Otherwise, you will be logged out automatically. Your value normally will be available by the first day of the benefit month, but you have to tag your card to a card reader to pick up the value and update your card balance. Learn More about the future of clipper (external link) CLIPPER CUSTOMER SUPPORT. There's no need to open an app. Please have your vaccination card or a photo of it ready in the event you are asked to show it. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, as a public agency responsible for Clipper, is committed to operating its programs and services in accordance with federal, state and local civil rights laws and regulations. Please learn more about traveling with pets. Privacy Policy. YES! Focusing on the Pacific Northwest, we've curated the best hotels and tours to help you explore the region we call home. Final boarding is 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time. SAVE on your Victoria Clipper ferry ride when booking a Seattle to Victoria overnight hotel package! Credit card charges are processed immediately. If you don't have a pass on your card, it will deduct the discounted fare from the cash value on your card and apply any appropriate transfer discount. At the Oakland International Airport, just a short walk from either terminal is the BART Oakland Airport station, where you board the BART to OAK train to go to the BART Coliseum station; once at Coliseum station, you can buy a card, load cash value and tag your card to exit BART to OAK and transfer to another train to reach other stations in the BART system. Thats why we say to allow a few extra days if you are picking up your value on a bus. What if my Auto-Reload payment fails or the card reader says "BLOCKED BAD DEBT"? Key Clipper information translated to Spanish. Monthly passes are for a specific calendar month and must be loaded to your card before the pass expiration date. Pre-boarding is available on most departures if you need a little more time to settle in, such as familiestraveling with childrenages 5 and under and those with difficulty walking. My wife tried to the use the card lately since ac just started charging but they told her it didnt no have enough. Please note that the voucher is not valid for seeing a specific whale species and is also not valid for a cash back exchange. What is the difference between a limited-use ticket and a Clipper card? Log in to your account to add a Backup Payment method. A: You made me laugh, thanks! You can obtain parking validation tickets from one of our agents in our Seattle or Victoria terminals or onboard the vessel. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. To add value to your Clipper card, open your mobile wallet on your phone. Clipper card says still in progress . Our vessel also features one wheelchair accessible bathroom onboard. He started his journalism career as a sports editor in Iowa in 1975. The garage offers parking forONLY $10 per calendar day! Please note that The Hub is permanently closed. Be sure to review the paper ticket fare chart at the station. Many transit agencies offer some type of 31-day pass for your convenience. Clipper says it does not take funds away, even if the card goes unused for years. Routes available between Seattle and Victoria. For limited time, riders can get a new Clipper card on their phones for free (normally $3). 1 Reply kororon 3 yr. ago Does your wallet have a money clip with a magnet? Clipper A Clipper card makes it easy and affordable to ride VTA with free two-hour transfers. You are required to pass through U.S. Immigration/Passport Control before boarding any departure from Victoria. Once onboard the vessel, an announcement will be made to retrieve parking validations at the galley. The exception is BART HVD, which will be available the following day. I called Clipper customer service and all I was able to find out after they located my supposed card via an old address (I wasn't great about updating my address and I've moved quite a bit) and my partner's clipper card is at the same address. Choose an Option to Begin Planning Your Trip. Bicycles are charged a handling fee each way between Seattle and Victoria, BC and will be paid for at the ticket counter on your day of travel. If you hear two beeps, your value is low. Proof of eligibility is required for discountClipper cards and tickets and therefore are not available at station vending machines. Riders are encouraged to get a Clipper Card to avoid the surcharge. Roadshow: Is defacing license plates to fool toll camera readers on the rise in Bay Area? We will automatically send a declined payment notice to the email address in your Clipper account. Here's what to expect when you tag your card: On buses, light rail, ferries, Caltrain and SMART: The card reader will beep This page includes protecting your privacy and information retention. All rights reserved. For more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to add a new Clipper card to your phone, please go to Clipper'sApple Paypage orGoogle Paypage for more information. "It's overwhelmed our ability to process the applications." Select "Transit card" and "Add Clipper card". If you have a monthly pass, it will obviously expire at the end of the month. Please contact Clipper Customer Service at 877.878.8883 to request a refund without cancelling your card. As of October 2022, new plastic Clipper cards are in limited supply at SFO station due to global supply chain issues. Center your Apple Watch display over the "Tag Here" graphic on the screenyou might have to hold still or rotate your wrist to align the device properly. Get the Clipper app. If you need a new Clipper card, save $3 dollars and use Clipper with Apple Pay and Google Pay on your phone or Apple Watch. Can I get reimbursed? STANDARD Fares Round-Trip only: Standard fares are fully refundable for cancellations received 2 or more days prior to travel, non-refundable within 48 hours of travel date. You can also ask a transit agency ticket office or Clipper Customer Service Center to tag your card. Both discount and regular Clipper cards can be