Boohoo. 911? "First responders" L.O.L. TSA never figured it out, who screens TSA agents? I have. xref Secondly, its rather disturbing that TSA agents have very little oversight in regards to entering secure areas with bags, purses, etc. Drug interdiction isn't TSA's job and they know it. They are not the DEA and yet they end up finding ridiculous amounts of drugs usually because some idiot left a water bottle in the bag. A lot of money from pilot dues was spent by the Air Line Pilots Association to help get the Known Crew Member program going. Then you have to listen to passengers complain and ask why your late. Crew members should: participate in their national vaccination programmes recognising that vaccination offers personal protection from infection and can assist in recovery of global connectivity; monitor themselves for fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, loss of taste, or other symptoms of COVID-19 according to . Upon returning to work, it is recommended that the crewmember contact their airline management or crew records department to see if your KCM file has been reactivated. And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The And TSA doesn't enforce mask mandates anymore, and when they did it was because they had to follow the directive of The federal government. Crewmembers are permitted to bring personal property through the KCM access points as long as that property is not on theTSAs. Your anger and frustration brings me joy. Have a little fun with this!!! We shouldn't put anything pass anybody. Goood good. The use of the KCM program is a privilege and not a right. Crewmembers who do not have a KCM barcode card, have a worn/unreadable barcode card, or have not completed the registration process will be referred to the passenger screening checkpoint for entry into the airport sterile area. TSA has implemented a standardized response from the agency for KCM suspensions and removals rather than relying on agency field operations to implement such measures. So, like with just about everything else good, a few ruin it for the majority. Are you absolutely certain youd like to demean the ONLY people trained (and willing) on an aircraft at 40,000 ft. to do WHATEVER is necessary to save your sorry butt? There is no rolling back what the TSA currently does - like it or not. Fine tuning of the program are very much in need but not just to our end, theirs (Government Screeners) too. The crew may have to deal with several emergencies such as cabin fires or first aid situations. TSA really should be abolished. I thought you were a former twitter employee, not an airline pilot. That volume won't come back to the regular checkpoints. Every actual crew member reading this comment section knows you made that up. Now you whong be able to smuggle drugs while doing it. Once you arrive at the boarding gate and your pass has not been properly marked by the TSA, you will be sent back to the passenger screening checkpoint for proper screening. %PDF-1.4 % Known Crewmember- It's a Privilege, Not a Right! The second most common hard skill for a mcdonalds crew member is food orders appearing on 29.2% of resumes. If you continue to feel that operational procedures are not being followed correctly, follow the instructions given by the LTSO/STSO and contact to your airline management, for assistance in clarifying the issue. Thanks to the A-holes that ruined this for all of us. I don't really care if literally the whole crew, all my fellow passengers, and TSA are all smuggling drugs on every flight so long as I get where I'm headed. I'm sorry but I simply do not want to allow anyone to be able to conduct any illegal activity via aviation; the drug crisis in the US is horrific and anyone that wants to protect their personal privileges to allow someone else to profit and kill others should simply not have those privileges. I do agree that some Flight Attendants have ruined it a lot by doing wrong but if they cancel the program and don't provide an alternative you'll see the number of Flight Attendants dropping drastically because none of us would go stand for 3-4 hours in TSA and then at the gate without getting paid. Flight attendants have 2 months of training. I'm a TSA officer and I'm glad KCM is ending. Just give us a dedicated crew only lane. They set their feelings aside and DO the right thing when the chips are down! This is just going to exacerbate the problem of long lines and lack of precheck in multiple terminals, You can even point to this as a reason for the insane crowding at lounges were seeing. Provisions for Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew (Subsection 2.3) Dangerous goods must not be carried in or as passengers or crew, checked or carry-on baggage, except as otherwise 2 provided below. My grammar is literally better than yours so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. darts. Known Crewmember has been a wonderful privilege. Your password can't be a commonly used password. You walk on your own to TSA Pre and wait in line with everyone else. Imagine having to wait in a security up to 3 hours when you already have to show up 1-2 hours beforehand. Im a 37-year flight attendant with bachelors and masters degrees. On the other, my spouse is a F/A for Southwest. Known Crewmember has been a wonderful privilege. "A half a block" really? 82 0 obj <>stream Besides should you be focusing your energy on more important things like fighting the company to allow male FAs to wear blouses and heels! Most crew have known for YEARS NOW that the TSA has done a piss-poor job of screening. It is unfortunate that in 2023, the program may no longer exist for some. I wish I could taste the tears of your unfathomable sadness. I highly doubt it but they wont release the exact numbers they give vague statements so they can grab more power. Blame is on BOTH sides of the door. As a result of having the FAA certificate, they are allowed to use the KCM lines. Where did you read that? Also keep in mind that when returning to active status there will be a delay in updating your status to active which may result in your inability to use KCM access. The first step should be eliminating flight attendants from any expedited screening program. I love my job and certainly contribute more than just having a pulse. Hair curlers containing hydrocarbon gas, up to