Planning permission was originally granted for the B&Q in December 2001 (LPA ref: B/99/1083/BA) for the erection of a non-food retail warehouse, garden centre and B1, B2 Application Reference Number. As Director of People ( Adults and Children) I provide strategic and operational and statutorial . ), Planning Drawings-2001.H456.01 (1).pdf Westgate Plaza One 0.23 MB ( Environment Agency ), Planning Drawings-2001.H497.01 (1).pdf A planning statement submitted to the council said: "Barnsley's local plan has indicated significant economic expansion up to 2033, with growth to be located at either end of the . 20210747 Barnsley Planning response questions.pdf ( 7.1 MB ) . Westgate Plaza 1 ), 2001.B.02-Boundaries.pdf ), Planning Drawings-2001.ALD.02.A.pdf 0.25 MB 1.96 MB ( 13.17 MB Barnsley Council originally met the Decent Homes Standard for all its stock in 2010, having invested 300m during a six-year period. Through analysis of the previous application, we have demonstrated that all previously outstanding matters and reasons for refusal have been dealt with and that the proposed development is acceptable, the spokesperson added. 2.34 MB ), 20200274 PRB Report.pdf ( ), 2001.01.F - Planning layout (A1) - Colour.pdf 0.19 MB ), Planning Drawings-2001.ALD.01 (1).pdf Barnsley College, Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 2YW . The amendment included the updating of the site access to be located further along Cross Keys Lane, closer to the southern elevation of the store. I play a full and corporate role in the life and business of the City. 0.21 MB 2017/0890. 0.62 MB 1.35 MB ), Planning Drawings-2001.H442.02.A (1).pdf Our objections were based on valid reasons for refusal, including highway safety, congestion, pollution - both noise and light - and residential amenity, given the proximity of the site to the rear of the existing properties on Regent Court. This is considered by in deciding whether to approve or refuse a planning application. document.getElementById('ad-mpu-article-in-text-' + (i + 1)).innerHTML = '
'; The public may be asked to leave while such an item is discussed. ( 0.19 MB 4.87 MB 7.1 MB ), Garages-2001.DG.01.pdf ( 0.36 MB ), LVA Landscape Visual Assessment 171220 Rev2.pdf But the scheme has not gone ahead without major concern within the community. Barnsley council tax to rise by 3.5%. ), Garages-2001.TG.02.pdf 4.29 MB ( 0.19 MB ), 20210747 site assessment.pdf ( 8.82 MB Biodiversity features of value frequently occur outside designated sites; local authorities need to ensure that these are conserved, enhanced and additional features created as part of development. Chipping Barnet Area Committee. PO Box 602 ( ), 20170890 Planning Statement June 2017.pdf ), Planning Drawings-2001.MAR-2.01.pdf 1.82 MB ( ), Planning Drawings-2001.T69.01.pdf ), 20200274 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.pdf There is currently no map information for this application. The agenda for specific meetings can usually be seen five days before the meeting, by clicking the links on the calendar. Should we continue to cover content like this? ( Mansfield 0.19 MB Whether you are looking for Planning Advice regarding the feasibility of your proposed extension or conversion, Architectural Drawings for your Planning Application or Building Regulations for Building Control approval, or assistance . 0.19 MB Audit Committee - 8 December 2020. . ), Planning Drawings-2001.H442.01 (1).pdf ( You can attend council meetings to listen to the discussions, except those where confidential or exempt items are being discussed. ( BARNSLEY planning bosses responsible for a giant development site's future are taking ex-miners' concerns about the ground's stability 'very seriously' - after more investigative work was insisted on due to the believed presence of unexploded material. ), 20200274 Heritage Statement Part 3.pdf 10.04 MB 0.2 MB ), 2001.P204.01.pdf Audit Committee - 30 November 2021. ( 0.48 MB 17. ), Boundaries-2001.B.01.pdf 8.97 MB 0.89 MB ( ( During his working life he has sat on numerous committees and he joined the Parish Council in May 2006. ), 2001.B.06-Boundaries.pdf The cycle and footpath will be 3.6km long - and there are aspirations for further uninterrupted travel links connecting Royston to Goldthorpe via the town centre. 