I have been unable to trace several of his siblings and now wonder if it might be because others did not take that name. 782 Lists of Slave owners with names of slaves Tamme, 766 Tom, 766 West, 766 Will, 766 Barker, Nathaniel Harry, 591, 700, 746, 767 Barkley, Barbary Grace, 651 Trinidad and Tobago. Our headquarters are located at: 89 South Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02111. Got.the name.Auber.. Hi Roxana, Q. 41. After the war ended and slavery was abolished, they exercised their freedom by changing their names. Explore the most common surnames in England. LOTTIE had been the name of the nurse before me and so they just continued that same name. In Greek mythology, Athena is the name of the daughter of Zeus who was the goddess of wisdom, warfare, handicrafts, mathematics, and courage, among others. Ones occupation also set the naming method, such as Sheperd, Cooper, or Smith. I did not even check the 1850 slave schedule. 6. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I am an engineer by day, but my true passion lies in genealogy. A. I was first called by that name in the family of Col. Morrow in whose service I was in Louisville, Ky., just after the war. 18. Use the form below to get in touch with me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. In another case Sukey Ann and he 4 children were manumitted by their Ashby owner with only their first names. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration The poster on each page *provides the link to the handout* for that lecture, so be sure to copy it. Each is present in your body. There has been much debate among scholars, historians and genealogists whether enslaved African Americans used the surnames of their last owners, previous owners, or a surname that had no connection to slavery. Cook Cook has an Old English origin, and it means 'one who cooks' or 'one who sold cooked meat'. And my goodness, how kind of you to suggest a TED talk, maybe one of these days;) Genealogys pull is what initially pulled me into studying slavery, and also introduced me to the new understanding that historians are uncovering. Where did you get the maiden name of Smith from? Thank you. Mary Deborah Petite, "1836 Facts about the Alamo and the Texas War for Independence". African Americans tended to use surnames associated with their own families instead of the last slave owner. Start your year off with tips and strategies that can help you in the new year & beyond. Bradley was the last man owned em. I love that your example shows two brothers, who came to different conclusions about their surnames. . I worked for him as nurse for his children, and my full and correct name was OCTAVIA, but the family could not catch on to that long name and called me LOTTIE for short. . I belonged to him until emancipation. Letter to James Edward Calhoun, August 27, 1831. 2. . Besides the Morrows, whom else did you live with in Louisville? Robyn. It was after emancipation on that I went back to work for Col. Morrow and where I got the name Lottie, as already explained. He was a slave owner and, in 1800 as Chief Justice of New Brunswick, he supported slavery in defiance of British practice at the time. According to the latest search data available, Italian last names and their meanings are searched for nearly, 40,500 times per month. George Duncan Ludlow (1734-1808), colonial lawyer. When I was born my mother was known as Phillis Smith and I took the name of Smith too. The, For descendants, I would add the substantial emotional impact of seeing an ancestor's name attached to a dollar value, or being valued in a list with silverware and cattle. My full name is Dick Lewis Barnett. John C. Inscoe, "Carolina Slave Names: An Index to Acculturation," Journal of Southern History 59 (November 1983). The Language of Names. Well, I got to thinking about all us slaves that was going to take the name Fitzpatrick. Extensive records of slaveholding over several generations exist for a number of North Carolina plantations, most notably the Skinner and Hayes plantations in Chowan County; Pettigrew plantations in Tyrrell, Washington, and Wake Counties; Bennehan-Cameron plantation in Orange County; Hargrove plantation in Granville County; Arrington plantations in Nash and Edgecombe Counties; Avery plantation in Burke County; and Lenoir plantation in Caldwell County. I am a farmer. My mother's name was Octavia Smith and it was from her that I got it but where the name came from to her I never knew. It prohibited. Through a video-based activity, students explore how Radical Reconstruction changed the nature of voting rights and democracy in the South. Slaveholders often renamed newly acquired slaves; but self-naming by slaves, which also occurred, is likely to be underreported in the records, which were mainly created by and for slaveholders. My maiden surname is Williams. Abara: Originating from the Igbo group of West Africa, Abara means 'spirit'. Thanks for all you to do keeps us all so enlightened! slave rebellions, in the history of the Americas, periodic acts of violent resistance by Black slaves during nearly three centuries of chattel slavery. Also included here are common names among slaves, many of which were classical and had ties to the Bible or mythology, such as Keziah and Venus. Injurious Names: Naming, Disavowal, and Recuperation in Contexts of Slavery and Emancipation. In The Anthropology of Names and Naming. Students examine how freed people in the United States sought to define freedom after Emancipation. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I liked the name better than Octavia, and so I took it with me to Danville, and was never called anything else there than that name. I made up my mind I'd find me a different one. Dear Robyn, 77th U.S. Col Inf and Co. D. U.S. Col H Art under the name Lewis Smith which was the name I wore before the days of slavery were over. Enslaved women were raped, creating children with white fathers who in most cases did not claim them and even sold them away. Rank. Edited by Gabriele vom Bruck and Barbara Bodenhorn, 178199. . In the context of The Bahamas, the surname appears to originate with Denys Rolle, an American Loyalist who re-settled on Exuma, one of the so-called Out Islands of The Bahamas, sometime in the mid-1780s. I hope youll sign up to receive my postsif you do, youll get a free PDF with some of my favorite tips! Kaplan, Justin, and Anne Bernays. My maternal grandmother was an Auber. This may reveal your family used the surname of the slave owners wifes family. Students consider how US history books, films, and other works of popular culture have misrepresented the history of the Reconstruction era. Students learn about President Andrew Johnson and the Congressional Republican's conflicting visions of how to rebuild the nation after the Civil War. On another branch, members of the Griffin family from around Campbell County VA all stuck together and are believed to have kept family bonds & name of their father after Emancipation. The different spellings are due to the non-consistent spelling rules in Norway in the 1700s and 1800s. While enslaved almost all had just one Christian name. These require Microsoft Word and a Windows platform. He identified father, mother and siblings in a Freedmans bank deposit in 1873, when he was already in New York City. I was bornthe child of Phillis Houston, slave of Sol Smith. "The past is not dead. I am searching for information about a woman named Eliza Ellis, from Versailles KY or that area. Baptiste Meaning: derived from the name Bautista; the Spanish form of Baptist Origin: Spanish 3. They ran away, fought back, feigned illness, destroyed tools, and clung to their families. 