Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. Because here in Texas, I cant tell you if that needle move much at all. And Ive watched them over many years. 1:09:09 Scott McKay, Host of "The Tipping Point" says, we are currently witnessing the systematic destruction of the, "Old Guard" and Scott talks about But there are times to cheat it now if youre anything like me. The system uses its own currency, the Q, and to get people to start using the system once its ready they are allocating Qs for free to people that sign up now (the amount drops as more people join so better to join early). True, lets not lose this, we got some precious, we own something thats very, very, very incredibly precious. 11:10 And in that book is a textbook Actually, its a large book, but I wrote it to teach homeschoolers government and I teach our homeschool high schoolers government economics and US history. All the Constitution does is list them, it lists a handful of them, says hey, by the way, heres some of the rights dont stomp on federal government. They just keep on lying. The whole point is it begins with education, but it ends with action. Do you understand why I call these people fork and scumbags. scumbags outlet. silver and copper in it. But this Tomahawk is one of two choices for the Cabal powers, which end we use is fully up to them. Monsanto central observes that to me, quote to me, it is clear countries need to make a strong f need to make strong efforts to manage both mis and disinformation. He also says I also think were at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that theyre a technology platform and a broadcaster is over and not a broadcasters over interesting. Absolutely no question about it. Let me rearrange that for you a little bit. Listen, I. I said theyll always buckle for money if you take these business owners. This is what Im telling you, folks, they want the whole show, because this clown thinks there needs to be a central repository of data, facts and key messages, which means what they want to take everybody on earth and categorize every piece of information about you so they can do what you already know what they want to do. At gates direction. Scott McKay on his radio show. the CDC for prevention, various media powerhouses the Chinese government, a former CIA, National Security Agency director, which to me has to be James Clapper. These cowards will buckle belt buckle their drop the bullshit Come on in because I need your money. Oh, by the way, not everybody is going to get to see this. And during those two weeks, he learned how to shoot. Theyve had enough. We know who we are, we know in our gut what liberty is. Im Scott McKay. 1:53:54 Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. Okay, I see where were going with this. Im like, okay, I just kept walking, I was gonna go buy one. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. So when you had the radio show, what what was the what was the platform specifically? Hawks-Nest Studio-B . We work on water filtration systems, make grease traps, and do various inspections. its a real pleasure having you and Im absolutely ecstatic that we could get you at the last minute as really perfect, perfect timing setup for this. Youre nobody you wouldnt get an audience and well talk to you. This is a guy that shows up with a badge and hes going to use it. thats the harshest thing. That is then cascaded to information advocates represented in the NGO communities, the medical professionals, etc. But so the reason I think were going to hit a tipping point on this is because even the walking dead are starting to relax unless youre in California. 21:29 Thats what they all say and fork and fork and scumbags, its its generally. Well, Thomas Sols basic economics. So you can call the police. These scumbags work their way into government. Also, thank you for fixing the pipe leakages in my bathroom. 1:40:55 1:26:31 So as far as all of our listeners out there, we bring an array of topics to you things that we like to share with you about whats really going on out here in the world. One of the things I do is I am the founder and president of a nonprofit called the constitution Association. #VOHRADIO Exclusive With Apostle Michael Petro And Scott McKay At Clay Clark's The ReAwaken America Tour In Dallas, Texas. so be warned. Special Guest Brent Johnson, director of Freedom Bound International, a Common Law Service Center, dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence. So if you been on the show before, you know at revolution dot radio, you can always support this network. We, thanks to COVID were able to serve because it was almost impossible, because he federal suits you suppose those are in person, but because of COVID, they let you do it by certified mail. Its money. We know more than anybody else in the world, our history, even even though theyre trying to erase it. Get in contact with Scott at I first want you to hear a little bit about his background. These guys are forking liars. And thats every. Right. What else would there be? They drop that the governor dropped it. You want to talk about centralization. 1:35:27 1:31:34 And I mean, he was hes been a hero of mine since the 90s. Left Wing Loon Nina Jankowicz Launches Crowfunding Effort to Sue FOX News, Shocker: Poll Finds Most Americans Think Media is too Easy on Biden, is Becoming More Biased, Katie Hobbs Refusing to Execute Convicted Murderer Despite Decision of Arizona Supreme Court, PATHETIC: German Chancellor Meets with Joe Biden in White House Doesnt Have the Guts to Rip Biden for Blowing Up the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline to Germany, 71-Year-Old Man Shoots Back at Armed Robbers in Philly, Emptied His Gun During Shootout. There is no such thing as a former CIA officer, vaccine maker Johnson and Johnson, surprise, surprise the finance and biosecurity industries, and Edelman, the worlds leading corporate PR firm, why do you need a corporate PR firm? You better have a couple barrels with you because therell be brass casings all around me. Another guy said, well, you have to put a shield on I said, well, you have a shield for me goes, they sell them in the back. Lets say we brought our founding fathers out right now. And they all had same kind of hairdo, they always, you know, come to her back lot of more glasses. Are schizophrenics actually possessed by demons? So which created which? 