Completely redesigned, fully tested. QTY. A HOOF governor was typically found on air compressor, welder or generator Jeep. Does it restrict power? you should not feel much resistance if any. To determine proper pulley size for the Hoof governor, use the following formula: If the Hoof Governor is driven from an auxiliary pulley other than the crankshaft pulley, determine the speed of the auxiliary pulley by this formula: With the Auxiliary pulley speed established, determine the proper Hoof governor pulley size with the first formula, substituting the auxiliary pulley speed for the engine speed. You must log in or register to reply here. The throttle lever H can now be moved only in one direction toward closed throttle. My Bobcat 642 uses a Hoof governor mdl BD 856 A. I'm in the process of replacing seals and bearings. We provide many options. In our Tech Tip #40, Governors on Industrial Engines: A Brief Overview, we discussed the three main styles of governors. Quantity. Website by FirstTracks. 1 Barrel Carburetor Governor, 2.8" Slotted Mounting, 1.69" Bore Dia. I am rebuilding a Hoof BD539A governor and need another salvage unit (does not need to be all there or even assembled) to help with the process and to determine repair processes. Do not tighten nuts tightly. Pierce Governor P/N: GC-338-ARD; Hoof Governor P/N: GD-899A; The governors are identical in mounting and carburetor linkage installation. MM200 w/Spoolmatic 1 Syncrowave 180SD We have this special section called Ask Dr. Diesel where you can pose questions about engines, transmissions, industrial hand clutches, exhaust scrubbers, etc. The governor throttle lever H is now in wide-open throttle position. That's about it and thanks for looking. MM200 w/Spoolmatic 1 Syncrowave 180SD Bobcat 225G Plus - LP/NG And that is the truth.everything, after 55 years just sitting in the sun. Aug 4, 2018. As a belt drive governor, it will replace obsolete gear drive governors or install on an industrial engine where there isnt a governor. FYI, where you moved to the sensitivity adjustment to will make the governor lazy and slow to respond. Please email our Dr. Diesel at or call him at 800.233.6539 with your thoughts. item 1 HOOF GOVERNOR PIERCE GOVERNOR GC979R5 UNIVERSAL GOVERNOR HOOF GOVERNOR PIERCE GOVERNOR GC979R5 UNIVERSAL GOVERNOR. You should adjust it toward the operating shaft until it just keeps from surging. An incorrect adjustment here can generate warranty claim comments like: Engine runs away or over-speeds when load is removed, Something else to watch for: This Hoof governor has limited travel to move the throttle rod and carburetor lever. POSITION THE AUXILIARY LEVER SO THAT IT BREAKS TOWARD CLOSED THROTTLE. As a general rule, governors on vintage tractors use a rotating mass that consists of a set of flywheel weights or cams with weights at the end. We have this special section called Ask Dr. Diesel where you can pose questions about engines, transmissions, industrial hand clutches, exhaust scrubbers, etc. You can also email, : Huge Industrial Engine Products Inventory, Governors on Industrial Engines: A Brief Overview, Foley Scrubbers Featured in Construction Equipment Guide, Award from WPT: Foley Engines Received Top Sales Award, Tech Tip #239: Twin Disc / WPT IBF314 Pilot Bearing Installation Made Easy, Tech Tip #238: Ford Industrial Clutches Made Easy. Now tighten mounting bolts to secure governor in this position. This Tech Tip, one of a series we publish for the engine industry, shows how to install this speed sensor. After a few hours of research it appears to be a velocity governor which according to several different websites "simply limit the maximum RPM an engine will run and so they act as a protective device for the engine.". When replacing a governor, it is important to use the correct governor for your application. Copyright 2023 Foley Industrial Engines, Inc. All Rights Reserved. LINKING PIERCE GOVERNOR TO ZENITH CARBURETOR: Loosen lock screw in governor throttle lever H. Position throttle lever H so that a rod connecting the throttle lever with the Zenith carburetor lever will meet the throttle lever at a 90 angle. #6. These are all important to avoid potentially serious injuries and health problems. In operation, the governor output (rocker) shaft has 15 of movement. Lincoln sold two governors under the same part number. Looks good! Operating at lower governor shaft speeds might result in sluggish governor action. Industrial engines parts and agricultural farm tractor parts, Supplying both Belt Driven and Velocity Type, Learn more about the company and what we can provide for you, For more information about Hoof Governors, click the image above, Its important to follow these instructions when replacing a governor. Mount correct pulley on the Hoof governor before installing governor on engine. If necessary, free up and align all linkages to remove any binding, and lubricate all friction points. Also pretty hard to get the core discount