42. Mining the Census: Are You Finding Every Clue? I love how you have documented the history of your own surname. The Missouri Compromisealso referred to as the Compromise of 1820was an agreement between the pro- and anti-slavery factions regulating slavery in the western territories. She was the great patroness-goddess of the city of Athens. Ho Joanne, Peneus saved Daphne from Apollos romantic obsessions by transforming her into a laurel tree. Plus, Jonah comes with a ready-made nursery-decorating motif. Edited by Gabriele vom Bruck and Barbara Bodenhorn, 178-199. It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl. Login Forgot . I hope this post also helps us to think about how the surnames former slaves had were connected to their experiences in slavery. Wheatley was traded into slavery at the age of 7 or 8 and imported to North America. As a newspaper that publishes in the spirit of the Black Press, the Black Voice News has given voice to the voiceless and shined a light on systemic inequities and disparities since 1972. I am researching the surname Culbert worldwide, and the data can be found at: culbert.one-name.net There are a growing number of African Americans with this surname, which I believe originates in Scotland. Who called you by that name and where was it done? This event is $20. Thank you for commenting, and continued luck to you in your research. They identified 21 distinctly Black male names, among them biblical classics such as Abraham and Moses, and word names including Freeman and Prince. Genealogy becomes so much more than just names and dates, it really feels like a true passion indeed. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. Q. ", "Families are like fudge; mostly sweet with a few nuts. I belonged to him until emancipation. This was the case with several others from Wessyngton. All children of a female slave were automatically slaves, considered as belonging to the owner of the mother. Sabe, Anque, Bumbo, Jobah, Quamana, Taynay, and Yearie) used in the Slave quarters. Chapter 4 gives a brief and introductory outline of naming in the United States during slavery and its consequences in African American culture. Most Popular Names. By examining periods of violence during the Reconstruction era, students learn about the potential backlash to political and social change. Although it is not widely known, some African Americans used surnames before they were emancipated. Manifests - Alphabetical by Slave Names Return to Slave Manifests main page Click on each Slave name to view information on that voyage. There are also a few problems with the original dataset in name transcription such that a small number of first names were transposed with last names. It means 'raven'. I am the identical person who was named called and known as Dick Lewis Smith before the Civil War and during the Civil War and until I returned home after my military service . Thanks for your comment, Recently, I was looking for more information on Wesley Thompson, who was born about 1835 and who was living in Morgan County, Alabama with his wife, Nellie, and five children in 1880. Fortunately, the French and Latin were excellent record keepers and the Catholics were obsessed with knowing the kinship of everyone. Many of the graves are unmarked or the markers have been damaged, but many descendents still live around here, so we hope to identify as many of the possible graves as we can. Questions about slave naming intersect with some of the major debates in slavery studies (especially regarding Creolization and the formation of Atlantic Creoles) and can illuminate issues about the ethnicity of African slaves, the personhood and agency of those enslaved, the nature of kinship structures among the enslaved, and the survival of African cultural practices in the diaspora. My father would be 105 if he were alive. common last names in the 1800s Patronymic surnames such as Jansen/Janssen, Hansen, and Petersen are the most common names in the far north (Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein). 2019 (cited under the Anglophone Caribbean) includes a good general introduction to slave naming. Hi Rodney, Or, the Slaves were given numbers or classical Greek names. Where did you get the maiden name of Smith from? Harris: A patronymic meaning son of Harry. Email:genealogy@slcl.org In 1800, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman were able to escape their terrible life of enslavement and were able to help other slaves trapped in a world of forced labour and grant them freedom once again due to the Underground Railroads that helped him, his partner Anna Murray Douglas and many other fugitives sneak away from the horrible The difficulties include using records that provide no surnames, the constant sale and breakup of families, and the lack of identification of fathers. I also see that in 1900 she is listed as widow with 1 child living, so you may have luck trying to find out who her child was. Remember me. Eugene D. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made (1974). This causes many researchers to wrongly conclude that enslaved people did not have surnames until after emancipation, which was not the case. In fact, the previous enslaver widow sold most of the slaves. Other common surnames included Jones, Matthews, Sinclair, and Bennett, Price, and Gray.. Private names used in the quarters included Abah, Bilah, Comba, Dibb, Juba, Kauchee, Mima, and Sena. Oxford Bibliographies Online is available by subscription and perpetual access to institutions. Others were more promiscuous. State of residence is Missouri unless otherwise noted. 2023 The Voice of the Black Community in California. . The given name Athena was derived from the city name Athens, which is of uncertain origins. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on My fathers name was Gilbert Jackson, and after I was set free I took the name of my father, and have been known by the name Smith Jackson. Beginning in the early nineteenth century, more biblical names were given to enslavedchildren, a reflection of the widespread attempts to Christianize enslaved communities.