ordered and managed online. If your card is registered, contact us so we can block your card from further use. This happens automatically, with no disruption in your ability to use Clipper. You will select your seats when making your booking. Our terminal in Seattle is only open 6:30am 10:30am for check-in and processing. You cannot carry firearms, ammunition, explosives or any other form of goods considered dangerous on board the Victoria Clipper or San Juan Clipper ferries. You can avoid blocked cards by adding a Backup Payment method (credit/debit card) for Auto-Reload purchases. Infants under 1 (<1) are free on the Clipper, but are not provided a seat. Log in to your Clipper account to add backup payment. What happens if I tag on, but I change my mind? Please visit theUS Homeland Security websitefor more information. The top outdoor viewing deck of San Juan Clipper is open and available to all guests during our trips and has bench seating but is not used for reserved seating. 2,123 Reviews. Here are some great resources to check out: For the quickest response, please use our Contact Us page to submit your request. Use the same ticket when you exit. You can bring pets onboard the Victoria Clipper and San Juan Clipper ferries, if they are in a carrier and accompanied by a person (animals cannot be transported as cargo). Travel Agents and Clipper Commodores with existing accounts can log in to create new bookings. For more information, please see our If you are traveling on a transit service that charges based on distance or zones (BART, Caltrain, Golden Gate Transit, Marin Transit, San Francisco Bay Ferry, SMART and Sonoma County Transit) you will need to tag your card again at the end of your trip. Note: If you are requesting a refund for unused transit passes and/or ride books that were loaded to your Clipper card in error, cancelling your card is not necessary. Once youve activated your Auto-Reload, youll be able to see it in your account. The money is still missing. My wife tried to the use the card lately since ac just started charging but they told her it didn't no have enough. You can also set up Clipper on your phone through Apple Wallet. The Clipper call center is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. You may experience longer than normal wait times. If you hear three beeps, you do not have sufficient value and need to add more value to your Clipper card. An email notification will be sent out 7 days prior to travel as a reminder for check-in. Try tagging your card again. Bicycles are stored on the outside deck subject to the elements. TDD/TTY: 711 or 800.735.2929. You have up to 6 months to spend down your balance, so you can load the funds. Even if you plan to use a credit card that is already associated with your account, you need to re-enter your cards security code. Once you do that, it will show up in your account. Only registered Clipper cards are eligible for refunds. If you do not receive your transit benefit value by the first day of the benefit month, please contact Clipper Customer Service at 877.878.8883 (TDD/TTY 711 or 800.735.2929). Q: Im taking VTA, and *ding*: you are down to less than $1 on your Clipper card. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Should you want to change your booking in any capacity, a $15 USD fee will be charged. Contact your programs administrator for instructions on replacing a card. It currently shows I have the amount in the pending passes area but shows I have it in cash value. Yes, there is. Select "Add money" and follow the steps to continue purchasing a card and adding value to it. While paper tickets willno longer be available for purchase at stations except SFO, riders are stillable to use the paper tickets they already have to enter andexit through fare gates. Hop on our sleek, high-speed FRS Clipper catamarans for a relaxing and scenic cruise experience. Season Tickets. The correct fare will be automatically deducted and tickets with remaining value will be returned. After the end of the sales window, be prepared to pay your fares with cash value. You can add a Clipper card to your iPhone or Android phone: To add a card to your iPhone (or Apple Watch), open the Apple Wallet app and click the + plus icon. Clipper card pending passes cash value I have loaded a lot of money on a clipper card through the website months ago. 213-204-2900. Imagine you want to take a trip on SMART that costs $5.50. If your Clipper card on your phone does not work, please contact Clipper Customer Service at 877-878-8883. Skip the side navigation menu and go to the main content. To provide payment, log in to your Clipper account and edit your Primary Payment method. All rights reserved. Pet space is highly limited, so we strongly recommend you book in advance and use our Contact Us page to inform us of your pet travel plans. You must apply for an RTC Clipper card in person at a participating transit agency. The tag will not register if you place your device or card too low or high on the screen. BART's HVD tickets, which are good only for BART trips, give you a 6.25% discount: You pay $45 for $48 in value or pay $60 and receive $64 in value. What if Im having trouble using my Clipper card at a bike share station? At check-in, bikes must be stripped of any packs, tire pumps, water bottles, etc., and a Bicycle Acceptance waiver must be completed and signed by the passenger. Phone. Log in to your Clipper account. If you set up Auto-Reload for a Caltrain, Muni, VTA or SamTrans monthly pass, we can only automatically reload your new pass from the date your old pass expires to the end of the sales window for that pass. Why not? Please plan accordingly and allow sufficient time. The new Clipper Card App, was recently released to the iPhone over the previous weekend of April 16 2021 and released to Google Play in May 2021 If a user transfers their physical card (Including EasyPasses) to their digital one, the physical card is automatically turned off. Tie-downs are located at the front of the vessel on both the left and right side and at the back of the ship on the left