with them until I also ship cross border back to them. Power to build ties to engine users. I changed the belt on my 632 yesterday and spun the governor pulley and it didn't appear to have any resistance. Does anyone have a parts breakdown for the belt driven governor? Today they are used in everything from industrial generators, chippers, and airport tugs. The first step is to locate the mag pickup correctly over the flywheel ring gear which is inside the flywheel housing. We also have kits to retrofit an electronic governor to a Ford LSG875 engine in Onan generators running a failed Hoof/Pierce BD916 belt drive governor and governors for other engines such as the Ford LSG423 and the Ford LRG425. Hoof Governor Instructions 5. JavaScript is disabled. When reinstalling the governor, make sure the timing marks on the governor drive gear and camshaft gear are in register. LUBE OPTION: if it is necessary to rotate the body for lever access, you can remove the oil cup, insert 3.25 oz (100 cc) oil [NO MORE], and replace the oil cup with a 1/8-inch pipe plug, thus sealing the Pierce governor. Width: 8mm. 1 & 2. Relocation of flange is accomplished by removing body screws and turning flange on shaft per Fig. 119 W Rollingwood Dr. Pinehurst, TX 77362-3453. Their internally mechanisms are totally different. Daphne, AL 36526 B84 - Dark Oil In Pierce Governor, Steam Stationary Engines, Traction Engines. WHEN THIS FEATURE IS NEEDED, THE AUXILIARY LEVER ASSEMBLY (PICTURED) IS DESIGNED TO REPLACE THE THROTTLE LEVER THAT COMES WITH THE HOOF GOVERNOR. 2, HOOF S6008 Velocity Governor Holley 2 , V8 , International truck, maybe Industrial, governor, NOS. Founded in 2012, The Governor Shop is locally owned and operated in Western Canada. Willys were trendsetters. I can tell you the dist here will only sell a new compleat . . Springs in Zenith carburetor or throttle mechanism opposing governor action. Since then there have been significant changes in the industry. Bearing: Timken MM202K. They use the same diameter and style governor drive gear, except the hole size is different. If anyone is out there who has experience rebuilding these governors I welcome input. You may need to change pulley diameters, linkage arrangements or spring tension to make it hold your Y112 at 1,800 RPM under varying load. NOTE: The length of the Zenith carburetor lever (from center of shaft to center of hole) must be no more than 7/8-inch. LUBRICATION: Ref. The design enhancements include a simplified interval adjustment mechanism, an enhanced . Check direction of rotation on the Zenith carburetor lever to see that its travel is in the same direction. That means the linear travel available to move the throttle rod is only, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE AT FOLEY ENGINES WEEKDAYS FROM 9:00 AM UNTIL 4:30 PM, EASTERN TIME. Then, too, a smoothly operating governor ensures a smoothly running engine. REPLACEMENT HOOF GOVERNOR BD890A Brand New $995.00 tractorparts08 (7,230) 100% Buy It Now +$30.00 shipping Sponsored Hoof Governor GD451 2RE Continental & Military Standard Gasoline engine New Nos New - Open box $95.00 rad-sales (1,451) 100% or Best Offer +$14.05 shipping Sponsored HOOF GOVERNOR PD789 Brand New $790.00 tractorparts08 (7,230) 100% Im fairly certain Tesla copied this for their autopilot cars. The most common replacement is the GC979R5 universal governor that is an adjustable drop-in replacement for nearly all of the older governors. Place some tension on governor spring. By 2010, both companies had shut down, but most Hoof/Pierce products remain available through us. Next to the brakes, there are few things more important to your safety when operating your treasured old iron than the engine governor. We use a great deal of rope for odd jobs around the farm and at various community events. Only at the Governor Shop, we rebuild these actuators and offer exchange units. This forces the governor output lever to the wide open throttle position. We use all genuine Woodward, GAC, Motortech, HEINZMANN parts in all our governor repairs and rebuilds. Unnecessary product returns are costly to your company as well as to Foley Engines. View Full Size. A lower RPM Dremel tool allows greater control and is safer in the event that the horse moves. If youre not sure of your ability to overhaul or rebuild the governor as instructed in your repair manual, you might consider sending it out to one of the shops that specialize in governor restoration. In our Tech Tip #80, Governors on Industrial Engines: A Brief Overview, we discussed the three main styles of governors. Both Hoof Products and the Pierce Company are now no longer offering governors. Trademark Office. FOLEY HOOF PIERCE GOVERNOR INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS, Remove plug screw from speed change lever pad on opposite side of governor and install in tapped hole from which shoulder stud, Install speed change lever and spring lever assembly on opposite side of governor, securing with set screw, It is possible to locate the throttle lever, Place tension on governor spring with screw. HOLLEY R6594 MODEL 1920 CARBURETOR $ 325. Your Price: $21.00 312659 Years:1958-64 Pin (Front Axle) . And I asked the same questions! Power to build ties to engine users. 