50:59 Great job. Matrix Warriors. And we waited for about 20 minutes. And youre not going to be armed with data from a constitutional law expert, whos going to inform you of what the Constitution gives you in terms of protection and power. even make this shit up. They tried to force the asbestos lace paper mask on her she refused. This is why they call you shape and useless feeders. We cant achieve it. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. So Ill wait for the police. She had to kind of mask as a doctor, a research scientist, world renowned on a way to speak at a convention to 1000s of doctors about this very issue, wearing a mask. Theyre the people that are doing what theyre doing in Israel. See, thats the thing, folks. And I got some information from from some a group that Im, Im trusting and give me some intel, pointing to certain things that look, Scott, you have a massive audience which way more than I ever could imagine. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. And I said, I dont have to have one on I said, if you want to get a manager to talk to me, thats fine. So now youre going to bring the weaponry thats going to help us all understand of who really has the power here. We didnt practice. Like the Rockefeller Foundation has done for over 100 years? They created this outpost called Israel Bolshevik outpost because theyre in mafia, not the Israeli people, not the good people. So Im going to walk through something here, I just want to read this to you. They never closed their doors. And in fact, in vaccines, he recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies, when quote rumors were actually spreading, that theyre shoddily tested products, quote, are causing deaths. Coshocton, Ohio. 1:45:01 And we were talking about a mask on. Isnt the Creator, the one that should be in control period? The years that I was actually active in elected politics, working my way, I would say working my way through that the sludge, and climbing over the wreckage that it takes to get into a higher position of elected influence. Ive said this a number of times, look at a Republican National Convention, at least when you swing the camera out across the crowd. And hes written a number of books on constitution. Anyways, were going to jump into the information that you need. I havent had a single word sent to me at window. These people continue to morph. Were going to have. Oh, wait a second. So I started asking him questions. I wish everybody would wear one. I had some summer and all the I was at an all the I dont want to mask my wife does just because she doesnt want the hassle. This clown says Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations. 1:31:15 Exactly. What all the systems around the world that didnt have freedom? We know at this end does. 25 myths of the United States Constitution basically helps you unlearn the crap weve been taught. Heres your proof. Sure enough when I walk in, shes got two pairs of gloves on her hands, two masks and one of those welder shield looking things. If you have not watched that video from Friday, which I believe was the 18th or the 19th. Then we went by default. You know how many people Im gonna have the opportunity before they dropped it, Im gonna be able to settle with you. 1:30:56 Background Report. This is like a Comedy Hour fake news. They say well, you cant come in unless youre wearing a mask. In the beginning, they tried to give me a hard time now I just waved my way out the door. That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. And youre going to protect me what from you? Because I refuse to take my finger off the trigger of information coming out of a Gatling gun pointed right at the scumbags to try to overwhelm these people with enough truth that it recruits enough soldiers behind me to join the fight. If it wasnt for the immigrants coming in here, say especially the former Soviet satellite countries, Eastern Bloc countries, people I love these people, former, you know, Eastern Europe, these people are vicious patriots, youre like what in the hell is wrong with you people? I know which ones didnt close. 2.06.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Scott McKay and Steve Stern. Yes, we are going to make these available for purchase. So when it comes to the mask, I dont put down people dont wear a mask. For some of you Its gonna take a little bit longer for you to realize this and know exactly this is what these people do. You have to be coming unglued by what youre saying? Please, please do I want something for the police report. Douglas v. Gibbs comm slash books, Douglas v Gibbs comm slash books or you can just hit the books. 1:51:30 I dont think I dont think that they can overestimate us. They invert everything right down to the cross. Because thats the only way youre removing me. Donald W Mckay (age 78) is listed at 557 Cambridge Rd Coshocton, Oh 43812 and is affiliated with the Democratic Party. Yeah, you know why theyre frightened. Donald W Mckay. Brian Ruhe (603) 635-4946 . But if everybody says you know what, theyre right, we are free sovereign individuals. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. I walk 30 steps inside to the back ovens. 