20005-GA-01-REV_B.pdf 2021/1090. ( ( Jun 2017 - Present5 years 10 months. ), 20200274 Geo-Environmental Appraisal.pdf PO Box 600 ), Planning Drawings-2001.WIN.01.pdf 0.21 MB Strata Homes and Sterling Capitol are preparing two planning applications for development on land south of Barugh Green Road, Barnsley - also referred to as Barnsley West. Outline planning application for development of up to 20 dwellings (All matters reserved apart from access) Site Address. Community Leadership and Libraries Committee. A Supplementary Planning Document on biodiversity policies was published by Barnsley Council in 2019. 0.33 MB With 298,700 square feet of warehouse space it will be able to process up to . 2023 Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. ), 2001.01.N - Planning layout (A1) - 21.05.21.pdf ( 1.35 MB The landscaping scheme was also subsequently amended following the changes to the site access with additional tree planting proposed at the site entrance as well as the provision of a greater volume of shrubs along the sites borders. 0.4 MB ), D-17_HADLEY_P341_--D7_DS05_B.Planning_AFU.pdf Barnsley Reason: In the interests of the amenities of local residents and in accordance with . 1.2 Redgrave Court, Merton Road, ( ( PO Box 601 ( ( ( }, We have been at the heart of our community, every week, since 1858. ( ( Westgate Plaza 1 A Planning Public Inquiry is taking place from the 9th November to 17th November. Council officers may also attend meetings to give expert advice. ), 20201217_PlayProvision_RB.pdf ( Barnsley, Land Use Planning Document Library. The Area Council Manager Role This role is to represent the Council at one of six geographical areas reflecting Area Councils and drive forward the development and delivery of the Central Area Council . The properties - 37 of which will have three bedrooms, nine will have four . ), Planning Drawings-2001.MAR-1.01.pdf ( The town and its people have changed dramatically since then but the Chronicle has been a constant. ( ( BRADFORD 0.43 MB ( 0.44 MB ( ), 2001.TG.01-Garages.pdf ( More details provided inour access to information procedure rules. Councillor Warttig is a local businessman who has lived in the area all of his life. ( 0.19 MB ( ( This 2019 guidance is an update to the 2013 version of the Local Government Association's Probity in Planning. Description. BD6 2LZ. ( ), Planning Drawings-2001.H497.02.A.pdf 4.81 MB Maintaining levels of biodiversity is not enough. Application Reference Number. 0.5 MB Site Address. In 2005 I was transferred into one of the area teams where I dealt with a range of planning applications and planning appeals. 0.47 MB Barnsley 2.82 MB ), Planning Drawings-2001.DENF.01 - 22.01.21.pdf barnsley planning committeehtml5 interactive animation. Application Reference Number. ( 5.38 MB Audit Committee - 9 March 2021. ), Planning Drawings-2001.P341.01.pdf 0.39 MB Nottinghamshire Residents also raised concerns about noise, disturbance and air pollution from delivery lorries; loss of greenspace, impact on house prices and possible impact on the Cross Keys pub. Barnsley Audit Committee. The rise is made up of 2% to pay for adult social care . ( Audit Committee. 10.81 MB ( ( Mansfield S71 1NL, Land Use Planning Offering comprehensive and compelling product portfolios that provide . ), Planning Drawings-2001.MAI.01.pdf 7.99 MB ), 210317_403.04993.00058_H_1-33_RB LVA View Points.pdf 0.47 MB S70 9FB, Level 1 Dearne Area Council. ( Masonite Barnsley, South Yorkshire Full time Our Company Masonite UK is a true door category leader combining the experience and craft of four leading door manufacturing brands, Premdor, Solidor, Door-Stop International and National Hickman Industries. 