2-3 minor surges before stabilizing should be considered the most to be acceptable.,, Multi-Cylinder Stationary Engines and Power Units, 30SK Spec A Ser. There was a conversion kit to change it to Impco but the Hoof governor company went bankrupt and no one has produced the S100 governor that is needed to do the conversion to Impco. Check oil weekly. Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday 8 A.M. 6 P.M.Saturday 8 A.M.- 2 P.M. After-Business Hours by Appointment (Emergency Services Available), Pierce Governor Rebuild Kit With New Upper Arm Uniquely efficient. "A Community of Antique Engine Enthusiasts." But I do know most of my truck's history. Hand, eye and ear protection. Tighten lock screw on governor lever. 8. Our experience started with Alberta Governor Service Inc. over 20 years ago. This Hoof governor is calibrated to operate at speeds of 1600 to 2800 RPM. The good news is, I finally got the rebuilding done on the little Carter WO that belongs there. BUMPER SCREW: The bumper screw F is ONLY used to remove a no -load surge. But properly set up it will work nicely. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright - Gilmore Global Instruments - Designed by. Cut a piece of 1/4-inch rod 1 5/8 inch shorter than the distance between the holes in the governor lever and the Zenith carburetor lever. hoof governor pierce gc1960 83 ford industrial straight ??? WARNING: IN NORMAL HOOF GOVERNOR OPERATING MODE, THE OVERRIDE LINKAGE MUST NOT IMPEDE MOVEMENT OF THE GOVERNOR-TO-THROTTLE LINKAGE IN ANY WAY, OR GOVERNOR OPERATION WILL BE ERRATIC AND UNACCEPTABLE. Attach the linkage securely, remove the governor spring tension, move the linkage by hand, and be sure it moves freely through the full travel of the carburetor lever WITHOUT RESISTANCE. No other engine components can touch this connecting linkage wiring, hoses, etc. Mechanical governors have been used for many years in a variety of engines. You can also email Dr. Diesel directly at with your questions. Some will run at different speeds - the Variable Speed type. My only thought would be that it could have been some sort of manual throttle control? CATERPILLAR 3500 3161 Governor Fresh Rebuild Woodward 3161 Governor . Gilmore Global Instruments has specialized in the distribution and manufacture of gauges and related accessories since 1950. View as: Grid | List (1 to 4 of 4) Prev | Next Display: Welder Parts Warehouse. Would be willing to buy and pay for shipping. Still searching for seals and bushings. Get up and running quickly, don't wait to get your governor rebuilt. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Screw in the magnetic pick up and leave an air gap between .04 and .12 and you are done. Maintain oil level in the governor as specified in the installation and adjustment instructions. This Hoof governor is manually lubricated. Pulley: Grainger PN# 3X909m (will need to drill to 15mm ~ 19/32"). Finally, tune the speed adjustment as necessary to limit the engine speed to the rpm rating specified in your service manual. Using a center punch, mark a hole in the flywheel or bell housing directly above the ring gear. Remanufactured & Supplied with both mounting gaskets. TYPICAL INSTALLATION: Note: Before adjustment, step 1, remove bumper screw F, re-insert 3 or 4 turns into the governor body, & secure with locknut. Before attempting any disassembly or governor adjustments, inspect all linkages and link rods for free movement and the absence of any bends or binding. Pickup; Willys Year: 1948; Dec 29, 2018 #9 Vintage Don said: Website by FirstTracks. In the case of governors that use flyballs, check the balls to make sure they dont have any flat spots, pits, or damage. It is designed to be installed on industrial engines such as Continental, Hercules, Allis-Chalmers, Perkins, GM, Ford Industrial, and others. The Hoof came on Jeeps equipped with welders, generators and air compressors because they required a very specific rpm range to run the accessory. Re: Hoof governor adjustment. Tighten spring with screw E or with manual control attached to speed change lever B to desired no-load speed. Re: Hoof BD539A salvage Governor needed. And it's also a 1948 truck. This Pierce governor will accurately control the speeds of your engine to obtain the most satisfactory performance from your equipment. We hope that you will find this Tech Tip helpful. Comes with front housing bearing; shaft bearings and retaining clips; thrust bearing with thrust washer; upper and lower springs; seal and mounting gasket; and new upper breakover arm. Hoof. Draw tension on belt by moving governor on bracket until belt can be depressed approximately inch when pressing between pulleys.