January 4th thru January 9th # Monday to Friday Kathy Hochul, masks are now optional when using public transit. =VP+ 0000076177 00000 n
Por favor, sea respetuoso con las elecciones de los dems en cuanto al enmascaramiento. 1-800-342-9871. 71 N. Clinton Ave. Rochester, NY 14604, Para atencin en Espaol,
0000015759 00000 n
0000006591 00000 n
Rts ontario connects connections with Rts Wayne, Rts seneca and Rts in Monroe county RTS Ontario connects to Wayne, Seneca and Monroe Counties through service with RTS. return true;
var pmOption = '