side. If you are participating in a special pass program through your employer, school or residence, please contact your program administrator for information about getting a replacement card. Key Clipper information translated to Chinese. You can shorten the process by tagging a fare gate; card reader at a train station or ferry terminal; ticket machine at Golden Gate Ferry, Muni, SMART or VTA; or Clipper Add Value machine. You can use Clipper cards on all Bay Area transit agencies. This process may take up to 5 days if you are tagging only on a bus or light-rail vehicle. Enhanced Driver License or an Enhanced ID Card (EDL/ID) applicable to, An original or copy of his or her birth certificate. For faster replacement, you also can pick up your replacement card at a Clipper Customer Service Center. I got onto BART, realized I was going the wrong way, went back to the same station, and exited the station. Learn more about using Clipper on your phone. This page includes debit cards and refunds. The surcharge will be prorated for discount paper ticket users so that seniors and people with disabilities pay a 19 cent surcharge and youth pay a 25 cent surcharge. Applicants will need to bring documentation verifying age eligibility (for example: drivers license, photo ID card or birth certificate). Once one type of value is loaded onto the card, it cannot be converted or exchanged for a different type of value. To find out more information about replacing an RTC card, please visit 511.org. Embarcadero BART/Muni Station Concourse Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays: Temporarily Closed. So if your primary funding source is declined, your order will be charged to your backup card. Comfort VIP Best of the best seats in Comfort Class! On board the Victoria Clipper V ferry, A selection of locally-sourced meals, such as handmade sandwiches, yogurt parfaits, muffins and light snacks available for purchase on board. Note that it can take between 5 and 20 minutes to walk from the Wall Street parking garage to our Seattle terminal depending on various factors such as train crossings. Robbins parking lot locations are also available for overnight parking. Select machines accept credit and debit cards. 877.878.8883. The programgives qualifying adult riders a 20% discount on BART trips. See our Virtual Tour of the Victoria Clipper V. Our direct route between Seattle and Victoria, BC on the Victoria Clipper V ferry is around 2 hours and 45 minutes between Pier 69 in downtown Seattle and Belleville Terminal in Victorias downtown Inner Harbor. What if I buy a new 31-day pass before my current pass expires? HVD applies only to BART rides. questions, log in to your account. Learn more about required travel documents. Please call 800-888-2535 or submit your request via our contact us page. The Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Requires iPhone 8/Apple Watch Series 3 or later. See the. Effective October 1, 2022, all travelers entering Canada, regardless of citizenship, no longer have to: Submit public health information through the ArriveCAN app or website Provide proof of vaccination Undergo pre- or on-arrival testing Carry out COVID-19-related quarantine or isolation Monitor and report if they develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 upon arriving to Canada. Phone. You can mail your card to our Customer Service Center along with a completed Clipper Defective Card Form opens in new window for the card to be tested, or visit an in-person service location. Choose to stay logged in or to log out. You can also order value at the same time. To request a transfer of cash value from one card to another, wait until you have received your Smart Pass Clipper card, then contact the Clipper Customer Service Center at 877.878.8883 (TTY/TDD 711 or 800.735.2929) to request they transfer your cash value to the new card. Thank you! I'm visiting the Bay Area. For all other cards on your phone without HVD, value will be available immediately. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! It is charged for those who enter a station, ride a train, and then exit the same station. Please note that you cannot use your phone to unlock bikeshares. Known as the Clipper BayPass, the new passes initially will be distributed to participating students at San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, the University of California's Berkeley campus and Santa Rosa Junior College, and then expanded to include residents of select affordable housing communities managed by MidPen Housing. Please contact our expert reservations agents to inquire about discounts for group bookings of 10+ guests. When you tag and board SMART, your card will initially be charged the maximum SMART fare of $11.50. Transit Agency Tips. Key Clipper information translated to Chinese. The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, as a public agency responsible for Clipper, is committed to operating its programs and services in accordance with federal, state and local civil rights laws and regulations. Can I load value on my mobile phone at a transit agency ticket office? It depends on how you buy your pass. To find out more information about replacing an RTC card, please visit 511.org. Paper Tickets Boarding starts 1 hour before your boat is scheduled to leave. opens in new window. BART. If you are traveling with a motorized chair, be sure to bring along a charger in case your chair runs out of power during your trip. This is separate from confirmation of payment. 877.878.8883. You can also add value through the Clipper app. How does Auto-Reload work with monthly passes? BART Customer Service is available to help riders with inquiries over the phone at (510)464-7133or in person atLake Merritt Station (concourse level). Departure times, terminal locations, check-in and boarding, luggage, ID requirements and more. City Coach. If you are a U.S. or Canadian citizen, you will need one of the following travel documents: When traveling by land or sea, U.S. or Canadian children under age 16 and infants are required to provide proof of citizenship.