0.38 MB Average salary for Barnsley Council Planning Manager in Whitstable, England: [salary]. Theyre also made available to watch a few days after the meeting. ( ( ), 2001.SG.02-Garages.pdf Westgate Plaza 1 Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Barnsley College, Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 2YW . 5.12 MB 16. c1950-74: Borough Secretary's Department minutes of meetings of Barnsley Council and the urban and rural district councils. the council boundary and land will remain as Grasscrete stated in the original . ( ), Planning Drawings-2001.H469.02.A (1).pdf NG18 4PG, Household Waste Barnsley Town/city Barnsley Postcode S72 7GX . Newton Bar A1682. 0.42 MB Development has to enhance and provide a net gain in biodiversity, and should contribute to wildlife and habitat connectivity in the wider area. 0.53 MB Description. Barnsley Someone in the planning department must be sacked for this !! ), Planning Drawings-2001.H403.01 - 22.01.21.pdf Application Reference Number. Most of the council's business is conducted in public, but sometimes items need to be discussed in private. 2.41 MB A1807. Get the free Silkstone NDP Basic Conditions Statement - Barnsley Council Description . 0.38 MB ( 0.52 MB ), PENISTONE DAS - JAN 2021.pdf Erection of new two storey dwelling and associated double garage. S70 9FE, Level 1 ( BARNSLEY Council won its case against the landowners of a former coking plant - which was cited as a magnet for arsonists - who turned the site into an 'illegal' dumping ground. ( 0.5 MB Simple Search. 4.87 MB 7.36 MB The government provides information for the public and press on attending meetings. Watch our Full Council meetings live online. ), ER-4578-06 - BMP.pdf ), ER-4578-04-A -EcIA.pdf Former Houghton Main Colliery, Barnsley Planning, Design and Access Statement Harworth Group plc September 2021 Contents . ( south glens falls school tax bills mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis mozart: violin concerto 4 analysis 1989: Architects' Department plans. Flexible working arrangement: Yes, and we're happy to talk flexible working arrangements with you . (retrospective), Field off Barnsley Road, Darton, Barnsley. Planning and buildings - Barnsley Council; 6. 1.3 MB , including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures. Barnsley MBC Westgate Plaza 1 ( 0.43 MB Search for Planning Applications. 0.2 MB 2015/0891. ( ), ER-4578-04 -EcIA.pdf Councillors can ask questions of each other in meetings. 0.15 MB ), Planning Drawings-2001.SEBI.01.pdf ), P21-196 Halifax Road, Penistone Biodiversity Metric Calculation Report - updated with new metric calc.pdf ( ( ), Planning Drawings-2001.H469.02.A.pdf West Yorkshire ( 1.82 MB ( 17.7 MB 0.39 MB ), 20210747 Barnsley Planning response questions.pdf 0.43 MB Philosophy On Aims And Methods Of Education Of John Locke. Land to the south-east of Dearne Hall Road and 1 and 3 Claycliffe Road, Low Barugh, Barnsley, S75 1LX. PLANS to build 50 new homes near a 'dangerous' Dodworth road have been slammed by a local councillor. 0.21 MB 2.85 MB ), 20201217_PlayProvisionTable_RB.pdf 2.67 MB Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council. A key part of Barnsley Councils planning policies is to seek to minimise and mitigate any adverse impacts on biodiversity and to enhance and provide net gains in biodiversity. 2019/1573. If the funding is approved by cabinet on Wednesday, a total of 13.87m will be invested into more than 2,700 properties. 