one (1) per passenger or crew member, provided that the safety cover is securely fitted over the heating element. If you are an Employee or an Administrator (DER) please enter the information below to have a password reset emailed to you. 2023 KNOWN CREWMEMBER. They should absolutely profile crew members for randoms but right now they are sending crews through regular lines 50% of the time. Why is all the blame put on flight attendants? Considering 90% of guns are not even found when the TSA is tested by other government agencies, I'm curious how they even manage to find guns or drugs on crewmembers. SIDA badge holder to carry it into the sterile area then give to the FA for delivery - many SIDA badge holders make less than FAs with easy entry into a position as long as they have a clean-ish background. If the average traveller's time is worth $30 per hour, then an extra 20 minute delay costs $10. That's because you unhinged exmilitary guys are a threat. The TSAs job is not to look for drugs or identify other illegal activity. There are a number of products which have entry or exit limitations in Spain from outside the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. How are these idiots not dumping it when tagged for random anyway?? PDF Message from the Interagency Security - CISA Like other airline workers dont use a SIDA badge and go through another entrance. And how might a TSA random screening have prevented the German wings incident? <]>> Nevertheless, we know it takes man power and probably effects First, crew members appreciate having a KCM check point. There is a dedicated crew line in every country and some countries have a system very similar to kcm where crew members are chosen randomly to be screened. lost an engine, no hydraulics, a decompression, or worse) onboard your next flight and YOU need the assistance of a Flight Attendant to save your life or that of a loved one! Protective Security Officer (PSO)is a member of a protective security force and an element of a security post who has the training, equipment . KCM should be 100% allowed for pilots there is a MASSIVE difference in career terms and pay between pilots and FAs. And while I'm in line to be scanned throughout the KCM door, they just walk in without ID check. Too much education, and not enough accountability. There have been reports of pilots caught with weapons when they get randomed. Q: Are temporary government issued photo IDs allowed? On October 21, 1520 Magellan finally entered the strait that he had been seeking and that came to bear his name. I witnessed a pilot trying to bring his teenage son through KCM and getting irate because he was told he couldnt. Because flight attendants would bring something to harm their day at work? Pilots are not, and haven't been the problem. How insulting! We have to submit to a background check to even have KCM.. its a shame a few bad incidents have to ruin this privilege,so tired of the public thinking we are provided with so many nice benefits we arent. 15 Mcdonalds Crew Member Skills For Your Resume - Zippia Flight attendants are consistently being found to bring prohibited items (including drugs, even though that's not what TSA is looking for) through KCM. There is no reason to trust flight attendants any more than any other trusted group, like police officers, travelers with security clearances, doctors or priests. Airlines - KNOWN CREWMEMBER The screenshot is going around. So TSA will have to expand 5% to maintain current levels of delays and missed flights. You walk on your own to TSA Pre and wait in line with everyone else. believe it or not your not nearly as important as you would like to think you are. The Known Crewmember (KCM) program is a joint initiative between Airlines for America (A4A) and the Air Line Pilots Association, Int'l (ALPA).KCM ties airline employee databases together in a seamless way and enables Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of To view KCM security checkpoint lanes at DFW, please visit the Known Crewmember website. Without them, you're just an individual sitting in the gate area, getting angrier because your flight is delayed because the flight attendants are stuck in security? @ Alan -- I mean, I think the people who are actually caught with serious things (like kilos of cocaine) are facing worse punishment than just being banned from KCM Full disclosure- Im a flight attendant, and its frustrating to lose this privilege because of crew members who dont follow the rules. Contact Are you mad that they didn't let them go? I'm a flight attendant with 34 years seniority. But now theyre gonna stop flight attendants from trafficking in fentanyl. I think the KCM program is complete bullshit. You, Mr "peepee" sound as though you already have a preconceived notion about flight attendants and are lumping us all together. TSOs are responsible for screening passengers and their carry- Only authorized crewmembers approved by the KCM system may enter the airport sterile area through a KCM access point. The first step should be eliminating flight attendants from any expedited screening program. I need to hurry up to get to the plane all while not getting paid for it until that boarding door closes. For those who say "well, they're flying the plane ." that didn't end well for the pax and rest of crew of the German flight whose pilot crashed it into a mountain after locking out his copilot, or probably MH360. According to Aero Crew News, in 2023 the Known Crewmember Program (KCM) will be replaced by a new program branded as Expedited Crew Access (ECA). One who will force change for the better. 