5:24 I talked about Judy, Mike ovitz and again, being assaulted by another one of these King shit cops that show up to enforce illegal edicts on the citizens that have been perpetuated by all these political scumbags that are working for the Cabal powers. They give out that award every four years. Asking quote? Its just a reality. But the states have ultimate power and control. Of course you do. do. I have my appointment they cant figure out why Im having the vertigo when I wear the mask, they do an MRI and they do a CAT scan those were also interesting opportunities for me to get into it with a stamp over not being able to mask as well. listening to these people, or to you around and tell you how you have to live your life. Were not gonna check her out. I do have a right to pursue it. We know its We know youre right. The top notch tools and professional grade products, parts, and materials we use, combined with our substantial experience in the business, guarantees the quality work and results you deserve. He says, Doug, the Constitution is the prize. And this guy came and got physical will talk to her this Friday. Because I realize that some of you folks dont know the things that I take for granted that I know. Maybe you dont. It must be true. 1:30:46 Yes. Now, lets get back to the constitutional part about this. 23:31 Weve talked about 201. We are available 24/7, so you can give us a call even for emergencies. I mean I think you probably saw in the movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson in the opening battle. So in other words, all these demands all these edicts, all these mandates by the governors are recommendations. love talking to immigrants. I dont care. And, and I and so I said, Yeah, I dont I guess I was supposed by shield. And there are some businesses saying they still require I dont give a shit who requires it. Scott Mackay, "Mackay in Morning", is a 40+ year radio-file with a remarkably successful career in several major markets including New York, Chicago, Denver and Boston. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? But nowadays, its a little bit different. You can get your patriot Street Fighter gear, Ive got my favorite shirt on tonight. Not going to happen. They have to control the message. Oh, no, we dont care about that here. Because theyre self serving. With this murderous faction, we now just learned that the president of Tanzania who publicly outed these tests, these PCP tests of which theyve made trillions of dollars, the same test that they now are saying, openly, the corporates that they dont work, that they have to revise their numbers dont that dont work. The second time on my way into the back of Costco. On siding were gonna talk about this tonight were going to talk about how this milk toast King shit rent a cop pussy Santa Barbara airport police officer physically assaulted Judy Mike ovitz, Dr. Mike, its the one that torched Anthony Fauci and outed him. If you would like to know more about what were doing with patriot Street Fighter, you can always go to the website, Scott Therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths attributed to COVID over the past 13 months. out there. In this case, do you think governments are at the point where they need to require social media companies to operate in a certain way? I dont know what you guys faith out there is but I believe in prayer, I believe prayer is at the top of the list. Thats the problem. So I cant wear him. 1:05:20 And guess what? I never regretted a mask. Gates co conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, which is responsible for the great reset. What makes you think youre not going to be cattle from chattel? Thank you for cleaning the drains in my kitchen and bathroom. A Journey Down The Rabbit Hole. And so patients are not taking them anymore. went to work on them. Coshocton, Ohio. I hope I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. Well, and people say well, Doug, what textbook to use for that? optimism is my force multiplier. And I its a weakness that I have. He worked play-by-play at countless youth sporting events over the years, he received the OHSAA Media Service Award for the East District 1998-1999, and in 2014 . SHOW MOREarrow_drop_down Host (s) Scott MacKay RIPR on Mobile Devices 4 years ago Awards 4 years ago Staff 23 years ago Providence Places Regulations On Electric Scooters 4 years ago TGIF: 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media 4 years ago But somebody that I know, was contacted to try to reach me. Im not talking about violence. So they hand me a shield. 5 pm: 6 pm: The Big Puzzle Barry Prince. Now and I dont blame a lot of these people because because theyre just theyre just doing what theyre told theyre young and they want to keep their job and I get it but nonetheless thats how ridiculous the I was just doing what I was told thing is going on when it comes to this. Quote, I think just to build a little bit on what Admiral said, I think as in previous conversations, where weve talked about a centralization around management information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach. This Khazarian Mafia, Rothschild Rockefeller global central bank and criminal empire. Over the last two weeks, this is prior to, by the way, this was published back in March, but March 12. And then in 2011, after building the show for four years and having quite an audience, I stepped down and guest hosted for Rick Amato, who was on Kcb cue down here in San Diego County. Catch up on local news events. All of you know what the facts are, in terms of the outbreak of this virus and the absolute tyrannical move thats been made on humanity. 3 million on a planet turned into an adrenochrome factory. Last couple days ago, he was Uber me over to the dealership to pick up my bike. I dont have a right to healthcare, I have a right to pursue it. Yep. And, you know, she said its a store policy at the mask on I said, Im just telling you, I put a mask on I got a National Medical, I got to deal with this all the time. The anti vaccine movement was very strong. You mean like the money laundering operation of the Red Cross? Now youre going to get the information of how they really are lying to you. Where are all these orders and protocols and policies coming from? I was standing across the street, I want you to come out of her house. These people operating under the color of law theyre carrying out fog orders bug iidx, which puts them in the crosshairs of both criminal and civil prosecution. We look forward to working for you soon. Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution. hard time on a job. View background report for Donald W Mckay from Coshocton, Oh. The danger is gone. Thats an interesting word panjin drums and that might sound like an Indian word actually, the exercise were wearing you know this many even though this exercise was referred to as event 201. course they lied about it, as they always do. Once I get there I go up to the glass, its a double glass plus the person has Plexiglas between the glass and then plus theyre wearing two masks. These avances role played members of the pandemic control council Wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. theyre easier to hurt as animals because thats all they become. But in truth, assessing the risk of making decisions for yourself, doesnt harm the system, because the system is designed to handle people who make their own decisions. If youre principled, youre not putting up with this. The benefits society, it benefits them always. And in fact, shes not even a citizen. And Im really kind of curious on how they do confine that that particular virus here in Texas keep it from going across the state line borders and infiltrating into other areas or the COVID Back are the COVID virus in other states doesnt come across the Texas border with all of us out here that are unprotected, and were still under the threat of death and the miniscule numbers that they do show, like a I dont know, point 1% point 8% death rate on on a nation or I mean on the planet for this disease worldwide. And the people that I always gravitate to, because I always respect I respect intelligence, I love to hang around. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. Next thing she knows shes having skin burning sensations, heart palpitations, all kinds of stuff happening to her said theyre using an energy weapon on her microwave weapon. It is the monetary system that either destroys it or upholds it, depending on which direction you take. what a great time to teach him. multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. I was with a guy from India. Every Saturday and the title of the show is well appropriate, appropriately enough. 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Youre gonna stand on your principles. You see how it is there? In other words, they cant say, Oh, well, the governor is going to have legislative power for a little while. tyranny only thrives when good people stand by and do nothing, do absolutely nothing. Wow, youre that vendor. One of the things that theyve perpetuated onto all of us is, of course, the COVID nightmare. Again, these are Satanists. But the participants primarily focused on planning, industry centric fearmongering police state strategies what do we see today police state strategies for manage managing an imaginary global Coronavirus contagion, culminating in mass censorship of social media. Michael Jay Anderson & Scott Bennett . 14:58 Sheer propaganda, sheer propaganda. This new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. All you got to do is think the language is right there. At the moment, were in jail there another YouTube strike. I said well, I the whole point is I cant wear one He says why tell you what now heres where those of you who have been paying attention are going to really hit the floor will let you in without a mask if you get vaccinated. The only optimism that I have now is it this bullshit is going to end its going to come down because these scum sucking parasites in the ruling political elite class. But they set a date that the 10th of March, people would not have to wear masks anymore. Of course, they dont want to decentralize the internet because they cant control you. And, you know, theres fears on some people, they said, Well, we know what the left is about, you know, they wouldnt hesitate to bring on the blue helmets or the Chinese soldiers. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the course to decide whether you have actually spread some fake news. Major cabal murder power. But were invested means they cant give it away. Theyve been attacking her with energy weapons for years. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with science, the scientific and health communities to to counter weight, if not flood the zone of accurate information. So well see that some of those proceeds come over there as well. Proudly powered by WordPress And you know what, if that window closes, guess what? This episode of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution Radio was livestreamed on Patriot Streetfighter 7 as it was being broadcast. Ill leave in a little while but let my wife finish shopping. Scott McKay was seen promoting the tour on his podcast and YouTube channel McKay rose to fame with his live stream post-election video which garnered about 345,000 views in 13 days. emp attack probability 2022; mende tribe food; eau claire memorial high school Thats kind of stupid. She didnt. So you know, and people assessed the danger and then made their own decisions on whether or not to be out on the streets. These are people that have true beliefs and principles. He does he live in Los Angeles around Encino? 1:08:56 civilly and criminally. And so now how do you arrest somebody for violating something that has no legal number? This this this this scumbag milk toast King shit police officer in Galveston, Texas comes in. Shes wearing a mask. We let them get away with it. 1:42:03 Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here. Ignorance is bliss. for a reason. Okay, thats fine, but you got to wear a mask to go to your appointment. Enjoy. Anyways, he warns about fake or on false information that is starting to actually hamper our ability to address a pandemic, then we need to be able to respond quickly to it. Then I come to five store executives that are discussing something which Ive never seen before, but somewhere back near the fruit, but the the the beef section. They were the Bolsheviks at one time, which they still are. Because this end happens to be the bottom end happens to be the mouthpiece end of a peace pipe. This is free speech platform that has launched the Patriot streetfighter revolution. Because they dont want government sitting there saying, well, were here to protect and guarantee your rights. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. somebody knows something and theyre not doing shit about it. 42. So also, youre going to assault me physically? Not being facetious here, folks. These people will just keep lying even though its on the internet. Theyre greedy, blood sucking, self interested traders, many of them say, well, its a little harsh. But guess what the final thing is there on the list be active, we got to make sure were very active.