0.4 MB ), 2001.09.G - POS Area plan.pdf ( ( Barnsley 0.19 MB S70 9FA, Highways and Engineering ( Audit and Governance Committee - 28th July, 2021 1. Planning History 2.7 It is not possible to establish from Barnsley Council's on-line records when planning permission for the Tesco store was originally granted, but the following planning permissions permitted . Planning Regulatory Board: Agent Name: Mr Paul Butler: Case Officer Name: Hannah Andrew: Case Officer Telephone: 01226 775752: . ), Planning Drawings-2001.KIN.01.pdf ( Sheffield, ), 2001.03.F - Materials Layout.pdf ), Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Calculation Tool Beta Test - December 2020 Update.xlsm It states that people acting in a disruptive manner could be asked to leave the meeting. 2.16 MB sizes = [[300, 600], [300, 250]]; The former site of Foulstone School on Nanny Marr Road, Darfield has been the subject of several planning applications for mixed-use residential and retail developments, since . ( The three-story Inn at Barnsley . 0.35 MB ), 2001.05.C - Cross Sections.pdf PO Box 601 ), 2001.P382.02.pdf Welcome to the Barnsley West Public Consultation website. barnsley council pre planning applications May 21, 2021 / in FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK / by . ), 2001.01.B - Planning layout (A0).pdf ), 2001.01.F - Planning layout (A1) - 05.03.21.pdf ), Planning Drawings-2001.H403.02.A (1).pdf ), ER-4578-03 - Bats.pdf ( 1964-93: Borough Secretary papers. PO Box 602 ), Planning Drawings-2001.H403.01.pdf ( Councillor David Harris. ( Central Offices, Kendray Street, Barnsley S70 2TN AS RECOMMENDED To: The Chairman and Members of the Planning Regulatory Board . Hybrid planning application for a development up to 102,193sqm of employment uses (use classes B1/B2 and B8) and associated works including provision of internal access roads, drainage and landscaping, a) Outline with all matters reserved apart from means of access; and b) full application for associated earthworks and . } else { Westgate Plaza 1 PO Box 604 4.57 MB ), 20210747 Proposed Plans.pdf However Barnsley Council has regulatory powers and sets planning conditions and agrees obligations for development. Wakefield ), 20200274 Planning Statement.pdf ), 2001.07.H - Parking plan.pdf Local authorities have a responsibility in the planning process to promote the maintenance and long term conservation of sites, habitats and species of international, national and local importance. L20 7HS, Westgate Plaza 1 ), 20170890 Transport Statement.pdf PO Box 604 ), Planning Drawings-2001.H433.02.A.pdf ( barnsley planning committee. ( Join to Connect . ( Community Safety Department Pursuant to Outline Application 2018/0028 (Access Determined at Outline) Site Address. Description. Search By Keyword. Application Reference Number. ), Planning Drawings-2001.H442.02.A.pdf . Audit Committee - 11 October 2022. 20210747 Barnsley Planning response questions.pdf ( 7.1 MB ) 20210747 Coal Mining Report.pdf ( 0.56 MB ) 20210747 Coal Mining Risk Assessment.pdf ( 0.31 MB ) 20210747 Copy of Biodiversity. 0.41 MB ), GRO-18032-2462. 0.62 MB Barnsley ( ( S70 9FB, Architectural Liaison Officer ( ( ), 2001.06.L -Boundary treatment plan.pdf ), Planning Drawings-2001.H456.02.A.pdf ( 1.22 MB The Environment Act 2021 makes explicit that the duty is to conserve and enhance biodiversity. ( ( ), Planning Drawings-2001.MAI.01 (1).pdf ), 20200274 Decision Notice.pdf Considering potential impacts on biodiversity as well as opportunities for its enhancement should inform site selection, designs, planning applications, construction and ongoing uses of the sites. Updated: April 19, 2022 1. ( 28 June 2017. With approval now secured, construction of the first phase of the scheme is set . PUBLICATION OF THE SILKSTON E NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROPOSAL SUBMITTEDTO BARNSLEY Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download . Please note these documents are for viewing only. ( } ( Introduction 1 2. 0.4 MB Job Description Barnsley Council are seeking two experienced individuals to join the team as a Housing & Cohesion Officer.The roles are 37 hours, permanent In return, you will receive a competitive salary of 27,344 - 30,151 per annum.