0000003889 00000 n Most of these tsa agents are regular people, lower paid, not highly educated. The program is not ending. Who is to say they can't hand off drugs or weapons. Q:How is the KCM barcode card used? And I get to the plane faster. Cabin Readiness Safety & Compliance Reminder! As a Flight Attendant I support keeping it for the pilots. I highly doubt it but they wont release the exact numbers they give vague statements so they can grab more power. Uh huh. Q:I have a SSSS on my boarding pass or seat request card, what do I do? Life rafts are located on Deck 7 . H\Pn >t7i4)v} 'CZ rf ,s6^`D\5u`NzVq"p?E __C] - you would really have more "professionals" and those are less likely to abuse the system. In some instances, generally involving prohibited items, the TSA is authorized by federal regulation to use a streamlined procedure and no LOI will be issued. Civil Enforcement | Transportation Security Administration Interesting SMR? Additionally, authorized crewmembers must not be on a leave of absence greater than 30 days, including furloughs and military duty. Thats fine. I think that the best solution is to permanently revoke the KCM privilege from the offenders. Then you have to listen to Its not entitlement. Also when is the last time you saw a TSA agent screened when going through a checkpoint . U idiot clearly dont do this for a living.. IATA - FAQs- Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air I could list 100 - 200 more issues that are problematic with this system but I am truly hoping you'll get the point of why I think our screening system is broken. We will just have more delayed flights. H\Ak0:bf0mBmM85ld8.!gv?d}R{>Eee Please remember you said this when YOU have a medical emergency or a general emergency (ie. They are "consensual" in name only, and that bending of the usual prohibition of unwarranted search is justified only because their primary purpose is to stop terrorists from taking weapons onto planes. If you disagree, go get your Airline Pilot Certificate and 1500 hours of flight time and compare that with the job requirements to become a flight attendant, and then tell me who is more likely to risk their career at a KCM checkpoint. First as the article stated, pilots fly the airplane so and second, at most major airports ground personnel do not have to clear security at all, ever! The vast majority of flight attendants are dedicated professionals, but unfortunately there have been too many examples in the news of flight attendants trying to smuggle drugs through KCM. The current system is broken beyond repair at the moment. Flight attendants are first responders..they are highly trained professionals.even if some refuse to acknowledge it. NATA worked in close partnership with Airlines for America (A4A), the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), the TSA and NATA Compliance Services to bring this valuable program to our industry. Thank you. It's not rocket science. Legally, TSA searches are on thin ice with respect to the 4th Amendment. When it was in this form, there were virtually no problems. TSA might not be perfect but I would rather have them then not. I promise you that! In your feeble mind, do you really think the TSA guy sitting there makes the rules? xb```b``AX,n_8ya*d0)ZJR 2 70H@ However, off-duty crews should ALWAYS have to proceed thru the TSA security checkpoints like regular passengers. I am a U.S. airline pilot, and while disappointing, this development was not unexpected. The neck tattoo guy isn't. Q. For all these keyboard cowboys, do you actually know how to Google? Thanks for what you do. So, according to you, FAs need to go through security because of prohibited items and drugs. Instead it should focus on how TSA has become more relaxed and lazy at doing their jobs and are short staffed and dont have officers to man the KCM station so everytime someone gets randomed they are throwing a pissy fit about having to walk over. Surely if it truly were that long Donna (Karen) you absolutely would have taken a photo. Life boats are located on Deck 8. The folks that said lets punish those that break the rules are the only ones that have common sense. vI9F Xm0c(`8v{i?_)D]`5Qm5fd``6h~"p /% What exactly are the numbers of people who are trying to sneak in illegal things through kcm? To my knowledge its not that many. Also, many large airports have crew and employee security checkpoints that are currently in the secure area that are accessible by employee shuttle buses. 1) Its pretty insulting to trash the time & money spent. The way I type indicates that I'm a bum and have a busted vehicle? And several times I have seen PILOTS attempting to bring their family members through KCM and then throw a hissy fit when theyre told no. Ive definitely noticed an increase in random screenings over the last several months. There is no rolling back what the TSA currently does - like it or not. And not using the KCM line. Make an example of someone make it public and I bet people will reconsider their behavior. A: The Known Crewmember Program KCM is a risk-based system that enables TSA security officers to positively verify the identity and employment status of authorized crewmembers. The smuggling will just end up moving to the SIDA badge holders. A KCM denial could result from a database error that is nonspecific to you, or it might involve a miscommunication with your air carrier. No more shoes or belts to remove. Please remember you said this when YOU have a medical emergency or a general emergency (ie. 11/21/22 Notice to KCM Participating Airlines, 6/29/22 Notice to KCM Participating Airlines, 3/1/22 Notice to KCM Participating Crewmembers, 6/23/20 Notice to KCM Participating Crewmembers. HAAAA!!! Instead theres a special lane they can go through, where they have to scan their badge, and then they can pass right through the checkpoint, without being screened. Questions or feedback by flight crew should be directed to your respective airline. Then go deal with management messaging and calling asking why your late to the gate because you got a random search and your flight is 3 terminals away. I would propose that any crew member intentionally engaging in this activity, once caught and verified, be terminated immediately and banned from any job in transport, prosecuted and given an exhorbitant fine, say $100,000. To the direct and accurate comment that newly minted Flight Attendants who don't have much of a career to lose and much to gain from smuggling..I say if the resources are low then allow KCM for pilots only. If the investigation results in regulatory findings, including a Warning Notice, loss of KCM privileges will continue for the period of time that TSA has determined is necessary. While you have no idea what its like going through security as many times as we do with our heavy bag, etc, as many times as we do, it is actually quite frustrating to walk up to kcm and be randomed 2/3 of the time. If you combine all the flight attendants and look at the numbers is it even close to 1% of crew members doing this? Your flight will be delayed while we get screened.